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Thinking of military service

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (USMC Sniper @ Jan. 25 2003,03:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Cloney @ Jan. 25 2003,03:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Jan. 25 2003,03:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I do know that I'm joining the Marines, whether it be before or after college. Military service is something that I think is- not so much an obligation, but definitely something that you should consider doing, as part of your citizenship in your respective country.<span id='postcolor'>

I definitley agree. I know that some members of my family served with Army Airborne Units, Special Forces and LRRP Units with the Army. (There is a new name for LRRPs these days, I think its LERSA or something.)

Im not sure how comfortable my parents would be with my choice though.<span id='postcolor'>

LRRP's are Rangers nowadays. smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Well, there are reconissance detachments that are attached to other units. For example, an armored unit may have a LERSA Company attached to it.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Ace-Jack @ Jan. 25 2003,04:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You want a good 4 years, go Air Force.  Save money for collage, see the world, don't get cold.<span id='postcolor'>

See the world! Take amphetamines! Drop bombs on unsuspecting friendlies! biggrin.gif

To get the choice jobs (pilot) in the Air Force, you need a lot of education first unless you qualify for the Academy. And you might think about being a fighter pilot, and end up hauling rubber vomit to Nome in a C-130 thats older than you are biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Cloney @ Jan. 25 2003,03:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Jan. 25 2003,03:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I do know that I'm joining the Marines, whether it be before or after college. Military service is something that I think is- not so much an obligation, but definitely something that you should consider doing, as part of your citizenship in your respective country.<span id='postcolor'>

I definitley agree. I know that some members of my family served with Army Airborne Units, Special Forces and LRRP Units with the Army. (There is a new name for LRRPs these days, I think its LERSA or something.)

Im not sure how comfortable my parents would be with my choice though.<span id='postcolor'>

My dad was drafted during the 60's and ended up serving in the 82nd Airborne. He isn't enthusiastic at all about me enlisting, but I think he understands my reasoning.

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The Marines:

Intense pride and respect. Normally ordered to front lines. Everyone in the marine corp can be sent there regardless of duty.

If you want an education, go with the Army. Cause in the Marines, you just learn how to kill and keep quiet. Plus if you join the marines, you get bragging rights over almost all the other branches tounge.gif

And you get to mess with the Special Forces guys. Always saying you're the first ones in and the last ones out, then they say it back to you. Keep going on and on lol

Marines aren't just in water you damn euros. We just like to use the navy as a taxi biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ Jan. 25 2003,04:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">He isn't enthusiastic at all about me enlisting, but I think he understands my reasoning.<span id='postcolor'>

Have you considered going to the Dark Side?  If you're a a college freshman or sophomore and get accepted, you'd go to OCS for 5 weeks at a time for 2 consecutive summers.  After completing the 10 weeks OCS and graduating, you'd be commissioned and go to The Basic School for 6 months.

Not that there's anything wrong with the enlisted side of the house.

Semper Fi

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I'm not going to rule anything out at this point, and going in as a butterbar has got to be at least a little better than going in as a private. On the other hand, if I ended up making a career out of it from the enlisted side, what's the usual process NCO's go through to become mustangs?

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Well, instead of giving you the point of view of "These guys are better, join them!". I'll give you the point of view of someone in the middle of joining the Army. Keep in mind, i'm not saying its better then any other, i'm just telling you what i am getting out of this.

First, let me state that i am joining the Army to further my education in life. And that means getting money for school. Now, i only have my GED (got kicked out of illinois schools) and therefore many of my Army options are somewhat limited. But, i am getting the GI Bill, of course, and also when i get out they will pay for four years of college. But, this IS NOT the college fund. Which, i have yet to fully grasp, but i am going to get this clarified in two days when i go and, more then likely, sign up for whatever job i choose and take the oath. Now, if education is something you are even remotely thinking about, i'd say the army is very good. If you have your high school diploma, you can get the GI Bill AND the college fund, which is $50,000. So, regardless if its just something in the back of your mind, i'd say get it regardless just in case, and if you don't go to school, you don't lose anything......except the $50,000 they were going to give you.

Now, as far as jobs. If you've seen the commercials over 38,932 times as most americans have, you know that the Army has 212 jobs to choose from. And, they are not lying. Although i only have my GED, i got a decent score on my asvab (can i just point out htat MEPS sucked ass) and they said i would probably get a good list of jobs to choose from. The average number of jobs you "qualify" after taking hte asvab is usually 15-25 jobs or so, sometimes more. So, that means that you have a good list of things to choose from to find anything that may tickle ya the right way. Although i ahve not seen my list yet (i will in two days) the recruiter told me regardless i'll have some good choices on there. So, basically you really have nothing to loose even just by checking it out.

Like i said, i am not all the way through the process yet, so i don't know much. This is just what i have seen so far. Although all the paper work for any branch sucks ass. And even if you go take your asvab and MEPS going for the army, i'm pretty sure you can switch branch interest with no problem at all if you don't find what you like in the army, or whichever you choose. All in all, the Army has proved most beneficial for a 19 year old in my position. Its probably the choice i would recommend to people. But it is totally up to what you want out of the military, so scan out your choices before you make your final decision. Hope that what little i provided can help a little. smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Renagade @ Jan. 25 2003,01:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ps,don`t u get french citezenship after doing the 5 year period in the forign legion ?<span id='postcolor'>

you do , but you get your original ID back , including your nationality , so at the end of your service you have a double nationality tounge.gif

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I would say marines, but since I have served in amphibious units, I'm obviously biased. smile.gif

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Well, I served for 6 years in the Navy, so I obviously have a Navy/Marine Corps bias. Despite all the rivalry, for the most part Marines and Sailors get along pretty well, especially in bar fights with the Air Force and Army! The Marine lifestyle is a bit more austere than the Army's from what I've seen. In other words, you won't have all the latest gear, but the pride factor and the traditions of the Corps surpass those of the Army by a long shot, and for one BIG reason, Marine Corps bootcamp is an absolute hell, especially if you end up going to Parris Island. So take that into consideration as well. Joining the service is a lot like buying a new car, the sales people will lie to you seductively just to move their particular product. In the end its up to you to filter through all the bullshit and decide on who is making you the best offer for the product with all the options you want. Also, for Gods sake, if you can get a commission take it! Enlisting is a worthwhile experience, but being an officer is a much better way to serve your country and your own interests. As an enlisted man, you will basically be a piece of property for 4-6 years. Im not saying it isn't a good experience, its just better to be an officer.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Schoeler @ Jan. 25 2003,14:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Marine Corps bootcamp is an absolute hell, especially if you end up going to Parris Island.<span id='postcolor'>

you haven't seen Castelnaudary ... it's not astonishing that after that step of their career , the légionnaires become tough stealth sadistic endurant bastards tounge.gif

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I learned in the army that most things related to coastal jaegers/artillery/navy suck big time. I'd go for army! At least I found it much more fun to practice rappelling and close combat than swimming in full combat gear. I don't know about the US army, but military police training was very interesting here in Finland.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (cam0flage @ Jan. 25 2003,15:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I learned in the army that most things related to coastal jaegers/artillery/navy suck big time.<span id='postcolor'>

Of course you learned that in the army. But it's ok, I have no grudge against the army. Every military needs bullet stoppers smile.gif

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join the legion , you'll do almost whatever you want in it (and once you'll have achieved the basic training) smile.gif

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Let's say I was to enlist in the USMC. How could or go from an NCO to an O once I was in? Or do you have to start as an officer?

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I'm guessing you could go to the Marine's version of OCS.

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One good thing about the Corps is that it takes great pride in having the highest percentage of Mustangs in the services.  I'm a bit fuzzy on the specifics, but there are several programs for commissioning enlisted Marines (you'd need to talk to an Officer Selection Office).  They all involve submitting application packages to the appropriate selection boards that convene once a year.

-- OCC (Officer Candidate Class) is for enlisted Marines that already have degrees.  If chosen, the Marine goes to OCS for 10 weeks.

-- MECEP (Meritorious Enlisted Commissioning E??? Program) is designed to prepare selected Marines for college.  If selected, a Marine attends prep courses and is sent to school for 4 years.  In addition to receiving a free ride, the Marine is considered on active duty and is eligible for promotions.    

-- BOOST (Broadened Opportunities for Officer Selection T???) is similar to MECEP, but is intended to help Marines w/o degrees who, due to lack of opportunities, could not attend college.

A few other things to keep in mind:

-- You don't have to be an NCO to apply.  Enlisted Marines must be younger than 30 at the time of commissioning.  (This doesn't apply to Limited Duty Officers, and there are probably waivers for exceptional candidates.)

-- It doesn't matter which route you go, ALL Marine officers (even Annapolis grads) go to OCS and TBS at Quantico.

If you go this route, part of the application process will be a board of officers in your unit's command.  One will ask why you want to be an officer of Marines.  The response they are looking for is not "challenge" or "different job" or "better pay."  The correct answer is "To lead Marines, Sir."

EDIT:  I tried posting this last night in response to Tex's question, but I couldn't "find the server."  Maybe this was the reason?

Semper Fi

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Well lets see if i can somewhat help you out... Im not in the service yet but i plan to join Rangers most likely.

I remeber one of my friends telling me that marines are sent in force so they fight in big numbers while rangers fight in smaller numbers and depend on each other to surive.

Now everyone has their opionions but you really have to decided for yourself. I think it all comes down to taste. Do want the brotherhood of the rangers? or do you want the honor of the marines... No one can make that deceision but you... Good luck.

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Sorry to get a little offtopic, but can i just say that, I PASSED MY DRUG TEST! And now, i am officially joining the army. Now its time to just choose my job and find out where i'll be going for basic on monday morning.

/me does the happy dance.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PiNs_Da_Smoka @ Jan. 25 2003,21:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Sorry to get a little offtopic, but can i just say that, I PASSED MY DRUG TEST! And now, i am officially joining the army. Now its time to just choose my job and find out where i'll be going for basic on monday morning.

/me does the happy dance.

biggrin.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Great to hear bro. Are you going for a combat MOS or something more cushy? smile.gif

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I have no idea what i'm going for yet. I can say i am NOT going for infantry. I need to prioritize a little, and that will not give me time to take classes at night, from what i was told. So, hopefully there will be a good job i can choose which is a little flexible but also fun, i don't want an office job. So, i'd somewhat on the cushy side, but something that will give my alot of skills to learn. Maybe something in demoltions! crazy.gif

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