Alakaluf 0 Posted October 20, 2003 Hey! Ich found some new pics on this site: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theavonlady 2 Posted October 20, 2003 Hey! Ich found some new pics on this site: Ich bin impressed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pang 0 Posted October 20, 2003 those screens are indeed very beeindruckend Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarkSchakal 0 Posted October 20, 2003 mixing up languages in post seems to be quite lustig Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AKM 0 Posted October 20, 2003 Quote[/b] ]Curious: what does "Vympel" mean? Vympel, or so I've been told, means Banner. I think that's BS, so I'll search and find out. Vympel is a Spetsnaz unit that provides a few services in a more over-the-top fashion than FSB Spetsnaz will. I believe they'd be the equivalent to the Green Beret, their mission statement is somewhat similar. One of the difficulties in classifying Russian special-forces is that there are as many Spetsnaz detatchments as there are branches of the Russian Government. One of the major problems with the Russian Federation today is that the military and other beaurcracies are way the hell to large, in a nutshell, elphantine, to actually be able to make anything work. What they need to do is simply take everything apart and put it back together in a more streamlined format, and then work to improve the quality and quantity of kit, standardize it, and then make a single Spetsnaz Regiment or Division that covers it all, say the 1st Russian Spetsnaz Regiment, with the Naval, Army, UrbanWar/Counterterror, and some others. Disband the OMON, SOBR units, as they're basically highly upgraded SWAT teams, etc. That's what the problem is. That, and their economy is in the shi*ter right now..... its goin downhill. As to these units, its fantastic what they've done. Basically, I'm saying what I've already said before. AK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theavonlady 2 Posted October 20, 2003 Quote[/b] ]Curious: what does "Vympel" mean? Vympel, or so I've been told, means Banner. I think that's BS, so I'll search and find out. I think it's correct. See this Jewish custom about "wimples". edit: another simpler wimple link. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gollum1 0 Posted October 20, 2003 "Vimpel" is a kind of banner/flag in Swedish, anyway. The units are looking great BTW! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackdog~ 0 Posted October 20, 2003 A couple of wallpapers I made last ight: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maatz 1 Posted October 20, 2003 why does blackdog always have the addons before public release??? nice pics by the way.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Architeuthis 9 Posted October 20, 2003 Wow, nice pics blackdog. One question though. Are those desert Marpat troops? Or is it just the light, which makes the troops look differently? Arch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mister 5 0 Posted October 20, 2003 A couple of wallpapers I made last ight: Damn you and your uncanny ability to beta test the fuck out of everything. oh, and nice pics, btw. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Angantyr 0 Posted October 20, 2003 Great work, your units look great!!!!!! How many different weapons and Marines/Russians (Camo) will the pack contain? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the_unknown_one 0 Posted October 20, 2003 they look good, but somethimes they look like the men are chasing the ferret... "Quick catch that ferret!" and the chase it all round the isaldn. the_unknown_one P.S. and yeah, how comeu get the addons? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shadow NX 1 Posted October 20, 2003 Maybe cause hes one of the beta testers? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
earl 0 Posted October 20, 2003 Thanks guys. Spetsgruppa Vympel is the name i used for the ghost recon mod, just becuase i wanted to pick a unit that isn't well known (and therefore have some leeway in what they look like and the weapons they use). vympel does mean banner, i prefer the translation 'pennant'. i remember reading a reason for this name, but can't recall. Anyway, most of the characters in our mod were made from original GR material, because Red Storm Entertainment did some kick ass research and just about everything you could want is there. I didn't make those characters myself though, my friend who is out of the OFP loop customized them for our project. Suchey is on the ball with the urban Russian stuff, and I'll leave it at that. And it was my idea to let blackdog in on the beta because i saw how many freakin pics he takes of every addon he gets, so i figured we could make use of that habit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackdog~ 0 Posted October 20, 2003 Well, first I do handywork in RHS mostly in webdesign, forums, game server... I'm importing the ferret with Sigma-6 and I somehow got lucky and landed on the USMC MARPAT beta team :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Architeuthis 9 Posted October 20, 2003 Hey earl, nice work on those weapons But don't the marines use that infrared laser pointer thingie too? (like on the bas sopmods) And if so, will you make them? Anyway keep up the good work there! Arch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silent_64 0 Posted October 20, 2003 What need doing now? These addons have looked done for a long time now. What do you huys still need to do!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackdog~ 0 Posted October 20, 2003 Well, desert troops were just made (for both sides), and force recon was added to the marines along with M4's, M249 PARA, and my favorite of all of these... a shotgun. Edit: Still need to add more soldiers to east for balance, and shotguns and snipers.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reconmercs 0 Posted October 20, 2003 Well, desert troops were just made (for both sides), and force recon was added to the marines along with M4's, M249 PARA, and my favorite of all of these... a shotgun. and yet the question remains unanswered ..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
suchey 0 Posted October 20, 2003 Quote[/b] ]and yet the question remains unanswered ...but the answer remains the same We have no solid release date yet....but in regard to what remains, we still have bugs to squash and sides to balance. I cant really say for sure what will be in the final pack, as I really dont know. Hell, we didnt plan on having desert troops in the beginning, for that matter, we didnt origianlly plan on doing the who knows where the road will lead us. Every day brings us closer though! I wish I had a solid date to give, but at this point, I have to be honest and say I really dont know. Thanks alot for your support guys. It really helps us to keep motivated as we build the pack! We truly appreciate the communities enthusiasm for the project! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theavonlady 2 Posted October 20, 2003 I don't even want to suggest arctic camo and urban camo. What have I done?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Architeuthis 9 Posted October 20, 2003 Hey Suchey, after close examination of the pics on, I'd noticed that you have a new helmet model for the russian naval infantry. Although the new helmet looks very cool, I'd like to know what you did with the older model. Did you completely replace the older model, or is this second helmets purpose to add some variety to the sodier models? The same thing with the marpats: I saw that they too have new models. Looks very very nice. The last thing that I noticed is that the troops don't have rucksacks (blackdogs pics). Does this mean the backpacks are detachable, or does it mean that there is a new soldier model without backpack? Keep up the great work! I'm really looking forward to play with these guys. Arch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Architeuthis 9 Posted October 20, 2003 - double post, sorry - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackdog~ 0 Posted October 20, 2003 Hey Suchey, after close examination of the pics on, I'd noticed that you have a new helmet model for the russian naval infantry. Although the new helmet looks very cool, I'd like to know what you did with the older model. Did you completely replace the older model, or is this second helmets purpose to add some variety to the sodier models? The same thing with the marpats: I saw that they too have new models. Looks very very nice. The last thing that I noticed is that the troops don't have rucksacks (blackdogs pics). Does this mean the backpacks are detachable, or does it mean that there is a new soldier model without backpack? Keep up the great work! I'm really looking forward to play with these guys. Arch. This is for variety, nothing was removed or replaced.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites