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Hey I was wondering if you guys would like a trailer style cinematic video for your workshop page.  It will be free of cost I just want to make a video for you all.  If you’re interested send me a message on discord. Gort#1533

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@a.d.3001: Do you have a suggested position? Give me an example vehicle with a 3rd Person camera position you like and I'll take a look at implementing the change.

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Saw that there is what appears to be a whole set of digital brown camo for the AAF infantry in the mod already, would reskinning their vehicles to create an AAF (Desert) faction be on the table?

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Probably not at this stage. I am busy working on some CSAT units. Maybe in future. The uniforms were primarily added for the dustier parts of Altis and for SF mixes. 

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Not sure if you want these elsewhere but the soviet Li-2 bomber (Presumably so does other armed Li-2 variants?) lacks the FakeWeapon and FakeMagazine it need to work correctly with scripts

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On 7/23/2021 at 11:03 AM, PaxJaromeMalues said:

Variants of BTR60 in the Factions Pack throw errors like this:

Picture \rhsafrf\addons\rhs_decals\data\numbers\4_ca.paa not found

Which hinder missions using those assets from loading upon mission selection on the server.

A ticket was opened at RHS for this but I am pretty sure it does not belong there but rather here because it only happens with UK§CB variants with attribute option of a skin selected?


I am having the same issue at the moment.

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It's something I've been trying to fix for a while. I am not even sure I can as it is something to do with the RHS numbering system on the vehicles. The error can also be reproduced on vehicles such as the Sea Stallion which 3cb Factions doesn't use or rewrite config for. It is an issue with the random numbering system in the attributes and if you attempt to manually select the decals via the vehicle properties in Eden, or change their attributes on a number of certain vehicles it will throw the error. We've had no mission loading issues though. It can even be reproduced without 3CB Factions. With RHS and cba_a3 running, place the CH-53 Sea Stallion in Eden. Open its attributes and select 'Fold Helicopter Rotors' by ticking it as shown below.



The rotors will fold up:




Then click the undo arrow from the menu top left. It will produce an error if you have script errors being shown when you start your game.




There is an error somewhere in the underlying decal system which I likely cannot fix.

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Interesting, so how can I bypass this? I tried deleting the code below in the sqm but it crashed my game when trying to load the mission.


        class Attribute4
                    expression="if(parseNumber _value >= 0)then{ [_this, [ [ 'Label', cDecalsCarsRightPlatoonPlaces,  _this getVariable ['rhs_decalPlatoon_type','Army'],call compile _value] ] ] call rhs_fnc_decalsInit};";
                    class Value
                        class data

Edit: Even tried getting rid of all "class CustomAttributes"and it still crashed.

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I guess it's a bug: I cannot find MILAN bipod nor gun in backpacks category in ACE/BI arsenal.

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@Atlas01Actual: I am not sure. I don't make missions for 3CB. Jump onto our Discord and maybe ask there.


@Koxxus: Thanks. Fixed for next update.

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When trying to use Surefire flashlight on MP5A2 and MP5A3 the original handguard doesn't disappear, and thus Surefire handguard is clipping out of it. It's more evident on the MP5A3, as the proxy for flashlight attachment seems to be slightly higher than on MP5A2 (I guess this also could get adjusted for pure aesthethics).

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Thanks, I'll investigate.


Edit: Fixed for next update.

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Hi, there seems to be a mod conflict between 3CB Factions and ALiVE's CQB module. From what I'm reading on the Workshop page for 3CB Factions, there's some kind of loadout randomization script, which I suspect is the cause. Basically the majority of the AI spawned by the CQB module from ALiVE will either be the wrong faction, one from 3CB Factions, or they'll be the correct unit (determined via "systemChat str typeOf _unit") but have a loadout from a 3CB Factions unit.

I'm also going to let the ALiVE devs know about this and I'll leave it up to you guys to determine which mod is at fault. Thank you for your time and hopefully it's an easy fix.

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I placed a Bell-412 helicopter, then got in and saw that Prepare fast roping system appeared in the ACE menu, but nothing happens.
How can I turn off this non-working feature on the vehicle?

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Can you please tell me which version of the helicopter it was (unarmed, armed, pylon, medical etc...) and from which faction. I can then take a look. If I recall correctly, the Bell fast roping takes place from the winch on the side of the helicopter.

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I hope I'm not commiting a crime, but I'd like to post a suggestion/request: adding a "Middle East Civilians" faction to compliment the already existing ME Insurgents and Extremists. As it stands right now, I'm using Takistan civvies for any Middle Eastern scenario, but with their Afghan-like thick clothes and pakol caps they don't really fit the theme of Syria or Iraq (for example). African Desert civ faction already present in the mod looks better for that sort of thing, but they're obviously of African ethnicity, and it isn't always practical (or possible) to change identity type with scripts.

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@krzychuzokecia I was going to quickly put something together to cover this for the next release. Won't be too in-depth but it should be a better option than the Takistan civilians.

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One thing I noticed, and I can't see anybody reporting it before - FLIR operator in Bell 412/CH-146/ToH Medium heli doesn't have actual FLIR/thermal vision mode in his camera system. Only daytime color mode and NV mode (that's also available for pilot surprisingly). Thermal image is visible on the small screens on the center console in cockpit.


Edit: scratch all that, I missed the TI setting in unit attributes. However I noted that not all variants of 412/CH-146 have working TV screen showing camera feed in cabin - most notably the "Utility" variant (unnamed in editor but "_utility" suffix is added in classname) and the dynamic loadout one. Arma limitation, maybe? I dunno.

Edited by krzychuzokecia
Missed option

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Hello Guys, can you tell me which asset is labeld as UK3CB_GAF_B_B_ASS_OLI. I'm getting an error with it in a mission I'm building without your mod and am trying to find it. Many thanks in advance 🙂 
Edit: Found out what it was. Thanks for your work guys!

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Anyone else have this issue? Can't open any of the PBO files. All other mod's PBO files open fine except this one. Yes I have tried reinstalling the mod (actually deleting the files not just unsubscribing and subscribing again)




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@krzychuzokecia Thanks. Picture in Picture on the FLIR screens are now fixed for the update.


@SovProph The .pbos are purposely obfuscated as per arrangements with some contributors. Config is available via ingame editor. If you need anything, please ask on our Discord and we can discuss it.

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I was wondering, if it might be possible to expand on the "remove frags" function of the 3CB Factions Configuration module. As in, not be it a simple "all frags or no frags" setting, but able to set a limit, and expand it from just frag grenades to smoke grenades too. When using LAMBS AI mod enemies are throwing grenades of all kinds like crazy, and while I think removing the grenades altogether is overkill, it still pays off to limit the number of throwables they have available.


I know it's more of an AI/LAMBS issue, or missionmaker's issue, but since 3CB Factions already comes with a module that can automate some of that work, making it more flexible would be great.

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When editing using None 3CB units with scripted loadouts, & 3CB is running on the server, 3CB will override that loadout, adding extra stuff.  Medics are a particular problem.


Question;  is there a basic script that will disable those changes for when using other mods & default units; say for the units init or even in the mission init?


3CB has some really good features, as in units, etc & wouldn't not want to use it, but it really does seem to override a lot of vanilla, & other mods, exceed its remit so to speak.


Asking so basically the mission maker can dictate what gear/equipment a unit has & not 3CB.

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Is it not possible  Evrik?

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@jgaz-uk I may be misunderstanding what you wrote, but the group I play with uses a pretty extensive modpack where 3CB Factions and RHS are used, and we never encountered any issues with overriding of loadouts on non-3CB units.


There is a problem with 3CB units where after disabling randomisation etc., enabling "add basic loadout in Eden", and modifying unit's loudout manually in ACE Arsenal, the contents of uniform/vest will be shifted. As in items being in wrong containers (like mags in uniform even though I placed them in the vest), probably because on 3CB Faction units the embedded script will apply Eden/ACE Arsenal loadout by itself. But there are no missing or additonal items, and it only happens on 3CB Factions units.

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