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Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

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Nice pics Cpt. Bazikian[5thSFG], you really ought to turn the crosshair off though, makes them look much better smile_o.gif

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Where did "assclown" originate from?


Either the film Office Space* or the 'milton' comics?

*Michael refers to Michael Bolton as 'That no-talent ass-clown near the start'

I was going to put a pic in as well but I cant get into tactical blunder on FTP cos im thick smile_o.gif

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pic13.jpg pic14.jpg pic15.jpg pic16.jpg

Was just playing around with Laser's Russian AB Inf. and BAS Rangers. smile_o.gif


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@ Nov. 14 2003,23:23)]how do I turn the crosshairs off?? LOL I've been trying to.. Those pics were taken with camera.sqs and it shows the crosshairs whenever I run that script....

ingame/ ESC / Options / Difficulty / Crosshairs OFF in Veteran and Cadet too !  smile_o.gif

hmm...sorry I misunderstood but maybe it could help..

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very nice pics all smile_o.gif

Hey mr burns, whats that red thingy on the left of yer pic? not a flying saucer I hope tounge_o.gif

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Hey mr burns, whats that red thingy on the left of yer pic? not a flying saucer I hope tounge_o.gif


that´s my wingman smile_o.gif

he flies a MIG 29 which is colored like the German national flag...

it´s included in Sea Demon´s Fulcrum pack.

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I like the ports on trinity, would be a great environment for R6:RS style missions ....are any available yet ?

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Well I was going to make a mission like the one in Ghost Recon where you blow up the gas tanks and subs but then I had to remove trinity from my computer.

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but then I had to remove trinity from my computer.

how´s that goin´?

were you told to remove it ?

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but then I had to remove trinity from my computer.

how´s that goin´?

were you told to remove it ?

It wasnt going anywhere and I had to reinstall OFP. I forgot to take it out before I deleted the file. sad_o.gif

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I have thought up a scenario for the Trinity port too! Involved armed thugs vs FBI HRT. Reminded me of an 80's movie... Maybe I should revisit it.

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