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Orange DLC (wild) SPECULATIONS !!!

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2 hours ago, Varanon said:

Regarding a possible humanitarian help scenario: remember that part of the background for the Horizon Islands is that they just came out of a humanitarian crisis caused by (allegedly) natural disasters (wasn't it a Tsunami that hit the islands ?). 

The only thing going to change is the working title to what Orange is meant to be. So they obviously have the main ideas locked down just not the name. I assume the Winged helping hand logo is final and is a good indication of some sort of co-operation or mercy initiative. Diplomacy?


Perhaps that cut RPG-esque bit from Arma 3 Alpha where you interact with Civvies. A bit of a Hearts and Minds feel good make the populous happy Module.


Maybe civilians will be more then just blanks and actually avoid or interact with the player depending on if you kill them or level their town coupled to some sort of trigger detecting damage. I think to avoid the project creep pitfall it will be likely more applicable to Co-op because to code in Civvie sub routines personalty or dialog maybe a bit of a long shot. The video says its a theme not often covered by other games. Likely as mentioned by others its either a humanitarian logistics help thing.  Doubt it will be something combat related-Tac-ops is that.


Karel Moricky is a guy who builds new systems. Zeus, Eden, VA. Its likely a new system. It could also be a MASH medical CASAVAC system. Jay Crowe says its scale is between Karts and Helicopters. So it wont be big content wise. Its likely a command post or a medical vehicle or helicopter that will utilize a new system and not so much as in actual Beans Bullets and Bombs/ GEAR


Could also be logistics. That is helping hands isnt it?


There are a lot more well informed people on this former people with Military experience and mod experience. So lets try find out what is a theme not often covered by other games and go from there.


I do want to say its likely it wont be off the subject of "Arma 3 combined combat". I mean it will tied into Arma 3. So it wont be a break from what we want-military, it will just be something that aids that. Maybe even Psy-ops.


My money is on a medical system. They did say they wanted to overall that. You can tourniquet someone or CASAVAC them.

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5 hours ago, Varanon said:

Regarding a possible humanitarian help scenario: remember that part of the background for the Horizon Islands is that they just came out of a humanitarian crisis caused by (allegedly) natural disasters (wasn't it a Tsunami that hit the islands ?). 

That would be unfair from them to release a DLC about a DLC. Some people may want to play Orange without owning Apex, so I doubt it will be about Horizon Islands.

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He is. Horizon islands is an archipelago of which Tanoa is a part of. Did you seriously think that they're going to add a new island just for this DLC, or give Tanoa to Orange DLC owners at a third of the price of Apex?


It's gonna take place on either Altis, Stratis or Malden. It'd be very surprising if this DLC actually required Apex to function.

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civilian, humanitarian, bicycle+motorcycle, radio communications like acre, high command overhaul



those are my guesses

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2 hours ago, dragon01 said:

He is. Horizon islands is an archipelago of which Tanoa is a part of. Did you seriously think that they're going to add a new island just for this DLC, or give Tanoa to Orange DLC owners at a third of the price of Apex?


It's gonna take place on either Altis, Stratis or Malden. It'd be very surprising if this DLC actually required Apex to function.

I'm aware. However if you read the post you can see that he is still not saying it. He is only repeating the fact that there was a humanitarian help scenario on the Horizon Islands, due to CSAT having their fun with the device. His post doesn't have to mean that it has to be on the Horizon Islands, but the part with CSAT having fun with the device can be a part of the humanitarian help scenario. I'm quite sure that Varanon is aware that a chance for a DLC for a DLC is rather low.

1 hour ago, sammael said:

orange dlc= uss freedom 

That's part of the Jet DLC.

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17 hours ago, Varanon said:

Regarding a possible humanitarian help scenario: remember that part of the background for the Horizon Islands is that they just came out of a humanitarian crisis caused by (allegedly) natural disasters (wasn't it a Tsunami that hit the islands ?). 

IMO The 'Orange' DLC will either be Humanitarian-based or Intelligence-based.


1. Orange = color used aid  organizations and SAR teams

2. "shaking hands" is a commonly used symbol by CIMIC units. 

3. BIS execs have participated in talks discussing the importance of Humanitarian aid during conflict.

4. However, "Task Force Orange” is a unit charged with intelligence collection for JSOC

5. "the Device" in Arma3, is intended to create natural disasters in order to destabilize a given region. As I understand it, this creates a humanitarian disaster thus diplomatically permitting the mobilization of military forces into or near a particular territory. Then, like in the Philippines, Nepal, and elsewhere; different countries move in to help/win political favor with poorer resource rich countries in the hopes of establishing future agreements. Often times Aid missions are coupled with Diplomatic missions; both driven by intelligence. This is called the WOG approach.

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Could it be maybe this: The Aircrew Badge, commonly known as Wings, is a qualification badge of the United States military that is awarded by all five branches of armed services to personnel who serve as crew members on board military aircraft. The badge is intended to recognize the training and qualifications required by aircrew of military aircraft. In order to qualify as an aircrew member and receive the Aircrew Badge, such personnel typically undergo advanced training in aircraft in-flight support roles.


Orange releases after the Jets. Maybe its an aircrew DLC where you service planes. With the somewhat confirmed USS Freedom Aircraft carrier maybe you a crewman or in charge of the day to day running of a flight deck?


That would use the Wings symbol. The hands as you pointed out is co-operation.

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11 hours ago, dragon01 said:

He is. Horizon islands is an archipelago of which Tanoa is a part of. Did you seriously think that they're going to add a new island just for this DLC, or give Tanoa to Orange DLC owners at a third of the price of Apex?


I am not. I just say that there has been a natural disaster recently in the lore of Arma. Besides, I fail to see how equipment and vehicles should be tied to Tanoa or APEX. The promised mini-campaign might be, though. 

Also, where the hell did I say they are giving out Tanoa to Orange DLC owners ??? I would appreciate if you would not put words in my mouth, thank you.

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The DLC can't have anything to do with the Horizon Islands. Tanoa is only available for people who purchase the Apex addon-- the Orange DLC very likely won't include Tanoa, so any mission set on Tanoa simply can't work within the content of the DLC, else owning Apex would become a requirement.


/Edit: Alright, should have read further down the thread before posting, I guess. :>

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3 hours ago, Varanon said:

Also, where the hell did I say they are giving out Tanoa to Orange DLC owners ??? I would appreciate if you would not put words in my mouth, thank you.

How about this general sentiment?


The promised mini-campaign might be, though. 

Orange DLC content can't have anything to do with Tanoa. No Horizon Islands-based campaign, no Tanoa-specific units (except as an alternate camo scheme), nothing. If it's anything like pre-Apex DLCs, it won't even acknowledge its existence. The humanitarian disaster happened in Horizon Islands, not on Altis, therefore the only way to involve it would be to use Tanoa, which isn't going to happen. They'd have to come up with something else.

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orange could be like ION, but focused on humanitarian issues, like SAR not faction bound but civil and treating every faction equally (hand shake) red cross like but a bit more commercialized privatized and self sufficient ?

or like coast guard inc. internationalized not national nor combatative an alternative to blue helmets UN ?



altis was hit with several earthquakes (via the device) ... sounds like humanitarian crisis to me. ruptered pipelines, building colapse etc.

remember all the lugage on the streets and abandoned houses, women and children already evacuated .... (sorry could not help that)

edit :

and it could play out on malden if the device were shipped there... (with eden editor you can place that thing everywhere)

Edited by suiside
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20 hours ago, suiside said:

orange could be like ION, but focused on humanitarian issues, like SAR not faction bound but civil and treating every faction equally (hand shake) red cross like but a bit more commercialized privatized and self sufficient ?

or like coast guard inc. internationalized not national nor combatative an alternative to blue helmets UN ?



altis was hit with several earthquakes (via the device) ... sounds like humanitarian crisis to me. ruptered pipelines, building colapse etc.

remember all the lugage on the streets and abandoned houses, women and children already evacuated .... (sorry could not help that)

edit :

and it could play out on malden if the device were shipped there... (with eden editor you can place that thing everywhere)

This definitely adds up to be Humanitarian related. But I can't help but shake that it will include some sort of Intelligence aspect as well, possibly SIGINT

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20 hours ago, suiside said:


altis was hit with several earthquakes (via the device) ... sounds like humanitarian crisis to me. ruptered pipelines, building colapse etc.

remember all the lugage on the streets and abandoned houses, women and children already evacuated .... (sorry could not help that)


Yes, in East Wind there are so much earthquakes that a soldier qualifies them of  "getting ridiculous"

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a jet fighter at an airshow is there for entertainment, an apache attack helicopter above a forest can look for lost children, a cow gives milk and meat, anything can be dual purpose.



yes and you have the quake map


and the secret room




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So far I bet on logistic support - which indeed a very important and interesting aspect of any military operation and not covered in games at all.


Now my bets goes to :

1. humanitarian/medical support (search and rescue mission, buses to evacuate civs, advanced medical system) 

2. logistic support (planning support routes, organizing convoys, distributing limited resources between troops)

3. electronic warfare (unlikely - this area way to big to cover in a DLC which is between Karts and Helicopter in size)


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My bet is:


- They will drop the code name 'Orange' and reveal a new name because 'Orange' only refers to the location of their new studio (in the Netherlands, of which Orange is the national color and one of the studio guys is Dutch)

- It will be on logistics and/or humanitarian aid

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15 hours ago, joostsidy said:

My bet is:


- They will drop the code name 'Orange' and reveal a new name because 'Orange' only refers to the location of their new studio (in the Netherlands, of which Orange is the national color and one of the studio guys is Dutch)

- It will be on logistics and/or humanitarian aid

Yes they did say it was a placeholder name. We do have Vehicle in Vehicle transport. Its feasible its that. ACE allows transporting of Ammo boxes. It would be funny if we all wrong and its some personality mod for the AI units.


I tried to do some Googling but I am sure there was talk years ago from BIS where they were trying to get AI to have personalities. A soldier would try show off his letter from his family to you. I could be wrong but I am sure I heard that was being tested. Likely for this to happen would be an extensive AI upgrade past the scope of a small DLC. The thing as I have said. Karel Moricky is the guy who conceptualised ZEUS, 3Den, Arsenal and I think even Garage. He was sent to BIS in Amsterdam and what he cooks up is dynamite. Between Joris and him they good.

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Between Joris and him they good.

56 minutes ago, graemeshute said:

*snip snap*

Between Joris and him they good.

Between joris and him and all the other devs, they good.

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The orange in the name id most likely due to the fact that the DLC is made by the Amsterdam studio... now stop guessing and START demanding a new medical system... It's what the devs would want :f:

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18 hours ago, eriktrak said:

So far I bet on logistic support - which indeed a very important and interesting aspect of any military operation and not covered in games at all.


Now my bets goes to :

1. humanitarian/medical support (search and rescue mission, buses to evacuate civs, advanced medical system) 

2. logistic support (planning support routes, organizing convoys, distributing limited resources between troops)

3. electronic warfare (unlikely - this area way to big to cover in a DLC which is between Karts and Helicopter in size)



I would better give my 2 cents on the war repporter

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Maybe they are collaborating with the ACRE mod team to implement it into vanilla.


Would fit with the trend set forth by Jets DLC collaboration with the black wasp team.


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