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ACE3 - A collaborative merger between AGM, CSE, and ACE

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Go to addons option -> ACE Arsenal and tick "log missing / unavailable items", this will log the classnames of the missing items in the RPT and should help you find out where they came from.

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i have a quick question: i am trying to make a mine detector and so far i have it ingame, and it is in the right slot and everything. i inherited the class from the ace mine detector, there is no problem there.

the problem however is that i don't get the action to turn the detector on/off or connect to headset. i had a look at the code of the ace detectors and just could not find what i am missing. could you point me in the right direction? if it is even possible to add detectors without changing things in the ace code?!

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Can someone tell me how to setup the pylons of an aircraft via Ace3 pylon system?
I have following setup

force ace_pylons_enabledForZeus = true;
force ace_pylons_enabledFromAmmoTrucks = true;
force ace_pylons_rearmNewPylons = false;
force ace_pylons_requireEngineer = false;
force ace_pylons_requireToolkit = false;
force ace_pylons_searchDistance = 15;
force ace_pylons_timePerPylon = 5;


Still I cannot see any new action neither in ace3 menu nor in vanilla action menu to open pylon interface to pick armanent..

How this framework actually works?


It works only if you leave vehicle and use Ace3 action menu on the helicopter/plane

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Hello, I have a question, sorry if I repeat, but can't find answer.

I want integrate ACE-settings into my cooperative mission to overwrite server settings (for example there is sitations when in mission I need advanced medical system, but on server (player-host) enabled basic medical system)
How I can do it?


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1 hour ago, Ulmann said:

Hello, I have a question, sorry if I repeat, but can't find answer.

I want integrate ACE-settings into my cooperative mission to overwrite server settings (for example there is sitations when in mission I need advanced medical system, but on server (player-host) enabled basic medical system)
How I can do it?



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Hi all.


Anybody can tell me how to avoid teleport when handling map tools?:P  (ALT+LBM).
I do not know how to turn off teleportation.


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17 hours ago, Rapaxlegio said:

Hi all.


Anybody can tell me how to avoid teleport when handling map tools?:P  (ALT+LBM).
I do not know how to turn off teleportation.


That's not ACE.
Not sure which mod exactly that is. MCC maybe?


Or this thing that I found with a quick 1 minute google: https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/issues/6305

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one question, is it normal that all units are able to move the rally point by blufor? I did not sync the unit to the module at all but I see in self interaction the move rallypoint action

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Seems like it doesn't provide module icon at editor any more. should i place it by editing mission.sqm files? 

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Is there a way to backup ace keybindings due to different use in two or more aspects of gameplay? Where is that file so I can easily copy that and paste when it needed. Thanks in advance guys

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On 4.11.2018 at 10:32 PM, Nemanjic said:

Is there a way to backup ace keybindings due to different use in two or more aspects of gameplay? Where is that file so I can easily copy that and paste when it needed. Thanks in advance guys

ACE doesn't have a keybinding system. It uses CBA keybinds. They are stored in your profile's variables (profileNamespace) you can copy that file (armaprofilename.vars.Arma3Profile) but that also contains tons of other info.

Or you can manually grab the "cba_keybinding_registry_v3" variable out of your profilenamespace. And set it back when you need. That's a chore to do though.

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5 hours ago, Dedmen said:

ACE doesn't have a keybinding system. It uses CBA keybinds. They are stored in your profile's variables (profileNamespace) you can copy that file (armaprofilename.vars.Arma3Profile) but that also contains tons of other info.

Or you can manually grab the "cba_keybinding_registry_v3" variable out of your profilenamespace. And set it back when you need. That's a chore to do though.

If I understand well, ACE dev team says that is possible since 3.12.0 version to do this what you say. So it is much simplified now. Thank you sir 

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I need some help with scopes in ACE, scopes dont working, im change configs and it did not help

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I  Have A Problem With ACE Mod ...
When I Run Arma3 With This Mod on the dedicated server ;
Have Problem With AI And Weapons ...
When I Fire With Gun , after second Fireing I Realoded But Gun Fire Automatic ; Just Have Sound And Action Without Damage To Any Player ...
and When I Try To Shot To AI ; I Should That Fire 2 more bullet to droping that ...
He has Action To drop But He Is Alive And After Second He was Down ...
I tried To load this Mod Without Any mod And Tested ; I have not Problem ...
Get me Instructions To Solve This Problem.
Thank you


@WAR326 wrote:


This mod need CBA. You install CBA?


@brainboy wrote:


yes,cba is up to date


  • Confused 1

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On 14.11.2018 at 5:38 AM, brainboy said:

Get me Instructions To Solve This Problem.

Well. I'll use the chance to quote something out of another thread of yours

On 28.8.2018 at 10:37 PM, HazJ said:

No. I am not doing it for you. Instead of expecting it done for you, maybe try reading and learning yourself. I have provided you with a link to a script which is what you want.


Spamming your same copy-pasta over the whole forum won't get you help faster, It's rather a easy way to get everyone to hate you and to earn a ban.


I have 0 idea what you are trying to say. Your text is a pure mess. What is your native language?


  • Haha 3

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I'm famous now? We do not have mind reading powers though I do like to imagine. :rofl:

"brainboy" - I'd like to know what goes on in there hehe. :happy:

As @Dedmen / @HazJ (lol - tag myself) said - Don't expect people to do it for you. You are coming across with a seriously bad attitude and that sh*t won't fly here pal. If your English is that bad then make a short video / show some useful screenshots. Good luck.

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Just now, HBAOplus said:

Is there any difference?


ACE thing allows you to play on easy, without crosshair.

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Just now, Dedmen said:


ACE thing allows you to play on easy, without crosshair.

Thanks, got it.

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I can't search because I'm on a cellular phone :( but I'm gonna risk the heat, when I make a custom clacker based on the ace ones, my game crashes immediately on trying to detonate with it, am I missing a step in inheriting? (I can share my config when I return home)

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8 hours ago, PolyG said:

am I missing a step in inheriting

We can't tell as you didn't post your config.

8 hours ago, PolyG said:

I can't search because I'm on a cellular phone :(

Why don't you wait till you are home then? You can't provide any useful information that we would need to help you anyway.

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Can anyone recommend me a way or setting up a Role Play car yard.


My unit has a casual roleplay PVP senario we play Post Ops that features a Car Yard that is role played by the Zeus, Currently we use Civilian keys and a gentleman agreement that players won't use their car keys to steal another players car keys.


I would really like the car yard to have specific keys for specific cars that the zeus can have access to either by the Car Yard owners inventory or an ammo box located nearby.


Of course there is the ACE Keys module that creates a unique key for a unique car, but the Keys aren't labeled in the inventory.


Is there a way I can script keys appearing in player inventory when they get in a car or a way for the AI to spawn with labeled vehicle keys?

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