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ACE3 - A collaborative merger between AGM, CSE, and ACE

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Hmm. Strange. Can you start the game without any mods and upload that RPT, please?

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I got 2 questions here:
1. Where did "replacement barrel" (for machinegun) went?

I can't find it under arsenal anymore, only in supply boxes


2. Why my ACE config doesn't work anymore after recent update?
I placed in under C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\107410\463939057\userconfig\ace

Did I place it under wrong location?

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How I can check if medication (morphine / epinephrine) was used on player. I assume if there is some eventHadler to check or some function or variable ?

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1. I can no longer find the barrel in the arsenal either.


2. Remake your serverconfig.hpp file. My old one caused massive desync issues. Making a new one fixed it.

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select to hide all interface info in "ace interface setings "  also removed RHS heli  shooter interface information..






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Can someone help me create a custom a custom interaction tap for ace. I can get the icon to show in the interaction tap, however I want to use the variable '_veh' and '_side' in the 'fn_random' function but if I am doing as below, it will not show.
_action = ["Random_HQ", "Random", "", {[_Veh,_side] call fn_random},{true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction;
[_Veh, 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _action] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject;

any help is appreciated

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_action = ["Random_HQ", "Random", "", {(_this select 2) call fn_random},{true},nil,[_Veh,_side]] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction;

[_Veh, 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _action] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject;

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1. I can no longer find the barrel in the arsenal either.


2. Remake your serverconfig.hpp file. My old one caused massive desync issues. Making a new one fixed it.


1. After some effort I found the "spare barrel" under all ammunition instead of equipment in Arsenal

(that new layer above grenade that allows you to carry ammo of non-equipment weapons)

Why it was move to ammo instead is beyond me.

2. What do you mean by making a new one?

I used the module and export my prefer setting, but no changes happened after saving serverconfig.hpp.

Do you mean that I should delete the default file and make a new one?

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is it possible to save my placed ACE3 module settings in SP so they load by deafult like a ACE3 view setings when I start mission or  in EDEN? . 

 (for examp  -Advanced ballistic for everyone,advanced medical and only in medical transport and e.t.c,,)

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How I can check if medication (morphine / epinephrine) was used on player. I assume if there is some eventHadler to check or some function or variable ?


Not sure of the mechanics behind it but you can always look at the patient's triage card which should record what was given / done to him, when and by whom.





1. I can no longer find the barrel in the arsenal either.


The spare barrel is considered a magazine now and you can find it in the "magazines" section of the arsenal that BI just added in patch 1.64

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Not sure of the mechanics behind it but you can always look at the patient's triage card which should record what was given / done to him, when and by whom.


Is there function to check what was given to patient, to check this triage?

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If anyone is interested, here is little snippet to get count of used morphines on player

_count = 0; { _item = _x select 0; _value = _x select 1; if (_item == "ACE_morphine") then { _count = _value; }; } forEach (player getVariable["ace_medical_triagecard", []]);
systemChat format ["%1", _count];

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Is ACE supposed to disable the vanilla repair..I have a mission that you build FOBs and can spawn support vehicles and I am trying to eliminate that and forcing players to use the ACE Logistics but the vanilla repair is still availible.




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Yeah, that depends on config changes so the only way is to delete ace_repair.pbo

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_action = ["Random_HQ", "Random", "", {(_this select 2) call fn_random},{true},nil,[_Veh,_side]] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction;
[_Veh, 0, ["ACE_MainActions"], _action] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject;

Thanks commy2 helped alot, on another note is it possible to have an self interaction button only show when lets say you are in a vehicle (noticed that condition in ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction only prevent user to run statement, not hide the button if condition is not met )

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The condition part is the `{true}`. You could replace that with `{player distance (_this select 2 select 0) < 15}` for example

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Hi Ace3 devs,

is there any plan to have also advanced arty functionality like the mortar one?
That manual calculations with rangecard and map tools are nice but works only with the mortar right? It would be nice if such option exist for artillery IMHO

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The condition part is the `{true}`. You could replace that with `{player distance (_this select 2 select 0) < 15}` for example


Sorry for the bad description of my problem, what I want is to have multiple conditions (I can get it to work in addaction) to be valid before the menu is being shown in the radial menu. 

{!(player isEqualTo commander objectParent player ) && !(player isEqualTo driver objectParent player ) && !(player isEqualTo gunner objectParent player ) && (vehicle player isKindOf 'Landvehicle')}

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what you wrote should work. the condition code can be as complex as you want

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How to enable ammo counter for Russian Armed forces (RHS) ? It pretty weird, i deleted ace_smallarms.pbo and information about ammo counter are still hidden, BUT only for AK's, all M16, M4 and whole US toys have displayed ammo counter. I also checked settings in ACE menu, and its YES to every option.

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Has the way the serverconfig file is generated changed?  I have just tried to redo my serverconfig.hpp but am running into problems.  I seem to have an error pop up behind the export gui in game.  With some kind of function error in a big red box.


When i paste the export into the .hpp file, all looks good.  But when entering the server, i receive an error about the init not being able to finish, with a big red CBA functions error.  Which results in ace not working at all...



This is the error which comes up on entering the server.

No serversettings after postInit phase.

 Dont suppose someone could post a working serverconfig.hpp, could they.  At least i can compare then, see whats going wrong.

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Anyone got the fast roping out of RHS helicopters to work? As far as I've understood it this should be possible from the UH-60 and quite a few others but we never got it to work, the option to attach the FRIES isn't showing up (it does on vanilla helicopters and works well). The compatibility pbos are where they're supposed to.

Still haven't got it to work. Is it even supposed to work?

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