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Has anyone gotten revive working in conjunction with side or group respawn?  As soon as a revivable unit is killed/bleeds out/force respawns and chooses another unit (in the case of side respawn) they are no longer set as revivable (getting shot immediately goes to the respawn screen again) and even during debugging the "[player] call bis_fnc_reviveEnabled" function then returns false.

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While there are animations for medic related actions, the animation issue in this case is problematic due to the fact that the animation would need to be started and stopped every time someone presses and lets go of the revive button.

and...you know... the ARMA 3 animation system... much like Kanye West, simply doesn't like to be interrupted...

Heard many times, that the animations in ARMA can not be interrupted. I don't belive in the problems with it. I know, that if the soldier runs and gets shot, then his running animation is perfectly interrupted, without any problems and he falls dead (switched to ragdoll). I think, should be are ways to interrupt any animations, or switch them out.

In the end, BIS can create a few short animations (for example 5-10 or more) and join them together in the one action, which may look as one whole and one long animation. In case we need to interrupt this action, any short animation may be played to the end and interrupt the main action, at any stage.


Some slight velocity issues regarding dismounting by incapacitation.



Necessary the medic animation to add. The fact that he looks at the wounded or uses telekinesis, looks not good. BIS please do this as well. The wounded animation looks great, now we need the animation of the medic. 

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Grayed out for me, I activated it on the multiplayer attributes but can't activate it on the units. After a few tests and attempts (playing the "checkbox combination game") still doesn't work...


Anyone else having this prob on the DEV branch?




EDIT: NVM...fixed! It was my bad...I didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the first post.

(For my fellow noobs out there: Revive doesn't work with AI yet, only with players, although I thought it was possible to enable it individually on the units, unfortunately this still doesn't allow me to check the box...*grayed out*)

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Understanding what the statement of "Not taking any feature" requests means

However for this to be popular it has to do better than the 3rd party systems out there and it has to be easy to implement. If it isnt, then all your efforts would have been better put into something else, so i plead with you to rethink this.


To that purpose, i have colour coded the following features in what i believe should be priority. (I've been running a coop community for this engine since 2003, so my opinions are based on a lot of experience


RED = Really need to do

ORANGE = would be very useful to do and make it stand out from other revive systems

GREEN = wish list, lower priority for some future revisit


  1. Drag > Carry animation
  2. Addition of Event handlers, (mainly "Unconscious state" for MP and Local variants)
  3. Ability to spectate while in unconscious state (Restricted to 1st person view, player side only) (Might belong in Orange section)
  4. No restriction to configurable settings for
  • Revive duration
  • Medic speed multiplier
  • Force respawn Duration
  • Bleed out duration
    • Remove slider allow unrestricted value for HH:mm:ss and multiplier fields
  1. Ability to place unit in and remove unit from a vehicle (Medivac) whether dead or unconscious
  2. Ability to disallow player to respawn and replace with Medic ability to pronounce player dead and force respawn


  1. Revisit hit effects (Add or improve the following FX)
    • Spun around
    • Knocked to ground
    • Visual impairement
    • Audible impairement
    • Drop weapon
    • Shaky hand
    • Stamina impairement
    • Stance impairement
    • Toggle for turning off voip and chat channels when unconscious (Dead unconscious men dont talk)
    • Fading in and out of unconscious state
    • Add ability for a "Hit Counter"
    • Meaning, if a player is hit several times during a mission, the severity of the effects and the speed of the bleedout is increased until such a time as he has been medivac'd to an aid station, where the "Counter" is reset and the player is fully healed
  2. Create a medicav Aid centre/Hospital where pronounced dead or really badly injured players have to be medivac'd to, before they can be healed and or respawn. (You already have the buildings for this). This would also reset the "Hit Counter" as detailed above
  3. Revisit healing:
    • Need to diagnose and treat based on diagnosis (Advanced medical toggle perhaps ? )
    • Need additional equipment to fix certain injuries
    • Clutter around casualty site of used bandages etc
    • Possibly a higher level medic such as a platoon medic with greater healing capabilities
    • Deal with pilots shot down over water (Maybe they get auto placed into a survival dinghy so that medics can get to them to revive/heal
  4. Some form of optional system to prevent a player disconnecting and rejoining the mission back into a 100% healthy state if he was incapacitated and in an unconscious state when he disconnected (e.g save his UID and reset his injuries and position on JIP, 
  5. Multiplayer supported "Support waypoints", these have only every worked in an SP environment and if you implement AI medical, this would be a necessity


Reasons for RED Options

If your time and effort implementing this is not to be in vain and to be used by mission devs, it has to both compete with and in most cases be better than any 3rd party options available.

Most systems have drag, carry ability, even the pure vanilla scripted ones, so this is a definite must, or it simply wont get used

Your restricted revive systems seem to be configured for public style play and are too "easy". I run a vanilla public coop server and even for that, they are too "soft"

Revive Duration: Max 1 minute to come out of unconscious, maybe this one is okay, but why restrict it anyway

Medic speed multiplier@  (Max *3) If my maths are correct, at max value this will take a standard player 1 minute to revive meaning medic can do it in 20 seconds, the gap needs to have the ability to be set much greater otherwise the medic becomes obsolete if anyone can revive

Force Respawn Duration (Max 10 seconds) Seems pretty useless, just hard code it to 10 secondsmaybe this can be replaced with a "When does the respawn button become available to an unconscious player)

Bleedout duration (Max 3 minutes) Nowhere near enough and also needs an unlimited timer leaving the oplayer where he drops until a CSAR team or medic can treat them. Also will need ability to spectate while in this state if the unconscious state and or bleedout timer is lengthy or they will disconnect.


Reasons for Orange  Options

Now you are taking something from a basic system that does not compete with other 3rd party options into something they will prefer to use


Reasons for Green  Options

Stands above all other systems and will be popular to use


Hope I havent wasted my time putting this post together, whatever the outcome keep up the good work on the dev side, enjoying this version of the engine more than any previous with the exception of Player controlled AI in OFP, sadly we have taken many steps in the wrong direction from that)

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This Revive thing is starting to sound like a joke. We even had at least 10 people "like" the news about no Drag/Carry. Um, what? Good grief. I often feel like BIS doesn't play their own games. If I didn't know better, this thread sounds like we are on an Xbox Forum. Thank God for the ACE3 Team.

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This Revive thing is starting to sound like a joke. We even had at least 10 people "like" the news about no Drag/Carry. Um, what? Good grief. I often feel like BIS doesn't play their own games. If I didn't know better, this thread sounds like we are on an Xbox Forum. Thank God for the ACE3 Team.

Thanks to you, it sounds even more like a Xbox Forum. The post from Pettka was liked because there was a complaint that no one responded to the feedback but Pettka finally did.

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He said there will be support post-Apex, so maybe we'll eventually get drag/carry functionality. Seeing as Apex is supposed to be released in a matter of hours, they will have a lot to do post-release.

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Dragging and carrying is out of scope of the Revive system.



That means you are out of scope with the community.

The revive system is senceless without these essential features since... A1! (or longer?!) New bright animations are fine but only a "nice to have" after everything else important functions and features you need to implement in a modern game of 2016.


What is needed for a good revive system is well kown. The given options at this point are a good step in the right direction. But please, did the next step and implement the missed features too. Also think about "modability". Modders and Scripters out there need possibilities to enter the revive system at any important point to bring in custom community extensions. (EH's, variable states, functions, engine based states) (already we had engine based states in A2... bring back the setUnconcious command is a positive point)





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I think that he meant that dragging and carrying would be a separate "feature", in terms of implementation. It still doesn't make much sense to have one without the other, though. If they're implementing revive, they definitely should get started on dragging and carrying as well.

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That means you are out of scope with the community.

The revive system is senceless without these essential features since... A1! (or longer?!) New bright animations are fine but only a "nice to have" after everything else important functions and features you need to implement in a modern game of 2016.


What is needed for a good revive system is well kown. The given options at this point are a good step in the right direction. But please, did the next step and implement the missed features too. Also think about "modability". Modders and Scripters out there need possibilities to enter the revive system at any important point to bring in custom community extensions. (EH's, variable states, functions, engine based states) (already we had engine based states in A2... bring back the setUnconcious command is a positive point)





Dragon01 is right, I'm sorry for the confusion. We take one (limping) step after another. The first was actually the limping itself to provide players with a mean how to distinguish damage to legs and its results. Revive is another step, actually two, with scripted implementation now and hopefully a full engine support later. While the full battlefield clearance and medical system may be the ultimate goal, the road is still long and I cannot promise when neither if all the parts are going to click together in the end. We would like so, but it's a development, even three years after the game release :icon_twisted:

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Why is engine implementation more difficult  than scripted system?

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I couldn't be happier, finally ,hearing about a revive system.


And i hope the current gimmicky three second healing - with no lasting consequences - gets dealt with along with it. 

I found that popular shooters who poorly implement features like repair and healing only does this to give the illusion that there's is more then just mindless twitch-shooting going on.

A game like ArmA has nothing to gain from shallow implementations such as those in BF for example, it doesn't result in any measure of immersion or sense of achievement. 


It would be great if 1-aid was reasonably time consuming and in-depth,.not only for the sake of overall immersion but also from a mission making stand point, 

I think it would be a positive thing to have another layer of game-play besides combat, providing more depth and contrast. And for the same sake, I hope repairing gets a much needed update too.

Just my two cents.


I hope my post won't be received negatively

And I think you guys rock. 



Kind regards.

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Why is engine implementation more difficult  than scripted system?


Changes in the game engine (regardless of which engine you use) are dangerous, since they may have unforeseeable consequences. A scripted system can screw up, obviously, but the side effects from engine side changes can be much more subtle and hard to detect. Gaming engines, like operating systems, are a complex web of interlocking parts. Changing one of these parts might cause repercussions in other parts that you cannot possibly foresee.

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Changes in the game engine (regardless of which engine you use) are dangerous, since they may have unforeseeable consequences. A scripted system can screw up, obviously, but the side effects from engine side changes can be much more subtle and hard to detect. Gaming engines, like operating systems, are a complex web of interlocking parts. Changing one of these parts might cause repercussions in other parts that you cannot possibly foresee.


Also, it's much easier to prototype a scripted system, you don't need to go through the usual cycle of compile code -> start game -> test -> curse -> do some modification -> compile again (singing 99 little bugs in the code) -> start the game -> you get it ;)

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Bunch of good answers.All great for accumulating knowledge.

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I apologize for the overtired and grumpy post. Always excited to see progress in any area. I'm STILL blown away at how much ArmA has evolved over the past two years. When it's this close to perfect, it's hard to not get so passionate to see it summit the peak when we can clearly see it's just within reach. Congratulations on the Apex Expansion. Truly a work-of-art.

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Yeah, if you're ever disgruntled about ArmA3, go play ArmA1. :) While certainly not a bad game, it really shows how far the series have gotten. Even the much-mailgned AI is miles ahead of ArmA1 and 2.

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Yeah, if you're ever disgruntled about ArmA3, go play ArmA1. :) While certainly not a bad game, it really shows how far the series have gotten. Even the much-mailgned AI is miles ahead of ArmA1 and 2.


This post lacks any logic.

There is no logic in justifying a problem by pointing to 2006 and saying "it's better now than it was back then". While I think that any criticism should be voiced in a polite and non-offensive manner, there is zero point in trying to shut it down by saying "it was worth 10 years ago".


Personally, I echo the sentiment of most people here, especially now that I have seen the Revive in Action. It's string point is that it is seamlessly integrated into the system but lacking important features like Dragging, Carrying, and crawling, things that are already implemented effectively in Psycho's Revive, makes it practically unusable.


In the campaign, the current setting is a bleedout time of 20 seconds. Since there is no way to drag people, the result is the medic having to rush in in order to save the patient in the short time that is available to him. But even if the time was longer, there is no way to drag the wounded out of harms way, meaning the medic has to risk his own skin every time someone is down.


This is a system that works for casual play; again, the lesson I have taken away by playing the campaign is that the revive in the campaign is next to useless since a) you don't suffer any penalties from respawning and b) the time to revive someone is way too short. It makes me question why this system was even put into place; at least in the campaign, there is zero benefit from it, and the most likely outcome is either someone having to respawn or two dead because there wasn't any time to eliminate the thread.


Comparing to the best revive system currently out, Psycho's Revive, there are a few major key points that this system is mission:


  1. Revive and bleed-out time is completely independent of the severity of injuries incurred. It's always a fixed amount of time.
  2. AI cannot be incapacitated, and cannot apply first aid in order to revive the player. That means this system is completely irrelevant for single player
  3. Dragging and crawling is not possible, nor is being carried.

When I initially saw this new system, I was hopeful that these features might be added. The problem with Psycho's Revive right now is that it is a scriptset that can break due to an update or because of bugs, and being a part of the mission it means all your prior missions need an update. Making it an addon is a possibility but it requires an addon, something that might put off people from using your missions.


Bottom line is, a vanilla first aid/revive system would have improved the situation tremendously, and I am very much saddened by the fact that this hasn't been done.


My only hope is that the system will be or become moddable enough so that drag/carry can be added by the community, and support be extended over to AI. Other than that, I fail to see the point.

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My only hope is that the system will be or become moddable enough so that drag/carry can be added by the community, and support be extended over to AI. Other than that, I fail to see the point.


Drag/carry would be part of the battlefield clearance system.  While we think of drag and revive as being one system, BIS views them as two.  They hope to get it working, but so far it's just hopes.  AI support was stated from the beginning to come after release.


The different timers based on injuries certainly would be useful.

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Drag/carry would be part of the battlefield clearance system.  While we think of drag and revive as being one system, BIS views them as two.  They hope to get it working, but so far it's just hopes.  AI support was stated from the beginning to come after release.

I must have missed the statement on AI support. Playing mostly in multiplayer, it's a feature I could go without but I suspect all single player will want it.


The different timers based on injuries certainly would be useful.

A "weight" setting would be nice, i.e. give a factor of how much the injury influences revive/bleedout time. I am all for giving options to designers, and I suppose a number of people would not want that.


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This post lacks any logic.

There is no logic in justifying a problem by pointing to 2006 and saying "it's better now than it was back then". While I think that any criticism should be voiced in a polite and non-offensive manner, there is zero point in trying to shut it down by saying "it was worth 10 years ago".


Personally, I echo the sentiment of most people here, especially now that I have seen the Revive in Action. It's string point is that it is seamlessly integrated into the system but lacking important features like Dragging, Carrying, and crawling, things that are already implemented effectively in Psycho's Revive, makes it practically unusable.


In the campaign, the current setting is a bleedout time of 20 seconds. Since there is no way to drag people, the result is the medic having to rush in in order to save the patient in the short time that is available to him. But even if the time was longer, there is no way to drag the wounded out of harms way, meaning the medic has to risk his own skin every time someone is down.


This is a system that works for casual play; again, the lesson I have taken away by playing the campaign is that the revive in the campaign is next to useless since a) you don't suffer any penalties from respawning and B) the time to revive someone is way too short. It makes me question why this system was even put into place; at least in the campaign, there is zero benefit from it, and the most likely outcome is either someone having to respawn or two dead because there wasn't any time to eliminate the thread.


Comparing to the best revive system currently out, Psycho's Revive, there are a few major key points that this system is mission:


  1. Revive and bleed-out time is completely independent of the severity of injuries incurred. It's always a fixed amount of time.
  2. AI cannot be incapacitated, and cannot apply first aid in order to revive the player. That means this system is completely irrelevant for single player
  3. Dragging and crawling is not possible, nor is being carried.

When I initially saw this new system, I was hopeful that these features might be added. The problem with Psycho's Revive right now is that it is a scriptset that can break due to an update or because of bugs, and being a part of the mission it means all your prior missions need an update. Making it an addon is a possibility but it requires an addon, something that might put off people from using your missions.


Bottom line is, a vanilla first aid/revive system would have improved the situation tremendously, and I am very much saddened by the fact that this hasn't been done.


My only hope is that the system will be or become moddable enough so that drag/carry can be added by the community, and support be extended over to AI. Other than that, I fail to see the point.


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for me setting up the new revive in eden did not work properly (revive activated, but settings/parameters did not register).


so for now, i want to set it up via description.ext, but i don't now to configure all the new parameters in description.ext. can someone help? :)


or can someone tell me, if i did soemthing wrong in tryiung to set it up in eden?

i went to multiplayer menu.

checked respawn on - respawn mode -> base (i also placed a respawn marker on map)


checked revive on

changed "who can revie" to everyone

and did some tweaking on the timings and so on.


in game, revive worked, but normal soldiers could not revive, so i guess the settings did not register.

also respawn was "respawn on position of death" and not respawn at base.


i thsi a known problem? did i do sth. wrong?

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the revive feature only works with player controlled units.

NPCs are not affected and can't be revived yet.

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yes, i know that. and i tested it in multiplayer. thing is, that for me it is a bit difficult to test and do troubleshooting in MP, because you obviously need more people for it ;)


that's why i'm asking. if it was singleplayer i would just trial and error the shit out of it ;)


but is respawn and NEW revive (including new parameters) working for you without description.ext? if it is working for you, then fault is on my end and will just give it another try...

*edit* (perhaps there are some combinations of respawn/revive settings, that are bugged or something? any ideas?)


*edit* tried again. now it worked. i'll update, if i find out, what was causing the problem.

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