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Thanks You too for host my Mods and Addons.
And Thanks to everybody for your support and interest.:rthumb:

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Excellent mod, well done.

Finally some Avatars my daughters can play and identify with.


If I could request for a possible future update; a women's uniform in basic military green and with no flag?


thanks for this mod.

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1 hour ago, dr@gon said:

Excellent mod, well done.

Finally some Avatars my daughters can play and identify with.


If I could request for a possible future update; a women's uniform in basic military green and with no flag?


thanks for this mod.


5 hours ago, medina said:

Thanks, another good addon by italian guy......

THIS, +100+burqa?

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Hello ! Thank you for this mod

In the editor I can see woman BLUFOR, but is their a way to add them to OPFOR & Indep so they can spawn in my mission.


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I like how the mod looks, a few small things though:

  1. some of the faces are way to bright (the irish effect as the guys on discord called it)
  2. Any chance we can get some without the ponytails or have some with more cut hair so it doesn't clip through some helmets

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Of course all is possible, but my Women have that hairs for a my choise,

because, more the military women there are also civilians.

However It's possible to make a custom version of the women units,

just read the readme or watch the download page.

About the Burqa.... Patience Friend, Patience....

Thanks to everybody

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2 hours ago, maxjoiner said:

About the Burqa.... Patience Friend, Patience....

Thanks to everybody

:thumb: Roger that my man...take your time and buone feste! 

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Yes, Sir that is some mighty fine work you have done. You have brought new life to this gaming platform. wanted to know how can my organization make contributions to your hard work? I know you will be working on new country types of women. My organization is working on a Docu-mission series based on the After Actions Report from some of the Vietnam war battles., and haven't quit found the right class of women for our series, but I believe you are a long awaited answer for everyone who is into Arma 2,3, platforms. You are Awesome keep up the good work.

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Btw. Max, you could open a new release thread in the forum's complete-section (https://forums.bistudio.com/forum/156-arma-3-addons-mods-complete/). Would definitely give an attention boost to this great addition to A3.


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Interesting addon, however upon using this in a coop multiplayer we all get spammed every few minutes with red pop up text about "donate if you appreciate the efforts" - any way to disable this as it makes the mod unplayable.



(image removed as not needed anymore)

this type of stuff pops up every 45-90 seconds in game for all players, makes using your mod impossible. Mission is hosted on a local machine (as in player-host) with only a few women down to spice up the civvie population. Doesn;t seem to stop at all, for the full 45 minutes of the mission we all got spammed with the pop up messages constantly

Edited by 53_valantine
removed screenie

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Hello Max,

First of all thank you very very much for this addon! I have been waiting for civilian woman, that can be armed since ArmA 2.


I have some bugs to report though:

  • The most visible problem is, that the neck clippes out of  the body and alsow a knee clippes too much out, when crouchnig and armed.
  • Oather thing, that I noticed is, that fecewear and helmets do not fit very well. The head should probably be positioned about 2 cm more above.
  • When I'm playing, as an unarmed female and I look straight up and, then straight down useing the Alt button, I can see dark breasts in purple bra. lol.

I realise, that this is only early beta and I hope, that these things will be fixed in the future. Just accept this, as friendly critisism ;)


I alsow have a few suggestions:

  • You should really conssider adding female units to OPFOR and INDEP sides. Not only in uniform, but alsow in civilian clothing. It would make a really cool oportunity of playing as undercover agents.
  • The wests and backpacks in the game are too large for female body. I thought, that maybe making a small purse for pistol magazines and a big purse for assault rifle/MG mags would be nice, as the casual clothes has very small inventory and the idea, that you can stack up 4 RPK drum mags into sporting clothing is a bit funny.
  • Maybe, you could add the hair, as headgear and we could style the ladies, as we like ;) It would create alot more identity variaty.

Even though, the things above are not (yet) included I really appreciate your work on this and would even support you financialy, but it's not in my options.

One agein, thank you so much! Now I can make the female espionage game, that I have been dreaming of since I was 18 at least in ArmA.:thumb:



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@ 53_valantine It's a text random spawn system It's necessary to Ensure the respect of my condition of use,
unfortunately there are many incorrect  people around, they don't ask me the permission, they take and use, stop ....

@ineptaphid many Thanks :f:

@slovakianlynx don't worry I appreciate the feedbacks, they help me in my Modder work.

Thanks for Your comment, feedbacks and suggestion ;)


Happy new Year my Friend! :drinking2:

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20 hours ago, maxjoiner said:

@ 53_valantine It's a text random spawn system It's necessary to Ensure the respect of my condition of use,
unfortunately there are many incorrect  people around, they don't ask me the permission, they take and use, stop ....


You might want to make your wording clearer that it isn't for multiplayer use: "It's not possible to use my MOD in private servers without my permission" at the bottom of the armaholic download doesn't really imply this (since it is player-host publicly open without a password co-op mission and not a "private" server ).

Oh well, we've all now deleted it since there is no point in using it if we can't spice up the civilian population of our coops - shame but hay-ho it's you mod so your rules.


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What does "It's not possible to use my MOD in private servers without my permission." mean, exactly? My team SBP uses a dedicated server with a password, we usually invite all other players and group too? We cannot use this mod then?

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Happy new year folks.


Max, first off, great job on this mod.

I know this is your mod so you have the right to provide a license of use but since this is a public forum I have the right to express my opinion about it.


I think the measures you've taken are a bit excessive. You clearly want to control the usage of your mod. As most of your mods are oriented towards civilian stuff, which naturally interests the cancerous(pardon my french) Life communities, I can totally understand why you'd want to do that.

However to add a while{true} loop on the bottom of a sqf script that sends an intrusive message and gets executed if isMultiplayer == true is just wrong. You are essentially denying anyone to use this mod in multiplayer. By saying "without my permssion", does that mean once permission would be granted you'd PM people a pbo that doesn't have this intrusive while loop present?


I get you want to protect your mod from the aforementioned malicious communities that have a reputation of stealing and reclaiming modifications that aren't theirs to claim, but I think you need to relax a bit on the total-control attitude. Because right now you're not preventing your mod from being stolen by malicious communities, you're preventing your mod from being used by good-willing (tactical/co-operative) communities.


I know your English isn't the greatest but I hope you understand what I'm talking about.


Once again, great mod.


Kind regards,


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Great work maxjoiner, it's a real blast being able to see female civilians for the first time in years!


One issue for you to look at: the female soldiers in the player's squad cannot run. No matter what commands are given to them they will only walk, even under danger. Hope this is something you can change.


Thanks again for the work, and happy 2017 

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Max Happy New Year,


May the new year bring your prosperity, and Joy



Thanks friend for your Awesome work




Vietnam War Living History/USRMTC


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@53_valantine, @icebreakr and @MrSanchez,

First, I respect your opinions,  I respect the everybody's opinions,
unfortunately that is the only one system (I've found, in base at my SQF knowledge) to make respect 

my rules, I had to make a choise,  I prefer so, Nobody forces You to use my mods.

@MrSanchez I know my English is limited, like I'm not a Game Modder professionist,

certainly I'm not an English teacher, but despite this Your post is enough clear for me.


@tpw I need to make some test is the first time I hear this bug...Happy new Year mate and Happy new Year to everybody too.....

@Vietnamwarlhg thanks you too friend and happy new Year...


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