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Advanced Sling Loading (MP & SP)

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Advanced Sling Loading


SP & MP Compatible. Full replacement for in-game sling loading.


Ropes can no longer attach automatically! You need to either get out of your helicopter or have someone on the ground pick up your cargo ropes and attach them to an object.

All players on board a helicopter are given a "ropes" action. This lets any player deploy, extend, shorten or release cargo ropes.

Once cargo ropes are deployed, any player can go to the end of the rope and pick it up.

Once the ropes are picked up by a player, they can be attached to pretty much every object in the game.

Players can drop ropes if they're carrying them

Players on the ground can detached ropes from an object


Huron, Mohawk & Taru can lift heavy vehicles


Note: The built-in arma sling loading still works. However, you cannot interact with the in-game sling ropes. You can only interact with the ropes deployed via the ropes menu.


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 - When using the mod, the ropes action will be available in all helicopters.


 - The mod is only required on the server if using this in MP.






Note: The part of the video where I draw waypoints and put a squad in the tank is part of another modification I'm working on here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/187492-ai-command-high-command-replacement/

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Yea this should definitely be added to ACE3. Would be awesome for logistics and overall immersion! 

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awesome work!! thanks so much for this


I second the option to remove the ropes option for all passangers because well in my experience everyone will just start deploying ropes willyknilly.... 


anywho funny side note.. i tied to download this from armaholic.. it would work.. Armaholic keeps reloading the page .. over and over and over and then after about 5 times of clicking on the download link ... armaholic said the download was blocked... LOL ... fucking armaholic... 

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Does this allow to sling multiple things at once with one helicopter, for instance the chinook can lift 2 ammocrates instead if the usual 1?

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The concept looks great. Never liked that automatic slingloading since it was released.


I prefered the manual variant from ACE 2 back in A2 where you had to attach the item SlingRope to the Load and then hook it up to the Hovering Craft.

Only action from the cockpit would be to release the load.

If we could have multiple hook points, even better :)


ofcourse also +1 for ACE integration or at least as an addon


Does the slingload add weight for the AFM to simulate or is it just a weightless item attached via the rope?



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The mass of objects do impact the flight model. For most objects, their mass remains as-is. However, there are a few vehicles where their mass is reduced below a heli's lift capability so it can be carried. Their mass is retured to normal once released from the ropes.

You cannot carry multiple objects. However, there's one exception. A helicopter can carry a helicopter that's carrying something else - useless, but fun to try. Chain a few helis together.

Might be possible to support multiple sling ropes . I'll look into it!

Great idea about locking down the ropes menu. Maybe I can make it available to all by default, but the pilot has an option to lock it down.

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If I make this into an addon (installable via steam) should the addon apply itself to all missions by default, or should it add a module that can be used via the editor?

Also, I could try to make this a server-side only mod so clients don't need it.

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I guess whoever chooses to use that mod, actually wants to choose it. So go with applying itself. ^^

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I would go for an addon via a module so the mission maker can set the parameters themselves. The reason I say this is most mission makers use templates that have all the required playable units as well as all the modules they may use regularly, this way the mission maker would only have to remove the module and not the mod itself. I would also give a vote to server side if its possible as it would reduce the mod pack size for clients, even though the mod would most likely be rather small it all adds up. 

Really impressed with this and am looking forward to adding it into a logistics setup for the group I play with, well done and hope to see it in a mod version soon.

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If I make this into an addon (installable via steam) should the addon apply itself to all missions by default, or should it add a module that can be used via the editor?

Also, I could try to make this a server-side only mod so clients don't need it.

A standalone module mate would be best!  Thanks for the hard work!

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Hey Duda,


I've installed this on an exile server and whilst it seems to work at first (get the 'ropes' menu item on-scroll, select it, then a length of rope), but no rope appears beneath the heli.


I've checked the RPT log and can't see any errors... Have you have issues like this before? (I tried scrolling around where the ropes would have been, looking at your video... Just in case they were there but invisible for some reason!).


Thanks in advance.

If I make this into an addon (installable via steam) should the addon apply itself to all missions by default, or should it add a module that can be used via the editor?

Also, I could try to make this a server-side only mod so clients don't need it.

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Never seen that before. Can you send me the ropes sqf file you're using?

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+1 for standalone add-on with a map editor module for setting specifics

+1 for ACE integration

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would you care if i make a pull to ace3 credit goes to you of course.


Go for it

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Awesome, love your work. Would like to see this in ACE3 also. Thanks again for your efforts.

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Go for it


Ill see what i can do thanks man. If someone that has more knowledge of the ACE3 Standards your welcome to port it. It may take me some time but i can do it, pm me if someone else would like to create the pull so I know. 

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Thank you very much for sending us the release :)

Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


Advanced Sling Loading v1.1

* can you tell me what I need to download to update the script version to 1.1 as well?

** Armaholic now supports authors with donation button/links. When you have any donation/support links please contact me!

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Released v1.2 of the addon and script version:


I've made an update to the addon to allow mission creators to disable lifting of heavy vehicles. By default, lifting of heavy vehicles is enabled.
Add the following to your init.sqf file to disable heavy lifting:
missionNamespace setVariable ["SA_ASL_HEAVY_LIFTING_ENABLED",false,true];
Add the following to your init.sqf file to enable heavy lifting (enabled by default):
missionNamespace setVariable ["SA_ASL_HEAVY_LIFTING_ENABLED",true,true];
Latest source can be found here if you don't want to use the addon version. See readme for directions to use the script version.

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