Wiki 1558 Posted December 30, 2015 Fed up with that game and that fucked up AI. My teammates can't engage if the guy is not 5 meters away maximum, but on the other hand, the enemy AI can spot me and one shot me whereas I wear ghillie suit, SILENCED sniper rifle and 600m away from them. And of course, just red dot on their rifle... 15 years, and still can't have proper AI who is not a terminator. Anything can be done with it for god sake? It's really pushing me to totally stop arma games. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wiki 1558 Posted December 30, 2015 Ah, and forgot to talk about that goddamn dumb medic who can't heal, even if not under fire and aksed 5000000 times Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
semiconductor 309 Posted December 30, 2015 You know, you can actually tweak them as you see fit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wiki 1558 Posted December 30, 2015 Doesn't work. Even if I set friendly Ai very good and enemy AI very stupid, same result Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azza FHI 50 Posted December 30, 2015 try @ASR_AI. you can either use default values or tweak each soldier individually with accuarcy, general, spotting etc Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cosmic10r 2331 Posted December 30, 2015 Doesn't work. Even if I set friendly Ai very good and enemy AI very stupid, same result Set skill does work. I nerfed the leights taliban vs NATO in a 36 opfor vs 16 Blufor and Blufor didn't lose a single unit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pulstar 55 Posted December 31, 2015 Join the club :D Dear Bohemia, please allocate some revenues and farm out AI development to a third party team, perhaps a postgrad startup or something.. :) I would play with real meatbags more, but the overhead is just a bit too much and I don't like using TS/TFAR, not to mention 99% of public servers using vanilla assets :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dale0404 5 Posted December 31, 2015 Set general skill to 0.7 and aiming accuracy to 0.2. works perfectly for my community. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted December 31, 2015 Doesn't work. Even if I set friendly Ai very good and enemy AI very stupid, same result Wrong. This is like the third time Ive read this poppycock from you. Lowering subSkills does work, if you cant win at AimingAccuracy of 0.08 then yes your right it may be time to pack it in. And Ive never been AI sniped @600m with 1000's of hours in-game. The AI does need calibrating and have a host of other issues but at least focus on the right ones and stop exaggerating like a lunar girl deprived of chocolate. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
inlesco 234 Posted January 1, 2016 Spreading your frustration on the forums won't help - you need to address AI issues calmly, with a methodical approach. First off, prove that the stuff you claim about doesn't work - provide extras - screenshots, videos, your setup details, A3 logs, list of mods used, etc. Then we'll talk. Anybody can scream / whine, but let's deal with this like grown ups, shall we? 6 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Charles_Carmicheal 0 Posted January 2, 2016 They're adapting.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I give up 152 Posted January 2, 2016 AI is not perfect, obviously. Maybe because is just AI.But if we look closer in fact is amazing what the AI can do just based on some behaviours or skill levels and I dont know any other game with a better one. AI with ARMA still is the best, in fact is better than some real players.Take a look at Insurgency (don't get me wrong, is a damn nice game and I love it), is also one game that is widely played with AI (bots), the several difficulty levels only have effect on the 'aimbot skill" of the AI, the behaviour remains the same. Want a to see a Terminator with "aimbot"? Play it against AI set in max difficulty.ARMA AI, when compared with some other games, it really looks a Einstein. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bono_lv 10 Posted January 3, 2016 That's why I play only PvP multiplayer. EUTW servers are best for that. Best server performance I have ever seen for Arma and great PvP game mode. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
semiconductor 309 Posted January 3, 2016 That's why I play only PvP multiplayer. Please do keep us posted. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tortuosit 486 Posted January 3, 2016 That's why I play only PvP multiplayer. EUTW servers are best for that. Best server performance I have ever seen for Arma and great PvP game mode. Even better solution: Gardening. No computer problems at all! @OP: Hmmm, setskill array works, you probably have to post more detail. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
max1944 16 Posted January 3, 2016 I'm dissatisfied with the AI as well (I hate them right now). Their new hearing ability is faulty. The AI will leave their animations (WATCH1, LEAN, ...) and run around, becaue they got alerted by a event that is maybe a mile away. AI planes are completely fucked up. Bohemia should have simply add the bCombat addon. The AI was superb before Version 1.4 together with bCombat 0.16. After that, both Arma 3 and bCombat got screwed up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
giallustio 770 Posted January 3, 2016 Few patches ago i noticed that you need to apply the general skill first, because it acts as a moltiplicator. I usually set it to 0 and then i'll set the subskill. Give it a try! Dunno if something has been changed Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
old_painless 183 Posted January 3, 2016 I played the SP mission Operation Scar the other day. The AI that I was up against acted reasonably, became alerted to my presence if I did not use the terrain and surroundings well enough and their shooting was dangerous but not ridiculous. You know, if you don't move NOW you die. But if you play smart you make it. They took me out a few times, but I never had the feeling that they were unfair. After checking out the pbo, that mission uses a single skill value (a scalar) of about 0.25 for enemies. No array being set AFAICT. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silentghoust 132 Posted January 3, 2016 AI have there issues but not nearly as bad as people blame them for. This isn't COD, you don't just order your teammate to unload into some target and expect him to do it within a heartbeat. I have never had major issues with the AI, with the only problems being driving. You can't rush as you would with human teammates you have to slow down your pace to the AI speed. You also need to calculate in their limits as part of your tactics. I almost never have my AI set themselves up into combat mode, I always order them to just before combat to make sure they hug cover more often and engage faster. I get tired of players complaining because they did a bad maneuver that left their entire squad out in the open. Learning the advantages and limits of the AI is the first step in becoming a good Arma player IMO. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrisb 196 Posted January 3, 2016 AI have there issues but not nearly as bad as people blame them for. This isn't COD, you don't just order your teammate to unload into some target and expect him to do it within a heartbeat. I have never had major issues with the AI, with the only problems being driving. You can't rush as you would with human teammates you have to slow down your pace to the AI speed. You also need to calculate in their limits as part of your tactics. I almost never have my AI set themselves up into combat mode, I always order them to just before combat to make sure they hug cover more often and engage faster. I get tired of players complaining because they did a bad maneuver that left their entire squad out in the open. Learning the advantages and limits of the AI is the first step in becoming a good Arma player IMO. Nicely said. I don't play using vanilla AI, but if I did, then what you say here, would be the way I'd do it. Learn to love your AI. whichever AI that might be. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
old_painless 183 Posted January 3, 2016 Do note that the AI I mentioned in Operation Scar were all opfor. There are no teammates in that mission. My experience with having AI teammates is not all good: On one hand, you can have some good use of a marksman/sniper in your squad. Place him somewhere and make him watch direction and fire at will. But try ordering an AT unit to attack, it makes you want to kill him yourself to take his weapon. And then there is the totally useless driving AI who can not drive/navigate in a vehicle through a town on Altis. So AI is a mixed bag of good and bad. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted January 3, 2016 But try ordering an AT unit to attack, it makes you want to kill him yourself to take his weapon. Holy god yes. Id rather the AT guy err on the side of "wild man who misses" then keeping his finger on the trigger undecided while all friends die around him. Or runs 300m away trying to get a better angle when had a clear shot at 40m. Or switching gun to AT gun to AT nonstop while muttering something bout "Armor. 50." 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
altis 12 Posted January 3, 2016 I get tired of players complaining because they did a bad maneuver that left their entire squad out in the open. Learning the advantages and limits of the AI is the first step in becoming a good Arma player IMO. This, in my opinion, AI can be frustrating but then when me or one of my AI squad are killed i realize its usually because i had put my self in a bad situation, its hard to play this game uber realistically, especially when you want to try dash to cover 50 meters away in a firefight, or snipe at a squad while hiding under a bush etc, the fun part off the game for me now is simply trying to keep my AI squad alive during any engagements, i really enjoy it because you need to constantly consider paths, available cover, formations etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wiki 1558 Posted January 3, 2016 Well, try the Marksmen showcase then. Ghillie suite, sniper rifle, prone and 350 / 400 meters away, the guys do know where I am and perfectly aim at me with no major optics - only red dot if any. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
silentghoust 132 Posted January 4, 2016 Well, try the Marksmen showcase then. Ghillie suite, sniper rifle, prone and 350 / 400 meters away, the guys do know where I am and perfectly aim at me with no major optics - only red dot if any. I guess you would have to ask yourself. Do you even know how the AI detects people? I have avoided AI 5m from me simply being prone and hiding in bushes. Again, this all stems from the argument of knowing how the AI works. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites