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What's the class name of M67 Grenade? I failed to find them on the wiki pages. Please list the class names of all newly added weapons/vehicles/gears.

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I think it was not posted here. Jester814 tests version 0.3.5 with Gurdy. :)

Enjoy. ;)

Very nice! Love the sounds, and that is the best suppressed weapon sound I heard so far.

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Hey guys, how to switch between laser and torch ? by pressing L i just activate/deactivate the laser or torch.

Also, is there a guide for this mod ?

Edited by HaZZarD

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Wrong thread... mod delete.


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I have donwload the Escalation mods, but i have always the probleme with the sound :/

One friends had the mods USAF and RH_Pistol to activate, he did not hear the weapons of the USAF.

We noticed that when we arrive on the server with the basic equipment I hear shooting of weapons (MX) but when it loads a stuff I do not hear him any more and he too :/

We use the 0.3.5

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Hey guys, how to switch between laser and torch ?
IIRC it's Ctrl + C, check out the attachment's description.

---------- Post added at 14:58 ---------- Previous post was at 14:54 ----------

I have donwload the Escalation mods, but i have always the probleme with the sound :/

One friends had the mods USAF and RH_Pistol to activate, he did not hear the weapons of the USAF.

We noticed that when we arrive on the server with the basic equipment I hear shooting of weapons (MX) but when it loads a stuff I do not hear him any more and he too :/

There is a strange problem with sounds in MP currently and it doesn't seems to be connected to Escalation, take a look at this thread. Having the exactly same mods (except client-side like UIcorrections) as everybody else solved this problem for me. Edited by Semiconductor

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Thank's for the reply.

I have read the thread and ... solution doesn't exist ? :s

deleted and re download ARMA 3 and mods doesn't work ?

This is strange because, if RHS is deactivated we listen all sound :/

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RHS team, you're doing such a great job - keep it up guys :-)

But could someone please take a look at BMP-1, BMP-2 and their variants ? Their frontal and side armor should not be penetrated by .50cal fire, yet it takes only about 5 shots from static M2 to damage its engine and make it's crew bail out (both bmps). BMP 2 - mainly the upgraded D variant, should not get damaged from .50 fire at all. From what I've read only .50cal SLAP round can penetrate both variants frontal armor, but that round I believe is not used in regular M2 that are featured in your mod.

I'd be very happy if you guys take a look at it. Thank you and have a nice day !

I think you overestimate armor of BMP's, they are nothing more than tin cans just like BTR's.

However indeed the M2 and it's ammo is not configured properly yet, why? Because there is no RHS ammo for RHS M2 yet, we use standard BIS ammo for now.

Yeah we will look in to it ASAP, and try to create proper ammunition types for M2, including SLAP, I will discuss this with MistyRonin later. Tough there are other problems, probably more important, as we need to fix ballistics of projectiles for some tanks as they are still not properly configured for vehicles FCS and fall short to target.

Also, is there a guide for this mod ?


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Thank's for the reply.

I have read the thread and ... solution doesn't exist ? :s

deleted and re download ARMA 3 and mods doesn't work ?

This is strange because, if RHS is deactivated we listen all sound :/

For our small group the solution is that every player starts Arma 3 with same mods as everyone else though according to thread it doesn't work for some folks. I think only BI can completely fix this issue.

Concerning Escalation, we had opposite problem — we were able to hear RHS (and other mods) sounds but all vanilla guns were silent. We tried to play without RHS and problem remained until we launched Arma with the same modset. Hope that helps.

Edited by Semiconductor

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What's the class name of M67 Grenade? I failed to find them on the wiki pages. Please list the class names of all newly added weapons/vehicles/gears.


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I think you overestimate armor of BMP's, they are nothing more than tin cans just like BTR's.

However indeed the M2 and it's ammo is not configured properly yet, why? Because there is no RHS ammo for RHS M2 yet, we use standard BIS ammo for now.

Yeah we will look in to it ASAP, and try to create proper ammunition types for M2, including SLAP, I will discuss this with MistyRonin later. Tough there are other problems, probably more important, as we need to fix ballistics of projectiles for some tanks as they are still not properly configured for vehicles FCS and fall short to target.


Well, BMPs may be tin cans, but Bradleys are tin cans too! Dont forget that their protection was essentially the same as BMPs, until the M2A2 variant, around 30mm RHA.

SLAP wont change anything, because BMPs are still invulnerable to it in the frontal sector. Sides and rear are already penetrable with conventional ammo.

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What's the class name of M67 Grenade? I failed to find them on the wiki pages. Please list the class names of all newly added weapons/vehicles/gears.

In fact the M67 it isn't set up yet, the rhs_mag_m67 classname is for a placeholder that just changes the name of the vanilla one.

On the other hand all the last patch weapons, vehicles and gear pieces were added before the release.

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Well, BMPs may be tin cans, but Bradleys are tin cans too! Dont forget that their protection was essentially the same as BMPs, until the M2A2 variant, around 30mm RHA.

SLAP wont change anything, because BMPs are still invulnerable to it in the frontal sector. Sides and rear are already penetrable with conventional ammo.

True. M2 and M2A1 were tin cans as well, fault of that stupid requirement to give amphibious capability for 25 tons heavy vehicle... and it still barely swimmed.

M2A2 and M2A3 should be protected against 30mm 3UBR6 and 3UBR8 at front and sides, as there is a lot of HHS steel bolted to alluminium alloy hull, turret is made from alluminium and steel + have additional HHS steel plates volted.

My estimations + angle of armor plates give it:

Upper front hull - 99mm vs KE/CE

Lower front hull - 69mm vs KE/CE

Side hull - 69mm vs KE/CE

Side hull + side skirts - 99mm vs KE/CE

Front turret - 80mm vs KE/CE

Side turret - 57mm vs KE/CE (at least where TOW launcher is placed)

Rear turret - 30mm vs KE/CE

Above is without ERA modules installed that will increase protection against KE and significantly increase protection against CE.

Edited by Damian90

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So, i have find the probleme :

All RDS mods !

if RDS mods is active RHS USA work but we don't listen all other weapon sound.

if RDS is deactivated all work's good !

But now, i have the same probleme with the AFRF :s

I go search what is the bad mods ;)

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Many thanks for the update !! I truly love it !!!! ;)

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IIRC it's Ctrl + C, check out the attachment's description.

hey thanks for helping.

So i pressed L and the IR appeared, then Ctrl+C but it doesn't switch on torch

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i have two suggestions.

1. Add the M320 GLM to the rocket launcher slot (take weapon & m320)

2. Add an russian sniper rifle (KSWK / OSW-96) :P

.. great update 0.3.5!

Edited by Reeses

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How can i change this button?

^ Added Stock Fold Functionality To Simple AK (Ctrl+C)

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hey thanks for helping.

So i pressed L and the IR appeared, then Ctrl+C but it doesn't switch on torch

If your control preset is not "Arma 3" then I think you should press whatever your "Countermeasure mode" key is. It located at the bottom of "Weapons" category in Controls. :)

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If your control preset is not "Arma 3" then I think you should press whatever your "Countermeasure mode" key is. It located at the bottom of "Weapons" category in Controls. :)

awesome , it worked and it's great to have such features.

Do you know any other unusual combination of keys/feature ? like when on tanks to change optic ? : )

One thing would be nice to have is adjusting brightness of NVG's

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Do you know any other unusual combination of keys/feature ? like when on tanks to change optic ? : )

On M1A1FEP and M1A2SEPv1 the gunner have 3x and 10x magnification in day channel, and N does not change view to thermal channel, however pushing + for further increasing zoom, will change channel to thermal, and you will have 3x, 6x, 13x, 25x and 50x magnification, same levels of magnification are for M1A2SEPv1 commander CITV tough CITV have only thermal channel and is still WIP.

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I haven't been able to find anything on search at the moment, but are you guys planning to add sidearms? I think Russia has the renamed vanilla pistol,but the US has nothing.

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True. M2 and M2A1 were tin cans as well, fault of that stupid requirement to give amphibious capability for 25 tons heavy vehicle... and it still barely swimmed.

M2A2 and M2A3 should be protected against 30mm 3UBR6 and 3UBR8 at front and sides, as there is a lot of HHS steel bolted to alluminium alloy hull, turret is made from alluminium and steel + have additional HHS steel plates volted.

My estimations + angle of armor plates give it:

Upper front hull - 99mm vs KE/CE

Lower front hull - 69mm vs KE/CE

Side hull - 69mm vs KE/CE

Side hull + side skirts - 99mm vs KE/CE

Front turret - 80mm vs KE/CE

Side turret - 57mm vs KE/CE (at least where TOW launcher is placed)

Rear turret - 30mm vs KE/CE

Above is without ERA modules installed that will increase protection against KE and significantly increase protection against CE.

My estimates are about 10% lower for front, (so almost the same) but sides arent a bit too optimistic? I think they arent more than 55-60mm max. Do you know the effectiveness of ERA? Can we give them about +300-400mm VS CE? (vs single warhead only)

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