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Any plans to update the M2 models with the new one added in the old-man update?

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16 hours ago, reyhard said:

its interior received some extra features.

How is the performance of all the live updating stuff like the DAGR and the Map?

Can it be disabled?

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16 hours ago, reyhard said:

Small progress update: MATV received quite big overhaul of its interior received some extra features.


On above video, you can also see some experimental method to get inertia on weapons - here is example video with bumped up effect to make it quite visible - Inertia on static weapon - test video


Beside that, aiming down sights effect on some scopes was improved so you can see bit more through them. Some post processing were also added to them, taking use of latest engine fix.




They look awesome! @reyhardwill you maybe post how to achieve those realistic improvements by mods so other modders can also benefit from this nice implementation?

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1 hour ago, Dedmen said:

How is the performance of all the live updating stuff like the DAGR and the Map?

Can it be disabled?

It's using engine based MFD tech so performance should be minimal and since it's 80% of that MFD thing is handled by engine (MFD is written in config) it cannot be disabled via scripting. Engine wise, that BFT is mirrored map from Jets DLC radar panel.


14 hours ago, kilo-bravo said:

Any plans to update the M2 models with the new one added in the old-man update?

Technically, model of weapon didn't change at all so there is nothing to change. Beside that, you cannot take any Arma 3 models just like that. Only thing that considered to be added is scope, since this can be easily introduced by using proxy.

It's also working quite nice with inertia.


1 hour ago, Devastator_cm said:

They look awesome! @reyhardwill you maybe post how to achieve those realistic improvements by mods so other modders can also benefit from this nice implementation

Well, sure, I don't have that much spare time anymore so ETA might be quite long. Grips and few other things are already waiting for some documentation.

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isn't the damage calculation between RHS and vanilla M2 different anyway? I remember assets should not be mixed.

15 hours ago, reyhard said:

Technically, model of weapon didn't change at all so there is nothing to change. Beside that, you cannot take any Arma 3 models just like that. Only thing that considered to be added is scope, since this can be easily introduced by using proxy.

It's also working quite nice with inertia.


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5 hours ago, kibyde said:

isn't the damage calculation between RHS and vanilla M2 different anyway

RHS is using slightly more realistic penetration values but difference between vanilla ball ammo, and RHS ball ammo is quite small. Vanilla SLAP round have around ~25% penetration (RHS penetrates 51mm RHA at point blank vs 65mm at point blank)

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On 4/30/2020 at 5:12 AM, Synchronized said:

Any chance of getting humvees with blue force tracker such as the one shown in the M1240?

Copy from Facebook page


So, the BFT and DVE system will be installed in all the MRAPs where it makes sense to have it. We decided that we won't add it to the un-armor HMMWV series, if those get any comms it will just be a DAGR and PRC-117Fs.



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17 minutes ago, Navalny for president said:

Did the worldwide quarantine have any effect on the Red Hammer Studio? Do you have more time to work on the mod? This is a fairly logical conclusion... 

Yes, we have less time now. This is a fairly logical conclusion...

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Indeed if anything, it has blurred the concept of work days, with many of us doing overtime on our real jobs unfortunately.

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On 5/1/2020 at 11:58 AM, reyhard said:

Yes, we have less time now. This is a fairly logical conclusion...

Actually, it isn't, almost every workplace I've heard from is doing this work from home thing wrong. It seems like when bosses and teachers can't look over your shoulder all the time, they pile on extra work, as if to make sure you don't have it too good. Heaven forbid you actually use the time you save by not commuting and so on for your own purposes.


At least I hope you guys are getting paid for that overtime. Some people don't seem to think you're working unless you actually go there and "officially" clock in.

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1 hour ago, dragon01 said:

Actually, it isn't, almost every workplace I've heard from is doing this work from home thing wrong. It seems like when bosses and teachers can't look over your shoulder all the time, they pile on extra work, as if to make sure you don't have it too good. Heaven forbid you actually use the time you save by not commuting and so on for your own purposes.


At least I hope you guys are getting paid for that overtime. Some people don't seem to think you're working unless you actually go there and "officially" clock in.


It doesn't necessarily have to be connected to draconian bosses. Simple fact that many more teleconferences are happening, over things that could have been just shouted over the floor in the office, or whiteboarded in 15 minutes, that take up more time and leave less time for actual work. And that work has to be done, the deadlines didn't go anywhere. And no typically it does not get covered by overtime pay. In a lot of careers it simply falls under your responsibility to complete your tasks. If you did not plan well enough to do that, you have to find a way. 

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I'm guessing this is user error, but I'm not sure what I've managed to mess up...  I can't get the Marine Raider EOD Tech (SOCOM/EOD Tech) to disarm IEDs.  I haven't tried RHS conventional units yet, so not sure if they have the same issue (or more accurately, not sure if I have the same issue).  Is there something I'm supposed to have in their pack that I'm missing?  This is on current Dev version.

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On 5/2/2020 at 10:04 PM, gatordev said:

I'm guessing this is user error, but I'm not sure what I've managed to mess up...  I can't get the Marine Raider EOD Tech (SOCOM/EOD Tech) to disarm IEDs.  I haven't tried RHS conventional units yet, so not sure if they have the same issue (or more accurately, not sure if I have the same issue).  Is there something I'm supposed to have in their pack that I'm missing?  This is on current Dev version.

By default those soldiers are without Toolkit and mine detector since they are more like explosive specialist. You can grab those from Virtual Arsenal and check if its working. In next patch those EOD guys will have toolkit and mine detector in their backpack since capacity of Eagle III backpack was revised, and now they can carry bit more equipment than before

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Beside that, aiming down sights effect on some scopes was improved so you can see bit more through them. Some post processing were also added to them, taking use of latest engine fix.


I know, there is some explaining on a forum how to change the optics to the 3D fiew. But I didn`t understand it. is there any instruction available on youtube how to do it?

Thanks for help!!!

Edited by Dedmen
Removed images. Rule 14

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1 hour ago, t.g.1911 said:






Did you mean on your ARMA 3 main menu screen where it has the RHS Options tab (top left of the screen for me).  You can also access this menu while in-game by pressing ESCAPE KEP and also there will be an RHS Menu option (it can be easily overlooked as it kinda blends into the background IMO).

In this menu you will need to access the scopes section and either check a box for 2D, 3D or PiP (if I remember correctly).


Hope this helps 🙂

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9 hours ago, reyhard said:

By default those soldiers are without Toolkit and mine detector since they are more like explosive specialist. You can grab those from Virtual Arsenal and check if its working. In next patch those EOD guys will have toolkit and mine detector in their backpack since capacity of Eagle III backpack was revised, and now they can carry bit more equipment than before


Thank you very much.  I haven't really messed with dearming mines much, so I didn't realize it needed the mine detector, as well.  I'll play with it some more.  I figured it was user error and it sounds like you've confirmed that.

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On 11/22/2019 at 9:01 PM, stburr91 said:



Effective, and AI in this game is an oxymoron, my GBU just hit about a kilometer off target thanks to the AI WSO. 


It's painful to have to use the AI to attempt to target.


God I hate it when perfectly good aircraft are ruined by requiring two human pilots to use, especially considering that only a tiny percentage of the community use aircraft with two human players


I agree, i understand that the real thing needs two people but in Arma its not common to have two people in one plane. Would it be possible to add an option in the editor to chose the owner of the TGP similar to the weapons owner? This would make it usable for everyone. I really like the plane but we cant use it in our missions because of that limitation.

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Can anyone point me to the file in the .cfg ammo that relates to the 300WM used by the M2010 ESR? I've spent 40mins scrolling through looking for either 300WM, 762x67 or Mk48 Mod 1 and I must be blind as I can't work out which one it is.🙄 And also ideally let me know what parameters are used in the weapon and ammo .cfgs to determine accuracy etc.




On 4/27/2020 at 5:34 PM, reyhard said:

Small progress update: MATV received quite big overhaul of its interior received some extra features.


On above video, you can also see some experimental method to get inertia on weapons - here is example video with bumped up effect to make it quite visible - Inertia on static weapon - test video


Beside that, aiming down sights effect on some scopes was improved so you can see bit more through them. Some post processing were also added to them, taking use of latest engine fix.





These look great! I wonder if the aimpoints could be increased in brightness? Against many skies they are impossible to see.

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On 5/4/2020 at 8:21 PM, reaper lok said:

Did you mean on your ARMA 3 main menu screen where it has the RHS Options tab (top left of the screen for me).  You can also access this menu while in-game by pressing ESCAPE KEP and also there will be an RHS Menu option (it can be easily overlooked as it kinda blends into the background IMO).

In this menu you will need to access the scopes section and either check a box for 2D, 3D or PiP (if I remember correctly).


Hope this helps 🙂

That`s excatly for what I ask !!! THAAAAAANKS!!!😊

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2 hours ago, t.g.1911 said:

That`s excatly for what I ask !!! THAAAAAANKS!!!😊

You are most welcome 🙂


I had an issue using the RCO scope and was wondering how when I watch players on YouTube that they had this nice 3D looking scope - then I found the RHS options TAB and all was good with the world again 🙂


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Some tutorial for pontons and tug would be great, IE what car is needed to transport how to attach tug to pontoon and deliver IT


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