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I believe he maybe talking about the Carrier, Vests/ones with sleeves  clip into the Uniform....


Ahh got lost in translation, thanks.

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No worries man, I'm trying to unfuck some rotors so I was a bit distracted myself, all good man.

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I mean that airsoft aks-74u's almost always come with dovetail sight mounts and real 74u's are issued with none.


Therefore, most game designers use airsoft versions for 3d meshes rather then doing some actual research and/or consulting people who deal in history/actual firearms.

Thus we end up with Call of Honor: Advanced Battlefield's full of 74u's with red dots, PSO's and whatnot...

Only AK-74UN (Night version) can have optics.

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Hey, first I just want to say that I love the mod. It definitely was the reason I migrated from Arma II to Arma III.


I know you guys are big on realism and I'm just wondering if you are going to change the Mike model Black Hawk so it has the upturned exhaust system. 

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I posted a while back about making an init for vehicle loadouts. I can make it works flawlessly on vanilla vehicles, but the RHS vehicles (rhsusf_m1025_d for example) doesn't take the init i give it. It doesnt clean the inventory and never spawns anything. Here is my init:

if (isDedicated) then {
    clearWeaponCargoGlobal this;
    clearMagazineCargoGlobal this;
    clearItemCargoGlobal this;
	clearBackpackCargoGlobal this;
    this addMagazineCargoGlobal["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Red",50];
	this addMagazineCargoGlobal["hlc_30rnd_556x45_EPR_G36",8];
	this addMagazineCargoGlobal["rhs_200rnd_556x45_T_SAW",8];
    this addMagazineCargoGlobal["1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell",20];
	this addMagazineCargoGlobal["rhs_m136_hedp_mag",4];
	this addMagazineCargoGlobal["HandGrenade",10];
	this addMagazineCargoGlobal["SmokeShell",10];
	this addWeaponCargoGlobal["rhs_weap_M136_hedp",4];
	this addWeaponCargoGlobal["toolkit",1];
	this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_fieldDressing",50];
	this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_morphine",20];
	this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_epinephrine",10];
	this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_bloodIV_250",5];
	this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_EntrenchingTool",2];
	this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_TacticalLadder_Pack",1];
	this addItemCargoGlobal ["ACE_wirecutter",1];

As i said, it works on vanilla vehicles and i used to make the loadouts on the same humvees and it worked, but since the 3den update or maybe before that, it doesn't register anymore.

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has there been an update that fixes the long range sound of the Ak's yet? Are we still on version 4.1? 

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I can't seem to find their source for that, and pictures of the weapon with no other context aren't reliable since there's a lot of AKS-74U parts kits in the United States. I'm not saying they don't exist, I'm saying there's no solid evidence online that they do.

Me either - been looking, but not found anything yet!

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Me either - been looking, but not found anything yet!

Look at my post from previous page..... All late versions seems to have it.

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Look at my post from previous page..... All late versions seems to have it.

Polish fansites aren't any more reliable then English fansites. Have you any proof of that as an issue weapon rather then a small series of prototypes or a Bulgarian knockoff? 

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Polish fansites aren't any more reliable then English fansites. Have you any proof of that as an issue weapon rather then a small series of prototypes or a Bulgarian knockoff? 

I cant believe that all "fansites" have talket to each other and write the same.... Late version uses polymer. Thats not prototypes :)

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Hey, maybe somebody already noticed. The Secondary 40mm GL Standalone version only zeeroes 50m and 100m.

Can you fix this?

Do you have something like a release date or a roughly time for the next update?

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Do you have something like a release date or a roughly time for the next update?

As soon as it's done.

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Hey, maybe somebody already noticed. The Secondary 40mm GL Standalone version only zeeroes 50m and 100m.

Can you fix this?

Do you have something like a release date or a roughly time for the next update?

well it will only go up to 150m* so that will help.

* real range....

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Hi guys, I am posting this in here because my problem has to do primarily with the UH-60 from RHS.  Ever since the Eden update, I can't get the AI of the UH60 to work correctly.  For example, when trying to setup a simple UH60 AI troop insertion, once the UH60 takes off, it just flies straight up, continuing to increase altitude indefinitely.  


Trying to troubleshoot this problem, I placed several other helicopters down, all with the same conditions as the RHS UH60, including same waypoint type, conditions, ect, and then ran a test of the mission.  All of the other helicopters took off, then proceeded to the TRANSPORT UNLOAD waypoint, dropped the troops off, and then proceeded to the next waypoint perfectly.  The UH-60, however, just took off and continued to ascend straight up into the air until it was ultimately out of my sight.


While the above test seemed to limit my problem to the RHS UH-60, I did have a similar problem on a mission on Altis that I made with BI's Ghosthawk after it would hit certain waypoints, it wouldn't continue on, it would just start ascending straight up until it was "gone".


I don't know if this is a know issue or just something simple that I am missing, but I have been using the Map Editor tools for well over five years now and have never had so much trouble with AI helicopter waypoints and control as I am now.  Any help/feedback would be appreciated.



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Hey, maybe somebody already noticed. The Secondary 40mm GL Standalone version only zeeroes 50m and 100m.

Can you fix this?

Do you have something like a release date or a roughly time for the next update?

Please do not ask for updates from mod makers.This is considered spam on the forums. Thanks

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Please do not ask for updates from mod makers.This is considered spam on the forums. Thanks



Is it so hard to talk with the community?

The UGL Standalone doesnt work anyway. 

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Is it so hard to talk with the community?

The UGL Standalone doesnt work anyway.

Post it on the feedback tracker.
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I am not entirely sure how to do that at this point.  I just wanted to know if anyone else is experiencing the same problem at this point or if I am missing something.

Ive seen this happen with the vanilla ghosthawk, so im guessing the uh60 would inherit from that. Meaning it is a bis issue not rhs...

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