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I think it would be cool that as time goes on the loot spawns get less and less. Say you take 10 buildings and loot them. Then there would be say an hour delay before loot respawns, but when it does, only 6 or 8 of those buildings spawn loot again. Next time, maybe 4 or 5 of the buildings...  an so on and so on.,,


I don't think I would ever be able to live long enough to get the spawns down to zero, and it would make you try to set  up a base location between major city areas.  I guess you could supplement the loss of loot spawns with having raiders with more items on them, like they have been picking up loot along the way.


Probably not the best at describing my idea.



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A few other ideas off the top of my head before I head out, Haleks:


1) Random zed can be blind and/or deaf; blind ones can't use LOS-based functions to see players/raiders and deaf ones don't respond to gunfire or footsteps of players/raiders. Say, 5% of either on a zed. It would add unpredictability when a player is attempting to assess a location to go loot and possibly could be a counter-balancer if zed are found to be too difficult especially in large numbers.


2) Modify zed LOS and audial distance functions based on degree of rain. The heavier the rain, the less on each.



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And maybe off topic, but would it be possible to pick up a rabbit and carry it until you find a knife?  Maybe the balance would be that one rabbit takes up a lot of room. And perhaps a time limit for how long the rabbit is good before the meat starts to turn.

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And maybe off topic, but would it be possible to pick up a rabbit and carry it until you find a knife?  Maybe the balance would be that one rabbit takes up a lot of room. And perhaps a time limit for how long the rabbit is good before the meat starts to turn.


If Haleks made an item class object that was a rabbit and then created a custom scroll option to retrieve the corpse and create the item into your inventory, yep.



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Fast progression could be tweaked by making parts of the map (airfields where the best stuff is) highly radioactive and that you absolutely need to either obtain or craft (I'd personally vote for crafting option) full protection suit with closed circuit oxygen rebreather to enter it (like in S.T.A.L.K.E.R) - i.e. that we need gas mask (crafting: used gas mask + filter), oxygen rebreather (crafting: air tanks + air hoses + valves + O2 scrubber), environmental suit (crafting: NBC protective material + rubber boots + belts and harness + ducktape) - basically to have full NBC protection and only then we could enter those areas to loot otherwise it would mean certain death. Items required for crafting should be "map-specific" i.e. that you must venture in northern and eastern parts of map to find them, some in industrial buildings some in construction, some in civilian towns. "Hi-end" gear places (airfields) that are highly radioactive should be marked on the map tho with explanation what we need to do first in order to enter.

Moreover, I'd suggest making vehicles not only damaged initially, but also contaminated and that we need to perform decontamination (required materials: 20L water canister + hose + alcohol + detergent + scrub) of them prior to using the vehicles. Toolbox should be required item for salvaging and installing repair parts and not to fix broken parts as it is now. I'd definitely love to see separate items which are used in repairs like in ARMA 2 i.e. wheels, windscreen, engine, fueltank etc. Add option to salvage .50BMG ammo from other armed offroad vehicles with mounted machine gun. I totally agree with Kodabar about making wheels a cumbersome load to carry (for example, we should be able to carry only 1 wheel/engine parts/fueltank and it would be possible to carry only single item in Carryall backpack which has biggest capacity. Additionally, those items should have larger mass 10,15, 20 kg for wheel, fueltank, engine respectively - so you'd have to trade your own mobility for item itself). Vehicles should have visible Geiger counter reading if we have geiger counter with us because engine noise masks geiger sound. Vehicles should have 1 FAK with 3 uses in them (each use restoring 25HP), and FAKs should be craftable (bandage + morphine + syringe + sticking plaster)

Note that I'm emphasizing making vehicles a drag to obtain, because really, when you get to airfield with toolbox, and you fix the Hunter vehicle there, and that's the end of raiders and renegades - the vehicle is lightly armored and you can just drive over the enemies. It's such a huge game changer, and I see it as cheating.

P.S. There is an exploit

with >>outlawed's mag repack mod<< i.e. you can use "ke ammo" repack option to say use fuel to reload matches or anti-rad pills or water purification pills - this is something that should definitely be looked into and blocked. It's illogical and spoils the fun. I discovered it by an accident while trying to combine two jerrycans and ended up combining jerrycan with anti-rad pills, but I refrain myself from using this - it aint fun at all.

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I know people always want base-building features (I have hundreds of emails from people asking for that in single player)


Yeah, for whatever reason :D It's not my cup of tea at all, but hey, everybody is different.

I am not interested, in this kind of games I have no base, I am always on the road.

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+1 Kodabar, but the tempest fuel truck (the cargo portion in the back at least) doesn't have infinite fuel. It will eventually run out.


Quite. But I'll be dead long before that happens. So for practical purposes, it is in effect infinite when full. I should probably have phrased that better.


It reminds me of our old DayZ box we ran -- when we finally found a Huey, we struggled like hell to keep that thing in service because fuel was so difficult to come by. 
And it was great. Because we had to work at it and earn it the hard way.


Exactly. That's why I didn't like private hive servers. Fully-repaired, fully-fuelled helicopters all over the place. There's no fun when there's no challenge.

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Haleks, what is the best way to disable atmosphere (fog breathing/music/weather processing), on which level should it be done? Mission level? Your mod? But it has no config...? There are those Ravage missions around, some have turned weather off. Now there was the Altis one, no line of setovercast or rvg_Weather.sqf not executed, but still Altis starts with full cloud coverage... So I guess this is done by your mod or I have overlooked something in the missions.


There's no fun when there's no challenge.


As in all areas of life. Also in music. Through suffer/starving to maximum joy. Probably the magic in DayZ: Someone, either the mission designer, or a "hacker!!!!111!!!!" (=maximum enemy -> joy) executes a command "spawnvehicle blah" in a computer game... And the suffering player hordes, not having seen vehicles since hours, feel like they are king now... The others shout "hunt the hacker ugh agh", all have their entertainment. May look different for them IRL...  :ph34r:

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Haleks, what is the best way to disable atmosphere (fog breathing/music/weather processing), on which level should it be done? Mission level? Your mod? But it has no config...? There are those Ravage missions around, some have turned weather off. Now there was the Altis one, no line of setovercast or rvg_Weather.sqf not executed, but still Altis starts with full cloud coverage... So I guess this is done by your mod or I have overlooked something in the missions.


It is usually done via the Atmosphere module, except for the demo mission (wich was written before the modules) where everything is launched from the init.sqf.

Wich mission do you want to modify? The showcase?


EDIT : A few things about bdc's suggestions :

Suppressors are already accounted for in the code.

Thanks for the caching system example; but there're many many things that I've tried while developping the mod, including a simple caching system.

But the results at the time weren't very conclusive : most of the action happens around the player, so there's no sense caching infantry or zombies.

It could be usefull for the vehicles though : as the player move around, more & more of them will spawn, possibly impacting performances on the long term on big terrains...

I haven't seen any framerate drop justifying it though, but I don't play as much as you guys, so feel free to share your feedback on this!

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someone talked about URAL map.


I gave it a go with a simple ROADS porting.....

lot of error messages on launch about the map (still dependant of Arma 2 contents) and finally a great frustration.


this map is really cool and a very good idea but suffered a lake of enterable building.


I have to check if I didn't make mistakes in my scripts before I launch the mission but:


-I was unable to find a single loot container

-RVG weather seems to fail (great blue sky without a single cloud....

I think failures a mostly  from the terrain build than on RAVAGE itself.....


question for Haleks:

I think I can use almost the same script for the rvg_gearlist , to spawn choosen vehicles from mods in the place of vanilla cars for Bandit cars from the init of the mission.

waitUntil {!isNil "rvg_banditCars"};   ???? is "rvg_banditCars" the right call ?????

in the same vision to offer the most "mods friendly" mission as possible, I also took the liberty to try something on the amb_helis.sqf :



_heliC = ["B_Heli_Transport_01_camo_F","B_mas_UH60M_SF","kyo_MH47E_Ramp"];
_heli = createVehicle [(_heliC select (floor (random (count _heliC)))), _pos, [], 0, "FLY"];



I didn't test it yet but I think It should work.

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@rsoftokz :

There is no array defining what vehicles to assign to bandits at the moment, so the only way to achieve that would be to recompile the function spawning bandits.

I guess it's something I could improve in the code; there is however a list of vehicles for the wreck spawner, called rvg_wrecks. You can add any vehicle you want the usual way.


Your code for the ambiant helis should work all right. ;)

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I just met Land Rovers as spawn bandits cars, I know it's an option of RVG scripts (when Warfarethai mod is activated) I wish I could do the same for Massi and EricJ vehicles... no hurry to recompile anything, if it doesn't work, it doesn't work ;)


I like the "Ghost" but I thought it could be cool if the ambiant helo was sometimes an another model... just to increase realism and to have something different from times to times....
I have some other ideas....just need to dig on Internet to find scripts or ideas of scripts and try them.... 



I gave a second go to URAL... it's a mess....nothing work, no RVG_loot, no RVG_weather.... no way to climb a single ladder or open a single door to enterable buildings......
I might spend hours to add building and objects with XCam but i'm not sure it is worth the time... maybe I should focus on Chernarus (CUP Terrain Pack Edition)....

I figured out how to have RVG_survival functions on a COOP version of ROADS this WE with my son....it was so simple....

I just added this into the init windows of the second character on the editor:

0 = [] execVM "\ravage\code\survival\survival_init.sqf";

and then my son and I have to find food, drinks and survival items.


we spent a great moment playin RAVAGE  together...

as you already told, AI squads (and AIs in a genearal way ) are a little bit "too easy to kill" and for now are some kind of " gear/weaponry " source....

I guess we should expect more rough opposition forces.

Hope you can figure it out in a next update.

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I gave a second go to URAL... it's a mess....nothing work, no RVG_loot, no RVG_weather.... no way to climb a single ladder or open a single door to enterable buildings......

I might spend hours to add building and objects with XCam but i'm not sure it is worth the time... maybe I should focus on Chernarus (CUP Terrain Pack Edition)....

I just try a simple port on the map Bornholm (it is so beautiful !!!). I ported JCE edition of RAVEGE with some element of ROADS (reloading vehicles, extended list of weapons). All works well with the exception of weather and loot in A2 style buildings. FPS is OK.

It fully playeble, but it would be more interesting to have a chance to loot all buildings.

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Mmm, interesting news from BIS regarding future improvements on animal behaviour... ;)



The video in the Sitrep gives me hope for some K-9 activity sometime soon in Ravage, whether it be companion or foe.


When it rains my inclination is to double click an empty can to collect heavens tears.......but I'm told "there is no water around"  


Could/can collecting rain water be a Ravage feature 

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When it rains my inclination is to double click an empty can to collect heavens tears.......but I'm told "there is no water around"  


Could/can collecting rain water be a Ravage feature

Hehe, why not?

I'll try something, but it will most likely restore a ridiculous amount of hydration.

That makes me think : some sort of rain collector could be a cool thing to craft - when/if crafting is implemented...



Anyhow, I've been playing with a few things lately :


Tweaked :

Added more uniforms from WarfareThai Mod.

Removed a few high-end uniforms from NPC loadouts.*

Zed LOS now affected by rain & fog.

Minor tweaks made to the demo mission.

Various changes to the loot system.

Buildings will only spawn loot once a day.

Tweaked Fatigue & Weapon Sway configurations.

Several changes to zombie attack animation & handling.

Zombie damage resistance has been towned down a bit.

Minor tweaks to Status Display.

Re-wrote hunting system : double-click on a knife from your inventory to gut a nearby animal.


Fixed :

Fixed some calculation errors with zed LOS.

Wrong building model replacement causing issues with zeds stuck inside.

Radioactive zones sometimes spawning around NPC camps.

Minor fixes to the Zombie Spawn system.

Player unable to gather fuel from most fuel pumps.

Groaning sounds when injured weren't disabled for all voice profiles after the Nexus update.

[RHS] Fixed an error in the weapons loot list.


New :

Zombies have a small chance to grab the player's backpack when attacking from behind.

Added a few safeguards & debug logs.

Zombies can't spawn when there's a human nearby.**

Fixing wheels now requires spare tires (but doesn't consume toolkits anymore).

Fuel sources hold a limited amount of fuel and can be depleted.

Added suport for Sigma6's Birds & Bees.

*Note to mission makers : lvl2 & lvl3 uniforms no longer exist.

**It is possible to permanently secure a small location by ordering friendlies to hold it.



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Hehe, why not?

I'll try something, but it will most likely restore a ridiculous amount of hydration.

That makes me think : some sort of rain collector could be a cool thing to craft - when/if crafting is implemented...



Well it can be restore a ridiculous  amount of hydration ..yes..

But with a small config it can be almost 'no go' to carry it because of its size/mass.

This can force the player to use the tent (and deploy the empty bucket) as a "primitive base".


Dont worry tho about "we give too many comforts toplayer" because the game it's already 2 difficult to survive

with zombies-bandits-radiation-survival mechanics  :)

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This one (Ravage_JCEdit.Altis.pbo):


I think it touches initial weather and also does fog breathing, which I do not like on Altis...


Hey, halek is right, i disabled the script command but uses the module instead.  I did this because i wanted to use some of the features the atmosphere offers but not all.  So just open the mission in editor and look for the module to edit the settings, or delete it altogether.


I was working on a version and have it designed, where i am creating a missions where you have to find your lost brother.  You can find him by looking for purple smoke (Randomized location).  I am working on finding and creating sound affects via radio to know when you're getting closer, but still a WIP.  Not sure if anyone would be interested in that.  Anyways if anyone has any SF websites that offer free clips please feel free to share.  More info will be on Cosmic's topic of this MOD/Port.

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A couple more for you, Haleks:


1) Getting dirty water (for empty bottles or cans) from the blue water barrels


2) Rainwater filling water bottles but perhaps having to be placed on the ground and sit for a while (would requiring monitoring of course)



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It's still all about getting single player right.


Not a bad thing, I admit it. We see too many nice mods like this one to be massively multiplayer. I really hate this. Like all this game they make since some time, massively multiplayer. Like STAR WARS Battlefront. What a mess. I like this game, but massively multiplayer, when seeing the amount of cheaters, it's just waste of time.


And finally, do you considering the request to make an alternative version of Ravage base scenario with only survivors ?

Or maybe adding infected from "Zombies & Demons", all focused around and in towns and close to structures ?


I used it, and with the good adjustments, it can be really good, the animations are really great, the spawning/deleting scripts are great, no performance impact, and resistance level available.


I always used the "Weakest" level. More realistic. I dislike the fact to be obligated to shoot to many times to kill. Not realistic.


I think that Ravage + Zombies & Demons (Slowest and Weakest Zombies) with Ravage adjustements and more survivors should be really a great experience.

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Hey all -

I see a few of you are using the JC edit.  I posted a new version here.  Keep an eye on Cosmic's topic for more updates and to report issues/suggestions.



I just wanted to follow up on water sources in AIA maps.  Let me know if you have any questions about this.  One of my releases uses takistan style map and those water sources are not working.  Just want to be sure you're aware even if its not a priority for ya at the moment


Also IDK if it was just me, but ran into issues extracting fuel from one car to add to another.  I had both the hose and empty fuel can, and when outside the car with fuel double clicking on both the hose and empty can kept reporting no fuel near by.  It was on a RHS vehicle if that helps.


Also suggestion about zombies

1. What do people think about being infected when a zombie attacks you?  Then you need like meds to treat infection.

2. Improvements on zombie attacks...if you keep walking away they will never be able to attack you unless you get cornered.  I don't have any ideas at the moment, but i know you talked about this earlier...



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Hey all -

I see a few of you are using the JC edit.  I posted a new version here.  Keep an eye on Cosmic's topic for more updates and to report issues/suggestions.



I just wanted to follow up on water sources in AIA maps.  Let me know if you have any questions about this.  One of my releases uses takistan style map and those water sources are not working.  Just want to be sure you're aware even if its not a priority for ya at the moment


Also IDK if it was just me, but ran into issues extracting fuel from one car to add to another.  I had both the hose and empty fuel can, and when outside the car with fuel double clicking on both the hose and empty can kept reporting no fuel near by.  It was on a RHS vehicle if that helps.


Also suggestion about zombies

1. What do people think about being infected when a zombie attacks you?  Then you need like meds to treat infection.

2. Improvements on zombie attacks...if you keep walking away they will never be able to attack you unless you get cornered.  I don't have any ideas at the moment, but i know you talked about this earlier...



Thank you!

To syphon/ refuel car you just need to scroll interaction menu 

About water. May be just add A3 water barrels on map manually?

I'm trying to port a mission to Bornholm. I think it is very good map fo Ravege.

I trying to solve  the problem with the absence of loot in arma 2 style buildings. Now about 95% types of buildings support loot on this map. Several types of buildings does not yet support the loot, maybe I can fix it. 

Is there any way to find out classname of building (оn the map) in 2d/3d redactor?


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It is usually done via the Atmosphere module, except for the demo mission (wich was written before the modules) where everything is launched from the init.sqf.

Wich mission do you want to modify? The showcase?


EDIT : A few things about bdc's suggestions :

Suppressors are already accounted for in the code.

Thanks for the caching system example; but there're many many things that I've tried while developping the mod, including a simple caching system.

But the results at the time weren't very conclusive : most of the action happens around the player, so there's no sense caching infantry or zombies.

It could be usefull for the vehicles though : as the player move around, more & more of them will spawn, possibly impacting performances on the long term on big terrains...

I haven't seen any framerate drop justifying it though, but I don't play as much as you guys, so feel free to share your feedback on this!


Suppressors - Good.


AIV_Manager - I'd use it anyways for the reason that eventually this will be a multi-player thing. Plus, it might not hurt to do some cleanup on the zombie corpses. I've noticed that either they don't delete for a long time or never at all. Every single object appears to have an effect on client FPS because it seems to affect server FPS. In other words, it's universal all around the board. I don't know why it's this way but it's just one more thing we developers have to work around (kind of like having to run headless clients sometimes). /shrug



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