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MP matter to synchronize a lot of things for all players:


for example on my own attemp to play coop with my son : rabbit appears for one computer, not on the other. same for a few AIs.

items empty in vehicles for the host, not for the other player 




I have a poor knowledge about MP but this is some of the matters I experenced.

not a big deal, but...

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I have a small request for you guys who have been having issues with the Geiger numerical display being off-screen.

If you could launch the editor mode and execute the following code from the console :

	"<t size='0.75'>some text</t>",
	safezoneX + 0.75 * safezoneW, safeZoneY + 0.95 * safezoneH, 5, 0, 0, 888
] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;

You should see some text at the bottom right corner of your screen; if you could confirm that the above works, that would be sweet.

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I have a small request for you guys who have been having issues with the Geiger numerical display being off-screen.

If you could launch the editor mode and execute the following code from the console :

	"<t size='0.75'>some text</t>",
	safezoneX + 0.75 * safezoneW, safeZoneY + 0.95 * safezoneH, 5, 0, 0, 888
] spawn bis_fnc_dynamicText;

You should see some text at the bottom right corner of your screen; if you could confirm that the above works, that would be sweet.

It works, however the text "some text" is not fully shown - I'm running 1680x1050px resolution on 22'' widescreen monitor

Here's how it looks:


Edit: Changing values to 0.73 and 0.96 places it perfectly visible in bottom right corner for my resolution.

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Thanks Lecter!

No problem mate, I hope it will be possible to make it work in next Ravage update along with some of those suggestions, primarily more nutrition from hunted roasted rabbit meat.

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1920x1080 - 16:9




1920x1080 - 16:9




2560x1440 - 16:9

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Running 16:10 monitor @1920x1200 resolution.



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All right, so it just needs a small adjustment for 16:10 screens; thanks guys!

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Hi guys!


Quick note about FPS issues occuring after several days ingame : if, by any chance, one of guys is playing vanilla (Ravage + CBA) and is experiencing said framerate drops, feel free to send me your saves!

I could easily check how many objects have been spawned, waiting to be cleaned-up etc... I presume it is caused by the vehicles spawn system, but it doesn't hurt to make sure.


You can find the saves in : \Documents\Arma 3\Saved\rvg_missions

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I have two questions Haleks:
1. Can you enable us to salvage .50cal ammunition from armed offroad pickup trucks and give option to reload it onto vehicle we fixed. I have my AI gunner shooting couple of times at zeds despite "Hold fire" order. And that ammunition is going down rather fast. Normally we want to save it for possible helicopter encounter.

2. I dont want to be disrespectful to religious people, but can you do something about church bells? When we're looting in town it's practically ringing festival, I guess due to accelerated time factor church bells are ringing so often, it's even worse when there are two bells in church tower. Is there something you can do to shut them up. It's annoying as hell.

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I have two questions Haleks:

1. Can you enable us to salvage .50cal ammunition from armed offroad pickup trucks and give option to reload it onto vehicle we fixed. I have my AI gunner shooting couple of times at zeds despite "Hold fire" order. And that ammunition is going down rather fast. Normally we want to save it for possible helicopter encounter.

2. I dont want to be disrespectful to religious people, but can you do something about church bells? When we're looting in town it's practically ringing festival, I guess due to accelerated time factor church bells are ringing so often, it's even worse when there are two bells in church tower. Is there something you can do to shut them up. It's annoying as hell.


Well I don't think manually reloading 50 cals is supported in vanilla, so that'll require a bit of fiddling - but it's doable.

Good point for the churches, I'll see what I can do!

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All right, so it just needs a small adjustment for 16:10 screens; thanks guys!


I've located the save - how do I send it to you?

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Well I don't think manually reloading 50 cals is supported in vanilla, so that'll require a bit of fiddling - but it's doable.

Good point for the churches, I'll see what I can do!

In order to balance things, I'd suggest making it similar like syphoning fuel - i.e. that we cannot take full load i.e. 3 belts from one car, but say 30 or 50 rnds (but this would require combining a few to get it as a full belt) per car and make them a bit heavy to carry - like weight of a tire for example, 12.7x99mm rounds are indeed heavy. Or maybe simply placing one full belt in car as item when we access its inventory, that is if combining partial belts is a problematic to make? It's not a priority tho, but it would be nice to see it implemented.

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I've located the save - how do I send it to you?


Just upload it anywhere you want and PM me the download link. ;)

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Regarding the reports of FPS drop.....


On the latest Ravage build, the longest i survived was the sixth day (death came by way of radiation sickness).

This was actually the longest I have lasted thus far, my average existence is four to five days 

My frame-rate stayed pretty solid throughout the whole play-through, averaging 50-55 fps, only dropping to 45 when i hit the big towns.

So for me, I haven't experienced the massive FPS drop as the days tick by as reported elsewhere, in fact performance has been strong ever since v.010

Hopefully you can garner enough feedback from other players to determine whether it's a Ravage issue or not.  

Overall Ravage has proved, to me at least, to be the best performing mission of it's genre so far


Since the Nexus update, i play Ravage with the following mods : 



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I have two questions Haleks:

1. Can you enable us to salvage .50cal ammunition from armed offroad pickup trucks and give option to reload it onto vehicle we fixed. I have my AI gunner shooting couple of times at zeds despite "Hold fire" order. And that ammunition is going down rather fast. Normally we want to save it for possible helicopter encounter.



the script below is from Rydygier for Pilgrimage

you just have to drive your car close to an armed one and "search for ammunitions":

_veh = assignedVehicle player;

_nV = (position _veh) nearEntities [["Air","LandVehicle"], 20];
_nV = _nV - [_veh];

if (({(count (crew _x)) < 1} count _nV) < 1) exitWith {hint "There is no any abandoned vehicle near"};

RYD_JR_AmmoSearch = true;

_txt = "Searching near vehicles...";
0.5 fadeSound 0;
TitleText [_txt,"BLACK OUT",0.55];

sleep 1;

_type = typeOf _veh;

_weapons = [];

_wps = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "weapons";

if (isClass _wps) then
	_weapons = _weapons + (getArray _wps)

_turretsClass = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "Turrets";

if (isClass _turretsClass) then
	for "_i" from 0 to ((count _turretsClass) - 1) do
		_class = _turretsClass select _i;
		if (isClass _class) then
			_class = configName _class;
			_tWeapons = _turretsClass >> _class >> "weapons";
			if (isArray _tWeapons) then
				_tWeapons = getArray _tWeapons;				
				_weapons = _weapons + _tWeapons
_weapClass = configFile >> "CfgWeapons";
_neededMags = [];

	_mags = _weapClass >> _x >> "magazines";
	if (isArray _mags) then
		_mags = getArray _mags;
		_neededMags = _neededMags + _mags
foreach _weapons;

_avMags = [];

	_vh = _x;
	_ma = magazinesAmmo _vh;
	if ((count _ma) > 0) then
		_avMags set [(count _avMags),[_ma,_vh]];
foreach _nV;

_ct = 0;

	_mags = _x select 0;
	_vh = _x select 1;
		_mag = _x;
		_name = _mag select 0;

		if (_name in _neededMags) then
			_veh addMagazine _mag;
			_vh removeMagazine _name;
			_ct = _ct + 1
	foreach _mags
foreach _avMags;

0.5 fadeSound 1;
TitleText [_txt,"BLACK IN",0.55];

if (_ct < 1) then 
	_txt = "You didn't found any useful magazines"
	_txtL = "magazines";
	if (_ct == 1) then {_txtL = "magazine"};
	_txt = format ["You gathered %1 useful %2",_ct,_txtL];
sleep 0.6;

TitleText [_txt,"PLAIN",0.55];

RYD_JR_AmmoSearch = false;

 this can help I guess....

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Regarding the reports of FPS drop.....


On the latest Ravage build, the longest i survived was the sixth day (death came by way of radiation sickness).

This was actually the longest I have lasted thus far, my average existence is four to five days 

My frame-rate stayed pretty solid throughout the whole play-through, averaging 50-55 fps, only dropping to 45 when i hit the big towns.

So for me, I haven't experienced the massive FPS drop as the days tick by as reported elsewhere, in fact performance has been strong ever since v.010

Hopefully you can garner enough feedback from other players to determine whether it's a Ravage issue or not.  

Overall Ravage has proved, to me at least, to be the best performing mission of it's genre so far





It has to be the mission - since this is the only one I'm playing that experiences severe performance degradation over time. Normally in other persistent missions the performance maintains solidly (usually until I die). However regardless of whether it is solely the mission is ultimately irrelevant - since the system people are running the mission on will be different from person to person, it's best to try and cater to as many people as possible. It is very possible that my system is struggling loading due to RAM or some other bottleneck at a certain point in the mission. Not everyone will experience the same performance. But I have noticed that the more wrecks and objects that load over multiple days of exploring seem to be an indicator that certain objects aren't caching out properly. In my current day at day 5 there are wrecks everywhere. It seems they continue to load in over time. I'm now playing with around 20-25 fps when looking out over water or even the ground and that value drops down to even 10-15 when looking anywhere else. For the first 2 days I'll have a solid 50-60 fps and there are very few car wrecks. That being said I am loving the absolute **** out of this mission. It's been the closest mission or game in a long time that makes me remember the good ol' STALKER days! 

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I think there's an issue with radiation, gas masks, oxygen rebreathers and protection suits. They dont work. I've found all items (M50 gas mask dark lens, hi-tech oxygen rebreather, military protection suit) and yet I still get radiation sickness at 32-35 rads mark. Normal gas mask isnt preventing any radiation either.

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Hello guys,i need help,i install this mod with all instruction,and have problem with zombies,when i spawn,zombies bugged in buildings and dont attack,move,nothing,and when i shoot,nothing happen,zombie still stand and nothing,Ai and others work normal,but zombies no :/

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I think there's an issue with radiation, gas masks, oxygen rebreathers and protection suits. They dont work. I've found all items (M50 gas mask dark lens, hi-tech oxygen rebreather, military protection suit) and yet I still get radiation sickness at 32-35 rads mark. Normal gas mask isnt preventing any radiation either.


Hi Lecter,

FYI : protection gear isn't supposed to prevent you from being sick, it only slows down your radiation exposure.

Eventhough you're more resiliant, you still have to watch out for Rads, even with a full set.


Hello guys,i need help,i install this mod with all instruction,and have problem with zombies,when i spawn,zombies bugged in buildings and dont attack,move,nothing,and when i shoot,nothing happen,zombie still stand and nothing,Ai and others work normal,but zombies no :/


I'm guessing your game isn't up-to-date?

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Hi Lecter,

FYI : protection gear isn't supposed to prevent you from being sick, it only slows down your radiation exposure.

Eventhough you're more resiliant, you still have to watch out for Rads, even with a full set.



I'm guessing your game isn't up-to-date?

I try reinstal,nothing,i have original steam version,1 .54

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I try reinstal,nothing,i have original steam version,1 .54

You have CBA installed?

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Hi Lecter,

FYI : protection gear isn't supposed to prevent you from being sick, it only slows down your radiation exposure.

Eventhough you're more resiliant, you still have to watch out for Rads, even with a full set.

Thanks for elaboration. So it's just time-related, i.e. when we have full gear we practically have more time being in irradiated zone before we get that 32-35 rads mark when radiation sickness sets in. Okay got it.

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