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8 hours ago, MuRaZorWitchKING said:

Possibly looking for beta testers to test the latest, and most current version of my mission "The Burning Rain" with tons of things edited, added, and tweaked I am mainly looking towards stability, and longevity of mission game play (can play for long amounts of time without crashes, bugs, etc...) I'm in the midst of testing myself but I don't have the time to do very long sessions but I will definitely try to do so. 🙂


I am also curious on the fixes of the in-scenario missions and how they'll do with long playtime within the map, as well as how the weather system holds out as well.


If interested shoot me a PM, I only really need one person, but if more would like to test that is fine as well. I'm looking for people that can play a SINGLE mission for lengths at a time, and doesn't mind playing it for possibly more than a week or two?  


You will also receive credits on Steam workshop page, and even within the scenario’s diary page.  (beta tester, tester, pre-release tester, whatever name you want, you choose! ) I’m even open to adding others within the map itself, and make special characters!! 😉 


I am very close to updated release, and just want to make sure I got most things ironed out before another update... (been working on this update since late May...)


Thanks all! 🍻

you could always ask Robaxx lmao XD im dyin:rofl:

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Browsing over my hints and I am wanting to add in an image of the "Land_Antibiotic_F" but the only image I could find is located within "\A3\Structures_F_EPA\Items\Medical\data\Antibiotic_F.p3d" Does anyone know if ".p3d" images are accessible through "BIS_fnc_advHint" or are the advHints limited to ".paa" files only?





EDIT: it seems “.jpg” files work with advhints, so I’m just going to use a “.jpg” file. 

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editorPreview = "\A3\EditorPreviews_F\Data\CfgVehicles\Land_Antibiotic_F.jpg";

Just place an item down in the editor then open it in Config Viewer, you'll find all the info you need. :rthumb:

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I have added the drop loot script but when I die my own loot is getting replaced by the scripts loot. Any idea why that would be happening ? 


Update:Found the issue

Edited by sniperb
I am blind

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3 hours ago, EO said:

editorPreview = "\A3\EditorPreviews_F\Data\CfgVehicles\Land_Antibiotic_F.jpg";


I ended up just grabbing the “.jpg” yeah, all is good now brother. 🙂 


Thanks for the assist! 🍻 


On another note, the “test” mission is up on Steam set up as private. 😉 


My mission is almost 250MB... Ravage is just over 410MB... That shows how many files, and things have gone into the making of this mission. 😂 

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Does anyone here use the Drop loot script with Ravage? 


All I want to do is add a backpack to the zombies with loot in it. Atm I have loot spawning but it spawns on players  when they die too. 

This is the part I need to change but im not sure if zombies are civilian or not:


//________________ you can select to enable the script with the side of the killed persons ________________    

    && {(    
        (side group _killed) == civilian)         
        ) then
    //systemChat format ["killed"];

    //________________ Just a kill notification ________________    
    _distance = _killer distance2D _killed;
    [ format ["HIT %1m", floor _distance,"align = 'center' size = '1' font='PuristaBold'","#FBFCFE"]]
    ]]spawn BIS_fnc_typeText2;        



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Hey guys I was wondering if the Ravage Apex Mod was still required to disable light sources and or fuel stations on Tanoa ?

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22 hours ago, MuRaZorWitchKING said:

Does anyone know


try :

_picture = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _class >> "picture");


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On 7/21/2019 at 5:11 PM, sniperb said:

Does anyone here use the Drop loot script with Ravage? 


Hello there sniperb !


It's way better to ask these questions on the certain ( Drop Loot ) topic , but generally as i understand you want to add a loadout to your Zombies ?

Check this code :


*** It's a little bit mix of some scripts and not tested , it should work though , if not tell me to fix this and if i have time i'll check it as well !


edit: ###WORKING



//________________	Author : GEORGE FLOROS [GR]	___________	19.06.19	_____________ 

________________ GF Zombie Spawner Script - Mod	________________

Not Published yet	SOON !

Please keep the Credits or add them to your Diary

Don't try to open this with the simple notepad.
For everything that is with comment  //  in front  or between /*
means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines.

You can open this ex:
with notepad++

ArmA 3 | Notepad ++ SQF tutorial

and also use the extra pluggins
(this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems )

or use any other program for editing .

For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in:

BI Forum Ravage Club Owner :

//________________ Debug info _____________
//________________ Set true or false  _____________

GF_ZS_Systemchat_info				= true;		
GF_ZS_diag_log_info					= true;

GF_ZS_Loadout_Select 				= 2;		//	1 = No change , 2 = Random , 3 = Custom (paste from arsenal)

	systemchat "GF_ZS_Loadout initializing";			

	diag_log "//________________	GF_ZS_Loadout initializing	________________";

GF_ZS_Loadout = {

//________________	exclude list	________________
	_list = [

	//  Max_Zombies  classnames
	switch (GF_ZS_Loadout_Select) do{

		case 1 : {
			//	No change
		case 2 : {

			if(!local _this) exitWith {};
			removeallweapons _this;
			removeAllItems _this;
			removeAllAssignedItems _this;
			if!(typeof _this in _list)then{removeUniform _this;};
			removeVest _this;
			removeBackpack _this;
			removeHeadgear _this;
			removeGoggles _this;

			//________________	_Uniform_array	________________
			_Uniform_array = ("getNumber (_x >> 'itemInfo' >> 'type') isEqualTo 801 && getNumber (_x>> 'scope') >1" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgWeapons"))apply{configName _x};

			//________________	_handgunWeapon_array	________________
			_handgunWeapon_array = ("getNumber (_x >> 'type') isEqualTo 2 && getNumber (_x>> 'scope') isEqualTo 2" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgWeapons"))apply{configName _x};

			_primaryWeapon_array = ("getNumber (_x >> 'type') isEqualTo 1 && getNumber (_x>> 'scope') isEqualTo 2" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgWeapons"))apply{configName _x};
			_secondaryWeapon_array = ("getNumber (_x >> 'type') isEqualTo 4 && getNumber (_x>> 'scope') isEqualTo 2" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgWeapons"))apply{configName _x};
			_Magazines_array = ("getNumber (_x >> 'scope') isEqualTo 2 && getNumber (_x >> 'type') in [256,16,2*256,3*256,6*256]"configClasses (configFile >> "CfgMagazines"))apply{configName _x};

			_Vests_array = ("getNumber (_x >> 'itemInfo' >> 'type') isEqualTo 701 && getNumber (_x>> 'scope') >1" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgWeapons"))apply{configName _x};
			_Headgear_array = ("getNumber (_x >> 'itemInfo' >> 'type') isEqualTo 605 && getNumber (_x>> 'scope') >1" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgWeapons"))apply{configName _x};
			_Backpacks_array = ("getNumber (_x >> 'isbackpack') isEqualTo 1 && getNumber (_x>> 'scope') >1 && getNumber (_x>> 'maximumLoad') != 0" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgVehicles"))apply{configName _x};
			_Goggles_array = ("getNumber (_x >> 'scope') > 1" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgGlasses"))apply{configName _x};

			_Items_array = ("getNumber (_x >> 'type') isEqualTo 4096 && getNumber (_x>> 'scope') >1" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgWeapons"))apply{configName _x};
			_Attachments_array = ("getNumber (_x >> 'type') isEqualTo 131072 && getNumber (_x>> 'scope') >1" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgWeapons"))apply{configName _x};

			_Binocular_and_Nvg_array = (
				"(!(getText( _x >> 'DLC' ) == 'mcc_sandbox_a3'))
				&& getNumber ( _x >> 'scope' ) isEqualTo 2	
				&& getNumber ( _x >> 'type' ) in [ 131072, 4096 ]
				&& getNumber ( _x >> 'ItemInfo' >> 'type' ) in [ 0 , 616 ] 
				"configClasses (configfile >> "CfgWeapons")
				)apply {configName _x};

			_Uniform = selectRandom _Uniform_array;
			_Headgear = selectRandom _Headgear_array; 
			_Goggles = selectRandom _Goggles_array; 
			_Vests = selectRandom _Vests_array; 
			_Backpacks = selectRandom _Backpacks_array;
			_primaryWeapon = selectRandom _primaryWeapon_array;
			_secondaryWeapon = selectRandom _secondaryWeapon_array;
			_handgunWeapon = selectRandom _handgunWeapon_array;

			//________________ _Items	________________

			_Items = selectRandom _Items_array;
			_Attachments = selectRandom _Attachments_array;
			_Magazines = selectRandom _Magazines_array;

			//________________	add Gear	________________
			if!(typeof _this in _list)then{_this forceAddUniform _Uniform;};
			if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addVest _Vests;};
			if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addHeadgear _Headgear;};
			if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addGoggles _Goggles;};
			if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addWeapon _primaryWeapon;};
			if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addWeaponGlobal _handgunWeapon;};

			if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addBackpack _Backpacks;};
			if(!(backpack _this isEqualTo ""))then{
				if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addWeapon _secondaryWeapon};
			//________________	addItemToUniform	________________
			for "_i" from 1 to 1 do{_this addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit";};

			//________________	addItemToVest	________________
			for "_i" from 1 to 1 do{_this addItemToVest "FirstAidKit";};
			//	for "_i" from 1 to 1 do{_this addItemToVest "HandGrenade";};
			//	for "_i" from 1 to 1 do{_this addItemToVest "MiniGrenade";};
			//	for "_i" from 1 to 1 do{_this addItemToVest "SmokeShell";};

			if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addItemToVest _Items;};
			if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addItemToVest _Attachments;};
			if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addItemToVest _Magazines;};
			for "_i" from 1 to random 6 do{
				_assignableItems = selectRandom _Binocular_and_Nvg_array;
				if(random 10 < 3)then{_this linkItem _assignableItems;};	
			//________________	add _primaryWeapon's compatible attachments	________________

			_primaryWeapon_MuzzleSlot = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" >> _primaryWeapon >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "MuzzleSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
			if(count _primaryWeapon_MuzzleSlot >= 1)then{_primaryWeapon_Muzzle = selectRandom _primaryWeapon_MuzzleSlot;
			if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addPrimaryWeaponItem _primaryWeapon_Muzzle;};}; 

			_primaryWeapon_CowsSlot = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" >> _primaryWeapon >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "CowsSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
			if(count _primaryWeapon_CowsSlot >= 1)then{_primaryWeapon_Optic = selectRandom _primaryWeapon_CowsSlot;
			if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addPrimaryWeaponItem _primaryWeapon_Optic;};}; 

			_primaryWeapon_PointerSlot = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" >> _primaryWeapon >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "PointerSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
			if(count _primaryWeapon_PointerSlot >= 1)then{_primaryWeapon_Pointer = selectRandom _primaryWeapon_PointerSlot;
			if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addPrimaryWeaponItem _primaryWeapon_Pointer;};}; 

			_primaryWeapon_UnderBarrelSlot = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" >> _primaryWeapon >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "UnderBarrelSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
			if(count _primaryWeapon_UnderBarrelSlot >= 1)then{_primaryWeapon_UnderBarrel = selectRandom _primaryWeapon_UnderBarrelSlot;
			if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addPrimaryWeaponItem _primaryWeapon_UnderBarrel;};}; 

			//________________	add _secondaryWeapon 's compatible attachments	________________

			_secondaryWeapon_CowsSlot = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" >> _secondaryWeapon >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "CowsSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
			if(count _secondaryWeapon_CowsSlot >= 1)then{_secondaryWeapon_Optic = selectRandom _secondaryWeapon_CowsSlot;
			if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addSecondaryWeaponItem _secondaryWeapon_Optic;};}; 

			_secondaryWeapon_PointerSlot = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" >> _secondaryWeapon >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "PointerSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
			if(count _secondaryWeapon_PointerSlot >= 1)then{_secondaryWeapon_Pointer = selectRandom _secondaryWeapon_PointerSlot;
			if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addSecondaryWeaponItem _secondaryWeapon_Pointer;};}; 

			//________________	add _handgunWeapon's compatible attachments	________________

			_handgunWeapon_MuzzleSlot = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" >> _handgunWeapon >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "MuzzleSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
			if(count _handgunWeapon_MuzzleSlot >= 1)then{_handgunWeapon_Muzzle = selectRandom _handgunWeapon_MuzzleSlot;
			if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addHandgunItem _handgunWeapon_Muzzle;};}; 

			_handgunWeapon_CowsSlot = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" >> _handgunWeapon >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "CowsSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
			if(count _handgunWeapon_CowsSlot >= 1)then{_handgunWeapon_Optic = selectRandom _handgunWeapon_CowsSlot;
			if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addHandgunItem _handgunWeapon_Optic;};}; 

			_handgunWeapon_PointerSlot = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" >> _handgunWeapon >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "PointerSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
			if(count _handgunWeapon_PointerSlot >= 1)then{_handgunWeapon_Pointer = selectRandom _handgunWeapon_PointerSlot;
			if(random 10 < 3)then{_this addHandgunItem _handgunWeapon_Pointer;};}; 

			//________________	add _primaryWeapon's mags	________________

			_primaryWeapon_Magazines_array = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _primaryWeapon / "magazines");
			if(count _primaryWeapon_Magazines_array > 0)then{
				private _primaryWeapon_magazines = selectRandom _primaryWeapon_Magazines_array;
				if!(primaryWeapon _this isEqualto "")then{
					for "_i" from 1 to 2 do{_this addItemToUniform _primaryWeapon_magazines;};
					for "_i" from 1 to 5 do{_this addItemToVest _primaryWeapon_magazines;};

			//________________	add _secondaryWeapon's mags	________________

			_secondaryWeapon_Magazines_array = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _secondaryWeapon / "magazines");
			if(count _secondaryWeapon_Magazines_array > 0)then{
				private _secondaryWeapon_Magazines = selectRandom _secondaryWeapon_Magazines_array;
				if(!(backpack _this isEqualTo ""))then{
					if(!(secondaryWeapon _this isEqualTo ""))then{
						for "_i" from 1 to 5 do{_this addItemTobackpack _secondaryWeapon_Magazines;};

			//________________	add _handgunWeapon's mags	________________

			_handgunWeapon_Magazines_array = getArray (configFile / "CfgWeapons" / _handgunWeapon / "magazines");
			if(count _handgunWeapon_Magazines_array > 0)then{
				private _handgunWeapon_Magazines = selectRandom _handgunWeapon_Magazines_array;
				if!(handgunWeapon _this isEqualto "")then{
					for "_i" from 1 to 2 do{_this addItemToUniform _handgunWeapon_Magazines;};

		case 3 : {
			comment "You must change , this to _this";
			comment "Exported from Arsenal by [GR]GEORGE F";

			comment "[!] UNIT MUST BE LOCAL [!]";
			if(!local _this) exitWith {};

			comment "Remove existing items";
			removeAllWeapons _this;
			removeAllItems _this;
			removeAllAssignedItems _this;
			removeUniform _this;
			removeVest _this;
			removeBackpack _this;
			removeHeadgear _this;
			removeGoggles _this;

			comment "Add containers";
			_this forceAddUniform "U_B_HeliPilotCoveralls";
			_this addItemToUniform "FirstAidKit";
			_this addItemToUniform "HandGrenade";
			_this addItemToUniform "Chemlight_green";
			_this addItemToUniform "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green";
			_this addVest "V_TacVestIR_blk";
			_this addItemToVest "Chemlight_green";
			for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_this addItemToVest "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green";};
			for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {_this addItemToVest "11Rnd_45ACP_Mag";};
			_this addHeadgear "H_Cap_blk";

			comment "Add weapons";
			_this addWeapon "arifle_Katiba_C_F";
			_this addWeapon "hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F";
			_this addHandgunItem "optic_MRD";
			_this addWeapon "Rangefinder";

			comment "Add items";
			_this linkItem "ItemMap";
			_this linkItem "ItemCompass";
			_this linkItem "ItemWatch";
			_this linkItem "ItemRadio";

			comment "Set identity";
			[_this,"WhiteHead_09","male05eng"] call BIS_fnc_setIdentity;

		((alive _x)) 
		&& (!(_x getVariable ["Var_GF_ZS_Loadout",false])) 
		//________________	You can filter the side here	________________	
		&& {((side group _x) == west || 
			(side group _x) == east || 
			(side group _x) == independent || 
			(side group _x) == civilian)}
		//	&& (side group _x == playerSide)
			&& (!(side group _x == playerSide))
			_x spawn GF_ZS_Loadout;			
			_x setVariable ["Var_GF_ZS_Loadout",true];
			{waitUntil {!alive _x};
			_x setVariable ["Var_GF_ZS_Loadout",false];		 
		}forEach allUnits;
		sleep 3;

	systemchat "GF_ZS_Loadout initialized";			

	diag_log "//________________	GF_ZS_Loadout initialized	________________";



There is also the published , default script available :



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3 hours ago, Gill93 said:

Hey guys I was wondering if the Ravage Apex Mod was still required to disable light sources and or fuel stations on Tanoa ?

I'm not sure, but I think you still need it. 

And if you use Ace, it will overwrite the Ravage Apex, making the fuel stations useable with 1000l (I think but I'm not sure) in each pump.  

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12 hours ago, Gill93 said:

Hey guys I was wondering if the Ravage Apex Mod was still required to disable light sources and or fuel stations on Tanoa ?


The light switch in the atmosphere module doesn't do jack for me on Tanoa (or Malden, for that matter). Most of the fuel stations on Tanoa (or Malden) do not work period, with or without the Ravage APEX mod. So I never loaded it with my Tanoa mission. Haleks mentioned there are some other "config tweaks" that come with it. Not sure what those are though. So I used my own lights-out script that works like a charm on Tanoa, and thankfully now on Malden, too.


edited to add:


just remembered how I always hated the AC sounds on Tanoa, be sweet to be able to kill those, too

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8 hours ago, icarium said:

The light switch in the atmosphere module doesn't do jack for me on Tanoa (or Malden, for that matter).


Do you have the Atmosphere module set up correctly? 

The default setting of -1 does in fact disable all light sources on Tanoa and Malden, as it does on Altis, Stratis and Livonia.

The only exceptions I've found are the fuel stations on Altis and Malden which stay light even with the module set to -1


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34 minutes ago, EO said:


Do you have the Atmosphere module set up correctly?


-1 is the default, yes. Imagine my disappointment when all the lights in Tanoa and Malden remained on. Maybe I should mention that my setup is MP on a linux dedicated.

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8 minutes ago, icarium said:

 Maybe I should mention that my setup is MP on a linux dedicated.


Yes that certainly helps as not everyone runs such a niche set-up. ^^

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4 minutes ago, EO said:


 not everyone runs such a niche set-up. ^^

I thought why stop at playing a niche game 😉


Anyway here is the script I use, maybe some interesting entries in there. Pretty much only the runway lights remain on - which I find kinda cool actually.

if (isServer) then {
	_types =

	for [{_i=0},{_i < (count _types)},{_i=_i+1}] do
		_lamps = (getMarkerPos "lightsout") nearObjects [_types select _i, 8000];
		sleep 0.1;
		{_x setDamage 0.95} forEach _lamps;


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On 7/20/2019 at 10:50 AM, haleks said:


You didn't forget the brackets [*], did you?

I've been somewhat inconsistent on this with the modules, but for the gearpool module, you do need the brackets for the input to be correctly processed as an array.

Sorry for the late response, I had a power outage in my area due to a very potent thunderstorm a few days ago 🙁. I did remember to include the brackets for everything, though. I also made sure all the class names were typed correctly, too.

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On 7/21/2019 at 10:55 PM, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:

*** It's a little bit mix of some scripts and not tested , it should work though , if not tell me to fix this and if i have time i'll check it as well !



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Also, @haleks, if it wasn't too much trouble, would you be able to confirm that all the AI units and zombies are spawning properly and as intended? It still seems like either none/barely any car patrols are spawning, and it seems like way less zombies spawn in the wilderness (forests, open fields, etc) than they used to. I know you're already aware that the Blufor survivors aren't spawning anymore, though.


I don't mean to sound demanding or anything, I was just curious if anything changed regarding the spawn systems for the AI and zombies.

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3 hours ago, ArteyFlow said:

it seems like way less zombies spawn in the wilderness (forests, open fields, etc) than they used to


Zombies (from as far as I can remember) in Ravage don’t tend to spawn in these areas purposely mate, the few I find in wilderness are the ones that occasionally spawn next to deer stands, or even light poles in fields, and that’s like 1 zombie per pole / stand. And it isn’t for every one either, it’s like 25% chance probably. (Atleast from how I’ve set up, and from what I’ve seen 😉 )


You could attempt to trigger zombies spawning in the woods, fields, etc with the horde spawner, obviously don’t go overboard, but maybe like spawners with a count of 5 or so per every other field wouldn’t be bad.


Cheers mate.

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 Advanced issues found
8 minutes ago, MuRaZorWitchKING said:


Zombies (from as far as I can remember) in Ravage don’t tend to spawn in these areas purposely mate, the few I find in wilderness are the ones that occasionally spawn next to deer stands, or even light poles in fields, and that’s like 1 zombie per pole / stand. And it isn’t for every one either, it’s like 25% chance probably. (Atleast from how I’ve set up, and from what I’ve seen 😉 )


You could attempt to trigger zombies spawning in the woods, fields, etc with the horde spawner, obviously don’t go overboard, but maybe like spawners with a count of 5 or so per every other field wouldn’t be bad.


Cheers mate.

Yeah, the spawns just feel like they... changed somehow, but I could just be misremembering things. My apologies if I am.

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Don’t apologize man, it’s all good brother. As I said I think, emphasis on think haha! 



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Where would I find the option to change the list of loot that will spawn in vehicles? At the moment I'm only getting first aid kits 

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18 hours ago, icarium said:

Anyway here is the script I use...


Posting this I now think I will reactivate the lighthouses, those bad boys have some sort of nuclear backup power IRL no doubt - besides all that though I bet it'll look sweeeeeeeeeet.

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5 hours ago, sniperb said:

Where would I find the option to change the list of loot that will spawn in vehicles? At the moment I'm only getting first aid kits 


Could you elaborate on "vehicles" ^^

Hand placed?...static wrecks that are part of the map?...wrecks spawned by the Vehicle module?  Certainly hand placed vehicles will have first aid kits in their inventory.


Without getting into editing Ravage scripts, have you tried increasing the loot spawn probabilities in the Loot System module?


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35 minutes ago, EO said:


Could you elaborate on "vehicles" ^^

Hand placed?...static wrecks that are part of the map?...wrecks spawned by the Vehicle module?  Certainly hand placed vehicles will have first aid kits in their inventory.


Without getting into editing Ravage scripts, have you tried increasing the loot spawn probabilities in the Loot System module?


I have added a list of vehicles that's I want to spawn on the map, at the moment those vehicles spawn with first aid kits. If possible I would like them to spawn with a mix of random items but can't find where to change the list. 


The loot spawn system doesn't seem to want to work for me unfortunately. I have never been able to get the option to loot furniture or wrecks to pop up.

As I am trying to use it with exile, would it be possible that the exile loot system is cancelling out the ravage loot system? 

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