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3 hours ago, MuRaZorWitchKING said:

(Not sure If I've ever been this much on edge playing a mission before)


And it's only the beginning mate... fourbe.gif



By the way, I'm going to push the new Ravage update very soon, and it's going to break the Myst demo a little...

If you want to keep playing it until the next demo, I suggest backing up the current Ravage version (sorry for the inconvenience).

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1 hour ago, haleks said:

 I suggest backing up the current Ravage version 

Lol, I still have every revision from v010 onwards...🤓

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3 hours ago, haleks said:

(sorry for the inconvenience)


Ehhh no worries. My dumbass died anyways, so used to Ravage that I saw a group (that I thought was friendly) they had bergen packs and everything so of course I thought they were traders... Ran up right behind the guy at the rear of this caravan thing and he didn’t spot me until I was right on him, soon as he yelled out I thought “Oh, shit... “ Shot him, but the rest dropped and formed a firing squad basically... The rest is history... 😂🤣 I’ll hold off on my little adventure till the update is out. No worries matey. I am very interested in this mission though, and am in no rush towards finishing it. I’m curious what else you have in store for us! 🤔🤔 😊😁

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Hello fellow Ravagers!

 I've been away too long, looks like I have some catching up to do.

Glad to see Ravage is still kicking ass -  Haleks you rock - and Eo... dude, you've gone bat shit crazy on the retextures, awesome work! 

Man I almost feel lost and scared to update any of my mods as I was luckily able to fire up ARMA and jump right into a saved Ravage mission from a year ago haha. 


I am beyond excited to see all of this still trucking along, Cheers for the continued work!


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28 minutes ago, MuRaZorWitchKING said:


No worries matey. I am very interested in this mission though, and am in no rush towards finishing it.


The demo doesn't have any endgame for now - it's very much like the Altis showcase.

It's really just made to have a stroll on a transformed island and show off progress on development; a mission structure with objectives is in the works though. 😉


EDIT : Long time no see - welcome back @Zakuaz!

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Ummm, I saw somewhere the post about distant 'repair/scavenge vehicle'. I get it now too, and it has to be from the CUP, because I updated it. Honestly, I don't pay attention to it, CUP now whoops ass with Ravage, goes so good together, had to add a lil extra weapons to the cup list, to spice things up.

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Updated the Cold region script for you guys! Now has the option to classify what sort of "Warm suit" you want players to have on hand in order to enter "Cold elevations". This also can add a more atmospheric addition to any scenarios made by you good people, players can now be warned to find and keep in their inventories a "Warm suit" That you classify what is. Hope you all enjoy this little Script update! 🙂 




//MRZColdRegion.sqf: v1.0

//** MRZColdRegion by MuRaZorWitchKING **//

MRZ_effectsCheck = 15;    

[] spawn {
while {alive player} do {
if((getPosASL player select 2 )> 680 && vehicle player isEqualTo player && uniform player != "U_B_survival_uniform") then {

    systemchat"Damage inflicting...";
    player setdamage damage player + 0.02;
    enableCamShake true;
    addCamShake [5, 3, 60];  

    cutText [selectrandom["This cold takes my breath away.","The winds are too strong up here.","It's very cold.","I need to get to lower ground.","it is too cold up here."], "PLAIN DOWN", 0.5, true, true];
    player say3D [selectrandom ["WoundedGuyA_02","WoundedGuyA_01","WoundedGuyA_03","WoundedGuyA_07","WoundedGuyA_05","WoundedGuyA_06","WoundedGuyA_08"], 15, 1];
 uiSleep MRZ_effectsCheck;
    } else {
    systemchat"No Damage.";
    uiSleep MRZ_effectsCheck;


Feel free to edit to your liking, I set the "U_B_survival_uniform" just for testing, but it can easily be changed... Enjoy! :thumb:


This script is mainly for CHR REDUX, but can easily be converted to any map you'd like! 



I also edited and updated my Coldwaters script for you guys as well, you can now classify what uniforms players have to be wearing in order to not take damage from the cold seas or lakes within a mission. 🙂 




//MRZColdwaters.sqf: v1.0

//** MRZColdwaters by MuRaZorWitchKING **//

MRZ_effectsCheck = 5;    

[] spawn {
while {alive player} do {

    if (((underwater player) or (getPosASLW player select 2) < -1) && uniform player != "U_O_Wetsuit") then {

    systemchat"Damage infliction...";
    player setdamage damage player + 0.05;
    enableCamShake true;
    addCamShake [5, 3, 60];  

    titleText ["<t color='#42aaf4' size='1' align='left' valign='bottom'>Cold Water</t><br/>", "PLAIN DOWN", 0.5, true, true];
    uiSleep MRZ_effectsCheck;
    } else {
    systemchat"No Damage.";
    uiSleep MRZ_effectsCheck;


You can change the "U_O_Wetsuit" to whatever outfit you'd like the player to be wearing for cold water protection! It is also recommended to change the "MRZ_effectsCheck = 5;" To a higher value as I used 5 to test the script. Happy editing! 


P.S. (Operators in scripts are hard) 😅

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Guys, how can I add an Event Handler to all zombies spawned via the module?

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*screams like a little girl*




Edited by Vandeanson
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2 hours ago, LSValmont said:

Guys, how can I add an Event Handler to all zombies spawned via the module?


I think you can use the EH lines in the Z module, or you could use something like this:

(in init.sqf or .sqf called from init.sqf)



addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled",
  params ["_killed", "_killer"];
	if (_killed isKindOf "zombie") then {your code here};
        },[], 1.5, true, true, "", "true", 4, false, "", ""];



here, it checks if killed AI are zombies from ravage - and if so - your code is executed.

What type of EH do you need?




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YOU have been invited for BETA-TESTING!


If you want - you can test the VA mod with your favorite ravage mission and let me know if you see problems occur.

just DL the file, unzip it and add the resulting file to your mod list via launcher option to add a local mod.


The mod requires CBA_A3 and CUP Terrains - Core.


Enable these three mods and the VA mod will spawn its features in every mission you play.

To change settings before mission start (and you can change a looot), you will need to be able to edit a mission in eden editor or create a new mission.

Change settings under addon options (or addon settings...??) and look for Vandeanson's Apocalypse



I will appreciate and collect any feedback and will patch the WIP version before the v2.0 Steam update release.

The main goal for this update is to make the mod much more FPS friendly, ESPECIALLY when used on top of Ravage and my own tests are so far looking much better.





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2 hours ago, Vandeanson said:


I think you can use the EH lines in the Z module, or you could use something like this:

(in init.sqf or .sqf called from init.sqf)


  Hide contents

addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled",
  params ["_killed", "_killer"];
	if (_killed isKindOf "zombie") then {your code here};
        },[], 1.5, true, true, "", "true", 4, false, "", ""];



here, it checks if killed AI are zombies from ravage - and if so - your code is executed.

What type of EH do you need?





Thanks Vandeanson.


What I actually need is to apply this EH when the zombie spawns:

_unit addMPEventHandler ["MPHit", 
      params ["_unit"];
      _rand = random 100;
      if (damage _unit > 0 && (_rand > 50) && !(lifeState _unit == "INCAPACITATED")) then {
          [_unit] spawn 
              params ["_unit"];
              _unit setUnconscious true;
              sleep (8 + (random 20));
              _unit setUnconscious false;

I cannot add any code to init.sqf because I don't want another loop checking constantly for newly spawned zombies. My performance is poor already.


So It has to be in the zombies module as that has several fields for adding custom code but I just cannot get the syntax right.

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3 hours ago, Vandeanson said:

*screams like a little girl*




Those FPSs are far more frightening than the Dogs themselves. 😂🤣😅


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5 hours ago, LSValmont said:

_unit addMPEventHandler ["MPHit",


There is the EH in the Ravage module that you can use.

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6 hours ago, LSValmont said:


Thanks Vandeanson.


What I actually need is to apply this EH when the zombie spawns:

_unit addMPEventHandler ["MPHit", 
      params ["_unit"];
      _rand = random 100;
      if (damage _unit > 0 && (_rand > 50) && !(lifeState _unit == "INCAPACITATED")) then {
          [_unit] spawn 
              params ["_unit"];
              _unit setUnconscious true;
              sleep (8 + (random 20));
              _unit setUnconscious false;

I cannot add any code to init.sqf because I don't want another loop checking constantly for newly spawned zombies. My performance is poor already.


So It has to be in the zombies module as that has several fields for adding custom code but I just cannot get the syntax right.



I would propose that you store this script as a function- as it will be run multiple times on each Z:


something like this:



///in init.sqf:

fnc_LS_EH_Zombie =           compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\LS_MP_EH_Zombie.sqf"; // change to match your path

//in Zombie Module Init field;
[this] call fnc_LS_EH_Zombie;

///create a file LS_MP_EH_Zombie.sqf and add following code

_unit = _this select 0;
_unit addMPEventHandler ["MPHit", 
      params ["_unit"];
      _rand = random 100;
      if (damage _unit > 0 && (_rand > 50) && !(lifeState _unit == "INCAPACITATED")) then {
          [_unit] spawn 
              params ["_unit"];
              _unit setUnconscious true;
              sleep (8 + (random 20));
              _unit setUnconscious false;



This way you can easily change your code without having to go into the Modules.


Not tested - but just to show a possible method;)




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7 hours ago, LSValmont said:

So It has to be in the zombies module as that has several fields for adding custom code but I just cannot get the syntax right.


Check out the CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler function page for syntax help.

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Hello Ravagers!


It's time for an update, and this is a big one : Ravage 0172 introduces a new audio detection system for zombies among other additions. Mission makers can now tweak both audio and visual detection levels for better customization of zombies; it's possible to create totally blind or deaf zombies. The audio detection coef especially will have a great impact on overall difficulty : depending on settings, zombies could be able to hear gunshots up to 3000 meters around (an audio coef of 0.25 or less is recommended).


Here's the complete changelog :



Tweaked :
Current target variable for zombies is now partially global.*
Overhauled zombies audio detection.
Furniture spawns are now processed every 2 frames.
Various optimizations to zed AI process.
Equipment Module : custom weapons lists now override all other settings.
Added rpt notification for invalid classnames in custom weapons lists.
Default AI combatMode is now set to "WHITE".
Tweaked ambiant UAV groups.
UAVs will now ignore zombies.
UAVs now follow their target.

Fixed :
Vehicle Actions were missing a distance parameter.
Zeds would sometimes run to default map center position after taking a hit.
Corrections and improvements to the furniture spawn system.
Loot spawn chances were not processed correctly.
Fixed an issue with survival-related PP effects.
Fixed a sound issue when searching objects.
Suppressed gunshots are now correctly identified.
Throwing or placing an object would reveal the "shooter".

New :
Added plenty of new vests by EO.
Updated vanilla gear lists.
Updated default zombie uniforms.
Added an "audio detection coef" to the zombies module.
Added a "visual detection coef" to the zombies module.
Added a weird android face.
Zombies in the Dust showcase have been updated with different settings.
Added credits with patrons to the mod description in the main menu.**

Notes :
Previous single-player saves are not compatible with this update.
* Keep an eye on mp perfs/locality conflict with target detection.
** Temporary, given the limited space.


The "Dust" showcase has been updated to better reflect the possibilities offered by Ravage : zombies are almost blind but have a very good earing. It's easier to sneak past them, but firing an unsuppressed gun can have dire consequences...


Also, as noted, I had to change some things regarding locality when it comes to processing targets detected by zombies : that is going to increase network traffic, so please, if you notice any performance degradation caused by interactions with zombies in multiplayer, ring the alarm bell on this thread.


As usual, special thanks to the patrons who made this update possible, and to EO for sharing amazing assets. Have fun guys!



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3 hours ago, haleks said:

Hello Ravagers!


It's time for an update, and this is a big one : Ravage 0172 introduces a new audio detection system for zombies among other additions. Mission makers can now tweak both audio and visual detection levels for better customization of zombies; it's possible to create totally blind or deaf zombies. The audio detection coef especially will have a great impact on overall difficulty : depending on settings, zombies could be able to hear gunshots up to 3000 meters around (an audio coef of 0.25 or less is recommended).


Here's the complete changelog :


The "Dust" showcase has been updated to better reflect the possibilities offered by Ravage : zombies are almost blind but have a very good earing. It's easier to sneak past them, but firing an unsuppressed gun can have dire consequences...


Also, as noted, I had change some things regarding locality when it comes to processing targets detected by zombies : that is going to increase network traffic, so please, if you notice any performance degradation caused by interactions with zombies in multiplayer, ring the alarm bell on this thread.


As usual, special thanks to the patrons who made this update possible, and to EO for sharing amazing assets. Have fun guys!



Awesome update, Haleks; I'm really digging the new Audio and Visual zombie coefficients, I feel they make the zombies more believable and dynamic. However, ever since the update, I keep getting the "blank inventory" bug when I am looting things (picture example: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1726498495). I just finished looting a barn (the one with all the boxes stacked high), and every other box came up blank. Also, I don't even hear the sound effect anymore while looting, I saw this in the changelog: "Fixed a sound issue when searching objects", so I think that might be why I'm not hearing the looting sound effect anymore.

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@ArteyFlow - when you loot objects in other maps, (that are not from Arma 3, ie. Chernarus), every object of the same type will be considered looted until, the respawn time, I experience this also since day 1 playing. So it doesn't matter if you looted the barn near Zelenogorsk or near the NW airfield, all barns will be considered looted. Same goes for every object/building, again, until loot respawns. 

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I definitely think I’m going to look into making a mission with minimum add ons, my original releases are very low (now that I’ve gone over all the .sqm files) but I’m thinking of a new project, on a new map. With probably just Ravage, CBA, and of course the map I choose... But with the scenario ideas flowing I think you guys may enjoy my next project. Something completely new. :scratchchin: After playing SIRENS and Myst you guys have gave me some serious ideas. Will of course keep you guys updated on the project! 


And thanks for the Update Haleks, I shall dive back in after my work week. :icon5:

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8 minutes ago, RZNUNKWN said:

@ArteyFlow - when you loot objects in other maps, (that are not from Arma 3, ie. Chernarus), every object of the same type will be considered looted until, the respawn time, I experience this also since day 1 playing. So it doesn't matter if you looted the barn near Zelenogorsk or near the NW airfield, all barns will be considered looted. Same goes for every object/building, again, until loot respawns. 


Do you know how long the respawn time lasts?

PS: Like how long until items are deleted and new ones replace them.

PS2: I am also getting the "Everything is empty still the inventory shows up" bug. Instead of the "nothing but junk" my inventory does indeed opens.

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22 minutes ago, RZNUNKWN said:

@ArteyFlow - when you loot objects in other maps, (that are not from Arma 3, ie. Chernarus), every object of the same type will be considered looted until, the respawn time, I experience this also since day 1 playing. So it doesn't matter if you looted the barn near Zelenogorsk or near the NW airfield, all barns will be considered looted. Same goes for every object/building, again, until loot respawns. 

I had the feeling that was the case, looks like my suspicions have been confirmed. Just curious, is that something that could be potentially fixed, or is it somehow hardwired into how the loot system works? 

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Let me give you my interpretation of looting in Ravage...


Ravage loot is timestamped, I think it's a full Ravage day maybe 24 hrs, so if you loot an object at 3pm it will stay empty until 3pm the next day assuming you've migrated at least 500m away before returning.  

When I loot an object for the first time it only ever opens the inventory if it contains loot, otherwise I always get the "empty" "nothing here" messages.

Upon returning to an object that has already given up loot it will open the inventory, but the inventory is empty because I've previously looted it. (In this situation, ideally the "empty", "nothing here" messages should be shown rather than opening an empty inventory but i personally don't see this as a "bug")

Rummage sound effects while looting....never had an issue with this in any previous iterations of Ravage, including this one. 


All freshly tested in a loot test mission I return to with each new edition of Ravage. (Vanilla map, Ravage/CBA) 



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11 minutes ago, EO said:

Let me give you my interpretation of looting in Ravage...


Very good points, you can add this to the Steam Guide if you’d like matey, I completely spaced on the loot system. Whoops. :icon3: 

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28 minutes ago, EO said:

Let me give you my interpretation of looting in Ravage...


Ravage loot is timestamped, I think it's a full Ravage day maybe 24 hrs, so if you loot an object at 3pm it will stay empty until 3pm the next day assuming you've migrated at least 500m away before returning.  

When I loot an object for the first time it only ever opens the inventory if it contains loot, otherwise I always get the "empty" "nothing here" messages.

Upon returning to an object that has already given up loot it will open the inventory, but the inventory is empty because I've previously looted it. (In this situation, ideally the "empty", "nothing here" messages should be shown rather than opening an empty inventory but i personally don't see this as a "bug")

Rummage sound effects while looting....never had an issue with this in any previous iterations of Ravage, including this one. 


All freshly tested in a loot test mission I return to with each new edition of Ravage. (Vanilla map, Ravage/CBA) 



The thing is, the inventory was empty on objects that I hadn't even looted yet. In fact, the barn I mentioned in my previous post was several hundred meters away from where I initially spawned. What @RZNUNKWN said about every object of the same type being considered looted made perfect sense, it seems strange that once you loot let's say a cabinet, all other cabinets you find on the terrain will be empty, because the mod thinks that you already looted that cabinet, even though it's not the same one you're looting every time.

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