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13 hours ago, Valken said:

..... create boomers like L4D?



Place down a single zombie unit in Eden, add this to it's init...

this addEventHandler ["killed", { 
_killed = (_this select 0);  
_posKilled = getPos _killed;  
deleteVehicle _killed;  
"SmallSecondary" createVehicle _posKilled;  



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9 hours ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


This is part from my GF Fog script

in order to fix the ai spot distance

  Reveal hidden contents

//________________  Author : GEORGE FLOROS [GR] ___________ 01.11.18 _____________

________________ GF Fog Script ________________


Please keep the Credits or add them to your Diary

Don't try to open this with the simple notepad.
For everything that is with comment  //  in front  or between /*
means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines.

You can open this ex:
with notepad++

and also use the extra pluggins
(this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems )

or use any other program for editing .

For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in:

diag_log "//________________ GF_Fog_Change_spotDistance.sqf _____________";

systemchat "GF_Fog_Change_spotDistance";
//________________ Settings ________________
//________________ Set true or false  ________________

GF_Fog_Change_spotDistance				= true;		//	Change AI spotDistance

if (GF_Fog_Change_spotDistance) then {

[] spawn {
	while {true} do {
if (
	((alive _x)) 
	&& (!(_x getVariable ["Var_GF_Fog_Change_spotDistance",false]))
	) then {
	_x setSkill ["spotDistance", 0.05 + (random 0.05)];
	_x setVariable ["Var_GF_Fog_Change_spotDistance",true];
	{waitUntil {!alive _x};
	_x setVariable ["Var_GF_Fog_Change_spotDistance",false];		 
}forEach allUnits;
sleep 15;





I only want @haleks to explain me what mechanics he's using for sand gusts since there is no sand gust in vanila.

If I know how it works, then I can do other steps. I know sand gusts are not constant so I think that your fog is overkill - I dont want to butcher unsuspecting AI from 100m if I'm in gap without sand gust.

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17 minutes ago, Hans(z) said:

unsuspecting AI from 100m if I'm in gap without sand gust


I haven't played lately to be honest in order to see the dusts that you are saying , but probably there should be a "variable" when there is dust that you can set a switch , meaning , when there is dust , then do this - .

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4 hours ago, Hans(z) said:


I only want @haleks to explain me what mechanics he's using for sand gusts since there is no sand gust in vanila.


Yes there is, actually : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_sandstorm

That's the function I'm using, except for the DUST scenario, wich uses parts of a script from Alias Cartoon, plus some quick fog changes.

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16 hours ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


take a look


Thanks. I will.


15 hours ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


fix the ai spot distance


Could a similar script be used to reduce the zombie spot distance at night? How exactly would you iterate through only the zombies?


	// verify that the unit is a zombie - I'm not sure how to do this
	if ((side = "zombie")) then {

		// change spot distance here

}forEach allUnits;


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41 minutes ago, ernave said:


	// verify that the unit is a zombie - I'm not sure how to do this
	if ((side = "zombie")) then {

		// change spot distance here

}forEach allUnits;



u could use the following condition : if (_x iskindof "zombie")


x_ stands for each unit of the allunits array.

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42 minutes ago, ernave said:

Could a similar script


Off course , if you want to wait a little bit i can write this easy!

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10 minutes ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


Off course , if you want to wait a little bit i can write this easy!

With some Exile servers using Ravage for zombies would this type of script still work and be placed within the zombie module?

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7 minutes ago, CrazyCorky said:

be placed within the zombie module?


This will work as a extra script , if you mean this.


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39 minutes ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


Off course , if you want to wait a little bit i can write this easy!



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49 minutes ago, ernave said:



I'm sending you the code in a private message , in order to check it because i really can't at the time.

If it works , share it with the others and do me a favour to post this here as well , in order to create a Script library associated with Ravage Mod !



Thanks !



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4 hours ago, CrazyCorky said:



4 hours ago, ernave said:



So here is the script as Requested !


it's not only for Ravage , it's just using a list with the Ravage Zombies classnames.

It's for general use.


There is a List with the Classnames that you want to change the values for Day and different for Night.

You can disable the list by comment ,  type in front of the line comment or //.

The code can also be filtered by the side of the units.



GF Spot Distance Script :

NOT yet published



//________________  Author : GEORGE FLOROS [GR] ___________ 06.02.19 _____________

________________ GF Spot Distance Script ________________

NOT yet published

Please keep the Credits or add them to your Diary

Don't try to open this with the simple notepad.
For everything that is with comment  //  in front  or between /*
means that it is disabled , so there is no need to delete the extra lines.

You can open this ex:
with notepad++

and also use the extra pluggins
(this way will be better , it will give also some certain colors to be able to detect ex. problems )

or use any other program for editing .

For the Compilation List of my GF Scripts , you can search in:

//________________	Settings	________________
//________________	Set true or false	________________

GF_Spot_Distance_hintsilent_info 				= true;
_Systemchat_info								= true;
_diag_log_info									= true;

_Show_AISkill									= true;		//	Debug Show AI Skill

GF_Spot_Distance_Enabled						= true;

GF_Spot_Distance_Night							= 0.05;
GF_Spot_Distance_Night_Random					= 0.05;
GF_Spot_Distance_Day							= 0.50;
GF_Spot_Distance_Day_Random						= 0.50;

if(_Systemchat_info) then {
systemchat "GF Spot Distance Script - Mod Initializing";

if(_diag_log_info) then {
diag_log "//________________	GF Spot Distance Script - Mod Initializing	_____________";
diag_log "//________________	GF_Spot_Distance.sqf	_____________";

if(_Show_AISkill) then {
onEachFrame {
	if (cursorTarget isKindOf "Man") then {
	hintsilent format
        "aimingAccuracy %1\n  aimingShake %2\n  commanding %3\n  courage %4\n  general %5\n  reloadSpeed %6\n  spotDistance %7\n  spotTime %8\n",
        cursortarget skillfinal "aimingAccuracy",
        cursortarget skillfinal "aimingShake",
        cursortarget skillfinal "commanding",
        cursortarget skillfinal "courage",
        cursortarget skillfinal "general",
        cursortarget skillfinal "reloadSpeed",
        cursortarget skillfinal "spotDistance",
        cursortarget skillfinal "spotTime"

//________________	List	 ________________

GF_Spot_Distance_List = [
	//	Ravage zombies

if(GF_Spot_Distance_Enabled) then {

[] spawn {
	while {true} do {
		if ((date select 3) < 6 or (date select 3) > 19) then {
			if (GF_Spot_Distance_hintsilent_info) then {
			hintsilent "nightime";		
		} else {
			if (GF_Spot_Distance_hintsilent_info) then {
			hintsilent "daytime";	
		if (
		(alive _x) 
		&& (!(isPlayer _x))
		&& ((typeOf _x) in GF_Spot_Distance_List)	//	Comment this to disable the List
		//________________	You can filter the side here	________________	
		&& {((side group _x) isEqualto west || 
			(side group _x) isEqualto east || 
			(side group _x) isEqualto independent || 
			(side group _x) isEqualto civilian)}
		//	&& (side group _x isEqualto playerSide)
		//	&& (!(side group _x isEqualto playerSide))
		) then {
				//________________	daytime and nighttime	________________
				if ((date select 3) < 6 or (date select 3) > 19) then {

				//	_x setSkill ["spotDistance", 0.01];	//	Test
				_x setSkill ["spotDistance", GF_Spot_Distance_Night + random GF_Spot_Distance_Night_Random];
				} else {
				//	_x setSkill ["spotDistance", 0.01];	//	Test
				_x setSkill ["spotDistance", GF_Spot_Distance_Day + random GF_Spot_Distance_Day];
		}forEach allUnits;
		sleep 5;


if(_Systemchat_info) then {
systemchat "GF Spot Distance Script - Mod Initialized";

if(_diag_log_info) then {
diag_log "//________________	GF Spot Distance Script - Mod Initialized	_____________";




Just as i told above , do me a favor one of you and add this code at the Scripting General , Library !



Expires in: 4 Weeks   |   Size: 7.7 KB   |  06.02.19  https://uploadfiles.io/


Thanks !

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5 hours ago, Vandeanson said:

(_x iskindof "zombie")


is this working with ravage ? is it like this in the List of Vehicle Base Classes ?

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48 minutes ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:



So here is the script as Requested !


GF Spot Distance Script :

NOT yet published


I'm sorry to say this, but this won't affect the zombies from ravage : if you take a look at their init file, you'll see that their visibility raycasts are disabled.

For now, the only way to change the spotdistance would be to override the zed_los function with a custom one; not the ideal solution, I'll see if I can add new options in a future update.

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well as i debug this it shows that is working , i'm going to take a beter look.

Is there any difference between hand placed in the 3d zombies to spawned ones ?

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21 minutes ago, haleks said:

their visibility raycasts are disabled.


So the Values here  wont take affect ?


Here is my debug :


Here is set to 1



Here is set to 0.01


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I walked past Haleks' house today. I didn't stop to see if he was in.



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Not an original idea but thought of it and did a check and yes, competition has it but... BEAR TRAPS!


Was watching X-Files and thought it would be a good addition one day...

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16 hours ago, GEORGE FLOROS GR said:


So the Values here  wont take affect ?



Yes, that's what I'm saying - doesn't matter if they're agents or vehicles.


I did check this earlier after seeing your screenshots : placed one zed with max soptdistance and one with minimal spotdistance in Eden. They were both spotting me at the same time and ditance, consistently.

Like I said, they use a custom LoS script instead of the visibility raycasts. Skills will influence the accuracy of several commands such as "targets", none of those are used by the ravage zombies (they wouldn't work), the LoS script uses nearEntities to gather possible targets, wich has nothing to do with AI skills.

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6 hours ago, Valken said:

Not an original idea but thought of it and did a check and yes, competition has it but... BEAR TRAPS! Was watching X-Files and thought it would be a good addition one day...

There are bear traps of some sort in the open sourced Breaking Point mod. I can't remember exactly how they work. Here's an idea. It could be used as a "mine" only remove the explosion and lower the damage and then use the model from BP mod so it looks like a trap. Maybe add some sort of stun affect to the player so they cannot move for a few seconds, etc.

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On 2/6/2019 at 8:19 AM, haleks said:


Yes there is, actually : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_sandstorm

That's the function I'm using, except for the DUST scenario, wich uses parts of a script from Alias Cartoon, plus some quick fog changes.

Just curious, would it be possible to perhaps have these "ghosts" invisible to the naked eye, but visible to those that have maybe a certain helmet/glasses on?

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Seeing as there's a spurt of development going on, can I ask if the use of a Headless Client has ever been explored in any way?


Imagining something like a 'Headless Horde' module which might allow a single Horde Leader to be run from a HC and spawn additional subordinate units/agents which would be local to the HC.


EDIT: I should've said, I think spectral beings are a stroke of genius given how hard it is to keep AI from walking through walls.

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@Defunkt  I don't think using a HC has ever been properly explored within a Ravage environment but your example sounds intriguing. I recall a conversation with cosmic10r back when we were testing MP compatibility (early 2016) HC was mentioned then but never pursued.

As far as I'm aware Ravage Zombies (who spawn as agents) are distributed across all computers but don't use a HC.

I've dabbled with HC on my dedicated box in the past but always seemed to get myself into some terrible trouble (purely down to my own knowledge, or lack off) maybe it's time to re-read Monsoon's HC guide again...  

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