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Hi Jimmakos! Does this script also respawn the bandit camp when killed by any chance? Or is it just a one-time spawn and when you kill them they're gone for good?


Hello ContheJon, i believe that if you set the trigger to repeatable every time you leave the zone and come back then the bandits will spawn again, not tested so take it with a grain of salt.

Then the trigger should look like this:




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FFS....your just like my annoying work buddy....loves to tell me what happened in the latest episode of TWD before i've even had a chance to seen it!.....he's an asshole too.


To add spoiler content, click on the "Special BBCode" button,(it's third in from top left when your posting) select "Spolier", then spoil away till your black heart is content.  :angry:

Ive corrected WilliamBUG's post, spoiler tags have been added. Though by editing them i found out spoilers too :angry: . It would have been far more sensible to have just pmed haleks if he couldn't find the rights tags  :banghead:

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I think I need to actually get into map making at this point. Does anyone know if you need any coding or scripting skill, or can a complete noob like me give it a try? I do know some really basic stuff about scripts (give a unit infinite ammo, refuel a vehicle at a waypoint etc) but nothing substantial. 


Here are some links to get you started if you really want to make some islands;

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUiViqS-dLHq0o7IM7_5u6tCMy-F3CVW6   \\\\\This guy walks you through almost everything

https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/178033-the-atlas-guide-to-arma-3-terrain-making/      \\\\\\\This is a downloadable guide


Good luck, Ive been trying to do this for over a year but I keep getting side tracked or having issues.

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Thanks for the Reply mr northlight!


now how would we have the game set up the option of the headshots only. i can do the role play of headshots only, but i personally would like it to be a feature where we can turn it on or off. Would it be feasable to make a module or a script of sorts that would allow us to have tht? the head shots only?


Dear mr Haleks, thnk u much for this wonderful mod! please keep updating and working on it. are you able to make it come with a module or an option to allow us to have headshots only on the zombies?

Base building would be fun too! not sure if there is base building or not, as i dont get very far in the demo missions cause im a SUPER noob. im almost like the super hero of the noob world whn it comes to arma series.

kinda why i run the editor mode and give myself a gun and bullets to explore its a bit cheaty but im still learning all the buttons and such for the arma series and arma 3 lol.


if anyone else knows how to do that please share and help mr haleks accomplise that. I really enjoy playing this, i will admit this is significantly better then the "dayz mod" and the "Dayz Standalone"


i would love to attempt to make a module or script tht would allow headshots only or boost the body armour to maximum forcing us to fire at the heads of zombies for tht quick easy kill. I unfortunantly have zero skill in any sort of scripting or coding.


thanks again everyone!


SUPER noob Caluu out!!




EDIT: also if anyone knows how to make maps, please make a jungle/vietnam style map that doesnt have texture issues, some of the maps i have tried, have bad texture issues and wierd shadowing bugs and black foliage stuffs, maybe link me a couple to view.


thnks again.


There's no script/option/whatever in-game that allows you to do that unfortunately. You would have to make  a whole script for it (if it all possible!) and I really lack the knowledge to do anything more than basic stuff like adding loot to a character. Sorry, can't help you more than that.


Like I said before, your only option remains to force yourself to aim for the head...

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Here are some links to get you started if you really want to make some islands;

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUiViqS-dLHq0o7IM7_5u6tCMy-F3CVW6   \\\\\This guy walks you through almost everything

https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/178033-the-atlas-guide-to-arma-3-terrain-making/      \\\\\\\This is a downloadable guide


Good luck, Ive been trying to do this for over a year but I keep getting side tracked or having issues.

Thank you very much! The YouTube link seems to be broken (at least for me, it gives me "invalid parameters" on a YouTube page).


Thanks, I'll see about making that map. I've done it before but those were games that had map makers built in to them.


I've seen someone else say before that this community is helpful and it really is, it's fantastic.

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Hello haleks, thanks for the update of the mod man, took a day off from work and finally found some time to download the update, i really liked the gas mask effects and the option to scavenge things on the map, are a few things that catched my eye on the few minutes i tested the update.


Now it's time to update my missions too, and i'm planning on dumping the requirement of RHS mod in order to run the missions. since i'm only using a few vehicles on the map and some hand placed weapons also, can you recommend a way of giving AI units random weapons?

I don't really mind for the plain survivors i have placed on the map since "call rvg_fnc_equip" works as indented , but for the traders, since i want them to have predefined gear so equip function doesn't really suits over-here but i've tried ways to implement the rvg_fnc_AddWeapon

 but failed miserably since my latest update a month ago.


Thanks, Jim


Hi Jim!


The rvg_fnc_addWeapon function is actually part of the rvg_fnc_equip one : it will always pick up stuff from the modules random lists.

If you want hand-placed units to be equipped with your own selections, try this in their init :

0 = [this, selectRandom ["arifle_SDAR_F", "arifle_Mk20_F"], 6] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;

Add or replace the classnames with your owns; more infos about BIS_fnc_addWeapon : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_addWeapon

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This is the code I have been using for all my single player missions, I absolutely suck at this, so if anyone can modify it for MP, I would love it

private "_unit";
_markers = ["spawn1", "spawn2", "spawn3", "spawn4", "spawn5", "spawn6", "spawn7", "spawn8"];
_p = _markers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_list = (getMarkerPos _p) nearRoads 50;
_road = _list call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_pos = getposATL _road;

enableSaving [ false, false ];

uiSleep 1;

private "_unit";
_markers = ["spawn1", "spawn2", "spawn3", "spawn4", "spawn5", "spawn6", "spawn7", "spawn8"];
_p = _markers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_list = (getMarkerPos _p) nearRoads 50;
_road = _list call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_pos = getposATL _road;
_nextRoad = (_road nearRoads 50) select 0;

[player] call RVG_fnc_AddGear;
[player] call RVG_fnc_AddLoot;

(vehicle player) setpos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0];
_posV = [_pos, 5, 5, 1, 0, 35, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

if (isNil "_posV") then {
_posV = getPosATL (((getposASL player) nearRoads 10) select 1);

_vehicle = createVehicle ["Land_Wreck_Hunter_F", _posV, [], 0, "NONE"];
_vehicle setDir (direction player - 187);
_vehicle setVectorUP (surfaceNormal [(getPosATL _vehicle) select 0, (getPosATL _vehicle) select 1]);

[getPosATL _vehicle,"FIRE_BIG"] spawn RVG_fnc_createFireEffect;
_soundSource = createSoundSource ["Sound_Fire", _posV, [], 0];

_unit = createVehicle ["Survivor_blue_1", _posV, [], 1, "FORM"];

uiSleep 1;

[_unit] call RVG_fnc_AddGear;
removeBackpack _unit;
removeVest _unit;
_unit addVest (selectRandom rvg_vests);
//[_unit] call RVG_fnc_AddWeapon;
if !(rvg_weapons isEqualTo []) then {
_weapon = [_unit, rvg_weapons select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weapons) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
} else {
_weapon = [_unit, rvg_weaponsA3 select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
[_unit] call RVG_fnc_AddLoot;

_unit setdamage 1;

player switchMove "Acts_UnconsciousStandUp_part1";player playmovenow "Acts_UnconsciousStandUp_part2";

player setFatigue 1;

uiSleep 40;

_closesttown = (nearestLocations [player, ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage"],2500]) select 0;
_PosT = _pos;
if !(isNil "_closesttown") then {
_PosT = position _closesttown;

_posP = [getposASL player, 400, 600, 1, 0, 35, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
_Grp = createGroup resistance;
for "_i" from 0 to 3 do 
  _unit = _Grp createUnit ["Bandit_green", _posP, [], 1.0, "FORM"];
[_unit] spawn RVG_fnc_equip;
[_unit, (["ENG", "GRK"] call bis_fnc_selectrandom)] call rvg_fnc_setName;
rvg_garbage_collector pushBack _unit;

//_unit addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this spawn RVG_fnc_Fired}];
_unit setCombatMode "RED";
_unit setBehaviour "SAFE";
[_unit] joinSilent _Grp;
_Grp move _pos;
0 = [_Grp, _pos, _PosT] spawn {
_Grp = _this select 0;
_pos = _this select 1;
_posT = _this select 2;
waitUntil {(leader _Grp) distance _pos < 10};
[_Grp, _posT, 300] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol;

enableSaving [true, true];

execVM "scripts\tuto.sqf";

if (!isNil "_soundSource") then {
WaitUntil {player distance _soundSource > 1000};
deleteVehicle _soundSource;
Edited by R0adki11
added spoiler and code tags

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Battlechief, and to anyone unaware, spoiler tags can be manually entered by typing:

text here [/spoiler

And then closing the bracket.

If you want to have it show as code put code in the place of spoiler. To use both together put spoiler and code inside their own brackets.

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Hello haleks, thanks for the update of the mod man, took a day off from work and finally found some time to download the update, i really liked the gas mask effects and the option to scavenge things on the map, are a few things that catched my eye on the few minutes i tested the update.


Now it's time to update my missions too, and i'm planning on dumping the requirement of RHS mod in order to run the missions. since i'm only using a few vehicles on the map and some hand placed weapons also, can you recommend a way of giving AI units random weapons?

I don't really mind for the plain survivors i have placed on the map since "call rvg_fnc_equip" works as indented , but for the traders, since i want them to have predefined gear so equip function doesn't really suits over-here but i've tried ways to implement the rvg_fnc_AddWeapon

 but failed miserably since my latest update a month ago.




Hello, you can try this on a trigger (on the activation field): _nul = [thistrigger] spawn rvg_fnc_spawnBanditCamp


Thanks, Jim


Hi! Thanks for the code, i'm actually already using this. For me its somtimes bugs out tho and Haleks told me i'ts not working proporly, so my question is, is there another way? I'm not that good at scripting.

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Pondering my next move.....Frost is catching his breath.


28 years later.

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So, here's a mod some of you guys might find interesting if you want some basic melee combat with silent takedowns: http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=27262

Melee all the way when you dont have a gun but find an axe or a hammer, remember the song if i had a hammer from 1963----> http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31804

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Look for objects to interact with. ;)




Thanks man, those should be gone for the next update.

Thanks for the help!!!

New update is amazing!!

FFS....your just like my annoying work buddy....loves to tell me what happened in the latest episode of TWD before i've even had a chance to seen it!.....he's an asshole too.


To add spoiler content, click on the "Special BBCode" button,(it's third in from top left when your posting) select "Spolier", then spoil away till your black heart is content.  :angry:


My Apology!!! Really sorry about that!! 

]I thought it was a bug because I encountered some pop up :"'default/' is not a class ('protocol' accessed)" and I also did not find any rabbits (may be just bad luck). So, I thought something was not spawned. I loot in the location you recommend, which makes me a real "scavenger" just like fallout 4......

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Ive corrected WilliamBUG's post, spoiler tags have been added. Though by editing them i found out spoilers too :angry: . It would have been far more sensible to have just pmed haleks if he couldn't find the rights tags  :banghead:


Really sorry :( and thanks for the help!




Come on, you know that, the story cannot go to the end when you reach the military facilities right? 


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Melee all the way when you dont have a gun but find an axe or a hammer, remember the song if i had a hammer from 1963----> http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31804

Gunter does this melee script work for you?


I cant get it to work with ravage,every time i try use it i take out an axe after following all instructions,and i get a message saying "il use this later"


I tested a few times with no success.

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I might have found another bug? Shot a runner at point blank range 5 times with the 7.62 rifle you start with in 28 years and he didn't go down. Killed me and frost with 3 hits at the same time?


For you guys that finished the mission, my hat goes off to you. This is one of the hardest missions Ive ever played. Between keeping that useless bag of bones from dying and finding ammo/gun I haven't made it more than 6km from the starting point.

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Gunter does this melee script work for you?


I cant get it to work with ravage,every time i try use it i take out an axe after following all instructions,and i get a message saying "il use this later"


I tested a few times with no success.

So far, it worked...a little bugged but worked (made a custom ravage mission on stratis... sometimes the animation bugs, but you can discard the melee weapon and then pick it back to reset it...)


It would be a nice addition as MOCAP does little damage on zeds (had to give 4 buttstock slams on a zed to drop it or 5 kicks)... thou KICKASS katana´s is a 1 hit kill goddess lol



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So far, it worked...a little bugged but worked (made a custom ravage mission on stratis... sometimes the animation bugs, but you can discard the melee weapon and then pick it back to reset it...)


It would be a nice addition as MOCAP does little damage on zeds (had to give 4 buttstock slams on a zed to drop it or 5 kicks)... thou KICKASS katana´s is a 1 hit kill goddess lol



I wonder why its telling me "i will use this item later"  quite strange,thanks for reply anyway so i know it "should" work.


I will try disable mods.

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Melee all the way when you dont have a gun but find an axe or a hammer, remember the song if i had a hammer from 1963----> http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31804

Thanks for that link Gunter! I think I saw earlier that Ravage has some sort of compatibility with the melee weapons script that allows the tools to spawn? I'm not sure if I read it right though, it was the 1.40 update for sure.


It would be a nice addition as MOCAP does little damage on zeds (had to give 4 buttstock slams on a zed to drop it or 5 kicks)... thou KICKASS katana´s is a 1 hit kill goddess lol

That's strange. When I tried it out, it only took me maybe one to two punches (can't tell with ArmA lol) and maybe three pistol whips to kill a zombie. I do know that the damage is randomised to a degree, but not by too much. I have yet to try it out with a rifle though.

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Hi! Thanks for the code, i'm actually already using this. For me its somtimes bugs out tho and Haleks told me i'ts not working proporly, so my question is, is there another way? I'm not that good at scripting.


Hi! from the v0.1.39:




The following gamelogics can be used as artificial locations for the Ambiant AI spawns :

village, town, city (found under "logic entitites >> locations" in Eden).


I'm not really sure how and if they work though, trigger works perfectly for me.

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Hi Haleks, I am under the impression that the loading of that ArmA main screen mission does take way longer than in previous version. Where (in your code?) can I stop this mission from loading? I don't need such flovour stuff anyway... I'm starting ArmA up with only the VR world loaded, so it's not yet there. But if I do things and then exit the editor, it takes very long, and that mission is loaded. TIA!

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Hi! from the v0.1.39:



I'm not really sure how and if they work though, trigger works perfectly for me.

Okey, thnx! it works sort of for me, sometimes the ai spawns on random locations. 

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Okey, thnx! it works sort of for me, sometimes the ai spawns on random locations. 


If you mean about the trigger, make sure it's placed on a clear field of at least 2.5 x 2.5 meters without being interfered by any nearby objects. (that's the only way you can get the campfire showing up as well).



- @halkes i noticed that you introduced a safe zone module, i really believe you should break-up its functions to 2 modules, one should be "AI Safe Zone" and the second should be "Radiation Safe Zone" which would also have the option to exclude radioactive waters and rain among the radiation itself. And just for the easy of use too.



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Hi Haleks, I am under the impression that the loading of that ArmA main screen mission does take way longer than in previous version. Where (in your code?) can I stop this mission from loading? I don't need such flovour stuff anyway... I'm starting ArmA up with only the VR world loaded, so it's not yet there. But if I do things and then exit the editor, it takes very long, and that mission is loaded. TIA!


The missions I use for the intro scenes are almost empty, I'd be surprised if those could have such an impact.

I did notice however, that loading stuff takes way longer if you have a lot of mods loaded : it very noticeable on the mod-set I use for the 28 years later mission (RHS complete, IFA3, Frith's ruin, NIArms, CUP units and warfareThai). Are you experiencing the issue with Ravage + CBA only?


@Jim : Yep, good idea!

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I've updated the map again and added some more rocks along the coast, as well as added some pictures of the settlements I've been working on. There's also some flavour text in there if you like that sort of thing:




Edit: Seems like you have to visit the Imgur page if you want to read the flavour text.

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