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34 minutes ago, Tyl3r99 said:

cant seem to read the cpp file just loads of symbols when opening in notepad++. 

I would much rather the author or someone upload a full example of a asset list on the wiki.. 

Well here it is:

class CfgWLRequisitionPresets
	class A3DefaultAll
		class WEST
			class Infantry
				class B_Soldier_F
					cost = 100;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_Soldier_GL_F
					cost = 125;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_medic_F
					cost = 125;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_soldier_AR_F
					cost = 150;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_Soldier_A_F
					cost = 150;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_soldier_M_F
					cost = 150;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_soldier_repair_F
					cost = 200;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_HeavyGunner_F
					cost = 200;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_soldier_LAT_F
					cost = 250;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_soldier_LAT2_F
					cost = 300;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_soldier_AT_F
					cost = 300;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_soldier_AA_F
					cost = 300;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_Sharpshooter_F
					cost = 300;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_sniper_F
					cost = 300;
					requirements[] = {};
			class Vehicles
				class B_Quadbike_01_F
					cost = 100;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_LSV_01_unarmed_F
					cost = 350;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_MRAP_01_F
					cost = 500;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_Truck_01_transport_F
					cost = 650;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_Truck_01_ammo_F
					cost = 750;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_Truck_01_fuel_F
					cost = 750;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_Truck_01_medical_F
					cost = 750;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_Truck_01_Repair_F
					cost = 750;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_LSV_01_armed_F
					cost = 1000;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_LSV_01_AT_F
					cost = 1250;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_MRAP_01_hmg_F
					cost = 1400;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_MRAP_01_gmg_F
					cost = 1600;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F
					cost = 3000;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F
					cost = 3500;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F
					cost = 4000;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_AFV_Wheeled_01_cannon_F
					cost = 4000;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_MBT_01_cannon_F
					cost = 5000;
					requirements[] = {};
			class Aircraft
				class B_Heli_Light_01_F
					cost = 1000;
					requirements[] = {"H"};
				class B_Heli_Light_01_dynamicLoadout_F
					cost = 2500;
					requirements[] = {"H"};
				class B_Heli_Transport_01_F
					cost = 3000;
					requirements[] = {"H"};
				class B_Heli_Attack_01_dynamicLoadout_F
					cost = 6000;
					requirements[] = {"H"};
				class B_Plane_CAS_01_dynamicLoadout_F
					cost = 7500;
					requirements[] = {"A"};
				class B_Plane_Fighter_01_F
					cost = 10000;
					requirements[] = {"A"};
			class Naval
				class B_Boat_Transport_01_F
					cost = 100;
					requirements[] = {"W"};
				class O_Boat_Armed_01_hmg_F
					cost = 750;
					requirements[] = {"W"};
			class Gear
				class Box_NATO_Ammo_F
					cost = 200;
					requirements[] = {};
				class Box_NATO_Grenades_F
					cost = 200;
					requirements[] = {};
				class Box_NATO_Wps_F
					cost = 250;
					requirements[] = {};
				class Box_NATO_AmmoOrd_F
					cost = 250;
					requirements[] = {};
				class Box_NATO_WpsLaunch_F
					cost = 300;
					requirements[] = {};
				class Box_NATO_WpsSpecial_F
					cost = 500;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_supplyCrate_F
					cost = 500;
					requirements[] = {};
				class Box_NATO_AmmoVeh_F
					cost = 500;
					requirements[] = {};
			class Defences
				class B_HMG_01_F
					cost = 250;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_HMG_01_high_F
					cost = 250;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_GMG_01_F
					cost = 250;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_GMG_01_high_F
					cost = 250;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_HMG_01_A_F
					cost = 500;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_GMG_01_A_F
					cost = 500;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_static_AA_F
					cost = 500;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_static_AT_F
					cost = 500;
					requirements[] = {};
		class EAST
			class Infantry
				class O_Soldier_F
					cost = 100;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_Soldier_GL_F
					cost = 125;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_medic_F
					cost = 125;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_soldier_AR_F
					cost = 150;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_Soldier_A_F
					cost = 150;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_soldier_M_F
					cost = 150;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_soldier_repair_F
					cost = 200;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_HeavyGunner_F
					cost = 200;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_soldier_LAT_F
					cost = 250;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_soldier_AT_F
					cost = 300;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_Soldier_AA_F
					cost = 300;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_Sharpshooter_F
					cost = 300;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_sniper_F
					cost = 300;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_soldier_HAT_F
					cost = 350;
					requirements[] = {};
			class Vehicles
				class O_Quadbike_01_F
					cost = 100;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_LSV_02_unarmed_F
					cost = 350;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_MRAP_02_F
					cost = 500;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_Truck_03_transport_F
					cost = 650;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_Truck_03_ammo_F
					cost = 750;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_Truck_03_Fuel_F
					cost = 750;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_Truck_03_medical_F
					cost = 750;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_Truck_03_Repair_F
					cost = 750;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_LSV_02_armed_F
					cost = 1000;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_LSV_02_AT_F
					cost = 1250;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_MRAP_02_hmg_F
					cost = 1400;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_MRAP_02_gmg_F
					cost = 1600;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_v2_F
					cost = 3000;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F
					cost = 3500;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_APC_Tracked_02_AA_F
					cost = 4000;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_MBT_02_cannon_F
					cost = 5000;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_MBT_04_cannon_F
					cost = 6000;
					requirements[] = {};
			class Aircraft
				class O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F
					cost = 1500;
					requirements[] = {"H"};
				class O_Heli_Light_02_dynamicLoadout_F
					cost = 2500;
					requirements[] = {"H"};
				class O_Heli_Transport_04_covered_F
					cost = 3000;
					requirements[] = {"H"};
				class O_Heli_Attack_02_dynamicLoadout_F
					cost = 6000;
					requirements[] = {"H"};
				class O_Plane_CAS_02_dynamicLoadout_F
					cost = 7500;
					requirements[] = {"A"};
				class O_Plane_Fighter_02_F
					cost = 10000;
					requirements[] = {"A"};
			class Naval
				class O_Boat_Transport_01_F
					cost = 100;
					requirements[] = {"W"};
				class O_Boat_Armed_01_hmg_F
					cost = 750;
					requirements[] = {"W"};
			class Gear
				class Box_East_Ammo_F
					cost = 200;
					requirements[] = {};
				class Box_East_Grenades_F
					cost = 200;
					requirements[] = {};
				class Box_East_Wps_F
					cost = 250;
					requirements[] = {};
				class Box_East_AmmoOrd_F
					cost = 250;
					requirements[] = {};
				class Box_East_WpsLaunch_F
					cost = 300;
					requirements[] = {};
				class Box_East_WpsSpecial_F
					cost = 500;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_supplyCrate_F
					cost = 500;
					requirements[] = {};
				class Box_East_AmmoVeh_F
					cost = 500;
					requirements[] = {};
			class Defences
				class O_HMG_01_F
					cost = 250;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_HMG_01_high_F
					cost = 250;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_GMG_01_F
					cost = 250;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_GMG_01_high_F
					cost = 250;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_HMG_01_A_F
					cost = 500;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_GMG_01_A_F
					cost = 500;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_static_AA_F
					cost = 500;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_static_AT_F
					cost = 500;
					requirements[] = {};
	class A3DefaultInfantry: A3DefaultAll
		class WEST: WEST
			class Infantry: Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences{};
		class EAST: EAST
			class Infantry: Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences{};
	class A3DefaultVehicles: A3DefaultAll
		class WEST: WEST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles: Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences{};
		class EAST: EAST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles: Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences{};
	class A3DefaultAircraft: A3DefaultAll
		class WEST: WEST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft: Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences{};
		class EAST: EAST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft: Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences{};
	class A3DefaultNaval: A3DefaultAll
		class WEST: WEST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval: Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences{};
		class EAST: EAST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval: Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences{};
	class A3DefaultGear: A3DefaultAll
		class WEST: WEST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear: Gear{};
			class Defences{};
		class EAST: EAST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear: Gear{};
			class Defences{};
	class A3DefaultDefences: A3DefaultAll
		class WEST: WEST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences: Defences{};
		class EAST: EAST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences: Defences{};
	class A3PacificAll: A3DefaultAll
		class WEST: WEST
			class Infantry
				class B_T_Soldier_F
					cost = 100;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_Soldier_GL_F
					cost = 125;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_medic_F
					cost = 125;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_soldier_AR_F
					cost = 150;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_Soldier_A_F
					cost = 150;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_soldier_M_F
					cost = 150;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_soldier_repair_F
					cost = 200;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_soldier_LAT_F
					cost = 200;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_soldier_AA_F
					cost = 300;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_sniper_F
					cost = 300;
					requirements[] = {};
			class Vehicles
				class B_T_Quadbike_01_F
					cost = 100;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_LSV_01_unarmed_F
					cost = 350;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_MRAP_01_F
					cost = 500;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_Truck_01_transport_F
					cost = 650;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_Truck_01_ammo_F
					cost = 750;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_Truck_01_fuel_F
					cost = 750;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_Truck_01_medical_F
					cost = 750;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_Truck_01_Repair_F
					cost = 750;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_LSV_01_armed_F
					cost = 1000;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_LSV_01_AT_F
					cost = 1250;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_MRAP_01_hmg_F
					cost = 1400;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_MRAP_01_gmg_F
					cost = 1600;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F
					cost = 3000;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F
					cost = 3500;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F
					cost = 4000;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_AFV_Wheeled_01_cannon_F
					cost = 4000;
					requirements[] = {};
				class B_T_MBT_01_cannon_F
					cost = 5000;
					requirements[] = {};
			class Aircraft: Aircraft{};
			class Naval: Naval{};
			class Gear: Gear{};
			class Defences: Defences{};
		class EAST: EAST
			class Infantry
				class O_T_Soldier_F
					cost = 100;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_Soldier_GL_F
					cost = 125;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_medic_F
					cost = 125;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_soldier_AR_F
					cost = 150;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_Soldier_A_F
					cost = 150;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_soldier_M_F
					cost = 150;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_soldier_repair_F
					cost = 200;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_soldier_LAT_F
					cost = 200;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_Soldier_AA_F
					cost = 300;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_sniper_F
					cost = 300;
					requirements[] = {};
			class Vehicles
				class O_T_Quadbike_01_ghex_F
					cost = 100;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_LSV_02_unarmed_F
					cost = 350;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_MRAP_02_ghex_F
					cost = 500;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_Truck_03_transport_ghex_F
					cost = 650;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_Truck_03_ammo_ghex_F
					cost = 750;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_Truck_03_Fuel_ghex_F
					cost = 750;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_Truck_03_medical_ghex_F
					cost = 750;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_Truck_03_Repair_ghex_F
					cost = 750;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_LSV_02_armed_F
					cost = 1000;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_LSV_02_AT_F
					cost = 1250;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_MRAP_02_hmg_ghex_F
					cost = 1400;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_MRAP_02_gmg_ghex_F
					cost = 1600;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_v2_ghex_F
					cost = 3000;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_ghex_F
					cost = 3500;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_APC_Tracked_02_AA_ghex_F
					cost = 4000;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_MBT_02_cannon_ghex_F
					cost = 5000;
					requirements[] = {};
				class O_T_MBT_04_cannon_F
					cost = 6000;
					requirements[] = {};
			class Aircraft: Aircraft{};
			class Naval: Naval{};
			class Gear: Gear{};
			class Defences: Defences{};
	class A3PacificInfantry: A3PacificAll
		class WEST: WEST
			class Infantry: Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences{};
		class EAST: EAST
			class Infantry: Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences{};
	class A3PacificVehicles: A3PacificAll
		class WEST: WEST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles: Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences{};
		class EAST: EAST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles: Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences{};
	class A3PacificAircraft: A3PacificAll
		class WEST: WEST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft: Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences{};
		class EAST: EAST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft: Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences{};
	class A3PacificNaval: A3PacificAll
		class WEST: WEST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval: Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences{};
		class EAST: EAST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval: Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences{};
	class A3PacificGear: A3PacificAll
		class WEST: WEST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear: Gear{};
			class Defences{};
		class EAST: EAST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear: Gear{};
			class Defences{};
	class A3PacificDefences: A3PacificAll
		class WEST: WEST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences: Defences{};
		class EAST: EAST
			class Infantry{};
			class Vehicles{};
			class Aircraft{};
			class Naval{};
			class Gear{};
			class Defences: Defences{};



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Hello guys. I just wanna give my feedback for the Warlord gamemode. I think this is the right place.


I played this gamemode a few days so far.

First i really like it. But here are some points that bother me a little bit.
- Warlord tanoa south: If OPFOR wants to attack Doodstil then there fast travel point lies inside the deathzone of Saioko.
- Warlord Malden is very unbalanced. BLUFOR needs to capture 4 sectors before they can even get choppers. All of these sectors are not on the fastest route to the enemy base which is really bad. That makes 9 sectors to the OPFOR base, for BLUFOR if they want to be able to get choppers when they first meet OPFOR. But even then BLUFOR hasn't even secured the route to their own base (La Pessagne, Arudy). That means they have to capture 11 sectors. OPFOR only has to capture 7 sectors in order to get choppers, a route to the BLUFOR base and to secure the route to their own base. 
- It looks like there is no official server where you can re vote witch sector to capture next.
- You get way to much CP. On malden i normally already have arround 20000CP before i meet the first enemy players. New players who join at that point can't even buy a rocket launcher. 
- Vehicles and weapons with thermal sights are not expensive enough.
- It should be limited how many armed vehicles you can get the same way it is limited how many soldiers you can have.
- I really don't like sector scan. It's enabled on every official server. In my opinion you should only get one sector scan after you captured a sector so you can see wherer enemys are still hiding.
- Destroying heavy vehicles or choppers should give more cp
- As soon as the players get their first Vehicles it gets way to easy to take sectors from the independent faction, which makes the game really boring till you finally meet the first enemy players. Independent need more heavy vehicles and more titan launchers as soon as the players have more CP. 
- It already happend to me that the loosing faction started spawning tons of quadbikes to make the server crash.

At last one question. Would the performance increase if dead bodys would dissapear earlier? Because right now they keep lying arround for quite a long time.

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Cheers Target Practice. I just registered to ask for a copy of the full asset list, and you'd already posted it. I was hoping something like ['A3DefaultAll', 'MyWLAssetList'] would work to combine lists, but it doesn't seem to.


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Yeah, you can't combine lists. All the stock 'sublists' are defined by inheriting from classes defined within the same 'masterlist'.

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I've done a search for the topic of which I am about to discuss.  I'm not sure why nothing comes up; perhaps I'm not searching correctly...


I love this game and have all the DLC, but I've noticed the same problem with Warlords and many other BI public multiplayer servers, and I think it is a big reason that so many of them are empty.  Please please PLEASE fix the vote kick/vote admin feature.  I've seen numerous complaints that TKers were ruining the public Warlords servers, and that the vote kick system is completely ineffective, so I had to see if that was the case.


The first and only server I connected to (one of the Warlords public US servers) had one TKer on the other team.  Both teams agreed to vote kick him, and for about five minutes straight, I see "Player X would like to vote kick Drift" from many (if not all players) in the server.  After that didn't work, we all chose one player to vote as admin and the same thing happened - five minutes straight of players voting to make this one play admin, and nothing  happened.  This player (Drift, if anyone cares) just kept TKing away like the psychopath he is.


This experience tells me one of two things:


1) The "Vote Kick" system is bugged, and doesn't work after the threshold of voting players is reached to kick a player, or 


2) The "Vote Kick" system does work, but the threshold (is it 70% of players in the server?) is way too high for it to be effective.  It needs to be MUCH lower, if this is the case.


I've had and heard problems of players not playing other multiplayer missions (End Game, in my case), due to the complete ineffectiveness of the vote kick/vote admin system.  Maybe this is a big factor for why these servers are never populated.


I am the type of person who doesn't like to complain about a problem without providing a suggestion to solve that problem.  My suggested solution: Make the vote kick threshold 50% of players OR 10 players, whichever is lower.


Otherwise, Warlords is a fantastic multiplayer mission.  It (and other great game modes like End Game) just happens to be effectively ruined by a flawed player management system.


As a dedicated supporter of this game, PLEASE fix this.  Thank you for hearing me out.

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Thank you, I am working on something to remedy this.

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I think official servers have voting disabled? Although it is a specific server related thing, I too agree this needs to be adjusted, especially as it is OFFICIAL.

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4 hours ago, Jezuro said:

Thank you, I am working on something to remedy this.

I set up a custom warlord (10vs10) with a zeus commander slot for each side and i notice something cause i can see the AI waypoint, when they reach the first sector 90% of the AI loop S&D and CYCLE wp, there only 1 or 2 group heading to the next sector, so the AI are useless if there not an human commander to assign waypoint. 

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58 minutes ago, damsous said:

I set up a custom warlord (10vs10) with a zeus commander slot for each side and i notice something cause i can see the AI waypoint, when they reach the first sector 90% of the AI loop S&D and CYCLE wp, there only 1 or 2 group heading to the next sector, so the AI are useless if there not an human commander to assign waypoint. 

I'm pretty sure that's just how WL handles AI navigation.

Trying to add zeus into warlords is just going to lead to clashing with the script added waypoints.

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1 hour ago, target_practice said:

I'm pretty sure that's just how WL handles AI navigation.

Trying to add zeus into warlords is just going to lead to clashing with the script added waypoints.

 Its weird cause after 2h, the opposing side was able to capture 1 sector, i watch what they do in spectator mode, they send 1 group and the group die, the attacker group call 4 men (paradrop) and die again so they dont advance.


I also try it by giving 5000 cp at mission start, after few hour the AI do nothing they are not able to conquer more than 5 sector, few group loop with S&D cycle, the other group don't have any waypoint, i did not interfer with zeus for test or use any AI mods.


Maybe a guard waypoint is more appropriate for sector defense cause they can reinforce attacker group if needed, and will not stuck in a sector.


On my side Zeus as commander fix this problem, if i add a MOVE waypoint the warlord script do not overwrite the WP, he assign a new one (S&D) when the previous WP is completed. 

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My friends are begging me to make a warlords mission with custom addons. I found the very helpful wiki link, which shows me how to add custom classnames for east or west playable factions. How would one go about changing the faction for independent/neutral sectors? It seems to default to AAF and I see that in the Tanoa map pre set for instance, you have Syndicat controlled neutral sectors. Could an answer be added to the wiki too because I'm certain I'm not the only one with this question.

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@Jezuro Any chance you could make the Garrison function into a stand-alone Module? That way a simple editor placed Garrison Module can be used with other game modes/type of Missions without the need for third-party scripts? 


Currently any functionality of the various garrison scripts in game (i.e. ones used in several other modes and even the Site Module's) are ineffective and require other scripts or parts of other game modes to run properly. 

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4 hours ago, QQster said:

My friends are begging me to make a warlords mission with custom addons. I found the very helpful wiki link, which shows me how to add custom classnames for east or west playable factions. How would one go about changing the faction for independent/neutral sectors? It seems to default to AAF and I see that in the Tanoa map pre set for instance, you have Syndicat controlled neutral sectors. Could an answer be added to the wiki too because I'm certain I'm not the only one with this question.

I believe that can be done by setting the faction config class in the init module.

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9 hours ago, QQster said:

My friends are begging me to make a warlords mission with custom addons. I found the very helpful wiki link, which shows me how to add custom classnames for east or west playable factions. How would one go about changing the faction for independent/neutral sectors? It seems to default to AAF and I see that in the Tanoa map pre set for instance, you have Syndicat controlled neutral sectors. Could an answer be added to the wiki too because I'm certain I'm not the only one with this question.


Pretty sure the Devs mentioned that the current build has the option to adjust the two playable factions, however, the Neutral faction (GREEN AAF) are not customizable as of yet.  I have been wrong before though, lol



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Changing the config class in the init module will do the trick.

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3 hours ago, Jezuro said:

Changing the config class in the init module will do the trick.


This one answer.  Should sticky this so people dont have to search and search this thread for this top question / answer.


How about AI mods like vcomai?  If you reduce the ai reinforcement call to like 50 m.  It should work.

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56 minutes ago, jandrews said:

How about AI mods like vcomai?  If you reduce the ai reinforcement call to like 50 m.  It should work.

I have tried with Vcom, but this AI mod delete AI waypoint, i give one try with Vcom i just changed this setting "VCM_ADVANCEDMOVEMENT = false;" to disable waypoint generation.

I think its better to use it only for Green side or disable Vcom in the init field of the playable AI.

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Hey Jezuro,


After playing this weekend i have some more feedback. 


1: Votekicking needs to be looked at, multiple times i have joined a server to have some guy teamkilling with no reprecussions, even if the opossing team is helping out with votekicking. 

2: Players can spawn infinite quadbikes destroying server performance. after an 8 hour back and forth fight an enemy player decided to drop in 100's of quadbikes, there needs to be a set maximum of each type a player can spawn. 

3: When joining a server a player is sometimes put in a squad belonging to another player. 

4: When joining a server a player sometimes has ai assigned to him, these have not been called but are shomehow assigned? 

5: Sector scan messages need to move position, to have it constantly in the middle of your screen can become frustrating, a nice clean side message could be used instead. 


Thank you so much 4 the effort so far, the game mode is an absolute blast.  


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Hello, most of these issues have been already addressed in the code, we'll release an update as soon as we can.

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1 minute ago, Jezuro said:

Hello, most of these issues have been already addressed in the code, we'll release an update as soon as we can.

I will be looking forward to the change logs. 


I hope you dont mind me spamming feedback but i want this game mode to be the best i can be. 


Keep it up 

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This is the place to do so. No problem at all.

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I've noticed when playing on a locally hosted server the average number of sqf scripts running is between 360-415ish. When investigating further there appears to be a lot of "BIS_fnc_WLSectorsSetup" and "BIS_fnc_WLSectorsCommonInit" functions running. Is this considered normal for Warlords as it seems like an excessive amount of scripts?
Here's a pastebin of the active scripts returned: https://pastebin.com/DKCkPppA

I'm also getting a lot of RPT spam with "soldier[XXX]:Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform?" This is mainly happening for units with the Independent prefix aka. I_Soldier_AR_F, I_Soldier_AA_F, I_Soldier_GL_F etc. There is also the following spammed when starting the mission. "Inventory item with given name: [XXX] not found" and it appears to go through every gun available in the game including guns with attachments.

Finally I'm getting the following "mission.sqm/Mission/Entities/XXXXXX/Entities/Item3.type: Unknown enum value SeekAndDestroy" when starting. XXXXX rising from item 315-483.

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Those are mainly spawns checking for various scan calls etc. There are a couple running for each individual sectors, plus various other looped stuff. The processing load should be negligible.

Warlords goes through various config classes at the start to set up Arsenal and available uniforms.

The enum error is new to me.

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6 hours ago, I'mJimFuckingSterlingSon said:

Players can spawn infinite quadbikes destroying server performance. after an 8 hour back and forth fight an enemy player decided to drop in 100's of quadbikes, there needs to be a set maximum of each type a player can spawn. 

Sadly there is no solution for stupid people if they rage or are bored  they will prefer to destroy a game session rather than change game,  server or take a breack...

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