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[MELB] Mission Enhanced Little Bird

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Why, on a dark moonless night, would any pilot in a hostile fire combat scenario forego NVGs, infrared, laser, GPS, and ground based IR locating systems, for a supposed tactical advantage that renders useless the only real protection such a small and thin little airframe has?



Certainly, in ArmA, given the adaptive nature of NVGs, doing such a thing will be an excellent tactical advantage for the enemy as anyone with NVG on looking at the area is instantly blinded.

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11 hours ago, Jnr4817 said:

Can we add to this mod the ability for aircraft equipped with rocket pods to shoot there own FFAR Flare for self visual aid. IR, White, Green, Red, etc?

+1. More options to fill the M260/261 would always be nice. If there would be other rocket types as well, that wouuld be splendid (Flechette, WP)


Will it be used every time, of course not. But would give the pilot an option and let him adjust to mission difficulties presented by the mission designer.

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Hart, I don't think he is talking about foregoing any of the tech stuff, he is saying they still use flares as a proven way to quickly get your least reliable piece of night gear, the MK I Eyeball, onto target rapidly. I have also used NVG's in my line of work, and flares always helped out even when using the NVG's. The thing with tech is that it's great, but there are still old ways of operating that work marvelously and are practical. 

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I understand their utility in peacetime, but to me it seems foolish to sacrifice much of the advantage that made Nightstalker operations viable initially.

Obviously this is at the behest of the artists working this mod. More importantly, I think, than real life application, is the fact that ArmA NVGs are horrible and will make such an addition of dubious advantage. In my experience with the game, if there's a flare up, you are better off without NVGs. I am assuming we are discussing parachuting type flares, which are the only I've seen in the warhead listing for the Hydra 70.

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20 hours ago, colonelhartigan said:

Why, on a dark moonless night, would any pilot in a hostile fire combat scenario forego NVGs, infrared, laser, GPS, and ground based IR locating systems, for a supposed tactical advantage that renders useless the only real protection such a small and thin little airframe has?



Certainly, in ArmA, given the adaptive nature of NVGs, doing such a thing will be an excellent tactical advantage for the enemy as anyone with NVG on looking at the area is instantly blinded.



Sorry if I didn't specify, but the flares would be IR in nature, if at all possible. Meaning to the naked eye, you see nothing but a dark night, but under goggles its a green version of daylight until the flares burns out. Yes parachute flares. The idea is you are called in for a fire mission. You make your high recon pass, identify the target, and set up for your attach run. As you approach your target, pull back and point nose of aircraft 45* in the air, shoot a flare, and prepare for the attach. Usually, the first aircraft in the pass will pop the flare, the others will then lay hate on the enemy. Flares can have adjustable burn times.


I hope this helps share my point. Would be an awesome addition.


Having the ability to choose other colors would be awesome too.



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Ah terribly sorry mate, I saw "IR, White, Green, Red, etc?" and thought you meant IR, white visible light, green visible, etc....which frankly seemed more than a little daft, given the scenario.

I agree, this would be a nice addition, although I personally might prefer just dropping a strobe instead of using up fourteen pounds of rocket motor for something that easily fits in your pocket. Especially when you have an MTOW of ~3100lbs.


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Hey guys,

i was wondering: the melb has that awesome picture in picture monitor for both pilot and copilot. The upcoming jets dlc will enhance the radar mechanics across the board for (all?) aircraft. Unfortunately, this is going to happen via the UI and not as in game MPDs or whatever you wanna call those displays. Now, would if be feasible to use that script of the melb monitor to either substitute one existing display or add a new one in helos like the Kajman or Blackfoot? 

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On 3/22/2017 at 0:51 AM, Gruman said:

More options to fill the M260/261 w


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so....either i have for whatever reason not noticed it over the last couple of month or the new sensor/targeting stuff on dev branch have fixed the melb's hellfire/dagr lock problems. I just sat in the gunners seat with an ai pilot and could lock up my own laser with both dagr and hellfire without issues and steer them around to my hearts content. I cannot lock up vehicles, only the laser, though i am not sure whether this is mods intent or a bug.

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Just started using this mod, and as of request from our groups helicopter pilot i will ask for the following things: 

- Is there anyway to get control of the flir camera as the pilot?
if not is there anyway I can get control of the zoom levels AND is there anyway I can tell the gunner to look where i am point my crosshairs OR better yet make the ai gunner follow my crosshair all the time? 

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33 minutes ago, pexmo said:

Just started using this mod, and as of request from our groups helicopter pilot i will ask for the following things: 

- Is there anyway to get control of the flir camera as the pilot?
if not is there anyway I can get control of the zoom levels AND is there anyway I can tell the gunner to look where i am point my crosshairs OR better yet make the ai gunner follow my crosshair all the time? 


For controlling the camera and flying, the best solution I've found is to fly from the co-pilots seat.

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2 hours ago, Sniperwolf572 said:


For controlling the camera and flying, the best solution I've found is to fly from the co-pilots seat.

Aha, can you elaborate. Didnt know that you could do that, have not touched the aircraft in a while so I did not try that. 
Do you use for example joystick for flying and the mouse for the camera then? 

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it kinda works but the problem then is...you camera is frozen/locked so you have to aim with flight attitude. Atm, flying in the copilots seat is your best bet, but still far from satifactory. And this system when both pilot and gunner have a mfd just does not make any sense. The AH-99/Comanche has pretty much the same cockpit setup for both pilot and gunner, even enough mfds to make it feasible for the pilot to use the gun turret. Its just so annoying that solo players are sitting there with a halfbaked helo. Anyway, right now the only helo that allows proper solo play is
Franze's/Nodunit's AH-64 mod.

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Ok. Yeah we have tried the great Franze/Nodunit AH-64 mod. But it is not suitable for our current missions, it is to powerful there. 
Tried from the co-pilot seat and yeah it works but as you say, one can not use the camera with separate controls it seems. 
It would be great of one could have separate controls for the camera when in the co-pilot seat, that would make this addon work for us perfectly. 

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i guess we need to find a proper coder who could take a look at the config of the attack helos and either change it (as you said) to make the gun turret mouse steerable or better yet, give full control of the gun turret to the pilot. I actually looked at the config of the Blackfoot and made a change to the line where the gun turret checks for 'player=copilot', but that was not good enough and didn't do the trick. Best bet is probably ask someone like firewill for assistance or a pointer in the right direction at least.

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Try it yourself and tell me whether this provides for a satifactory experience. Not only is it very cumbersombe to get the ai pilot to take you where you want but the ai constantly changes and fidles with the flight attitude...its impoissble to get a good aim that way.

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With the Jets DLC and Grumphy's mod, can we re-look at adding the Gau-19 and mini-gun configuration on one side and DAGR on the other?




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Hey y'all, using ACE, is something still broken that doesn't allow the hellfire to laser lock? We can lock with the DAGR but the hellfire is a bust

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@diesel5187 Are there any plans on updating MELB to use the new dynamic loadout system? If so - will standalone version be updated or just RHS?

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MELB will be updated for DLS. Soon. 

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On 6/7/2017 at 4:56 PM, BadHabitz said:

MELB will be updated for DLS. Soon. 


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Are you able to use a single model/unit (OH-6M), and attach animations/pods to transform it into the attack/transport variant ? Could be a useful for switching on the fly during the mission.

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Its no good way for 

18 hours ago, KiTooN said:

Are you able to use a single model/unit (OH-6M), and attach animations/pods to transform it into the attack/transport variant ? Could be a useful for switching on the fly during the mission.

It's no good way for maintain realism on Arma 3, maybe you should try BF instead Arma 3.

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