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[MELB] Mission Enhanced Little Bird

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Thank you our Intention with Flight model is to make it as Realistic in arma But also Try and keep it as fun as possible {Personally my self i love Flying this Around Its just Good fun}

Fully agree. Thats the great thing with the MELB, really like where you have taken the flight model. Hopefully it doesn't change too much in further updates but of course things sometimes change. But definitely wanted to let you know that where it is now is reallllllllly nice.

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Is support for Advanced Flight Model planned?

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Is support for Advanced Flight Model planned?

i second this, however, more on the side on, do you have plans for it to be in the next up date...

I have NOT downloaded this because i only use the ADV flight model.. and have read that this isnt config'd for it...

I would like to fly this puppy around.. since this is the little bird, you can easly just extract the config for the BIS hummingbird and just tweek what you felt needed tweeking... instead of starting from scratch...

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since this is the little bird, you can easly just extract the config for the BIS hummingbird and just tweek what you felt needed tweeking... instead of starting from scratch...

You underestimate the work needed for AFM. ;)

Since Arma 2 model is used, a memory point must be correctly configured and then XML can be copied and modified, but it does not assure a good flight model.

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i second this, however, more on the side on, do you have plans for it to be in the next up date...

I have NOT downloaded this because i only use the ADV flight model.. and have read that this isnt config'd for it...

I would like to fly this puppy around.. since this is the little bird, you can easly just extract the config for the BIS hummingbird and just tweek what you felt needed tweeking... instead of starting from scratch...

You underestimate the work needed for AFM. ;)

Since Arma 2 model is used, a memory point must be correctly configured and then XML can be copied and modified, but it does not assure a good flight model.

The AFM is far from complete, it is planned though.

Here are 2 videos made by community members, we appreciate the attention, more updates coming VERY soon.


Edited by Diesel5187

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... more updates coming VERY soon....

I like the sounds of that!! :D You guys work fast!

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Excuse the music... This video was made for something else but figured i would post it. 13 minutes of just fast low flying in the MELB. Love this thing.

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Let me show night training (sorry medium quality):

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Congrats on a great mod, I love flying these things.

I did have a question, I don't understand what is meant by, assign a hotkey to gear up/down to toggle the flir. Isn't the "G" Key to toggle gear up/down? I can get the flir monitor to fold/unfold, but can't get it to change modes. Sorry is this has already been answered, and I missed it in the thread.

Anyway, here is a little vid of a mission I made to have some fun with your Little Birds.

Edited by stburr91

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stbrr91: Gear down controls thermals/day cam, gear up folds/unfolds. Bind each to a different key is key here, like G for one and Left-Ctrl+G or something :)

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And one more with CAS. View from the ground unit 0:00, 1:05, 23:42, 25:53. Meaby not epic action but viewing from vid above and this one is MELB mod starting his active duty :)

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Already loving these birds. Just a couple of thoughts.

What's the reason for so many fire modes? Does anyone use the slow rpm mode with the m134s? And me personal would prefer just to have the single rocket mode, due to more accuracy.

I normally start of with a miniguns burst then one or two rockets and immediately switch back to miniguns ready to do a follow up if necessary. Now it takes "awhile" to toggle through all the fire modes to get back to M134/GAU19.

The safety feels a bit unnecessary cause:



Keep up the good work!

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Well, it's depand on situation. Normal i use same option - nigh rpm burst M-134 then single rocket and wave off. But i think there could be tactical situation to recommend to fire more then single or pair rocket. In vid. above i had one kind of it.

During gun run i was engine hit but not too bad. For my safety was better to RTB and repair or take next chopper, but in my pods left 4 rocket, so i decide to perform last rocket run and then RTB.

Now it takes "awhile" to toggle through all the fire modes to get back to M134/GAU19.

I think this is individual option. This is what advance joystic we have to allow use button to toggle in one second on next weapon.

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To change firemodes between Guns and Rockets you can use the keybindings within the Arma 3 Profile. Go to:

C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles \YourIngamename.arma3Profile

and open this up with Notepad or the editor of your choosing.

Look for those lines:





Using 2,3,4,5 from top to button will assign the Numbers 1,2,3,4 on your keyboard. (yeah, its shifted by one number)

Hope it helps

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But i think there could be tactical situation to recommend to fire more then single or pair rocket.

Completely agree with you, but since it all happens so fast I would rather just have two fire modes to prevent any bursts with the rockets, if you want to fire several rockets it's real easy just to click X amount of times fast.

To change firemodes between Guns and Rockets you can use the keybindings within the Arma 3 Profile. Go to:

C:\Users\YourUsername\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles \YourIngamename.arma3Profile

and open this up with Notepad or the editor of your choosing.

Look for those lines:





Using 2,3,4,5 from top to button will assign the Numbers 1,2,3,4 on your keyboard. (yeah, its shifted by one number)

Hope it helps

Cool, will look into it.

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Meaby there are things about we don't know. I mean real AH-6 where propably aircrew has programmable weapon systems during flight for pilot comfort. So this what swissMAG posted could be counterpart for this.

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The latest "Art of Flight" video by Dslyecxi , features the MELB, so if you wanna see some great footage and learn a few tricks its a nice showcase for this mod.

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Update is now live!!!

Click here to download. First page download link to Armaholic will hopefully be updated soon, thanks to Foxhound.

There are still a million things for us to do before we're done, but that doesn't mean you can't have fun with this early version :D

A lot of people have been providing us with amazing feedback and ideas, we really can't thank you guys enough for it! Please continue to do so by using this thread or our feedback tracker.

Diesel's away for a couple of weeks and because of that i can't edit the first post with new info(unless an admin gives me permission). So i'll just post the changelog here.

CHANGELOG for v0.00002 (2015-07-08)

ADDED: M261 19-shot rocket pod to the medium attack variant(AH-6M-M)

ADDED: FLIR pods for everyone!

ADDED: GAU-19 rotating barrel animation

ADDED: GAU-19 sounds

ADDED: Arma 3 new minigun sounds to the M134

ADDED: Beeping noise for countermeasures

ADDED: Sling loading

ADDED: Passenger seat on the attack birds for those times when there's no one else around to provide transport

ADDED: Proper resolution LODs for better performance(yay.. more frames(sort of))

ADDED: Rotor blur texture for the tail rotor

FIXED: Helicopter no longer floats weirdly when using AFM

FIXED: FLIR UI(Thanks Kimi!)

FIXED: Rockets now disappear when fired

FIXED: Searchlight and collision lights are now properly configured

FIXED: Missing geometry when looking through the FLIR camera

FIXED: Rotor blur texture when looking in first person in the pilot seat

REMOVED: Ripple-4 fire mode on the rockets

TWEAKED: Copilot head is now locked in position when moving the FLIR camera

TWEAKED: FFV view limits on the H-6M

TWEAKED: Helicopter sounds

TWEAKED: Grease pencil crosshair changed from circle+cross to a single dot

TWEAKED: M134 dispersion and rate of fire

TWEAKED: GAU-19 rate of fire

TWEAKED: Damage model

TWEAKED: Helicopter texture(it was previously too blue)


Edited by sykoCrazy
resize image

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Congrats on the new release. Eager to test it out this evening :--)

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Yessss, download nad testing :)

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Great addon. Just wished the LBs inherited sounds from the default LBs or at least had realistic sounds of their own. It sounds very odd to use them with JSRS or SOS and have completely different quality sounds as far as the engines/guns go.

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AWESOME !!!! thanks for the update guys, this helo is now pretty much the only helo my group uses lol. So happy you added passenger seat to AH version. Amazing work on this.

Quick question... Sometimes my group does rescue missions where we have to extract a hostageNPC. However npcs when you take them into custody and "load" them into vehicle using ACE3, when you load them into the MELB they stand instead of sit. Is this because the MELB isn't "ace compatible" or is it an ACE issue. Just curious not a big deal.

Keep up the good work guys !!!

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Great addon. Just wished the LBs inherited sounds from the default LBs or at least had realistic sounds of their own. It sounds very odd to use them with JSRS or SOS and have completely different quality sounds as far as the engines/guns go.

Thanks for the support!

We're always tweaking sounds, we're not fully happy with them either. We started out using LordJarhead's JSRS sounds because he was kind enough to let us use it. It's very hard for us to judge if the sounds are accurate since none of us have actually been in a MD-530 cockpit, which would be the closest thing to an actual AH-6M. But even then i bet the 160th birds have a unique sound due to their modified rotor blades, transmission, engine, tail rotor shaft, etc.

So we will keep on trying new settings and samples until we reach a point where we, and most people, feel good about it :D

AWESOME !!!! thanks for the update guys, this helo is now pretty much the only helo my group uses lol. So happy you added passenger seat to AH version. Amazing work on this.

Quick question... Sometimes my group does rescue missions where we have to extract a hostageNPC. However npcs when you take them into custody and "load" them into vehicle using ACE3, when you load them into the MELB they stand instead of sit. Is this because the MELB isn't "ace compatible" or is it an ACE issue. Just curious not a big deal.

Keep up the good work guys !!!

Hey thanks for the heads up! This was a previously unknown bug for us. jones140 was kind enough to reproduce such bug and identified it as an issue with ACE when trying to place prisoners in FFV seats in general. So the only helicopter in the mod that would let you carry a single prisoner without seeing this bug is the H-6M, which has a normal cargo seat in the rear compartment. In the next update we will add a line to the config which will have that seat as the first one in the seating order. But if you guys don't feel like waiting, feel free to add it and repack the mod for your personal use. I think it should work by adding this under the MELB_base class:

getInProxyOrder[] = {9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};

I'll try it out later today, but if you do before me, please let me know if it works out!


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My uncle is a 160th SOAR veteran! I will give him a shout and see if he could possibly provide a solution to the sound accuracy, (might even be able to get a sample) i'll update this post when i get in touch with him.

Congratulations on the new update! It looks to be a BiG one, *straps in* :ok: :coop:

Edited by robowilso

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