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SGT Fuller

United States Air Force( 2015)

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So how do you use JDAMs properly? Whenever I set a gps/ins target and drop the JDAMs they never seem to guide themselves towards the target. Am I suppose to dive bomb or something else? A little advice would be appreciated :)


When using the JDAMS combined with the GPS you will need to fly toward the target location and you will get a solid reticle. At that time drop the bomb and it will go toward it. No need to dive bomb unless you want to and your badass like that. The new system will be alot better so if you are still having issues they wont be there. 

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Is it planned to add support for Vehicle in Vehicle to the transport aircraft? It'd be awesome to actually be able to transport stuff like tanks and APCs in C5's cargobay. CUP has a C-130 with that capacity, but that obviously can't carry much.

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Is it planned to add support for Vehicle in Vehicle to the transport aircraft? It'd be awesome to actually be able to transport stuff like tanks and APCs in C5's cargobay. CUP has a C-130 with that capacity, but that obviously can't carry much.

We will not use BI's ViV as it doesnt look right with the planes

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It's rather disappointing. Will you have a usable, AI-compatible replacement for it, then? There are a few solutions for vehicle transport around, but BI one is the only one that seems to work with AI.


TBH, I'd rather have a ViV system that looks poorly, but works, as opposed to none at all or one that only works for the player.

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I'm with the team builders - if it can't be done right then don't do it

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I haven't read all 84 pages of this thread, so sorry if this has already been asked, but isn't the F-16 primarily a bomb dropper, so why no CAS version of the F-16?

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I haven't read all 84 pages of this thread, so sorry if this has already been asked, but isn't the F-16 primarily a bomb dropper, so why no CAS version of the F-16?

The F-16 is a Multirole Fighter jet, and features a large array of weapons it can carry, including GBU's, CBU's, AMRAAM's, AIM's, AGM's, JDAM's and more. All of this is can be put on the F-16 via the service menu

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It's rather disappointing. Will you have a usable, AI-compatible replacement for it, then? There are a few solutions for vehicle transport around, but BI one is the only one that seems to work with AI.


TBH, I'd rather have a ViV system that looks poorly, but works, as opposed to none at all or one that only works for the player.


The cargo planes in this pack can already carry heavy loads. The C5 can carry the most and the heaviest. The scripts are already in place. The BI VIV is just not good looking and is against the realism we offer here.

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Can AI load and unload vehicles to/from them (and if it can, how can I make it do that)? Can the planes paradrop vehicles (admittedly, this is mostly a Russian thing)? Can the vehicles be loaded up in editor (preferably without a half-page of a config file that can't even be accessed from Eden)? I like the BIS system because it's fairly straightforward to use in a mission, works with AI (well, it will after they fix the waypoints) and doesn't require any arcane wizardry to set up. I'm an SP-only player (and thus SP-only wannabe mission maker), thus in order for a feature to have anything but an incidental use, it has to work with AI.


Realism is great if the features are working. I'd rather take an unrealistic ViV system over one unusable by AI. Last time I checked (granted, it was a while ago), there was no obvious way of getting AI to load a vehicle into a plane.

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Can AI load and unload vehicles to/from them (and if it can, how can I make it do that)? Can the planes paradrop vehicles (admittedly, this is mostly a Russian thing)? Can the vehicles be loaded up in editor (preferably without a half-page of a config file that can't even be accessed from Eden)? I like the BIS system because it's fairly straightforward to use in a mission, works with AI (well, it will after they fix the waypoints) and doesn't require any arcane wizardry to set up. I'm an SP-only player (and thus SP-only wannabe mission maker), thus in order for a feature to have anything but an incidental use, it has to work with AI.


Realism is great if the features are working. I'd rather take an unrealistic ViV system over one unusable by AI. Last time I checked (granted, it was a while ago), there was no obvious way of getting AI to load a vehicle into a plane.

If you could just stop bitchin about it, because it is not going to happen either way, and if you want a plane with ViV check out CUP or bloody make it yourself as Pook suggested.

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You might want to look into this:



If only it was that simple. Unfortunately, the tools wouldn't be of much use: 



This add-on is released under

Creative Commons License


So much for adding this myself for anything but my personal use (which is not the point, really). I wouldn't be able to release my modification and this mod wouldn't take it, as per previous posts. I'd have to make my own C-5 from scratch, which I have neither skills nor the time to do. TBH, if it wasn't for the license, I could possibly attempt to add ViV (someone said it's actually really easy as far as these things go). As far as I've seen, C-5 and C-17 from this mod are the only ones ever made for A3. CUP only has the C-130, which can't fit anything larger than a Humvee (I want to transport tanks).


Of course, if there was a way of making AI work with your system, then I'd just use that.

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If only it was that simple. Unfortunately, the tools wouldn't be of much use: 

So much for adding this myself for anything but my personal use (which is not the point, really). I wouldn't be able to release my modification and this mod wouldn't take it, as per previous posts. I'd have to make my own C-5 from scratch, which I have neither skills nor the time to do. TBH, if it wasn't for the license, I could possibly attempt to add ViV (someone said it's actually really easy as far as these things go). As far as I've seen, C-5 and C-17 from this mod are the only ones ever made for A3. CUP only has the C-130, which can't fit anything larger than a Humvee (I want to transport tanks).


Of course, if there was a way of making AI work with your system, then I'd just use that.

Could you just stop, its NOT going to happen, we know you want it, but we don't!!

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If only it was that simple. Unfortunately, the tools wouldn't be of much use: 

So much for adding this myself for anything but my personal use (which is not the point, really). I wouldn't be able to release my modification and this mod wouldn't take it, as per previous posts. I'd have to make my own C-5 from scratch, which I have neither skills nor the time to do. TBH, if it wasn't for the license, I could possibly attempt to add ViV (someone said it's actually really easy as far as these things go). As far as I've seen, C-5 and C-17 from this mod are the only ones ever made for A3. CUP only has the C-130, which can't fit anything larger than a Humvee (I want to transport tanks).


Of course, if there was a way of making AI work with your system, then I'd just use that.

Please respect the reasoning of the mod makers, that should be enough. However if you still wish to see a C5 or C17 work with ViV then i would advise you to take heed of your own advice and look at making your own. Or wait until another mod team makes one.


Any further arguing etc may result in forum penalties been applied.  :ph34r:


Now shall we get back on topic ;)

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Yeah, but you (and everybody else, for that matter) still didn't answer my question. Is that possible to get the AI to load and unload vehicles from C-5 and C-17? I don't really need BIS ViV specifically, but it has been said that the planes can supposedly carry heavy loads already. So I'm asking, how can I actually set that up?

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Yeah, but you (and everybody else, for that matter) still didn't answer my question. Is that possible to get the AI to load and unload vehicles from C-5 and C-17? I don't really need BIS ViV specifically, but it has been said that the planes can supposedly carry heavy loads already. So I'm asking, how can I actually set that up?

NO it cannot not be used by AI sir.

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Can it be scripted, at least? I dunno, attachTo, setPos, something like that. I'm still new to that scripting, but it seems rather powerful. This won't look better than BIS implementation, but it might work, at least...

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Question: are you ever going to add actual armor values to the SPCS Vests and the ACH helmets so they aren't just cosmetic and useless? :(

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Can it be scripted, at least? I dunno, attachTo, setPos, something like that. I'm still new to that scripting, but it seems rather powerful. This won't look better than BIS implementation, but it might work, at least...

It is scripted obviously, there are a couple of ways to go about it. Please note each plane currently has its own prefix! This will be changed in the next updated to one set of functions.

Note! each function is designed for each vehicle. They all have different prefixes!



Loading the vehicle

The first way will check around the plane for the nearest possible vehicle it can load which are selected from this array ["LandVehicle","Ship","ThingX","Air"]

syntax is

[<plane>] spawn <prefix>_canLoad;

The next way will not check for possible near vehicles and will load a selected target (including animation of vehicle moving into the bay) (note you must open and close the doors manually!)

[<plane>,<object>] spawn <prefix>_loadCargo

The final way is just forcing the vehicle into the plane with no animation of movement (great for spawning in air)

[<plane>,<object>] spawn <prefix>_forceLoadCargo

Unloading a vehicle

Once the object is loaded there are a few other functions for the unloading section

1 Unloading the vehicle on the ground (this will unload the nearest object in the rear bay)

[<plane>] spawn <prefix>_canUnload

2 Unloading in the air (this will unload the nearest object in the rear bay)

[<plane>] spawn <prefix>_canDrop

3 Unloading while near the ground for L.A.P.E.S. (though i would not recommend doing this) (this will unload the nearest object in the rear bay)

[<plane>] spawn <prefix>_canLapes

There are other functions that will just unload a certain vehicle however I would not recommend using them.

I hoped this answered your question.

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Question: are you ever going to add actual armor values to the SPCS Vests and the ACH helmets so they aren't just cosmetic and useless? :(


All of that will be removed in this next update. The only units that will be available are the pilots. There gear will have actual armor values etc.  

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It is scripted obviously, there are a couple of ways to go about it. Please note each plane currently has its own prefix! This will be changed in the next updated to one set of functions.

Note! each function is designed for each vehicle. They all have different prefixes!



I hoped this answered your question.


Thanks. This is what I've been looking for. I should be able to load and unload AI vehicles when they reach a regular waypoint using those, which will do for now.


All that remains is finding a way for the player to command the AI to load up and disembark, which might be though, but may be doable. Disembarking should boil down to executing a script on command, while embarking would be slightly more complicated. Guess it's off to Wiki/Scripting subforum to find out.

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Added Formation lights to all of the aircraft that have them. I added them to the osprey also but forgot to take pics of it. You will see that beauty later :). The AC-130J has its correct launching system added







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great mod sir 

plz can u make the gbu-43 more effective 

it only destroy less than half unit in the area of the bomb , it look so powerful that it should  no infantry in that area be alive and vehicle should be at least badly damaged

also when i detonate the gbu 43 on land with c4  , there is no smoke or fire effect 

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Good to see all the recent progress.  Are there any plans to add limited passenger, say 20 or so, to the MC-130J?  It would be great to be able to use it for SOF airborne insertion - in addition to limited cargo.

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