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Make Arma Not War - Winners

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Wow, these are one or two unexpected results. Congrats to all the winners, you've earned it! ;)

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Congratulations to the all other winners.

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Congrats to the winners, to the contestants and to all the modders past and present that did it for free.

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Congrats to all the winners and thanks to all the contestants.

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Wow, these are one or two unexpected results. Congrats to all the winners, you've earned it! ;)

Not that unexpected :)

Resist and Deliverance-----> was sure about it

Same for the F18 Black Wasp

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Not that unexpected :)

Resist and Deliverance-----> was sure about it

Same for the F18 Black Wasp

Was sure on Resist and Pilgrimage but also expected WLA to be on the podium. And maybe in a different order. Three places are too few I guess.^^

There are some pretty cool concepts on the lower ranks as well. I hope those creators will also continue their work regardless of losing in the contest.

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Wow congrats to the winners and everyone who participated. What a ride!

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Congrats!!! but...

GET WRECKED ??? seriously?? :eek:

I'll give my opinion of the multiplayer category (but in Spanish):

Antes de nada aclarar que esta opinión está escrita en español ya que si lo hago en inglés parecería un "indio" intentando comunicarme. Además tengo relación con la presentación multijugador de CTF+2.0 y con la campaña singleplayer Deliverance por lo cual no niego que esto puede influir en mis palabras, pero creo que no.

1st - King of hill: Sin duda un modo multijugador adictivo y con miles de seguidores que lo juegan diariamente. Un sencillo merecedor de este primer puesto, aunque dos detalles no me acaban de gustar. El poco progreso realizado en el modo de juego en este último año, es decir, la nula mejora de código y de características del modo cuando bien necesarias que son ya que presenta ciertos fallos y un rendimiento pésimo (siempre existe para donde mejorar y no he visto que lo hayan intentado). Y segundo la forma en que tienen su código "encriptado" para que la comunidad no pueda hacer uso de el, un muy buen código que si estuviera "libre" puedo asegurar que traería a Arma 3 misiones multijugador de este estilo o parecidas de una calidad enorme.

2st - Battle Royale: Un modo bastante interesante y bien llevado, pero sobre todo en la modalidad de "isla completa" donde muestra su máximo esplendor y demuestra una complejidad mayor tanto en el código como en la jugabilidad. En comparación esta mini-versión se queda un poco corta para mi gusto. En parte entiendo este segundo puesto pero tampoco lo veo del todo merecido.

3st - Twilight Onslaught: De este poco puedo decir ya que no he sido capaz de encontrar ningún servidor con esta misión, ni vídeos al respecto ni nada (que poco impacto ha causado en los jugadores no? ). Estaré un poco pendiente de ella a ver si esta merecedora del premio!

3st - Get Wrecked: Lo he probado, me ha parecido gracioso, me ha asustado su mal rendimiento y listo. Es una experiencia graciosa, diferente de lo que normalmente estamos acostumbrados en Arma pero es eso, una anécdota dentro de un gran juego. Me parece un poco insultante este tercer puesto, ya que es un modo que no lleva a nada mas que a la gracia de 10 minutos si consigues jugarlo ( ya que el rendimiento, al menos para mi, era pésimo ). Es eso, lo pruebas, te ríes y te olvidas de el... no es un modo que se vaya a jugar en multijugador en Arma, no es relevante para la comunidad, no aporta nada a los usuarios sedientos de COOP o PVP en este juego!

- Esta es mi pequeña opinión, que como digo podéis considerar que esta un poco influenciada pero intenté que no fuera así. El resto de categorías están bastante bien, aunque la de "ADDONS" (quitando el task force radio) es mas floja de lo que debería.

Quitando Task Force Radio y RHS creo que el dinero que van a recibir los participantes va a ser desperdiciado o no está acorde con el trabajo invertido y lo que aportan al juego, sin duda ese dinero estaría bastante mejor empleado en otras cosas.

¡Pero bueno, felicidades a todos los ganadores y a Bohemia Interactive por tenernos a todos atentos al concurso y darle este apoyo tan enorme a Arma y a su comunidad!

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Grats again for all winners. :) Also guessed the top 3 in SP but in bit different order. Hoped the player votes would have had some effect since when the jury was annouced instantly realised my entry was too hard to get into. More casual gameplay were definitely favored. Still all winners deserved their prices. Dissapointed, but this is how it went.

Edited by SaOk

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Hey at least non of the 2-hour-mod crew who got in just for the shiny forum badge won. Those bastards. Oh wait...

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Grats again for all winners. :) Also guessed the top 3 in SP but in bit different order. Hoped the player votes would have had some effect since when the jury was annouced instantly realised my entry was too hard to get into. More casual gameplay were definitely favored. Still all winners deserved their prices. Dissapointed, but this is how it went.

The casual thing might actually be true considering the trends in the gaming industry (movie-like games, scripted gameplay etc.) Presentation makes a lot, especially on the first impression. Accessibility and complexity also have an impact. Contrary to MP I think the presentation aspect is even stronger in SP. Many people (including me) are often looking for entertainment and something to lay back and enjoy rather than a challenge when playing SP games. Would love to see the results for all finalists, also curious to see what rank I made of course.^^

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Thanks god that this EPOCH **** didn`t win this moronic content. Nevertheless, congratulations to the winners!

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Definitely :), well time to head back to arma editor. Almost would also like to see the final points, but 4. place would be so awful and especially if missing only point. Would be so typical finnish luck. :D

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Can we get the full rank classment with points ?

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Willing to say congrats all contest participants who contributed to arma 3 gameplay, BUT

I am very dissapointed with MANW jury, how RHS could win in total modification?

WHat the hell we are naming the addon for tanks and guns a total modification, total modification is something like ACE or at least AGM, but we see RHS as top winners, that's nonsense.

TFAR makes much more quality change to ARMA than over9000 tanks and guns.

Too disappointed, quitting arma scripting and arma from now, it was the last nail.

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Thanks god that this EPOCH **** didn`t win this moronic content. Nevertheless, congratulations to the winners!
Whereas the only mod I wanted to lose was RHS irrespective of quality simply because I find its fans the most vocally insufferable.
WHat the hell we are naming the addon for tanks and guns a total modification, total modification is something like ACE or at least AGM, but we see RHS as top winners, that's nonsense.
ACE wasn't entered in MANW, and AGM was a finalist competing against RHS.

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ACE wasn't entered in MANW, and AGM was a finalist competing against RHS.

I referenced ACE or AGM for example of what total modification is. RHS is not a total modification. It is just a weapons and vehicles addon.

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I'm as well dissapointed to see an addon pack winning in total modification category.:confused:

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Thanks god that this EPOCH **** didn`t win this moronic content. Nevertheless, congratulations to the winners!

I hate to say it, but I was relieved as well that the "DayZ Inspired" mods didn't win.

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I'm sort of disappointed that there is no further evaluation for all the winners from the jury. Also Total Modification should get an extra evaluation as there is only one winner and all the other mods in this category deserve some sort of good review.

But anyway congratulations for all the winners, they really deserve it! ;)

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