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T-100 Varsuk with Coilgun (more or less WIP)

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Hello Folks,

decided to release my custom made railgun / coilgun CSAT tank, which is based on the original railgun / coilgun tank that we all could see on old ArmA3 promo screenshots. The tank isn’t 1:1 the same (antenna are missing and the back of the turret looks slightly different), but I tried my best to at least get the boxy turret back into the game. It uses a kind of hacky approach, so I actually didn't really touched the original T-100 tank. It's still there... in the inside...


First things first: I've worked on the dev-branch. So let's hope everything works for everyone who doesn't use the dev-branch. :p

The 3D model was made by me, the texture is the original one from Bohemia Interactive, which can still be found in the game files. The sound effect is cut together from a random google-search Quake 3 railgun sound effect (I suck at sound engineering), and the most important part, the basic script that makes it possible for my boxy gun to be correctly placed and aligned in the game, was made by a redditor which I unfortunately can’t credit as of now, because I was unable to re-find the link to the thread. Shame on me for that one, but I am of good hope to find it again some day.

This addon comes with a showcase mission called "Breakthrough" - The mission itself is rather simple and straight forward: Defend the CSAT tanks and repel the enemy assault. It’s short and thrown together in kind of a hurry. It’s reason to exist is solely to show the tank in action. It can be found under the scenario menu (didn't really fit the Showcases menu and I didn't wanted to clutter it up).


cg-1.thumb.jpg cg-2.thumb.jpg cg-3.thumb.jpg








Known Issues:

  • The boxy gun is “lagging behind†the turret movement, which comes from the way the script handles the object…
  • … this results in sometimes the original gun “sticking out†of the new boxy one if the turret is rotating too fast. I tried to be smart and simply add alpha transparency to the texture, to make the original gun invisible, but this didn't really worked out because of whatever reason.
  • Also there is a visual bug which let’s the old / original T-100 turret shine through the new one if you are the tank gunner or commander. This makes the tank more or less not very pretty to use if you want to drive by yourself.
  • The boxy gun is non-solid. This means, depending on the current rotation of the turret, the player might be able to walk through the object. For the life of god I was unable to get that right. Maybe a future update will deal with it…
  • The boxy gun placement script has it’s weakness: Aim too high and rotate the turret to the sides will slightly roll the gun. My math skills are way too bad to fix this on my own.

What does this mean? Well, the known issues list looks super long, no? As it is right now, the tank should sadly be used only for ambient combat scenes, where the player is never a crew member. This pretty much gives the best results and can look super cool if done right. Also it’s a damn coilgun tank- Bohemia Interactive canned their original, so this is better than nothing, no? …No?


Addon at the Steam Workshop

Addon information on my website and stuff




  • Lexx – 3D Model
  • Bohemia Interactive – Texture
  • Sound Effect – Partly out of Quake 3 for now… hurr durr
  • Unknown Reddeditor – Base script for the turret positioning

/Edit: This is actually the very first time I've worked with custom made 3d models in ArmA. For my lack of skill in this area, I think the results aren't that bad.

Edited by Lexx

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Not sure if needed to be said but I remember digging through the config and there's a "Spike" round somewhere that may or may not help that was specifically designed for that coiigun.

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Nicely done , heh - now it needs some rail gun effects :D

btw can you make that railgun cannon with hard edges , it looks too smooth - also it does use some rvmat?

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I've adjusted the particle effects. It's creating a kind of refract effect and only produces "ground smoke" / sand flying around. Tried to get the refraction a bit stronger, but it's another thing that didn't really worked out, so I kept it as-is for now. So it's possible that you won't really notice it if you don't know that it is there. :> It's much more obvious if I disable the smoke... but with disabled smoke the gunfire looks really weak.

I am using the original textures from BIS in my rvmat. This is also why the gun is "sticking out" a little bit from the rest of the tank- the original texture is a bit of lower resolution and you can see that when standing really close to the tank. My guess is that this is also the reason why it looks smooth / different than the rest of the tank.

Don't think I am going to do a NATO version. The NATO tank only appears for a few seconds in a very old teaser video and you can't really see anything on it. Though, then again, going by all the other ArmA3 weapon content, it's possible that their turret is 1:1 the same as the CSAT variant, just with a different texture. :>

PS: I didn't binarized anything in the addon, so if someone feels motivated to use it for something else or modify it in whatever way, I don't mind as long as proper credits are given.

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The model should probably be modified. There doesn't need to be the lines made into the model, just a solid long block, of course shaped and with a barrel.

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The model should probably be modified. There doesn't need to be the lines made into the model, just a solid long block, of course shaped and with a barrel.

You'd be wrong.

the lines he has in the tank are quiet accurate of those that were in the original model, and to be honest, makes it looks better, and as if it was actually manufactured and put together. Also, it's a Railgun... Have you seen those things? THey're mainly composed of sections.

Mod made

http://i.cubeupload.com/EtltOk.jpg (208 kB)



That is, if your referring to the barrel.

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You'd be wrong.

the lines he has in the tank are quiet accurate of those that were in the original model, and to be honest, makes it looks better, and as if it was actually manufactured and put together. Also, it's a Railgun... Have you seen those things? THey're mainly composed of sections.

Mod made

http://i.cubeupload.com/EtltOk.jpg (208 kB)


That is, if your referring to the barrel.

I don't mean the textured lines, I mean the modelled in lines. I'm not sure, but they might be dropping the quality of the texture.

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I don't mean the textured lines, I mean the modelled in lines. I'm not sure, but they might be dropping the quality of the texture.

I tried this first and it didn't looked that much better. The main problem is that the texture size should be a tad increased, imo. But for it's current use I think it is ok. I just wish I could disable that damn barrel from the original tank or at least increase the speed of the box position refresh rate.

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Well now, I never thought the railgun tank would rise from the dead.

I'll keep my eye on this.

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Just a quick question right now the tank is only available via a showcase mission but will you also make it available to be summoned under the zeus program?

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Great work so far, I really like it :)


To give you an idea on making that "lagging behind" of the cannon thingy disappear, might be using the CBA_fnc_addPerFrameHandler Function. It might be helping :)


keep on the work! I like it!

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I was just reading the thread where someone was wondering if they imagined seeing a railgun in early A3 screens-and I noticed you posting there...Now I see you acted on it and actually made the thing! :D Very nice.

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