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Resistance buglist

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This is a thread where you can add the bugs that you have found in Resistance so that BIS can get feedback.

The rules are very simple: software bugs only. That means no requests for features or units. No suggestions how you think things might be improved. Just bugs. Please keep this list as clean as possible.

Before posting a bug check that the bug hasn't been reported before in this thread.

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1. drop ladder function dose not work.

2 when having gernades and smoke shells if you drop all of your gernades you cannot select the smoke shell or drop it unless you go into the map schreen and drop them that way and Vic versa.

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Sometimes when you try to put weapons in cars, tons and TONS of ammo starts piling up around the car, it eventually lags MP and makes it unplayable, and is annoying in SP (especially campaign)

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2. Sometimes when I put lots of wepons into the trucks my men ill not enter, is this becuase they are full? That is hwat I suspect. smile.gif

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I know this has been brought up before in another thread, but I am adding it to this thread.

Tanks seem to be on ice when moving down a hill. Very easy to simulate.

One example is in the campaign where you steal the enemies tanks and then retreat back into the mountains....as soon as I get over the hill kind of by where we started out...my tank starts to slide sideways right into the forest and sometimes I get stuck. Even if this happened the tank should still be able to get out of it...seems like it is getting pulled down the hill by some external Codemaster source.


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The equipment pictures for the FAL and the G3 are reversed, displaying the G3 when you really have the FAL and vice versa.

When looking through car windows from the outside, objects sometimes disappear. (This problem has been there forever, although in 1.75 looking through glass on buildings is fine).

Tracers cannot be disabled for handguns.

Trying to disembark from a boat while underneath the bridge will place you right on top of the bridge. (Not a big problem, but worth mentioning because you cannot make a black ops mission where you sail over to the bridge and place satchels by the supports.)

The campaign is too difficult for me, this must be fixed immediately. biggrin.gif

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1st) the mortar have no shadow(M16 + mortar)

2nd) There is the same reload sound as the m16 for the MM1 when u shoot one grenade

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from constructive criticism thread with some other bugs added:

1. Pistols aim way too high. You need to bring their elevation of fire down into sync with the iron sights

2. Order 'weapon binocular' does not properly work on most units. it either takes ages until they switch to them or there are other bugs like with the new police officers, who can be ordered but then their head is turned sideways so they do not look through the binoculars. sometimes though, like when ordering units to 'scan horizon', they seem to properly use them on their own. hard to reproduce.

3. AI yells 'where are you' even when still having visual contact. vehicles and especially airborne should have an extended range until 'where are you' conditions are met.

4. In multiplayer games 50cal. guns mounted on M151´s bounce and wobble if you get behind them, making it impossible to aim immediately.

5. There are still many buildings with immense clipping problems. Mostly this is only noticeable when prone, like when lying in that new open barn on nogova. Furtermore it seems that many buildings from the old islands are even harder to enter due to clipping (i.e. the castle tower).

6. You can attack any civilians without being shot back by armed civilians or police.

7. Parachutes should not smoke when killed.

8. Vehicles don't take falling damage when driving down cliffs etc.. (church near the bridge on nogova)

9. AI has problems to navigate on bridge.

10. Turned out AI gunners can still rotate the turret and engage enemies. (i.e. on bradley)

11. the players picture in the squad overview on the bottom of the screen stays red even if you healed or rearmed.

12. Orders by an AI commander can kick you out of a vehicle exposing you to enemy fire.

13. Client PCs dont save the mp maps anymore.

14. Exiting boats will place you far away from the boat.

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AI units are (still) attacking empty units which are on enemy side. For example, placing an east soldier near an empty west M2 Machine Gun will make him empty all his clips trying to hit at it.

This however only seems to happen when the AI doesnt "know" about the unit at the start of the mission. So it has to be behind is back or far away at the start and then notified by him or the group leader.

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error message about missing image when using the Strella (East) AA, picture missing on briefing page.

Bizon aim is poor (for some reason)

Bus driver AI is poor (an example of this is the Bus Stop at Lukov? where the bus has to turn, it end's up ramming a building even if set at "safe" or "Careless" and given multiple waypoints.

If Resistance is friendly to West, civillian Police will shoot and Kill East Soldiers, but East will not return fire resulting in a policeman being able to wipe out an entire squad.

If AT or RPG's fired at and empty M1A1, then player boards the M1A1 no Dammage is recorded, I suspect this is only applicable to the M1A1 because it can survive three RPG's, but I've not tested the T80.

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1. Ai does have lots of problems with bridges. Ai in a bradely will 9 times out of ten take the water route. Weird.

2. Had a problem where I had this G36 and then a grenade landed near me and then all the sudden I had the G36 but it sounded like a AK47, and registered AK47 at the top yet I had a G36 image in my hand. Sent bis the dump files and a screen shot.


3. Sometimes I can put up to 4 G36 mags into a motorcycle yet other players can only put 2.

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There's a bug when defining custom airstrips in the config.cpp using ilsDirection.

Any headings in the range 310 degrees to 50 degrees, and 130 degrees to 230 degrees work fine. (e.g. 50 degrees either side of North and South).

Any other headings (in the range of 0 to 40 degrees) either side of East and West do not work.

All that happens is that the plane lines up and approaches properly, but at about 1km from the 'landing point', defined by ilsPosition, the plane turns. It then proceeds to line up and approach again until it runs out of fuel.

This happens when using the land 'LAND' command, and when using Autopilot to land when the player is the pilot.

This is when using ilsDirection[]={X,Z,Y};


X = sine (reciprocal of runway heading)

Y = cosine (reciprocal of runway heading)

Z = sine (degrees elevation of the glide slope required)

This bug also appears in ver 1.46


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i posted them into the "constructiv criticism" thread but i ll post a resume here:

-> V80 chopper ammunition AP has a very little firepower against tank lowest than the HE.

-> All the movie in nogova show ppl seeing over their right shoulder, when walking or running.

NEW -> As for the grenade/smoke bug there's a the same problem with the grenade launcher for the grenade and the flare... if u load one u must shot (ie u cant swtich to other ammo).

NEW -> AI in tank seems to have a very very extended range of fire:

in the last OPF Res mission (firefight?) i ve go back taking the T72 in the town south east the start point, i rushed the airbase with it... some tanks/shilka are staying at the end of the airport track (from the building, go south-east from the airport track): one time i tried to go there... i even see no tank but get shot by the T80 *note i tried with viewdistance 900 = same result*

NEW-> in the two end movie before the last mission of the campaign, one entry title is missing (i see instead the word "french" for the title of the movie... mean no title for french version)

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What about this:

1. Sometimes you can go thrue walls.

3. Sometimes when you are the commander of a bmp or a tank and you give orders to move, the vechile will move for a short time then the ai woulden't follow any others then disembark.

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- It is not possible to put mines or Stachels in vehicles

- The harbor in the NW has a clipping problem

- No picture for the laser

- The LGB´s of the A10LGB have shadows on the wrong side

- The gun of the Cobra is not moving

- The MGJeep has no iron sight view

- No indicator if the laser is switched on or of (with tracers disabled)

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-The G36 kills with one shot to any part of the body.

-Damage values for guns are all screwed up generally.

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-if you set raise or lower altitude, up, down, and set the commands to buttons on a joystick the buttons do not respond. When on ground you can start the chopper using the up button but after that it will not go up or down.

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Posted this earlier in Trouble shooting but, The multiplayer repawn bird cannot go under to bridge. The bird allways warps to the top when attempted.

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- Glitches in OFP original campaign cutscenes (Where general guba is involved)

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1. You can push other people through walls. (Just walk into them - they go right through.) Sometimes they seem to do it by themselves when returning to formation or etc.

2. Laser designator appears as Carl Gustav in gear menu (I have had this problem for a while - might not be from resistance. I would still like to know how to fix it.) Apparently you can drop the laser designator "ammo" too. I have not tried this yet, but I assume it would make the weapon cease functioning.

Hope this helps.


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With a pistol actively equipped, you can run forever without hearing the heavy breathing sound or suffering from decreased aim.

Jonas Bane

There's Love Inside

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Swithching to binocular when holding RPG:

first press of the bino' key and 'weapon binocular' appears in top left corner but you still hold RPG. press again and you get an AK74 in your hands. press again and you get the binos.

when in V80 Target box does'nt appear when targeting Certain helicopters in mission 'rats nest', also it does'nt appear when trying to target men on the ground. when it does appear the 'locked on' star does'nt always appear, and when that does you seldom hit target with 30mm Cannon fire.

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Well, I found 2 bugs:

- you cannot access mines through their names you set in the editor

- a cutscene bug: ingame cutscenes don't work properly if you camSetTarget a position or a "non-3-dimensional" object like game logic and Helipads; intros are OK

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- Choppers in formation, fall behind, then catch up with the lead chopper.. then fall behind again.. rather than maintaining constant speed with lead bird.

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