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SGT Fuller

United States Air Force

Do you like the Air Force mod  

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is peral's A10 gone be part of the usaf mod or is it still its one mod ? just asking

No, My mod will remain separate.

Edited by Peral

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I found an interesting photo so i thought i would post it

two RQ-4's aerial refueling

http://i.imgur.com/LqLo6lG.jpg (308 kB)

Huh?! Where does that other drone store its fuel? Are you sure they weren't making a data connection or something?

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Huh?! Where does that other drone store its fuel? Are you sure they weren't making a data connection or something?



its NASA's not the USAF's but i thought it was kinda related-ish since we are on the subject of aerial refueling and theres a RQ-4 Globalhawk, who knows maybe even the USAF has one setup like the other one now

Edited by Rages123

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Nice E-3 Sentry there. Have any WIP photos (wire photos) of it? You've got some quick modeler there kicking out planes we've all wanted since OFP. As an aircraft modeling enthusiast, it'd be nice to see some of your workflow from blueprints to ingame.

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Any chance of an RAF skin on that awacs :-)


That can be arranged :)

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How about one of these would not be bad either, and even to copy some of the ideas, like a screen in the cockpit of the pilot pro ac-130 too.

So does that mean there are 2 versions of the AC-130 one with Hellfire's and one with Griffin's?

The AC-130W doesn't have the 105 though.

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So does that mean there are 2 versions of the AC-130 one with Hellfire's and one with Griffin's?

The AC-130W doesn't have the 105 though.

Im not dedicating myself to any new additions until the current list is complete :)

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Im not dedicating myself to any new additions until the current list is complete :)

That's actually not what I meant, I meant to say that there are now 2 versions of the AC-130 in active service in real life ;)

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Nice E-3 Sentry there. Have any WIP photos (wire photos) of it? You've got some quick modeler there kicking out planes we've all wanted since OFP. As an aircraft modeling enthusiast, it'd be nice to see some of your workflow from blueprints to ingame.

What exactly do you mean?

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Nice E-3 Sentry there. Have any WIP photos (wire photos) of it? You've got some quick modeler there kicking out planes we've all wanted since OFP. As an aircraft modeling enthusiast, it'd be nice to see some of your workflow from blueprints to ingame.

If you want wire photos you may contact the original authors of the models themselves. May i refer you to the front page so that you may acquire said names http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?176720-United-States-Air-Force

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As explained in an email, I have found some sites that offer great blueprints and cutaway sections of the fuselage....however, some of the sections are missing. Planes such as the C-17 and C-5 start looking pretty good in the initial stages of modeling in Modo, but when missing some of the cutaways, you don't get the intended, smooth effect of the shape of the fuselage.

I was hoping to see a wireframe to be able to see where you all had created "sections" to keep the fuselage looking like the actual shape. I didn't know that the models were freeware. The E-3 Sentry was a nice addition, and was one of the planes I had started a while back. That's it, nothing more, nothing less, just trying to ask FullerPJ for some modeling tips. I sent you and him a PM, but they've gone unanswered, but thanks for responding here.

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hi i'm a bit confused are you adding the F-35 or is that not a project you are working on ?

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hi i'm a bit confused are you adding the F-35 or is that not a project you are working on ?

I think, and quote fullerpj, the sentence "This pack will have all versions of the F35." should answer your question :D

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Hi there, I would like to first congratualate you for the progress made on this mod.

I would like to ask if there any plans for adding an SR-71/A-12/YF-12. while I know that a High-Speed, High-Altitude Recon plane does not really fit with the game (except perhaps the YF-12, and there was a proposal for a bomber variant) I think it may fit in with this mod. I can just see it: taking off and accelerating to meet up with a KC-135(Q), refueling, changing direction and speeding off for the main mission and then heading back.

I could even see it as it's own mod with a start-up cart, interactable cockpit (Similar to Peral's A-10C) and leaking fuel while on the runway, but I lack the skills for this and I doubt ,with the fact it is also decomisioned, anyone would make it (gone off track abit). one a side note, there is the SR-72 which is planned to have a release about the time frame the game is set.

Thank you for your time and your amazing addon.

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Hi there, I would like to first congratualate you for the progress made on this mod.

I would like to ask if there any plans for adding an SR-71/A-12/YF-12. while I know that a High-Speed, High-Altitude Recon plane does not really fit with the game (except perhaps the YF-12, and there was a proposal for a bomber variant) I think it may fit in with this mod. I can just see it: taking off and accelerating to meet up with a KC-135(Q), refueling, changing direction and speeding off for the main mission and then heading back.

I could even see it as it's own mod with a start-up cart, interactable cockpit (Similar to Peral's A-10C) and leaking fuel while on the runway, but I lack the skills for this and I doubt ,with the fact it is also decomisioned, anyone would make it (gone off track abit). one a side note, there is the SR-72 which is planned to have a release about the time frame the game is set.

Thank you for your time and your amazing addon.

Hey i regret to inform you but none of these aircraft will make it in this mod for reasons that you kind of pointed out. There all decommissioned aircraft..for a High altitude recon plane that is in service currently would be the U2- Dragonlady but i have no plans for it either as a camera view that could view from that far frin the air would have to be developed and i dont even think that its possible i could be wrong. Now the SR-72 if it were to enter service there could be some consideration on that end. Im not a fan of Arma 3's futuristic setting thats why im sticking to old assets

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SR-72? Is there really any need for spyplanes anymore? We have geostationary sattalites. Besides, a game like Arma isn't really fit for a high speed high altitude spyplane because even if you set the view distance to max, you can't see the ground beyond 12km up. And the map of altis is way to small for something like a Blackbird to fly circle's in.

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SR-72? Is there really any need for spyplanes anymore? We have geostationary sattalites. Besides, a game like Arma isn't really fit for a high speed high altitude spyplane because even if you set the view distance to max, you can't see the ground beyond 12km up. And the map of altis is way to small for something like a Blackbird to fly circle's in.

The SR-72 is envisioned to be an unmanned craft thats capable of travelling at up to 6 machs. http://www.lockheedmartin.com.au/us/news/features/2013/sr-72.html

Judging from the link it will most likely carry with it some supersonic ordnance, in which case coupled with such a fast aircraft would be an effective hit n' run bird. One second its there, next its gone.

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The SR-72 is envisioned to be an unmanned craft thats capable of travelling at up to 6 machs. http://www.lockheedmartin.com.au/us/news/features/2013/sr-72.html

Judging from the link it will most likely carry with it some supersonic ordnance, in which case coupled with such a fast aircraft would be an effective hit n' run bird. One second its there, next its gone.

Hypersonic* :P It also says it uses some of the HVT-2 designs, aircraft that went up to 20 machs. If the SR-72 can travel up to that speed, imagine how fast it can get from an end of Altis to the other xDDDD I really dont think theres any need in Arma for an SR-72. However, flying it at that speed in Arma would be more than amazing.

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I am getting "no entry bin\bin.config.bin/cfgweapons.FHQ_m4a1_RCO" when placing units from your mod.

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I am getting "no entry bin\bin.config.bin/cfgweapons.FHQ_m4a1_RCO" when placing units from your mod.

Right now the Sfs guys are dependent on two weapons packs..this has been fixed for v0.2

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Nice mod. I really would like to try galaxy, however some errors pops up, when I try to load that aircraft :C

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Nice mod. I really would like to try galaxy, however some errors pops up, when I try to load that aircraft :C

This has been fixed for V0.2 majority of the pilots and crew units were cut out when it binarized.

---------- Post added at 19:32 ---------- Previous post was at 18:37 ----------

If anyone is good at doing muzzle flashes and smoke animations please pm me i have a urgent matter that i need help with.

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Update on progress of V0.2

-KC-135's turn radius and take off speed have been fixed

-KC-135's Gear issues have been fixed

-The current AC-130 has been decommissioned and a newer version will be released with V 0.2 with the texture errors fixed

-AC-130's weapon damage has been increased

-AC-130's gear issues have been fixed.

-You are now able to move freely from seat to seat even if you have a AI crew in the AC-130

-B-1's Turning radius has been fixed

-C-5 Galaxy turning radius has been fixed and markings on the Tail wing have been turned to proper direction

-AC-130s Recoil not working for the L60 has been fixed.

- USAF_SFS issues with pilots have been resolved.

- Textures have been updated on AC-130

- B-1 Bombers speed has been increased to reflect real life. Afterburners are being fixed

-KC-135 Aircraft upgrade and now equipped with hoses. Refueling Script upgraded by dezkit.. the aircraft now searches for the memory point and will connect at the exact spot. The aircraft will now deny you if you don't have the points needed. It will also only give you the appropriate refueling action Ex. Flying the F18 and you approach the KC135 and request refueling it will release a hose for you and will not lower the boom. If two F18's approach the KC135 it will release two hoses and not the boom. If the F16 approaches the KC135 it will lower the boom and will not release the hose.

-B-1 Texturing almost complete(see picture Below)

-KC-135 Boom Operator added(Its just a view more for ambience)

-AC-130 TV Operator Added(Has no control over any weapons) May remove

-B-1 Bomb doors open as soon as you select bombs

-C5 Textures upgraded

Non V0.2 updates

-KC130 Added and will be using the same modified script as the KC-135(Be advised i forgot that the KC-130 is a Marine Aircraft i will still release it)

-E3 Awacs added( Radome Spins)

-B-2 Spirit is now nuclear capable

-F-16 Nuclear Capable

-F-16 Armaments loaded into config (awaiting Service Menu integration and GPS)

-F-22 GPS integrated into system (awaiting Service Menu integration)

-F-16 Sonic Boom added

-Global Hawk Camera Fixed

-MQ-9 Reaper added

- Heavy Airframe Pilots upgraded

-Security Forces are now using A3 weapons instead of depending on other mods

-C130 Cargo/Transport Added thanks theebu

-Air Force has begun testing its nuclear capability and Bombing capability

-F35 undergoing transformation (more details later)

-C-17 nearing completion

*B52 is pending

The only hold back to release of the V0.2 is the textures for the KC130, B1 and AC130. Shockley has been briefed and is on the job to deliver them as soon as possible. As you can see i have also been working on the V0.3 portion of our mod the remaing bomber, remaing transport, recon/attack and Figther aircraft. V0.3 will be the biggest of them all but were moving as fast as we can so please be patient with us as we wont to deliver a great mod.

I also want to let addon makers know if you would like for your aircraft to be compatable with the refulers. PM me and i will get you exactly what you need.

p><p><img src=[/img]

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Edited by fullerpj

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