jandrews 117 Posted November 13, 2014 has anyone successfully combined this with any of the other AI mods (bcombat, asr ai, tpwcas, etc)? (I'm using the addon version) I dont believe you can. VCOMAI takes over. Also, I have heard that VCOMAI does not always agree with ZEUS, can anyone confirm this. Basically, ZEUS player is not able to always control the AI once in mission. Not sure if this is the case, BUT Genesis may like to know if people are having this issue. Genesis??? you still alive? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0verlord-actual 11 Posted November 27, 2014 Is this still working with the current version? It looks amazing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
genesis92x 810 Posted November 29, 2014 Hello everyone :> I apologize for the lack of updates on this forum. I have currently been sucked into another project I'm working on at the moment - However, it seems like there is still a slight demand for this to be updated and further improved...this is something I can do if people really do want it. It should work in its current state, but improvements do need to be made. The other project I am working on for A3 has improved my ability to understand code to a much deeper level and has challenged me to improve vastly...so hopefully this project will benefit from that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted November 29, 2014 Of course we really want it :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-lordsoth- 15 Posted November 30, 2014 Of course we really want it :) +1 here! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sttosin 67 Posted November 30, 2014 Of course we really want it :) We want more....we want more! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
genesis92x 810 Posted December 1, 2014 Damn, alright - I will begin working on Vcom AI again ;). I get sidetracked fairly easily when it comes to ArmA projects... I have learned a lot more from my current project so that info should also benefit VCOM_AI as well. So I can't say my absence on this project has been entirely non-warranted. I will be really busy this week but I should get some time to update/nurture VCOMAI. I won't be re-doing the structure like I did last time, but I will be going back and looking at what can be improved significantly. I do have one request, if anyone wants to see something/want something changed please post it here, especially since I have not looked at the project for a month or two. I will compile a list on the 1st page so I can keep focused...it helps me keep going otherwise I can get sidetracked pretty easily. (And it's just a direct way for me to know what the community wants) Thanks all for the support - I appreciate it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jandrews 117 Posted December 2, 2014 (edited) Nice to see ya back in action Genesis92x. Look forward to having more exciting updates and ways for AI to kill us. Some requests. VCOMAI zeus better interaction, sometimes AI do whatever once spawned from zeus. Not sure if this is BIS thing or VCOMAI define side for VCOMAI to control, (ie, all, west, East only) Can AI take static weapons again, MG's and mortars? make AI warning distance related to zone markers making units in other zones stay there if needed. I use guard waypoints a lot but don't see too much garrisoning of buildings. Is there a better command to have AI garrison? Is there a way to have VCOMAI work with EOS and other spawn scripts? It seems whenever new units spawn in they don't take VCOMAI script it goes to default BS oh I mean BIS. I have tried the addon version on DS and no change. Updating the EOS issue, what I am seeing is, when several groups are spawned in an area/zone, the group that gets engaged responds with VCOMAI, however another group 10 m away patrolling in zone does not, they don't even acknowledge the other group is getting fired upon. I have AIwarningdistance 250m. Not sure what else I can do. anyone have ideas. Edited December 2, 2014 by JAndrews1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NorX Aengell 23 Posted December 3, 2014 (edited) I'm really enthousiast for this mod, i use the mod version and i have a few recommendations or bugs to highlight. I play the headhunters scenario on stratis in Local with the AI. As i mod i play with -showScriptErrors. I have sometimes this who pop 12:38:11 Error in expression <call VCOM_fnc_classVehicle;_parents = [_class,true] call BIS_fnc_returnParents;> 12:38:11 Error position: <_class,true] call BIS_fnc_returnParents;> 12:38:11 Error Variable indéfinie dans une expression: _class Sometimes when i hit an AI they jump , its a bit funny but i dont think its a normal behaviour :p. And for the last I have seen, i am dead and i have repop in my AI mate, and i was suppress, my unit throw a smoke grenade without i do anything...Maybe check if the unit isplayer true ^^ before do the standard behaviour ;). That's all for the moment. In fact i usually use the ASR AI for my plug and play Ai Mod, but i have seen that your mod add a feature that i really find interresting, "Weapon Utilization" of the team who have static weapon on bag...I'dont have tested it again but seems promising. And for the final i don't know if you know well your "concurrent" but could you explain why i should use your mod and not the ASR AI. I dont want to start a war with "yeah mine is better bla bla bla" , i just search which could fit better my expectations:). For your mod has what I see "Weapon Utilization" seems really nice and for a request i would love to see units who can repair vehicle do this ^^. Cheers ;) Edited December 3, 2014 by NorX_Aengell Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lightspeed_aust 681 Posted December 4, 2014 has anyone successfully combined this with any of the other AI mods (bcombat, asr ai, tpwcas, etc)? (I'm using the addon version) I use vcomai with ups script. UPS is great for the patrols and the fact they will randomly enter buildings. VCOMAI is a great response force. Blend them and the battle becomes super engaging. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
genesis92x 810 Posted December 4, 2014 Nice to see ya back in action Genesis92x. Look forward to having more exciting updates and ways for AI to kill us.Some requests. VCOMAI zeus better interaction, sometimes AI do whatever once spawned from zeus. Not sure if this is BIS thing or VCOMAI define side for VCOMAI to control, (ie, all, west, East only) Can AI take static weapons again, MG's and mortars? make AI warning distance related to zone markers making units in other zones stay there if needed. I use guard waypoints a lot but don't see too much garrisoning of buildings. Is there a better command to have AI garrison? Is there a way to have VCOMAI work with EOS and other spawn scripts? It seems whenever new units spawn in they don't take VCOMAI script it goes to default BS oh I mean BIS. I have tried the addon version on DS and no change. Updating the EOS issue, what I am seeing is, when several groups are spawned in an area/zone, the group that gets engaged responds with VCOMAI, however another group 10 m away patrolling in zone does not, they don't even acknowledge the other group is getting fired upon. I have AIwarningdistance 250m. Not sure what else I can do. anyone have ideas. Okay, I have gotten better Zeus integration requests - I will see what I can do for that. AI will only pick up statics if they get equipped with the static backpacks first. Having AI guard certain zone markers would be an interesting idea - I think I can do this Guard Waypoints seem to be finicky sometimes - I will see what I can do. And getting it to work with other scripts is doable...it really depends on what the mod/script is. I can take a look for sure. Thank you for the response - I will add the ideas to the first page :D! I'm really enthousiast for this mod, i use the mod version and i have a few recommendations or bugs to highlight.I play the headhunters scenario on stratis in Local with the AI. As i mod i play with -showScriptErrors. I have sometimes this who pop 12:38:11 Error in expression <call VCOM_fnc_classVehicle;_parents = [_class,true] call BIS_fnc_returnParents;> 12:38:11 Error position: <_class,true] call BIS_fnc_returnParents;> 12:38:11 Error Variable indéfinie dans une expression: _class Sometimes when i hit an AI they jump , its a bit funny but i dont think its a normal behaviour :p. And for the last I have seen, i am dead and i have repop in my AI mate, and i was suppress, my unit throw a smoke grenade without i do anything...Maybe check if the unit isplayer true ^^ before do the standard behaviour ;). That's all for the moment. In fact i usually use the ASR AI for my plug and play Ai Mod, but i have seen that your mod add a feature that i really find interresting, "Weapon Utilization" of the team who have static weapon on bag...I'dont have tested it again but seems promising. And for the final i don't know if you know well your "concurrent" but could you explain why i should use your mod and not the ASR AI. I dont want to start a war with "yeah mine is better bla bla bla" , i just search which could fit better my expectations:). For your mod has what I see "Weapon Utilization" seems really nice and for a request i would love to see units who can repair vehicle do this ^^. Cheers ;) Yeah, there seems to be some left over issues with players swapping to once-upon-a-time AI. I will look into that. Thanks for the reply :D! I can hopefully get a new mod video that more accurately explains what VcomAI is and what it can offer - that will hopefully help you decide what you like best ^^ I use vcomai with ups script.UPS is great for the patrols and the fact they will randomly enter buildings. VCOMAI is a great response force. Blend them and the battle becomes super engaging. Yes :> The creator of UPSMON and I were collaborating and trying to integrate the two mods...unfortunately language barriers really prevented me from fully understanding how we were going to do so :< Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vrcraptor 11 Posted December 4, 2014 You know I luv this mod, been with it since the start... one suggestion would be some sort of simple LoS (Line of Sight) for the AI as it seems sometimes they shoot you even though you are not visible.. smoke, trees, buildings, behind some cover and have moved further away under said cover yet they seem to zero you. This has always plagued the AI and players... maybe some sort of compromise in these situations as I know there are performance issues around LoS. As I said, only a suggestion... past that - really enjoy working with the script version a lot and it seems to work with ALiVE as well. Always room for improvements... :D Glad to see you back at it... Real Life can take its toll... KEEP it going. -Raps Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jandrews 117 Posted December 4, 2014 Sounds great!! I am using it with spawning scripts like EOS and LV. Like my example was, I notice that once units spawn in zones they patrol etc... however if I engage one group, the other groups don't react to the firing they just stand around or cont. with their patrolling. Not sure why this occurs, if it has to do with the AIWarningdistance or what, but I usually have that low, at 250 m and my spawn zones are usually 200 / 200 may be more up to 300 / 300 but the groups are usually closer than that. Other than that, sounds great, thanks for looking into those requests. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cruoriss 12 Posted December 4, 2014 Hey, Very good mod, aside from the performance hit everything works flawlessly . Though i'd like to sugest a feature : a variable or something to override waypoints . By that i mean allowing the AI to react using communication even if they have waypoints assigned . ( main reason is for eos/aissp/dac/alive etc ai to fully use the communication since they don't need to have pre defined waypoint ) Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stephsen 79 Posted December 8, 2014 good to see you back Genesis, its my personally favorite AI-mod, good Performance and a really good dynamic AI, the only bug is the Tank and car Problem that she drives over your own soldiers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted December 8, 2014 That is a BIS problem, with rubbish AI driving. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jandrews 117 Posted December 13, 2014 Does anyone know if this command can be given in the groups leader init for to work for the group? AND if this command can be set to "true" once the group gets to a waypoint to then be taken by VCOMAI? OR do I need to set this command in each units init and just deal? this setVariable ["NOAI",1,false]; - This will turn off the VCOM AI on the given unit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fn_Quiksilver 1636 Posted December 13, 2014 That is a BIS problem, with rubbish AI driving. What is a game with good AI driving? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted December 13, 2014 Look at any GTA game! However, we are subjected to AI morons, that drive like they have never seen a car/truck/tank ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
genesis92x 810 Posted December 14, 2014 The AI do have issues with driving...I felt like A2 was better than A3 in terms of driving...I want to take a look at their driving as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lexx 1412 Posted December 14, 2014 The AI do have issues with driving...I felt like A2 was better than A3 in terms of driving...I want to take a look at their driving as well. lolwut? ArmA2 ai was driving nuts. ArmA3 is the first where they finally get some shit done without having the player put down a million waypoints first. Sure the ai still gets stuck at times, but if you plan your missions with that in mind, you can circumvent this issue quite well, imo. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kremator 1065 Posted December 14, 2014 Yeah, however, you shouldn't have to micromanage like that. Random convoy patrols just get screwed up. BIS needs to fix. Will be interested in seeing what you can come up with Genesis92x. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted December 15, 2014 Wow. Fantastic job on this great AI overhaul mod. Honestly, it is so cool to see the units actually crouching, standing, moving about, finding cover, even sometimes coming towards the player during engagements. Just wow.. I did a quick test as well, after running the AI Overhaul scripts on a particular scenario, I ran the scenario again without the AI scripts running - the difference was quite significant. Basically, AI Overhaul scripts on = units become alive, engagements with ai become immersive. AI Overhaul scripts off = most of the units just go prone, as usual, and stay there. From looking briefly at the scripts it looks like a lot of work has been put in this. Congrats Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stephsen 79 Posted December 21, 2014 Hey Genesis, which changes will included in the new version , i can't coarser carver discover. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites