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Quick Terrain Builder Tutorial

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Your config looks OK - can't see any obvious errors...

Try this...

In Terrain Builder - export the .wrp again to get a fresh one.

Repack the terrain with PboProject...

Post PboProjects entire binlog for that packing process...


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Your config looks OK - can't see any obvious errors...

Try this...

In Terrain Builder - export the .wrp again to get a fresh one.

Repack the terrain with PboProject...

Post PboProjects entire binlog for that packing process...


thanks you for your patience... here goes the binlog after pboproject packing: http://pastebin.com/VwhgnEJB

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Hmm. How did you create all the contents on your p drive?

I would say a rerun of arma3p would be good. Looks like some a3 stuff isn't where it needs to be.

Then like bush said. Reexport your wrp and crunch with pboproject.

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Usually first I mount P: drive using Steam>Arma 3 tools>Prepare virtual P: drive, then I run Mikero´s ArmA3p and it starts extracting all contents to p:, now I have run again ArmA3p and saw no errors but on final line of DOS screen it says

>Installing buldozer

>Access denied


but buldozer runs well, I´ve re-exported wrp and repacked again, and still the same issue. I´ve started another project from 0 and now all runs OK and I can play my island on A3, perhaps as you said, was a mistake during P drive creation.

Thanks to all, thanks for your time!

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Uhm as far as i know you don't need to run Arma3P everytime, once it's just fine, the content doesn't get cancelled when you turn off your pc.

Anyway try running it again as admin and see what happens.

These programs, even the ones from BIS, have a nasty habit of not working properly or returning errors when not launched as admin.

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Just that everyone know: With the DevBranch ArmA3.exe as buldozer there is a new brush called "Brush tool (height set)".

It can be enabled with active brush by press and holding "c".

You can select a height with the right mouse button (isvalid is now true). And the exact height is applied instantly to the terrain by pressing left mouse.


Hold "c" for Brush tool (height set).

Right mouse -> set/pick height.

Left mouse button -> apply height/level terrain

Added: New brush mode to Buldozer.

Fixed: Buldozer brush size change (was possible to go above maximum size)

Fixed: Buldozer brush strength settings (now it is individual for each brush mode)

Edited by NeoArmageddon
The update has nothing to do with Bushlurker!

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Another note:

It would be wise to inherit your surfaces (mask/textures) from Stratis or Altis as BIS appear to be making changes lately to certain parameters and may do so again in the future.

Recent changes to hit effects:

	class [color="#FF0000"]GdtStratisGreenGrass[/color] : Default
	access = 2;
	files = "gdt_strgreengrass_*";
	character = "StratisGreenGrassClutter";
	soundEnviron = "grass";
	soundHit = "soft_ground";
	rough = 0.08;
	maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
	dust = 0.15;
	lucidity = 4;
	grassCover = 0.05;
	[color="#FF0000"]impact = "Hit_Foliage_green";[/color]
	surfaceFriction = 1.7;

How you should inherit surfaces for future proofing (only specify what needs changing):

class CfgSurfaces
class Default{};
class Water{};
class GdtDesert;
class GdtStratisDryGrass;
class [color="#FF0000"]GdtStratisGreenGrass[/color];

class KzLightGrass : GdtStratisDryGrass
	files = "kz_lightgrass_*";
	character = "KzLightGrassClutter";
class KzDeepGrass : [color="#FF0000"]GdtStratisGreenGrass[/color]
	files = "kz_deepgrass_*";
	character = "KzDeepGrassClutter";
class KzLightDesert : GdtStratisDryGrass
	files = "kz_lightdesert_*";
	character = "KzLightDesertClutter";
class KzDeepDesert : GdtStratisDryGrass
	files = "kz_deepdesert_*";
	character = "KzDeepDesertClutter";
class KzSandDesert : GdtDesert
	files = "kz_sanddesert_*";
	character = "Empty";
class CfgSurfaceCharacters
class KzDeepGrassClutter
	probability[] = {0.94,0.02,0.02,0.01,0.01};
	names[] = {"StrGrassGreenGroup","StrPlantGreenShrub","StrWeedGreenTall","FlowerCakile","PlantGreenSmall"};
class KzLightGrassClutter
	probability[] = {0.21,0.35,0.21,0.09,0.06,0.02};
	names[] = {"StrGrassDryGroup","StrGrassDryMediumgroup","StrWeedBrownTallGroup","StrWeedGreenTall","StrThistleYellowShrub","StrPlantMullein"};
class KzLightDesertClutter
	probability[] = {0.05,0.1,0.2,0.25,0.03,0.02,0.15,0.15,0.05};
	names[] = {"GrassBrushHighGreen","ThistleSmallYellow","GrassBrushLowGreen","GrassDry","ThistleHighDead","GrassTall","GrassDesertGroupSoft","GrassCrookedDead","GrassGreen"};
class KzDeepDesertClutter
	probability[] = {0.05,0.1,0.2,0.25,0.03,0.02,0.15,0.15,0.05};
	names[] = {"GrassBrushHighGreen","ThistleSmallYellow","GrassBrushLowGreen","GrassDry","ThistleHighDead","GrassTall","GrassDesertGroupSoft","GrassCrookedDead","GrassGreen"};

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Just that everyone know: With the DevBranch ArmA3.exe as buldozer there is a new brush called "Brush tool (height set)".

It can be enabled with active brush by press and holding "c".

You can select a height with the right mouse button (isvalid is now true). And the exact height is applied instantly to the terrain by pressing left mouse.


Hold "c" for Brush tool (height set).

Right mouse -> set/pick height.

Left mouse button -> apply height/level terrain

Thanks missed that one, nice find !

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What is wrong when you get fog on the ground on your map...seems to be above the ground texture....hope someone understand my question

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Has anyone got valid links for those tutorials? Apparently both nekromantix and armamapmaking servers are out.

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Has anyone got valid links for those tutorials? Apparently both nekromantix and armamapmaking servers are out.

Can't speak for the first one but I know armamapmaking blew a server or something. Nigel said it'll be back up soon.

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tested twice...

one time with my pc and on time with my mobile phone...

and it works for me ...

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Everytime I try to generate layers in the builder, I get this error.

23:58:53: Can't load image from file 'P:\': file does not exist.

23:58:53: Layers generation - PNGOVerlapV3Style.cpp bool V3PictureDataMod::LoadFromFile( const char* filename = "P:\" ) Unable to open the image file.

23:58:53: Layers generation - Unable to load the file "P:\".

I tried creating the project in an other drive but it keeps giving that error.

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For the record if anyone wants texture and satellite blending exactly like Stratis and Altis at least as a starting point use these settings on all ground texture rvmats:

ambient[] = {1,1,1,1};
diffuse[] = {0.25,0.25,0.25,1};
class Stage1
texture="YOUR PATH";
class uvTransform
class Stage2
texture="YOUR PATH";
class uvTransform

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I followed the abc_sample tutorial step by step and all the Terrain Builder steps work fine (Including buldozer and the wrp-export). However when I try to pack the sample map (with Mikeros pboProject 1.30) "Binarize for Arma3" crashes midway.

Any ideas?



Warning: CfgVehicles missing in PreloadConfig - may slow down vehicle creation

Warning: CfgAmmo missing in PreloadConfig - may slow down vehicle creation

Warning: CfgNonAIVehicles missing in PreloadConfig - may slow down vehicle creation

<world = "abc\abc_sample\source\abc_sample.wrp">

String id 0 is not registered

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.Weather'.

No entry '.RainConfig'.

No entry '.minCloudiness'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.averageCloudLimit'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minProbability'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxProbability'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minRainDensity'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxRainDensity'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.rainFading'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.squareLength'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.RainbowConfig'.

No entry '.distance'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.intensityCoef'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxCloudiness'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.LightningsConfig'.

No entry '.minCloudiness'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minProbability'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxProbability'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minCount'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxCount'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.scatter'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.WindConfig'.

No entry '.windChange'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minForce'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxForce'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minForceScatter'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxForceScatter'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minGustCount'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxGustCount'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.gustTimeScatter'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minGustScatter'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxGustScatter'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.gustInfluenceMin'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.gustInfluenceMax'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.speedOfWindChange'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minGustValue'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxGustValue'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.Overcast'.

No entry '.Lighting'.

No weather defined in .Overcast

No lighting defined in .Lighting

No entry '.rainEnabled'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.ThunderboltNorm'.

No entry '.model'.

'/' is not a value

Cannot open object

No entry '.soundFar'.

Size: '/' not an array

No entry '.soundNear'.

Size: '/' not an array

No entry '.ThunderboltHeavy'.

No entry '.model'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.soundFar'.

Size: '/' not an array

No entry '.soundNear'.

Size: '/' not an array

No entry '.temperatureDayMax'.

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Error: unable to load content of the array

No entry '.temperatureDayMin'.

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Error: unable to load content of the array

No entry '.temperatureNightMax'.

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Error: unable to load content of the array

No entry '.temperatureNightMin'.

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Error: unable to load content of the array

No entry '.overcastTemperatureFactor'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.blackSurfaceTemperatureDelta'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.whiteSurfaceTemperatureDelta'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.aroundSunCoefMultiplier'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.aroundSunCoefExponent'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.horizonParallaxCoef'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.horizonFogColorationStart'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.skyFogColorationStart'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.skyColorInfluencesFogColor'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.horizonSunColorationScale'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.midDetailTexture'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.seaTexture'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.Rain'.

No entry '.texture'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.seaMaterial'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.shoreMaterial'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.shoreFoamMaterial'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.shoreWetMaterial'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.terrainMaterial'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.clouds'.

[]: '/' not an array

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.clouds'.

[]: '/' not an array

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.clouds'.

[]: '/' not an array

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.clouds'.

[]: '/' not an array

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.clutterGrid'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.clutterDist'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.noDetailDist'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.fullDetailDist'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.satelliteNormalBlendStart'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.satelliteNormalBlendEnd'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.satelliteNormalOnDetail'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.soundMapSizeCoef'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.Underwater'.

No entry '.noWaterFog'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.fullWaterFog'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.deepWaterFog'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.waterFogDistance'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.waterFogDistanceNear'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.waterColor'.

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

No entry '.deepWaterColor'.

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

No entry '.surfaceColor'.

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

No entry '.deepSurfaceColor'.

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.enableTracks'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.enableFootsteps'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.enableBloodSplashes'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.Rain'.

No entry '.raindrop'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.skyObject'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.underwaterOcclusionObject'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.starsObject'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.pointObject'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.horizontObject'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.haloObject'.

'/' is not a value

String id 0 is not registered

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.Weather'.

No entry '.RainConfig'.

No entry '.minCloudiness'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.averageCloudLimit'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minProbability'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxProbability'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minRainDensity'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxRainDensity'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.rainFading'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.squareLength'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.RainbowConfig'.

No entry '.distance'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.intensityCoef'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxCloudiness'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.LightningsConfig'.

No entry '.minCloudiness'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minProbability'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxProbability'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minCount'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxCount'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.scatter'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.WindConfig'.

No entry '.windChange'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minForce'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxForce'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minForceScatter'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxForceScatter'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minGustCount'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxGustCount'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.gustTimeScatter'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minGustScatter'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxGustScatter'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.gustInfluenceMin'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.gustInfluenceMax'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.speedOfWindChange'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minGustValue'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxGustValue'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.Overcast'.

No entry '.Lighting'.

No weather defined in .Overcast

No lighting defined in .Lighting

No entry '.rainEnabled'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.ThunderboltNorm'.

No entry '.model'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.soundFar'.

Size: '/' not an array

No entry '.soundNear'.

Size: '/' not an array

No entry '.ThunderboltHeavy'.

No entry '.model'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.soundFar'.

Size: '/' not an array

No entry '.soundNear'.

Size: '/' not an array

No entry '.temperatureDayMax'.

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Error: unable to load content of the array

No entry '.temperatureDayMin'.

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Error: unable to load content of the array

No entry '.temperatureNightMax'.

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Error: unable to load content of the array

No entry '.temperatureNightMin'.

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Warning: expected 12 values in the array , but only 0 present

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

Error: unable to load content of the array

No entry '.overcastTemperatureFactor'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.blackSurfaceTemperatureDelta'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.whiteSurfaceTemperatureDelta'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.aroundSunCoefMultiplier'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.aroundSunCoefExponent'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.horizonParallaxCoef'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.horizonFogColorationStart'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.skyFogColorationStart'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.skyColorInfluencesFogColor'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.horizonSunColorationScale'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.midDetailTexture'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.seaTexture'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.Rain'.

No entry '.texture'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.seaMaterial'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.shoreMaterial'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.shoreFoamMaterial'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.shoreWetMaterial'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.terrainMaterial'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.clouds'.

[]: '/' not an array

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.clouds'.

[]: '/' not an array

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.clouds'.

[]: '/' not an array

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.clouds'.

[]: '/' not an array

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.clutterGrid'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.clutterDist'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.noDetailDist'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.fullDetailDist'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.satelliteNormalBlendStart'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.satelliteNormalBlendEnd'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.satelliteNormalOnDetail'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.soundMapSizeCoef'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.Underwater'.

No entry '.noWaterFog'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.fullWaterFog'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.deepWaterFog'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.waterFogDistance'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.waterFogDistanceNear'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.waterColor'.

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

No entry '.deepWaterColor'.

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

No entry '.surfaceColor'.

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

No entry '.deepSurfaceColor'.

Size: '/' not an array

Size: '/' not an array

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.enableTracks'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.enableFootsteps'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.enableBloodSplashes'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.Rain'.

No entry '.raindrop'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.skyObject'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.underwaterOcclusionObject'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.starsObject'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.pointObject'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.horizontObject'.

'/' is not a value

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.haloObject'.

'/' is not a value


<world = "abc\abc_sample\abc_sample.wrp">

String id 0 is not registered

No entry 'P:\bin\config.cpp/CfgWorlds/abc_sample.Weather'.

No entry '.RainConfig'.

No entry '.minCloudiness'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.averageCloudLimit'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minProbability'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxProbability'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minRainDensity'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxRainDensity'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.rainFading'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.squareLength'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.RainbowConfig'.

No entry '.distance'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.intensityCoef'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxCloudiness'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.LightningsConfig'.

No entry '.minCloudiness'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minProbability'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxProbability'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minCount'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxCount'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.scatter'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.WindConfig'.

No entry '.windChange'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minForce'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxForce'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minForceScatter'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxForceScatter'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minGustCount'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxGustCount'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.gustTimeScatter'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minGustScatter'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxGustScatter'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.gustInfluenceMin'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.gustInfluenceMax'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.speedOfWindChange'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.minGustValue'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.maxGustValue'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.Overcast'.

No entry '.Lighting'.

No weather defined in .Overcast

No lighting defined in .Lighting

No entry '.rainEnabled'.

'/' is not a value

No entry '.ThunderboltNorm'.

No entry '.model'.

'/' is not a value

c:\w\futura\lib\Shape/shape.hpp(3261) : Null shape in the hash table

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looks like missing p drive or faulty inheritance in your config

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;2729581']looks like missing p drive or faulty inheritance in your config

P: drive is setup ok, and the config.cpp is the one, that came with the sample project.


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maybe the config is outdated. upload it at pastebin and post the link

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;2729606']maybe the config is outdated. upload it at pastebin and post the link

Here comes the config.cpp

#define _ARMA_

//Class config.bin{
class CfgPatches
class abc_sample
 units[] = {"abc_sample"};
 weapons[] = {};
 requiredVersion = 1.0;
 version = "30/07/2011";
 fileName = "abc_sample.pbo";
 author = "Jakerod";
class CfgWorlds
class CAWorld;
class Stratis: CAWorld
 class Grid;
 class DefaultClutter;
class abc_sample: Stratis
 cutscenes[] = {};
 description = "Your Sample Map";
 worldName = "abc\abc_sample\abc_sample.wrp";
 startTime = "11:00";
 startDate = "05/03/2001";
 startWeather = 0.2;
 startFog = 0.0;
 forecastWeather = 0.6;
 forecastFog = 0.0;
 centerPosition[] = {2560,2560,500};
 seagullPos[] = {2560,2560,500};
 longitude = 65;
 latitude = -34;
 elevationOffset = 2000;
  envTexture = "A3\Data_f\env_land_ca.tga";
 minTreesInForestSquare = 2;
 minRocksInRockSquare = 2;
 newRoadsShape = "";
 ilsPosition[] = {1024,1024};
 ilsDirection[] = {0.5075,0.08,-0.8616};
 ilsTaxiIn[] = {};
 ilsTaxiOff[] = {};
 drawTaxiway = 0;
class SecondaryAirports {};

class Sea
  seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa";
  seaMaterial = "#water";
  shoreMaterial = "#shore";
  shoreFoamMaterial = "#shorefoam";
  shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet";
  WaterMapScale = 20;
  WaterGrid = 50;
  MaxTide = 0;
  MaxWave = 0;
  SeaWaveXScale = "2.0/50";
  SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50";
  SeaWaveHScale = 2.0;
  SeaWaveXDuration = 5000;
  SeaWaveZDuration = 10000;

class OutsideTerrain
       satellite = "jsp\abc_sample\Data\s_satout_co.paa";
       enableTerrainSynth = 1;
       class Layers
         class Layer0
           nopx = "jsp\abc_sample\data\abc_sample_grass_green_nopx.paa";
           texture = "jsp\abc_sample\data\abc_sample_grass_green_co.paa";

 class Grid: Grid
  offsetX = 0;
  offsetY = 5120;
  class Zoom1
   zoomMax = 0.15;
   format = "XY";
   formatX = "000";
   formatY = "000";
   stepX = 100;
   stepY = -100;
  class Zoom2
   zoomMax = 0.85;
   format = "XY";
   formatX = "00";
   formatY = "00";
   stepX = 1000;
   stepY = -1000;
  class Zoom3
   zoomMax = 1e+030.0;
   format = "XY";
   formatX = "0";
   formatY = "0";
   stepX = 10000;
   stepY = -10000;
#include "cfgClutter.hpp"
       class Names
           #include "abc_sample.hpp"
class CfgWorldList
class abc_sample{};
class CfgMissions
class Cutscenes


#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp"

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