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New Video a small Raptor showcase im currently working on

hope you enjoy!;)

You sir, have got skills.

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Hell yeah! keep working on this beautiful mod! looks smooth and honestly scary!

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Awesome video - great directing and with an Arnold S. voice for team blue too!

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really awesome, looking for the T-Rex.

However, I wonder what faction they will be?

Cause they need to be hostile to BLUFOR, OPFOR and INDFOR.

I wish for a good SP campaign with this mod when out.

Will you also add vehicles?

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I disagree. This video is very nice, no need of a boring showcase. It's all about atmosphere.

Yeah agreed. The monster always loses some affect when overly shown and personally I'd much rather enjoy some SP mission or Campaign and get totally shocked then study the wireframe and plop them in the editor as units. But thats just me ;)

Looks utterly fantastic! Saw the video on some gaming site and my jaw dropped.

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That video was brilliant, made me jump a little! If I may be so bold it just needed one little bit extra to make it perfect ;)

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awesome work.......The only thing missing in Arma is a Godzilla lastly :D

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Incredible video! Awesome looking mod and and equally excellent machinima to boot....serious skill there. Keep up the great work

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That's the last thing we need...early access addons/mods.

Edited by NodUnit

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That's the last thing we need...early access addons/mods.

forgive him ,he is a newbie :rolleyes:

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Epic! Great movie!

Keep up the good work!!

I got to say, it's a fitting signature/thread match there.

Keep up the good work and lets hope we'll be able to hunt dinos in the future! oh and i'll sub to this one so i don't miss it!

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I love Jurassic Park, Quite possibly one of my favorite movie trilogies of all time. I absolutely love this idea. Just hope it can be done well (Not very buggy).

Please just don't turn it into something like 'Altis Life' where we sell Dino bones for $$$. Could be similar to DayZ in the sense that we need to survive, and find weapons/food. That would be awesome.

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Your mod looks absolutely fantastic, and I mean it. Way superior to any other current project for Arma 3, imo! :o:

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is anyone thinking a DayZ type survival game but with dinosaurs instead of zombies? :D

That would be awesome. imagine having the mix of the small but fast dino's like raptors ect and the huge/powerful but slow ones...

Oh and amazing work btw those animations are incredible ;)

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Any new updates? People need to relax with their comments I mean the latest update from McRuppert was in June. I have to search through pages and the only thing I read about is how amazing this is.

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so thx again guys for your feetback!

i now entered the project into the MakeArmaNotWar contest (link http://makearmanotwar.com/entry/ec2EDrOCkM#.U-S7imNnsZ0)

So you can bet on the first playable release at the end of october.

But pls do not expect a whole finished Dino mod because there wont be...

The problem is i dont have the time...

Im planing to release just a Dinosaur Pack and in this one i hope to get more than one dino ready... in later releases/updates i can add more dinosaurs...

So i added the Pack into the addon category (dont know if im right there)

And now some infos about the gameplay.

At the moment there is no AI done and the dinosaurs are just playable for Players. You get 2 attack types...primary and secondary...

I will upload some ingame videos soon...

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Wish you all the best.

Would be great to have the Park too! (Dreaming, dreaming... ;))

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Hey guys

new video update! Raptor Gameplay showcase! enjoy!

Raptor comes with the normal attack and the jump attack.

Still WIP. Sounds are just placeholders need to find out how to make some good dino sounds :P

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