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About HorribleGoat

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  1. HorribleGoat

    Questions: SOG Prairie Fire

    To put it simple, too expensive to make. The simpler ambient voice system was more cost efficient allowing budget to be spent on other things.
  2. HorribleGoat

    Lost Dragons - Total Modification Alpha

    Been a minute but finally had a moment to break through age old efficiency with how to place down thousands of building blocks to create large cliff shapes. Going to get to test if all this even works soon. 🤣🤞 Couple of shots from Live test. Could drive up half way xD Last batch of stuff for testing cooking. The massive cliff overhangs made out of blocks. WILL IT WORK? - stay tuned for our next episode.
  3. Had a issue with the export plugin the other day and spent couple of days poking at it from all the angles. Even went on to bother @talya_taya for clues on what I had missed so I'll log in the main points of my journey here in case someone else encounters same issue. The solution as often in these things was stupidly simple. But lets start with the problem After having a nice animation done in Blender I wanted to throw it into model.cfg and see it in buldozer. ezpez I thought. but no. Expecation was that the grenade would go nicely in to the chamber But result was way off the mark So I went out into the wilderness to find the other deep holes where other modders who do weird stuff dwell and luckily I found a fellow who could confirm the plugin should work and he could try out my test case I compiled. Public shoutout to mr Ranger (you probably are here too arent you, one of the many users called Ranger 😅) So he confirmed that my test case basically worked as is. He just had to export the better movement sequence I had in the sample file and it "just worked" So off I go test the files he sent me back just to make sure we are both on same page, but ALAS results are still poor so Im thinking is buldozer bugging on my end? does it not refresh something or read something correctly? I thought to test if its reading the right file (no idea why it would not) by inserting a bit of extra mesh into the scene. Result was pretty major wtf moment as the animation went even wilder This did leave into memory connection that this kind of behavior feels like autocentering issue. But why would dozer do that? The reason was simple. Sometime in the past (5 years maybe) I have turned on autocenter in the launch options... 🤯 Setting it back to default "Center to Pin" and restarting dozer resulted in magically everything working as it should. So if you encounter unexpected looking movements with the plugins export, check your dozer launch settings for starters.
  4. HorribleGoat

    Lost Dragons - Total Modification Alpha

    Still in development, though due to work and life stuff things got pretty slow for a while. There is no release yet though, we are not in a rush.
  5. They do support it (not in buldozer though). the skeleton just needs isDiscrete = 0 parameter
  6. You are last hope for that - how make non linear animation of parts in vehicles (like blades in taru or ammo belt in CH-53 from RHS?) the selections with non 100% weights are not causing any effect in buldozer prewiev - but  isn't it start to work after binarize? Nothing in this topic is on Wiki just basic anims described, and of course in test models this method is not used too on vehicles

  7. HorribleGoat

    Waltham Robotics DOGG-0

    Plan, yes! Try to find time to do that, Yes! Success rate so far: 0% 😅
  8. There is no solution for that, you will run out of bones and cant make them work with dampers. You are not the only one to look into this in the years Arma games have existed and probably wont be the last, but there just is no way to do it. The mesh loop track that the game is designed for can be made to look pretty nice if you invest enough effort into making it though.
  9. HorribleGoat

    What files needed to retexture Vanilla NVGs

    it is not possible to retexture nvgs as hiddenselectiontextures dont work on them
  10. HorribleGoat

    Object Builder Uniform Weights

    you can use the sample character from Arma3 samples on steam as reference
  11. HorribleGoat

    Mask tiel ColorCalculator

    use png for color check. bmps dont work as far as I've seen
  12. HorribleGoat

    S.O.G. Prairie

    Im gonna challenge that a bit and say that lazyness would have been not include any planes at all. Like it has been pointed out Air missions were done by completely different branch of military but we did include planes so that they can be used by players in any way they want.
  13. HorribleGoat

    Making Animation for custom guns

    There are no updated videos so you will have to figure out the UI changes on your own. The principles in older videos are still the same though, buttons just may be in a bit different places.
  14. You would need to build a config patch mod that is loaded after ACE that overrides the item names or creates new derivate items with the new name. At this stage you will have to evaluate if you want to spend time (some weeks or months maybe) to do this kind of a thing.
  15. HorribleGoat

    S.O.G. Prairie

    You can create your own air combat scenarios pretty easily with the Arma 3 inbuilt mission editor, but SOGPF itself does not come with air combat missions as it focuses on the SOG (Special Operations Group) action.