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[SP] Pilgrimage

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Does anybody know how to edit the their saved pilgrimage altis missions?

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Who visits the forums routinely has done nothing to point out the variations releasing or put them in the OP.


I suspect Ryd might feel these ports are the wrong place to post here.

Should we start another post that can be maintained? One that the original poster can keep active and in the forefront?

It's been pointed out his release(s) have errors and they don't get fixed or commented on by him. Not trying to start a fight but we put a lot of time in the ports and I would like to see them get more visibility.



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  On 8/1/2017 at 7:27 PM, major-stiffy said:


Who visits the forums routinely has done nothing to point out the variations releasing or put them in the OP.


I suspect Ryd might feel these ports are the wrong place to post here.

Should we start another post that can be maintained? One that the original poster can keep active and in the forefront?

It's been pointed out his release(s) have errors and they don't get fixed or commented on by him. Not trying to start a fight but we put a lot of time in the ports and I would like to see them get more visibility.




I have been thinking about this recently. With all the different ports and updates, it is difficult to keep track of the up to date versions. I love the different ports as it keeps the mission fresh, and everyone has their own take about what they would like to see in the missions.


To help everybody, and mainly myself, I have started a new topic with links to everyone's ports, whether working or not. I may not have the latest versions, but if links are provided I will update the first post as required.



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  On 7/15/2017 at 1:35 PM, neofit said:

My "Large Trunks" add-on is ready: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u4bfg1b0b5vgdy7/%40Large_Trunks.2017-07-15.zip?dl=0


Thanks to Ryd for providing the how-to in RYD_BT.


Works for all Arma3 + expansions vehicles (but carts, come on, even a cheater like me wouldn't do that) and current RHS


I wanted to add the link to my signature, but just noticed that we don't have them on this forum anymore :).


Thanks for updating this. I would like to reduce the "truck" size. It's huge! :icon_biggrin:

Is the idea to simply reduce { maximumLoad = 1000000; }; to a smaller number?



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  On 8/4/2017 at 7:41 PM, major-stiffy said:


Thanks for updating this. I would like to reduce the "truck" size. It's huge! :icon_biggrin:

Is the idea to simply reduce { maximumLoad = 1000000; }; to a smaller number?

Yeah, I didn't want to waste my time moving my inventory from trunk to trunk just because of its size :).


The vanilla maximumLoad varies from 2000 for MRAPs like the Hunter, 3000 for trucks, 4000 on offroads like the MB 4WD (go figure).


You can find most of the original values on http://tikka.ws/class/index.php?b=cfgVehicles and play around with that.

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How can i create a 1% chance that i can find a Blackfoot as an abandoned vehicle? :p If i can find Slammers randomly, then why not helicopters? :)

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Ok I am stumped. Only somewhat kinda know what I am doing, or maybe not.


I see in JR_fnc and JRinit where it calls for certain units, groups, and items for the initial game setup for checkpoints, airfields, warlords, etc and changing what they spawn. What I cannot figure out is the Ambient Combat, what I assume is JR_Warmonger, and how to restrict it to only spawn from a certain faction. Was thinking this was what I am looking for below.


case (resistance) : {_gps = RYD_JR_AllArmGroupsI;_gpKind = "arm"};
case (east) : {_gps = RYD_JR_AllArmGroupsE;_gpKind = "arm"};


More specifically the (resistance), (east) portion. Would this be what I am looking for? If so how would I restrict it to say, for faction east, CUP_O_ChDKZ?

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In short, becauce no time. As you can see, in both cases there's defined _gps array based on previously collected arrays of group configs per side. To limit these to certain faction only, you have to go, vwhere "RYD_JR_All" arrays are defined and filled and add faction filter check there to avoid adding group configs not belonging to desired faction. That is in the JRInit just after "progressLoadingScreen 0.5;" line. Sorry, but no time for ready-to-use code snippet, you have to figuret his out on your own (probably another "if then" code with determining current group config faction inside if (isClass _class) then {brackets}).



How can i create a 1% chance that i can find a Blackfoot as an abandoned vehicle? :p If i can find Slammers randomly, then why not helicopters? :)


Check JRInit.sqf, lines just above mentioned  "progressLoadingScreen 0.5;". No ready solutions, sorry. 

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  On 8/16/2017 at 7:46 AM, Rydygier said:

In short, becauce no time. As you can see, in both cases there's defined _gps array based on previously collected arrays of group configs per side. To limit these to certain faction only, you have to go, vwhere "RYD_JR_All" arrays are defined and filled and add faction filter check there to avoid adding group configs not belonging to desired faction. That is in the JRInit just after "progressLoadingScreen 0.5;" line. Sorry, but no time for ready-to-use code snippet, you have to figuret his out on your own (probably another "if then" code with determining current group config faction inside if (isClass _class) then {brackets}).



Check JRInit.sqf, lines just above mentioned  "progressLoadingScreen 0.5;". No ready solutions, sorry. 


Ok yeah. Was trying to follow RYD_JR_AllArmGroupsE and _units instead. Started going back through JRinit, but was dozing off. Warmonger has the classnames for the insertion helicopters, but was starting to see RYD_JR_AllArmGroupsE, and the others like it from JR_fnc, in JRinit before I went to bed. Not looking at it right now, but guessing it is in the configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "CUP_O_ChDKZ" >> "Mechanized" type format?


Learning a bassackwards way. Tried Fockers tutorial, but was banging my head in boredom by the second chapter. Well written and easy to follow, I just have issues learning that way. So I am opening it up, and seeing what does what. Tinkering with it you could say.

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Sorry another question.


I reused your random name generator and such for the companion, with the player. Replacing player setName, and adding the names listed in CfgWorlds depending on map.


_pname = RYD_JR_Names select (floor (random (count RYD_JR_Names)));
RYD_JR_Names = RYD_JR_Names - [_pname];
_psurname = RYD_JR_Surnames select (floor (random (count RYD_JR_Surnames)));
RYD_JR_Surnames = RYD_JR_Surnames - [_psurname];

player setName [_pname + " " + _psurname,_pname,_psurname];

Was following the RYD_JR_Mourn for the ingame messages, and was wondering about the customChat for the calls and such. Would the following work with the above?

RYD_JR_Conversations = 
	"Lucas %3: %2? Uncle Lucas here.",
	"Is it true about Philip? I can't believe it."
	"Lucas %3"


RYD_JR_Caller customChat [RYD_JR_RadioPhone,_sent,_pname,_psurname];

and this

_sent2 = "%2: OK. I can talk again.";
RYD_JR_Caller customChat [RYD_JR_Conv,_sent2,_pname];

Think I misunderstood your above message. Just to clarify, I am going to have to add another "if then" check statement to limit it for each group type, in addition to what is already there? Not something simple like adding configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "CUP_O_ChDKZ" >> "Mechanized" after the "foreach" for the RYD_JR_AllMechGroupsE?


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Would the following work with the above?


Idea looks good to me, but not:

RYD_JR_Caller customChat [RYD_JR_RadioPhone,_sent,_pname,_psurname];


rather like this:

RYD_JR_Caller customChat [RYD_JR_RadioPhone,format [_sent,_pname,_psurname]];


Where %1 will be the name and %2 - surname. Format need to be used. Also be sure, variables carrying name and surname are anyhow passed into spawns, where sentences are generated (or simplier - make these variables global). 



Not something simple like adding configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "CUP_O_ChDKZ" >> "Mechanized"


Indeed, this should work, good thinking, advices given in hurry often aren't that good. I forgot, faction is included in the group path, so groups are already given per faction. Sorry, I've not much time for BI Forums lately, and time is required to study the code, which of course I don't know by heart. 

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  On 8/17/2017 at 7:18 AM, Rydygier said:


Idea looks good to me, but not:

RYD_JR_Caller customChat [RYD_JR_RadioPhone,_sent,_pname,_psurname];


rather like this:

RYD_JR_Caller customChat [RYD_JR_RadioPhone,format [_sent,_pname,_psurname]];


Where %1 will be the name and %2 - surname. Format need to be used. Also be sure, variables carrying name and surname are anyhow passed into spawns, where sentences are generated (or simplier - make these variables global).


Ok use the format [0,1,2,etc.] array inside the customChat array. I am still lost on the whole local/global variable thing, so yeah not at this time. Though I was following the scripts for the enemy and civilian comms/chat too.


  On 8/17/2017 at 7:18 AM, Rydygier said:

Indeed, this should work, good thinking, advices given in hurry often aren't that good. I forgot, faction is included in the group path, so groups are already given per faction. Sorry, I've not much time for BI Forums lately, and time is required to study the code, which of course I don't know by heart. 


I am still wrapping my head around a lot of it with Biki's help, and there is a lot I do not understand yet, understatement and a half. Was wondering if you would let me post some of your code in Mission and Script Editing, to ask questions about it, or just do it here? Too make sure though. I was looking at this. I do not understand a lot of what is going on here, but I assume you are referring to these individual scripts for each group type. Some of an example of where I am at in knowledge too.


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Or this one? Though the more I look at this one the more it seems to be the one I am looking for. Especially with _gpClass being defined as all "CfgGroups" right before it starts. Where the above seemed to be limited to the stock IND_F and OPF_F forces. Which it seems would have to be changed too.


  Reveal hidden contents


I may be off on this as I really do not know enough yet. Between the two scripts it looks to be that the "AllGroups" arrays are getting populated twice with IND_F and OPF_F groups. And that the second script is all that needs to be run to populate the arrays. Wait I think the _added might have something to do with that? Still trying to figure out what a lot of it is doing yet though. Though in my case I may be able to remove the second script and get away with modifying the top scripts for each array.

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Was wondering if you would let me post some of your code in Mission and Script Editing, to ask questions about it



Feel free to do so. Many skilled scripters are out there, that have more time, than I do. 



I am still lost on the whole local/global variable thing





There are some difficulties with grasping local variables, but global ones are simple. Define value as global variable (so without _ at the beginning) and you may use this variable as is anywhere in the code without worrying about passing it etc. 


For example instead of:


_name = "Alex";




RYD_JR_MainCharacterName = "Alex";


and you have "Alex" saved under global variable RYD_JR_MainCharacterName. Global variables have often complex names given to ensure, each would stay unique, because otherwise other global variable of the same name will overwrite yours. 



 ///// How does _foreachindex become equal to 1 for it to change _side to east, from the foreach array?


You got it right:



///// Is this where _foreachindex becomes = 1? As in an array numbered slot [0,1,2,...]?


"foreach" loop runs through an array of two elements (two config paths pointing sets of predefined groups). First path has _foreachIndex equal to 0, second - equal to 1. 



///// _x defined in foreach array


Rather _gpClass defined as value hidden under _x. For readibility purpose only. It could stay and be used as plain _x. What I did is required mainly, if you have foreach loop with own internal _x nested inside another foreach loop, and you want to compare one _x with the second etc. 



  ///// begins a count on the number of times the following code will be ran?


Yes, with _i variable to be used inside with consequtive values per iteration. That's how we can run through sub-classes of given class (here: pointed by _gpClass groups set)



 ///// _class becomes the count numbered/defined group to be added to the below arrays?


_class becomes consequtive group definition class from the groups set defined under _gpClass (or just _x). 



   ///// isClass verifies that _class is a class? Lost on this honestly


Just to be sure, we check, if what we obtained under _class variable is a properly configured class indeed. Rather redundant for vanilla configs, but it's good habit, when you're dealing with configs from custom mods (not this case) of unknown  quality. We proceed further only, if this is proper class. If wouldn't - code would generate an error, would stuck and whole scenario will be broken. 



   ///// Runs the case code that _side matches?


Yes. Adds the group config to the array proper for given side. 



Or this one? Though the more I look at this one the more it seems to be the one I am looking for. Especially with _gpClass being defined as all "CfgGroups" right before it starts. Where the above seemed to be limited to the stock IND_F and OPF_F forces. Which it seems would have to be changed too.


Indeed. Here our group arrays are suplemented with any other defined groups apart from basic vanilla sets, we added in the previous code. This would add the groups from optional content if present, like Apex or mods. If you wish only groups from hand picked faction, add them in the previous part of the code by replacing config paths with chosen faction only and disable completely this "for-from-to" loop part to avoid adding any not desired factions. Just, like you figured out. :) BTW _added var is for checking, if given group is already inside the array or not. Only if not - it is added. To avoid adding two or more same groups to the array. 

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Topic 1



Been digging for two days but I cannot get Camps to spawn. Well, I have been working on other issues as well.


_dst = -1;
_pos2 = _pos isFlatEmpty [_dst,-1,1.0,5,0,false,_vh];

while {((count _pos2) < 2)} do
	_dst = _dst - 1;
	if (_dst < 10) exitWith {};
	_pos2 = _pos isFlatEmpty [_dst,-1,1.0,5,0,false,_vh]
_pos set [2,0.09];

    I put this in the "setting camp.sqf" but when I fire up Editor/Pilgrimage, MCC shows no camps what so ever,....only strongholds. Are there other places in another file that needs to read this and also have the accompanying data?


Topic 2


How do I spawn CP's "precicely" where the coordinates are. There is very little room so I need to spawn them in small areas, plus, I have changed the objects so that there quite a few less of them which I am hoping will work great once I find the isflatempty magic numbers.



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Setting camp.sqf is used only for unpacking hideout from vehicles trunk. Hidden camps are placed in the JRInit.sqf:



  Reveal hidden contents


PS You can always easily track, what was spawned where by setting this as true:


RYD_JR_Debug = false;//make it true


In the Init.sqf, line 26 in basic version. 



How do I spawn CP's "precicely" where the coordinates are. 


In the CPSetup function delete this:


	_mPos = getPosATL _cR;

	_pos = [_mPos,30,60] call RYD_JR_RandomAroundMM;
	_fe = (count (_pos isFlatEmpty [12,0,1.5,10,0,false,objNull])) > 0;
	_ct = 0;

	while {((isOnRoad _pos) or not (_fe) or ((count (_pos nearRoads 20)) > 0))} do
		_ct = _ct + 1;
		if (_ct > 48) exitWith {};
		_pos = [_mPos,30 + (_ct/8),60 + (_ct/4)] call RYD_JR_RandomAroundMM;
		_fe = (count (_pos isFlatEmpty [12,0,1.5,10,0,false,objNull])) > 0;


and this:


if not ((isOnRoad _pos) or not (_fe) or ((count (_pos nearRoads 20)) > 0)) then


turn into:


if (true) then


But you know, that most likely would be directly on the road. Basic coords point crossroad's road segment center, not some space near the road. Unless you define these coords in other way, than me. Hand picking or something like that. Then it may work for you.


Alternatively, if you don't mind placing CPs in the bush, on the trees etc, go to the RYD_JR_CPSetup function, and turn this line:


_fe = (count (_pos isFlatEmpty [12,0,1.5,10,0,false,objNull])) > 0;




_fe = true;


also you may wish to adjust min-max random pos finding distances in the line:


_pos = [_mPos,30,60] call RYD_JR_RandomAroundMM;


Similar in the while loop just below:


	while {((isOnRoad _pos) or not (_fe) or ((count (_pos nearRoads 20)) > 0))} do
		_ct = _ct + 1;
		if (_ct > 48) exitWith {};
		_pos = [_mPos,30 + (_ct/8),60 + (_ct/4)] call RYD_JR_RandomAroundMM;
		_fe = (count (_pos isFlatEmpty [12,0,1.5,10,0,false,objNull])) > 0;

So the only search criteria would be "not on the road!". 


Nothing of above was tested, no time for this, so I might miss something, but hopefully it will help. 

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Thanks for that info. I'm off to work but I also want to drop THIS pic to show what I have in mind for the new CP layout. Keep in mind that not all of these items will be used but all are considered depending on how the tight terrain allows them to be placed.


I wonder if that gate could replace the camonet for the "center" portion of this CP


....and on to another question]

I have tried numerous settings in the weather option but no matter what I put in, Pilgrimage always starts out very foggy. Then If we move forward one hour, it gets clear. This happens no matter what time of day we start. I've looked everywhere (I think) to see if Rydigier has his own weather (fog) override, but the only place I see fog is in the intro scene.




HelipadEmpty doesn't seem to want to flatten the grass. Any ideas?




No matter how much I adjust the numbers, there are times when the objects are under trees or on near vertical slopes and on roads.

Could I use "Findsafepos" and if so could you tell me how?





_camps = [];

        _pos0 = _x;
        _pos = _pos0;
        _pos set [2,0];
        _fe = _pos0 isFlatEmpty [1,200,1,7,0,false,objNull];

        if ((count _fe) > 0) then

            _pos0 = _fe
        _ct = 0;

        while {(((count _fe) < 1) or ((count (_pos nearRoads 60)) > 0))} do
            _ct = _ct + 1;
            if (_ct > 48) exitWith {};
            _pos = [_pos0,30 + _ct,100 + (_ct * 2)] call RYD_JR_RandomAroundMM;
            _pos set [2,0];
            _fe = _pos isFlatEmpty [1,200,1,7,0,false,objNull];



.........and just for my educational purpose, why are there two areas to adjust the parameters?
            if ((count _fe) > 0) then
                _pos = _fe;
                _pos set [2,0];


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I don't want to spoil anything, but in Laws Of War DLCs mini campaign (on dev branch), they are obviously refering to Pilgrimage theme...

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Indeed? Really cool if so. I'm intrigued now. :)



No matter how much I adjust the numbers, there are times when the objects are under trees or on near vertical slopes and on roads.


You now, there are times, same happens for core version too. I wouldn't worry too much about that, as long these are rare exceptions. My code may be imperfect, same for game engine or the map. Of course, it may be a matter of specific parameters, you didn't found yet, but finding it is done through experiment. 


Also see this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/isFlatEmpty


Especially Killzone Kid's note, last part of it. That may be some alternative function to try. As for findSafePos function, it is based on the isFlatEmpty, but with some additional checks using other, new commands (nearestTerrainObjects and lineIntersectsSurfaces), so it may be worthy of try as well. How? Well:




This must to be enough for now. Pilgrimage scripts use findSafePos too, so you may check these parts for reference. In use, it is very similar to isFlatEmpty usage, may differ as for some parameters, also if doesn't return empty array if position not found, instead it uses map's default pos (causing infamous piles of burning vehicles at this spot, we talked about). It is simplier in use, because it already contains analogous looped checks for random positions, and all, you need, to find a pos is:


_safePos = [_pos,0,160,10,0,4,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;


maybe with:

_safePos set [2,0];


, but this may be redundant. 

Where numbers are exemplary of course. Optionally you may check, if resulting _safePos is not too close to the default map position. But not sure, if this will weed out positions on the road. 



and just for my educational purpose, why are there two areas to adjust the parameters?


First you have isFlatEmpty check for initially picked position. Only, if test is failed, a loop is started, where isFlatEmpty tests are done for other random positions around the initial, thus you have isFlatEmpty used twice. It is not the only way, there's possible syntax with only one isFlatEmpty, that would do same task.  


BTW sorry for the late response, if I see no new posts, I do not open the thread, so if you edit same post, I will stay not awared about new content. 

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No apologies required,.....Ever!


I am making some headway actually. I've got the HC's able to spawn in pretty well. i.e:

10%   = 2 to 3

25%   = 3 to 6

50%   = 6 to 9

75%   = 9 to 12

100% = 12 to 15

give or take.


   Since Pilgrimage has such a hard finding a suitable place, sometimes  HC will land on a dry creek bed and so on. It is what it is but for the most part it works pretty well. Another added fix is there is now a fourth trigger which restricts HC's from spawning outside the map play area.

   question: 1

Do you have 3 different smoke particles and is that why you 3 different settings? from what I can see, it looks like you have 2 smokes and 1 fire.

    question 2

How do I stop default vehicles/men from spawning into Pilgrimage?

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As for the smoke, the only used function is this:




It uses a single particle source, which is the smoke only. Fire is left default. Two another functions are unused/inactive, these was testing code. 


  On 9/2/2017 at 5:59 PM, pvt. partz said:

How do I stop default vehicles/men from spawning into Pilgrimage?


No very smooth way in the code of this design, I'm affraid. Should be possible however to set a blacklist filter per faction, if you'll be able to pick faction of origin from asset's config ("faction" entry, that is _faction = getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _class >> "faction") which could return stuff like "BLU_F"). But then this blacklist have to be updated each time BI would add new vanilla faction. There's also:




But this may work only for DLC content, not basic vanilla. 

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For smoke, the reason I ask is..........



RYD_JR_CampFire_Smoke =
    _campF = _this select 0;
    while {not (isNull _campF)} do
        _pos = getPosATL _campF;

        _smoke = "#particlesource" createVehicle _pos;
        _smoke setParticleParams [
            ["\a3\Data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 7, 48,0],
        _smoke setParticleRandom [10, [0.2, 0.2, 0.1], [0.3, 0.3, 0.025], 0.25, 0.125, [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.1], 0, 0, 10];
        _smoke setDropInterval 0.1;         
RYD_JR_CampfireSmoke =
    while {true} do
        sleep 5;
        RYD_JR_CurrentCampfires = RYD_JR_CurrentCampfires - [objNull];
            if not (isNull _x) then
                _smoke = _x getVariable ["RYD_JR_mySmoke",objNull];
                if (inflamed _x) then
                    if (isNull _smoke) then
                        _pos = getPosATL _x;
                        _smoke = "#particlesource" createVehicle _pos;
                        _smoke setParticleParams [
                            ["\a3\Data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 7, 48,0],
                        _smoke setParticleRandom [10, [0.2, 0.2, 0.1], [0.3, 0.3, 0.025], 0.25, 0.125, [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.1], 0, 0, 10];
                        _smoke setDropInterval 0.1;

                        _x setVariable ["RYD_JR_mySmoke",_smoke]
                    deleteVehicle _smoke
        foreach RYD_JR_CurrentCampfires
/*RYD_JR_CampfireSmoke =
    _campF = _this select 0;
    sleep 0.1;
    _smoke = objNull;
    while {not (isNull _campF)} do
        _pos = getPosATL _campF;

        _smoke = "#particlesource" createVehicle _pos;
        _smoke setParticleParams [
            ["\a3\Data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 7, 48,0],
        _smoke setParticleRandom [10, [0.2, 0.2, 0.1], [0.3, 0.3, 0.025], 0.25, 0.125, [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.1], 0, 0, 10];
        _smoke setDropInterval 0.1;         
            sleep 5;
            ((isNull _campF) or {not (inflamed _campF)})
        deleteVehicle _smoke;
        if (isNull _campF) exitWith {};
            sleep 5;
            ((isNull _campF) or {(inflamed _campF)})




The first and third grouping have a CampF and the middle one has a x in that spot,.....reason I ask

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_x, because it is inside foreach loop. Instead of running the while-do loop for each camp fire separetelly, there is only one such loop, each iteration going through every camp fire on the map using foreach command, where currently processed camp fire is marked by _x variable - one loop more resource-efficient. 

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But this may work only for DLC content, not basic vanilla. 

That's what gave me the idea. I tried this...


_Restricted =

etc, etc, etc

.....but it's not working. I don't mind going through all of the classnames to list them. Pretty long tedious task but it would be a genuine port. 

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