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About neofit

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    Master Sergeant

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  1. Hi, Save is disabled?
  2. neofit

    DayZ Ravage

    Nice little adventure, thanks. I don't think there is a way to configure anything, is there? Like, I've looted a bit and killed a few AI groups, but I'm freezing to death. No matches so far, and I'd normally wear 2-3 sets of clothes if I'm cold, so I'd rather not worry about this part. Or say I'm hit by a zombie and poof goes my whole grenadier vest, together with all my mags, so I'd rather turn this off as well :). Anyway, great work.
  3. neofit

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Shame there is no SP. No-buy for me.
  4. neofit

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Meh, still a problem on my end, even after a complete PC rebuild (leaving on the old gfx card, since I'm not a bitcoin millionaire 🙂 ) and windows reinstall. So it starts building the game world after asking for mission variables, then never ends. After more than 10 minutes I hit Alt-F4, and the game acts like it exited normally, it even does a save and exit, even though I never saw the actual game world. The whole time I have one core doing 100%, but with a brand new i5-11600K (twice as fast as my old one) it should be more than enough to do everything in one minute. Zero mods or with my usual set of mods. Then I can actually Continue the mission and I get into the game world but it looks empty. I never see anyone nor find anyone nor any loot. Plenty of vehicles though. Maybe the map is different? Mine is from the .doc linked to the mission description on page 1, Vidda | Legacy Version. Or maybe some DLC that I don't have? I've tried vanilla Pilgrimage 1.95 and it works. 16:10:13 Starting mission: 16:10:13 Mission file: Pilgrimage\Pvt Partz\Pilgrimage_p195 (__cur_sp) 16:10:13 Mission world: blud_vidda 16:10:13 Mission directory: missions\__cur_sp.blud_vidda\ 16:10:13 EPE manager release (0|141|0) 16:10:17 c:\bis\source\stable\futura\lib\ui\uimap.cpp DisplayGetReady::Destroy:NOT IMPLEMENTED - briefing! 16:10:17 Mission id: 6fae2cf8718f798f1befb3f3034be490267abad7 16:10:28 B_T_Truck_01_medical_F: mirror_l_hide - unknown animation source mirror_l_hide 16:10:28 B_Truck_01_fuel_F: mirror_l_hide - unknown animation source mirror_l_hide 16:10:28 B_T_Truck_01_fuel_F: mirror_l_hide - unknown animation source mirror_l_hide 16:10:28 B_Truck_01_Repair_F: mirror_l_hide - unknown animation source mirror_l_hide 16:10:28 I_Truck_02_covered_F: rear_hide - unknown animation source rear_hide 16:10:28 B_T_Truck_01_mover_F: mirror_l_hide - unknown animation source mirror_l_hide 16:10:28 O_LSV_02_armed_F: unarmed_main_turret_hide - unknown animation source turrethide 16:10:28 O_LSV_02_armed_F: unarmed_doors_hide - unknown animation source doorshide 16:10:28 O_LSV_02_armed_F: magazine_reload_hide_1 - unknown animation source voronamuzzle_reloadmagazine 16:10:28 B_Truck_01_mover_F: mirror_l_hide - unknown animation source mirror_l_hide 16:10:28 B_T_Truck_01_ammo_F: mirror_l_hide - unknown animation source mirror_l_hide 16:10:28 B_T_Truck_01_Repair_F: mirror_l_hide - unknown animation source mirror_l_hide 16:10:28 O_T_LSV_02_armed_F: unarmed_main_turret_hide - unknown animation source turrethide 16:10:28 O_T_LSV_02_armed_F: unarmed_doors_hide - unknown animation source doorshide 16:10:28 O_T_LSV_02_armed_F: magazine_reload_hide_1 - unknown animation source voronamuzzle_reloadmagazine 16:10:28 I_Truck_02_transport_F: rear_hide - unknown animation source rear_hide 16:10:29 O_T_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_ghex_F: cannon_ready_light - unknown animation source muzzle_hide_cannon 16:23:55 Shutdown normally
  5. neofit

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    @Pvt Partz Apparently I am a bit late trying the Vidda version only today. The linked Vidda map is now labelled as "Legacy Vidda", and when I launching the scenario on it the setup phase after choosing the settings never ends. Any chance for an update?
  6. Hi, A lot of the features in this scenario have been inspired by other mission, like Rydigier's Pilgrimage, but some function differently, I'd like to know how the "Old Man" world is supposed to function. 1/ Fast Travel. It's not implemented as a teleport since it takes time to go from place to place. But for some reason I can't travel together with a vehicle. In Pilgrimage for instance the last vehicle you were in travels with you, so we know there is no technical issue that would prevent such a functionality. Do you truly only "fast travel on foot" or am I missing something. 2/ Is there a way to truly destroy a roadblock? In Pilgrimage again, once I kill everyone at a checkpoint it remains empty for the duration of the mission, which lasts a few hours to a couple of days max anyway. If such a feature exists, i.e. it stays empty for a couple of days at least, is it enough to kill everyone there or one has to C4 something else there? 3/ Helicopters. Pilgrimage has those pesky on call helicopters as well, about 1-2 on the island, but if I shoot them down or do to an airfield and destroy them on the ground, there will be no more of those for the remainder of the mission. Is it the same in Old Man or do they keep respawning? Thanks.
  7. neofit

    Old Man: insurgents issue

    Good to know one doesn't need to compulsively loot everything in sight anymore then :).
  8. neofit

    Old Man: insurgents issue

    BTW, is that level, +3 or something, when you have -20%/+20% and accommodations at 100 (when Samjo says "lowest prices"), the highest one? Because I've given them about 1K-2K for the first three levels, then about 20K worth of weapons after that but I didn't get any other message from Samjo.
  9. neofit

    Old Man: insurgents issue

    Thanks. To me "Not Available" sounds like the "N/A" in Excel, which means that one has an error somewhere. I'd rather they replaced them by zeros.
  10. neofit

    Old Man: insurgents issue

    I've received a phone call from Samjo telling me he was happy with me blowing up the house, his first mission. After that I got the "Insurgents" button on the map screen. But I'd still appreciate an answer to my questions: 1/ Where do I see the reputation level? 2/ Is it normal to have the 'Not available' "figures" on my insurgency screen or should I start over?
  11. Hi, From the help I got in-game, I guess there are two ways to use the weapons I am looting: 1/ Sell them at the insurgents' camp for money 2/ Put them into a box at a stash house for about half the money plus some kind of reputation with the said insurgents Where do I see this reputation level? Also, I've got this when looking at the insurgents screen: Does this mean that my game is broken and that I should restart? Is there any way to figure out if it will be broken again, before wasting my time playing for another hour before this screen becomes available again? Or is this "normal" and will start displaying proper figures as soon as I interact somehow with this faction? I've already sold weapons to their quartermaster and put some into the stash box, do I have to go on an actual assault with them for this box to fix itself? Thanks
  12. neofit

    (Ravage) Virus X - Patient Zero

    If you could read, you'd see: "Joined: March 10, 2007". And no, you can't in your mission. All I've seen were sprinting ones. Not fun. Brain dead creatures with rotting muscles having the coordination and strength to run? Does not compute. Yes, Einstein, I did read the notes. That does not make these idiotic restrictions fun. If you played Arma 3 a bit longer, you'd know that these things are managed in settings, so each player can manager them on their own, instead of having some arrogant mission maker force his views onto them. Yay, I'm stuck inside a vehicle with much less situational awareness than in real life, of what a difficult challenge, oh what fun. Everyone is looking for a challenge according to his limited capacity I guess, heh? Succeed at what, genius? In having fun in a crappy mission? Not wasting my time on that. Look, you started personal insults first, so the general tone is now on you. I admit to making one mistake though, I misread: I understood it as if a grown up actually meant it, not a kid who'd go all butthurt at the first criticism. Anyway, thread and user /ignored.
  13. neofit

    [SP-Campaign] Codename Phalanx

    I think it's Arma3. I don't remember being that POed by AI driving. I remember being driven by AIs and my only complaint being that they were rather slow. I remember being flown by AI teammates in choppers as well.
  14. neofit

    [SP-Campaign] Codename Phalanx

    I am not worried that AI driving will break this very mission. It's a general thing, more like a principle for me at this point. Most missions I play are not the military type ones that we get in the stock campaigns by BIS. Besides the various Pilgrimages, I mostly play Ravage-type or the Patrol Operations types of missions. I wish I could get into an apoc Altis and NOT find most, if not all of the intended to be scary AI bandit patrols all burnt and dead sticking from some wall or wreck on the road. I wish I could use more people in my patrol that would fit inside a single vehicle, because nurturing the second one is hair-pulling frustration, what with them getting stuck in walls at most turns or a single tree or rock in a field, without the AI brains to back off an extra meter so they can move around it. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to say "#2, driver, get in", pop onto the passenger seat, click somewhere on the map, and enjoy the scenery, trusting #2 will actually get you there. When I am seeing how well AI is driving in otherwise silly games like the Far Crys and the GTAs, it's like I'm watching super pro code compared to "Hello world" level AI coding in Arma3. Then we had the disastrous, no-save, allegedly SP campaign in Apex. And then BIS is telling me: "hey, buy more vehicles, they are fun. Buy more campaigns too, we are good at them!". Sorry, I don't feel like it for some reason. Edit: /rant off, sorry :).
  15. neofit

    [SP] Ravage Breadcrumbs (WIP)

    Debug console: in the "description.ext" file, add "enableDebugConsole = 2;" (for everyone, or =1 if only for SP and MP admins). It's in here. Have a nice and safe vacation.