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Toadie's SmallArms and Animations for Arma3

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Is there somehow a posibillity to adjust the damage done by the AR15 pack? It takes 4-5 shots until an enemy is down (this may is realistic, i know!). But is it possible to modify the game files by myself to do more damage, so 2-4 shoots are enough to bring down an enemy?

Have you tried the SPR and SOST rounds? They may not penetrate surfaces as well as the EPR rounds, but they can drop someone in a TFA H-Carrier (basically an up-armoured Carrier Rig) in two shots center mass.

Unless you're using the default Arma 3 5.56 rounds, in which case I recommend you try out Toadie's proprietary rounds. They do pack a punch, plus you can get an X-15 drum!

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New mod v1.0 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


New update v0.5 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


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Really good work Toadie, as always! Great textures and models! Without any doubt your weapon packs are some of the best in all OFP/Arma series!

And now, the request... ( just joking :p )

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Some of the rear ironsight models on the ARs are a bit disappointing.

I know you're largely porting stuff that was designed for games that don't use ironsights in the same way Arma does (from places like the CS:S community) but is there anything you can do about adding a few more edge loops to the back sights on things like Hypermetal's Honey Badger? It's a bit, erm... blocky is all.

Edited by da12thMonkey

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you can put all mods into one folder and launch them like that, it doesn't really matter to the game. but that's how I do it: I have one folder for all weapon mods I use and I just dump all .PBO and .BISIGN files there, so I don't have to launch every mod every time I want to play

yes but for multiplayer the key signature is unique? if not the server will deny the access

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If you are the client the key is irrelevant, is used only by the server to check your pbo signatures.

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If you are the client the key is irrelevant, is used only by the server to check your pbo signatures.

my bad i mean the server key

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Hey, just wanted to say thanks for an awesome mod and leave some feedback/questions!

First of all, I am huge fan of the Jack Carbine, so thank you so much for adding it in. It's going to be the weapon that I'll end up using a lot from now on. However, I have question regarding the Jack.

The stock is an LE stock. The Jack Carbine has a B5 Systems SOPMOD Bravo [ http://www.b5systems.com/products.html ] though. What's the chance of getting that stock on the Jack instead?

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my bad i mean the server key

that's what the .BISIGN files are for. if the server is signed, it will check your addon folder for proper signs.

you don't need the .BIKEY file on your machine to connect. you can delete those

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I think they all share the same server key, so you are probably good with the key from AR15 pack or updated HLC core (as they are the newest ones).

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HLC G3 Pack with just HLC Core, ASDG JointRails.

In virtual arsenal, take the HK G3/SG1 and its throw an pop up error "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_b_G3.nameSound'." with this in .RPT :

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_b_G3.nameSound'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_b_G3.Library'.

Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_b_G3.type'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_b_G3.maxLeadSpeed'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_b_G3.reloadAction'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_b_G3.modelSpecial'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_T_G3.nameSound'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_T_G3.Library'.

Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_T_G3.type'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_T_G3.maxLeadSpeed'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_T_G3.reloadAction'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_T_G3.modelSpecial'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_50rnd_762x51_M_G3.nameSound'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_50rnd_762x51_M_G3.Library'.

Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_50rnd_762x51_M_G3.type'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_50rnd_762x51_M_G3.maxLeadSpeed'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_50rnd_762x51_M_G3.reloadAction'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_50rnd_762x51_M_G3.modelSpecial'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: Cannot load texture hlc_wp_m60e4\tex\m60e4_ti_ca.paa.

LODShape::AddLoadHandler: Handler not present in shape [a3\weapons_f\acc\reticle_marksman_f.p3d]

Warning Message: Cannot load texture hlc_wp_m60e4\tex\m60e4_ti_ca.paa.

I hope it help you to correct this :). Very nice set of mod of high quality model, keep the really good job mate :).

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Where and when did you get the packs NorX? Could it be that you don't have the newest version of them?

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Some of the rear ironsight models on the ARs are a bit disappointing.

I know you're largely porting stuff that was designed for games that don't use ironsights in the same way Arma does (from places like the CS:S community) but is there anything you can do about adding a few more edge loops to the back sights on things like Hypermetal's Honey Badger? It's a bit, erm... blocky is all.

I agree here. I use optics mostly.

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I understand this is personal preference, and a sound mod config would address a lot of this, but...

To my ear, the BCM/HSP Jack carbine really sounds good (unsuppressed). If you could make the other M4/AR15 guns sound like that...perfection. I also understand it requires a new model, but a M4 version without the carry handle when you add an optic would be choice, as well.

Regardless of all that, thanks for the updates and continued support. Your AKs are top notch and my "go to" insurgent weapon.

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Awsome weapons! I am having trouble assigning the supressor to the honeybadger via script. Hlc_rifle_honeybase does not seem to be correct as documented in the classnames. Do u know the propper classname? Thank you

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Awsome weapons! I am having trouble assigning the supressor to the honeybadger via script. Hlc_rifle_honeybase does not seem to be correct as documented in the classnames. Do u know the propper classname? Thank you

Try muzzle_HBADGER

Hlc_rifle_honeybase is the rifle itself.

The stock is an LE stock. The Jack Carbine has a B5 Systems SOPMOD Bravo [ http://www.b5systems.com/products.html ] though. What's the chance of getting that stock on the Jack instead?

100% Chance, started on it today.

Some of the rear ironsight models on the ARs are a bit disappointing.

I know you're largely porting stuff that was designed for games that don't use ironsights in the same way Arma does (from places like the CS:S community) but is there anything you can do about adding a few more edge loops to the back sights on things like Hypermetal's Honey Badger? It's a bit, erm... blocky is all.

Hah, yeah.

In hindsight, I'll concede I'm not huge on that rearsight as-is, so yeah I'll see what I can do to make it less chunky.

I guess this is a semi-official way of saying there will be updates to the AR15s in the future.

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Hey Toadie! There's a small problem with the Front flip down sights on some of the guns having no texture through the MRCO Sight.

http://i.imgur.com/ts1KFKB.jpg (169 kB) http://i.imgur.com/hVDX0Uv.jpg (163 kB) http://i.imgur.com/1TBFFLz.jpg (160 kB)

Also some guns like the Honey Badger the front side doesn't get removed when a sight is placed witch would be very useful since the MRCO's range markers are blocked by the front sight

All that being said, My group loves the mod pack they all feel unique in there own way that just adds to our PMC loadouts. Cant wait to see what else you have in store for us.

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Hi Toadie2k

can you make your weapons aviable in the editor like the BIS ones ?

That would be realy helpfull to place the weapons in zeus.

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Or Snipers & Marksmanrifles :bounce3:

Seriously, it's the only thing that hasn't gotten any real attention beyond a few lackluster ArmA 2 ports. I would be so incredibly pleased to have a precision pack from the baddest mofo in the biz.

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Hi Toadie2k

can you make your weapons aviable in the editor like the BIS ones ?

That would be realy helpfull to place the weapons in zeus.

You can find them in the editor as HLC AR15 pack in the empty->ammo. As for Zeus, I'm afraid I can't help you.

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Where and when did you get the packs NorX? Could it be that you don't have the newest version of them?

I get them from the workshop...What ?! i am the only one who have this message ?

I precise that i have "Show script error" in my param launch, if you dont have this its normal you dont have some of this message i guess.

Im in dev, HLC Core,HLC G3 from steam et ASDG from armaholic. I just go in arsenal i take any weapons from the pack and it throw me this error

No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_b_G3.nameSound'.

And that in the .RPT :

Animation hlcweapons\newgestures\mp5sd_reload2.rtm not found or empty

Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in hlc_core\animation\gesture\reload_fal_long.rtm

Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in hlc_core\animation\gesture\reload_fal_long.rtm

Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in hlc_core\animation\gesture\reload_m14_prone.rtm

Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in hlc_core\animation\gesture\reload_m14_prone.rtm

Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in hlc_core\animation\gesture\reload_mp510_prone.rtm

Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in hlc_core\animation\gesture\reload_mp510_standing.rtm

Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in hlc_core\animation\gesture\reload_mp5_prone.rtm

Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in hlc_core\animation\gesture\reload_mp5_standing.rtm

Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in hlc_core\animation\gesture\reload_osw_prone.rtm

Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in hlc_core\animation\gesture\reload_osw_prone.rtm

Warning: rightHandIKCurve, wrong size (size<2||size>=4) in hlc_core\animation\gesture\reload_osw_standing.rtm

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_b_G3.nameSound'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_b_G3.Library'.

Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_b_G3.type'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_b_G3.maxLeadSpeed'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_b_G3.reloadAction'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_b_G3.modelSpecial'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_T_G3.nameSound'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_T_G3.Library'.

Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_T_G3.type'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_T_G3.maxLeadSpeed'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_T_G3.reloadAction'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_20rnd_762x51_T_G3.modelSpecial'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_50rnd_762x51_M_G3.nameSound'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_50rnd_762x51_M_G3.Library'.

Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_50rnd_762x51_M_G3.type'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_50rnd_762x51_M_G3.maxLeadSpeed'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_50rnd_762x51_M_G3.reloadAction'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines/hlc_50rnd_762x51_M_G3.modelSpecial'.

Warning Message: '/' is not a value

Warning Message: Cannot load texture hlc_wp_m60e4\tex\m60e4_ti_ca.paa.

Warning Message: Cannot load texture hlc_wp_m60e4\tex\m60e4_ti_ca.paa.

I have checked them my self and effectively in cfgmagazines for hlc_20rnd_762x51_b_G3 it missing "nameSound" and others param.

And if i can say, i dont know if its normal but for me no... "hlc_20rnd_762x51_b_fal" "hlc_20rnd_762x51_s_fal" and "hlc_20rnd_762x51_t_fal" are empty...

And when i know "hlc_20rnd_762x51_b_G3" is a child of "hlc_20rnd_762x51_b_fal" it could be an explanation why their some line missing...

Sorry for the long post but if it can help toadie to fix this awesome mod its not a time wasted :).

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Interesting, seems like some of the files are related to the FAL and M14 packs which you can find here, but not on Workshop. Plus there's some stuff about MP5s.

I know this sounds stupid, but are you sure that your HLC core is activated? Do the weapons animate properly?

Maybe some of the problems come from the fact that you don't have the other packs? The 3 battle rifle platforms were released at the same time, so there could be some unforseen dependencies.

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