EricJ 765 Posted October 26, 2014 Cool beans... I've done a little more work on the Wipeout: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted October 27, 2014 More work, I'm going to add a darkening layer as I'm confident (for sure) in the colors but since it's not a Hornet... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted October 27, 2014 And darkened.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jinougaf 11 Posted October 27, 2014 Okay yes it was a mis-configuration on my part, for now here's the jacked up configs fixed: JinougaF: Yes thanks for the tip, the zero was way too high so it's been moved down as it should be, as I lowered the rifle and plugged (I believe, didn't use a rangefinder) a 300m or 400m ish target by doing that. I've reconfirmed zero and you'll see it in RC45. And please don't upload PWS or Foxhound (again thanks as usual...) ---------- Post added at 11:16 ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 ---------- There are various theories about underside camouflage (one actual good article by Carlo Kopp comes to mind) but overall militaries are finding out grey is so far the best choice (even the USAF two-tone is hard to see at various angles in broad daylight) so blue is becoming more passe nowadays. There are still older aircraft that still use a blue underside but as mentioned it's not becoming a trend anymore. NP meat,glad to help.Love your weapons and planes! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bolo861 166 Posted October 27, 2014 Just noticed that there is a config bug "missing bin\config.bin.hitArmor" on 12 gauge ammo for masterkey and any other weapon that uses 12 gauge munnitions for that matter. Regards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted October 27, 2014 Always no problem JinougaF :) And bolo861 thanks but there's nothing I can do about it, I'm a common modder like everybody else so that's something BIS is going to have to fix or you report it via I believe is the tracker feedback system. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bolo861 166 Posted October 27, 2014 Thank You for clarification, You of course right that s a BIS thing.:) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted October 27, 2014 Yeah if I knew how to fix it I well... would be working for BIS, which I don't so yeah... but a good thing to keep in mind as I never got that error before. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted October 28, 2014 EricJ Wipeout Skin Mod /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// New Download Link: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RC6 - Added the generic Canadian scheme. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bolo861 166 Posted October 28, 2014 While putting Ultimax Box in a mission I m making I ve noticed No entry"bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.iarm855a1". Probably just some typo error in the config. Regards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kecharles28 197 Posted October 28, 2014 Updated mod 0.6 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking: @EricJ Meta Data management is now available, if you are interested in testing out editing your Meta Data for your content, contact me via PM and we will Unlock it for you. Best regards Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miller 49 Posted October 28, 2014 Thanks EricJ Mirror updated: A-164 Wipeout Skin Mod RC6 by EricJ Kind regards Miller Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted October 28, 2014 (edited) While putting Ultimax Box in a mission I m making I ve noticed No entry"bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.iarm855a1". Probably just some typo error in the config.Regards. Actually it was just in that config, thanks :) Kari I'll get to it, probably after posting this reply, and thanks as always and Miller as well :) ---------- Post added at 13:59 ---------- Previous post was at 13:51 ---------- Okay RC45 will eventually have: - A request for a custom CAR-15 - HK416/Masterkey. I've been sitting on this for awhile and 7-75 Regiment has played with it for nearly two months, and the only negative feedback was the reload anim was too slow but that'll appear as well as also taumargin was talking to me via PM and brought up a shotgun sound (which would be a good replacement for the old BIS sound). Right now I'm going to switch gears and finish a personal DCS skinning project that I was going to work on yesterday but got a new stick so had to get more familiar with that (and other than dealing with A3, it's been very good so far), but I still monitor the topic so it's not like I'm leaving just have to task organize a bit. It'll take me probably until the end of the week (worst case scenario) as I have to learn the mapping system of the aircraft (A-10A) as while it's similar to the A-10C (uses the same template) still need to take my time with that one then I'll get back to adding the rest of the stuff. Edited October 28, 2014 by EricJ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 28, 2014 Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. A-164 Wipeout Skin Mod RC6 ================================================== You are not registered on Armaholic, or at least not that we are aware of. In the future we offer the possibility to authors to maintain their own pages. If you wish to be able to do this as well please register on Armaholic and let me know about it. This is not mandatory at all! Only if you wish to control your own content you are welcome to join, otherwise we will continue to follow your work like we have always done ;) When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kecharles28 197 Posted October 28, 2014 Play With Six (RC2): just a little hint, PwS does run RC3 of your mod too :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted October 29, 2014 Ahh shit thanks... I was editing the entries and was saying to myself that everybody else has updated their pages but me :D Thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted October 29, 2014 Alright, thanks to Kari I'm now on PWS (at least on the site, I got stuff going on so... one thing at a time) so I'll be able to better manage or manage the mods now so one thing at a time... ---------- Post added at 22:20 ---------- Previous post was at 22:07 ---------- - Added Countermeasures and and some Ending Notes (note I will continue to add to this document, just the thing to add at the end of a document, etc.). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted October 30, 2014 Current status is that I've got a couple days (I think Friday or Saturday) so I'll be able to finish this for DCS: After that I'll come back here and knock out the guns and stuff and upload RC45. I know I know but I have to learn to organize and not multitask as much so yeah... I haven't forgotten about the fixes and additions. Matter of fact, me and taumargin were talking about shotgun sounds, and he was saying that he was enjoying the HK416 more, and well I added "Well I got a Masterkey version" and I'm sure he was thrilled. 7-75 Regiment had this weapon as well as some other select people but it's not a restricted weapon so: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted October 31, 2014 Okay looks like I'll be a bit long on the DCS skin project so here's RC45 (no new guns) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RC45 - Fixed zero of the AKM - Fixed Ammo configuration for the non-ASDJM and RH configs. - Fixed M855A1 ammo typo in the "u100_config" ammo box entry. Looks like next week I'll be back to this stuff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kecharles28 197 Posted October 31, 2014 Updated mod 6.45 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted October 31, 2014 New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. EricJ Weapons Pack RC45- Community Base addons A3- ASDG Joint Rails- ASDG Joint MuzzlesOptional:- Advanced Ballistics- TMR Modular Realism - Alternate ================================================ You are not registered on Armaholic, or at least not that we are aware of. In the future we offer the possibility to authors to maintain their own pages. If you wish to be able to do this as well please register on Armaholic and let me know about it. This is not mandatory at all! Only if you wish to control your own content you are welcome to join, otherwise we will continue to follow your work like we have always done ;) When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jinougaf 11 Posted October 31, 2014 Have already finished the test,the ironsight on AKM worked fine now,you can see in the picture blow!,qkpI6Mj#0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bolo861 166 Posted October 31, 2014 Hello, just a head s up, the No entry"bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.iarm855a1" error is still present in nonasdg jm config. That s it. Regards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted October 31, 2014 Okay I'll get that for RC46 next weekish and nice shot JinougaF! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EricJ 765 Posted November 1, 2014 Well after five days (longest time spent on a skin ever for me, as the second longest was a LOMAC template for the Mig-29 that took 18 hours) I'm done with my DCS project so tomorrow I'll get some gun work in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites