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I'll see what I can do but I've gotten some ref pics from that site as well, and I'll play with it and see what I can do, as the tone also changed depending on the sun as well. In one of the pictures from the gallery it also has an orange-ish hue to it as well. So it's somewhat of a hit or miss depending on the sunlight and looking at the actual photos versus Arma 3's lighting techniques (it actually has a 20% layer of black to darken it.

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Yeah I thought the MK19 sound would be more appropriate (originally it was a tank cannon sound but that's a bit far-fetched...) as it is kinda of a grenade launcher...

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That was my thought too, but fits perfectly to this monster. Already created a a setup for my soldier, so i always start with this beast the mission (WholeLottaAltis) even Choppers and Jets are no problem when i got this Rifle in my Hand ^^

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And using colors from this site (I should stop trusting other sites than this): http://www.jpsmodell.de/dc/schemes/a10jaws_e.htm


Just have to readjust some other colors and it'll be better.

And I'll admit... doing A-10 skins is beating me up... working off rust...

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I tested the Ak47 Tactical in your weapon pack and it doesn't have its muzzle flame,but the AKM has the muzzle flame……something missing in the files?

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Probably a bad proxy, been noticing that (and thought I got it) but will fix that one.

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I am using EricJ weapons pack while playing IndeedPete great sp campaign M.E.R.C.S so I had a time to conduct serious test of every weapon. Please notice that i am using version RC43.1 with non-ASDG JM config and optional TMR and Bipods pbo present in mod folder here are my observations, (alphabeticaly):

- AKM Tactical: weapon can incorretly mount BIS sound suppressor (6.5 mm) insteed of 7.62, missing flash effect during unsuppressed shot, the suppressed shot sound is the same that unsuppressed one (lack of suppressed shot sound).

- Barret M107: weapon can incorrectly mount Harris bipod on side rail (effect looks kind of silly, Barret has integrated bipod shouldn t be using Harris anyway).

- Barret XM109: in non ASDG JM config there is still cfgWeapons error regarding sound file so I can not even shoot the weapon, weapon can incorrectly mount Harris bipod on side rail like M107.

- FN M249: autorest works fine but weapon can incorrectly mount Harris bipod with conjunction with integrated one (again effect two bipods at the same time looks silly).

- HK417 12 inch barrel: weapon can incorrectly mount BIS sound suppressor (6.5 mm) insteed of 7.62.

- HK417 16 inch barrel: weapon can incorrectly mount BIS sound suppressor (6.5 mm) insteed of 7.62.

- HK615 12 inch barrel: weapon can incorrectly mount SureFire 7.62 suppressors.

- All four L115A1/A3: still have cfgWeapons config error regarding Harris bipod when player is not using TMR autorest and bipods pbo.

- M110: weapon can incorrectly mount BIS sound suppressor (6.5 mm) insteed of 7.62.

- M24 Desert: weapon can incorretly mount Harris bpod, Harris bpod and SureFire flashlight and Harris bipod and PEQ laser even that weapon doesn t have side rails and has integrated bipod (curious that bug is absent in M24 Woodland that model works perfectly).

- SCAR-6.5CL: weapon can incorrectly mount SureFire 7.62 suppressors.

- SCAR-6.5CL EGLM: weapon can incorrectly mount SureFire 7.62 suppressors.

- SCAR-H: weapon can incorrectly mount BIS sound suppressor (6.5 mm) insteed of 7.62.

- SCAR-H Black: weapon can incorrectly mount BIS sound suppressor (6.5 mm) insteed of 7.62.

- SCAR-H EGLM: weapon can incorrectly mount BIS sound suppressor (6.5 mm) insteed of 7.62.

- SCAR-H Long Barrel: weapon can incorrectly mount BIS sound suppressor (6.5 mm) insteed of 7.62.

- SCAR-H STC: weapon can incorrectly mount BIS sound suppressor (6.5 mm) insteed of 7.62.

- SCAR-H w/AFG: weapon can incorrectly mount BIS sound suppressor (6.5 mm) insteed of 7.62.

- SCAR-H LSW: weapon can incorrectly mount BIS sound suppressor (6.5 mm) insteed of 7.62.

Aside from above I didn t find any other bugs believe me I tried hard. This is great weapon pack still requires just a little polish.

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As far as the suppressors go, I brought that issue up with Robalo, and he correctly stated that real world makers of 6.5 suppressors recommend using 6.8 or 7.62mm suppressors or something along those lines, on his topic. So Robalo grouped 6.5, 7.62 supressors together so that's just an effect of his coding, not mine.

As far as the Harris weird looking effect, simply don't mount the bipod, as the "Hard resting" is simply a scripting issue, the 3D model is just for looks, i.e. you can "use a bipod" even though you don't have one mounted, and this video shows that:

So I'll put a mention in the readme to NOT mount the bipod (been doing that verbally to people and not translated it to the readme) and for the TMR system to "recognize" as far as I know, to reference a bipod so it "knows" to use the hard resting.

Go to the first topic and redownload the mod as I unfortunately realized that mistake with the XM109 a day or two ago and fixed the sound issue. I apologize for that but it is what it is, and should work fine now.

AKM Tactical and M2 Desert... Will unfuck those.

---------- Post added at 13:54 ---------- Previous post was at 13:47 ----------

L115s is an artifact because you're specifying a certain classname, I may have to move the bipods to the Items folder to clear up that issue and still have the separate TMR PBO there.

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Okay fixed so far:

- Bipods are now integrated into the U100.pbo itself. Note that the TMR function still is an optional stuff, and after a quick test, works.

- Flame issue: That'll be a "I'll probably release an updated PBO Tomorrow" as it's not just one issue (though the Tactical just doesn't want to cooperate!) it's a matter of updating all of the weapons so yeah more than likely tomorrow it'll be uploaded.

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Thanks for Your advise and hard work EricJ. I compiled the list to help to improve great weapon pack. When I used this weapons in IndeedPete sp campaign it totally changed gameplay experience.


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No problem and the detailed report helped greatly man so again no problem...

---------- Post added at 17:05 ---------- Previous post was at 16:39 ----------

I swear to God that the BIS people don't know the phrase "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", or maybe it's a programmer's creed to "If it's not broke, we can improve it!" Which is okay but seriously... Anyway tomorrow I'll probably have it ready, just had to vent slightly.

---------- Post added at 18:03 ---------- Previous post was at 17:05 ----------

Anyway BIS is going to a new model.cfg format which for the life of me isn't working (maybe for the next patch?) but I found the backed up version and that works as it should (weird but hey...) so still trying to get the Tactical AK to show the flame which for some reason just doesn't want to work on that particular weapon...

---------- Post added at 18:46 ---------- Previous post was at 18:03 ----------

Okay got it working.. looks like tonight is the night...

---------- Post added at 19:36 ---------- Previous post was at 18:46 ----------


New Download LInk:




- Fixed "CfgWeapons" error when not using TMR Bipod PBO

- AK Tactical is coded right to have suppressed sounds when a suppressor is mounted.

- Fixed mounting issue with the M24 Desert/Woodland.

- Fixed Muzzle Flash for HK417s and AKM Tactical

And speaking of fixing:







For the future I'll keep using Don Color as my site. It never failed me and I learned a hard lesson (two actually) in not using that site...

I will keep the "262" and the false canopy for artistic license but now it's just looking sexier...

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love you,i will test the new update as soon as i back home!

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Yeah no problem man :)

---------- Post added at 19:55 ---------- Previous post was at 19:42 ----------

A-164 Wipeout Skin Mod


New Download link:




- Corrected JAWS skin, using correct colors

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


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I fast-checked RC44 release in virtual arsenal, good job EricJ - every bug I ve mentioned has been fixed except the fact that XM109 doesn t shoot. the sound config error is not present anymore but weapon simply does not shoot when I click the fire button - strange I don t know what s causing this. I am using non-ASDG JM config only, no sound mods, aside from CBA and Joint Rails clean mod folder.

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hey,Eric,just found that there's a problem of the aim of AKM,the actually hit point is a little higher than the actually aim point,it's not obvious under the 100m,but was very obvious when trying to aim a target in 100-150m

you cna see the picture blow


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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


You are not registered on Armaholic, or at least not that we are aware of. In the future we offer the possibility to authors to maintain their own pages.

If you wish to be able to do this as well please register on Armaholic and let me know about it.

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I fast-checked RC44 release in virtual arsenal, good job EricJ - every bug I ve mentioned has been fixed except the fact that XM109 doesn t shoot. the sound config error is not present anymore but weapon simply does not shoot when I click the fire button - strange I don t know what s causing this. I am using non-ASDG JM config only, no sound mods, aside from CBA and Joint Rails clean mod folder.

Hmm... I'll see what the issue is, may be mis-configured ammo

hey,Eric,just found that there's a problem of the aim of AKM,the actually hit point is a little higher than the actually aim point,it's not obvious under the 100m,but was very obvious when trying to aim a target in 100-150m

you cna see the picture blow


Okay I'll see about that too...

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Just a question, I thought the bottom of military plane were blue camo to blend with the sky when looking up at them?

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Okay yes it was a mis-configuration on my part, for now here's the jacked up configs fixed:


JinougaF: Yes thanks for the tip, the zero was way too high so it's been moved down as it should be, as I lowered the rifle and plugged (I believe, didn't use a rangefinder) a 300m or 400m ish target by doing that. I've reconfirmed zero and you'll see it in RC45.

And please don't upload PWS or Foxhound (again thanks as usual...)

---------- Post added at 11:16 ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 ----------

Just a question, I thought the bottom of military plane were blue camo to blend with the sky when looking up at them?

There are various theories about underside camouflage (one actual good article by Carlo Kopp comes to mind) but overall militaries are finding out grey is so far the best choice (even the USAF two-tone is hard to see at various angles in broad daylight) so blue is becoming more passe nowadays. There are still older aircraft that still use a blue underside but as mentioned it's not becoming a trend anymore.

Edited by EricJ

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Thanks for the config hotfix EricJ, 25 Mike Mike works fine now.

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