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Arma 3 STABLE Server 2.18 "profiling / performance binary" feedback

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will fix that map vs empty variables soon, thanks for report

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My server is also experiencing problems with v10 - some cba functions and related mods isn't working properly:

17:24:17 Error in expression <ns\xeh\fnc_preStart.sqf"
uiNamespace setVariable ["", compileFinal ""];
17:24:17   Error position: <setVariable ["", compileFinal ""];
17:24:17   Error Reserved variable in expression
17:24:17 File x\cba\addons\xeh\fnc_preStart.sqf, line 5

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1.64.139144 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v11, server and client, windows/linux

+ fixed empty variable names vs EDEN



available via STEAMklient/STEAMcmd as branch too, read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Steam_Branches#Arma_3_Server

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@long range


Error on game start when using CBA together with DEV or perf binaries v10 or later is already fixed on CBA master branch. https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/issues/539Wait for update of CBA or use stable branch.


Has nothing to do with the performance binaries from this thread, so further questions about this specific error should go here:

or into the linked github issue thread.

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1.64.139188 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v12, server and client, windows/linux

+ new TBB and Jemalloc alocators (again)



available via STEAMklient/STEAMcmd as branch too, read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Steam_Branches#Arma_3_Server

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If I'm on Steam's Profiling branch, does A3 automatically use the new memory allocators?

If so, you could be onto something as I've just played 90 minutes on the latest build without any crashes whereas in the previous profiling branch (last Sat) it was crashed quite regularly.

Touch wood.

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New Profiling Branch v12

New JEMalloc_bi - Good performance for 3 hours, then a game crash with the memory address language.

New tbb4malloc_bi - Medium performance for ~2 hours. No crash/3fps. Still testing.

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there was new Jemalloc hotfix 4.3.1 released yesterday to address some virtual memory leak etc.

we're in process of merging it

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  I tried the client v12 and the latest jeMalloc , seems the tbb4 malloc gives better performance.. But no crashes..Australia 5.1.1 map.

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I still have 3fps drop & CTDs with v12 binary and mallocs.  Is there a place I can send my .rpt files for you to look at, dwarden?  Maybe PM you with a dropbox link? or are you not reviewing those right now.


It just gets frustrating trying to play the game (single-player only) and having crashes happen every hour.

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@aceace33333 need the .mdmp , .bidmp , .rpt files from moment of crash

compress them, upload to e.g. dropbox and PM me the download url

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1.64.139242 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v13, server and client, windows/linux

+ new Jemalloc alocator (4.3.1)

+ new voting timeout settings (each 2 params for ready/notread) in server.cfg

(votingTimeout[],roleTimeout[], briefingTimeOut[],debriefingTimeout[])

+ fixed ctd if invalid script in scripted waypoint

+ some other minor fixes



available via STEAMklient/STEAMcmd as branch too, read https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Steam_Branches#Arma_3_Server

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@aceace33333 need the .mdmp , .bidmp , .rpt files from moment of crash

compress them, upload to e.g. dropbox and PM me the download url


Hi dwarden, just PM'd you a dropbox link with several ctd report logs.  7 crashes in three days of playing!... hope this can be fixed soon!

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+ new voting timeout settings (each 2 params for ready/notread) in server.cfg

(votingTimeout[],roleTimeout[], briefingTimeOut[],debriefingTimeout[])

example of what would be the full and correct syntax for this?


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Not meaning to spam dwarden, but thought I'd repost what I sent him in a PM regarding the scenarios behind many of these CTDs to see if they are similar for anyone else.

"Of course. By the way, the 3fps-drop didnt necessarily always precede the CTD. Sometimes it did, but other times the game would just crash suddenly from a memory violation. Also, as I believe another poster wrote, the majority of the crashes happened while you're loading a new scenario/mission. It's odd. Sometimes it happens mid-playing too, though."

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I meet crash on fresh RC

pack the rpt,mdmp,bidmp files to archive and send me download url via pm

you know the drill

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some of you players may be interested in the fact that Windows 8/8.1 seem to have biggest issues currently: A buddy of mine had massive probs with ARMA after 1.64. He was not able to get past Main Menu without glitches or crashes. He had to reinstall his drivers everytime he wanted to play ARMA.  So I tried all mallocs and lots of binaries, different drivers... and none could fix it. A quick upgrade to Windows10 fixed his problems(arma unchanged!). Can now play hours without crashing using system allocator.


tl:dr; if you have windows 8, update to 10 and use system allocator. My experience shows this works best in 9/10 cases with modern intel architecture.


in case you are worried about windows 10 spyware, there are free opensource tools available to remove that. google is your friend.

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I have (and have always had) windows 10, and i still get many memory-related CTDs in Arma.  Glad upgrading worked for your friend, but it isn't a solution for all of us unfortunately :\

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