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ALiVE - Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment

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Quick question (for anyone):

Working on a system that allows you to log into a Satellite to check on an area of interest.

Since ALiVE doesn't actually spawn in stuff until you're near; anyone know how you could get them to show up while viewing through an airborne camera view?

One option I'm considering is, to maybe teleport the player into the area and then back again while he/she is viewing the faux-screen. This should work fine in SP. But in MP anyone around them would see them blink out and then back in.


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You can try to use a UAV to do this... the UAV flight will spawn units in an area just like the player. :D

Hope this helps,


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Fantastic idea. Will try later. So simple. Thanks!

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Fantastic idea. Will try later. So simple. Thanks!

no problem.


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Fallujah requires A3MP and A3MP_AP, are you sure you have them both loaded?

I have no idea if anything in A3MP has changed since we indexed those maps so can't really help beyond what Rath says above. If anyone else can repro the issue and confirm it's a problem with ALiVE (and not A3MP) then please log a ticket and we'll check it out.

Rath - struggling to repro your issue. Even on a fairly high setting it takes CQB no more than 5 to 10 mins to populate Altis on my dedi. CQB should never take that long unless you have it on max pop and density across the whole of Altis, in which case it will be trying to fill every position in every building on the entire map. Incidentally, if you want to populate CQB across the whole map you don't need to set a TAOR marker at all, just leave it blank.

For maps this big and with so many enterable buildings, you really don't want to set it to more than 2% and min density. Otherwise I can only think you either have an old copy of ALiVE or do not have the latest ArmA3 version, which may be causing problems. Cherno/Fallujah are not good comparison as they have far fewer enterable buildings (for comparison, using arbitrary numbers you are populating 2% of 500 positions on Chern vs 2% of 10000 on Altis)

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I have it set to 50%/very high because my group likes things as difficult as possible :)

Our first ALiVE map that I made was Fallujah actually, with 50%/high and a MilCP of 1200 over the city. It was insane but so much fun.

I will try Altis CQB at 2%/low and see what happens, thanks for the info friznit all the work you guys have done on ALiVE it is awesome!

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That is a BIS bug that has been around a while if I remember correctly. I believe it is on the list to be fixed, but it doesn't affect anything and the duplicate button works fine.

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X39 - There're are a lot of errors caused by addons in that RPT. One or two undeclared variables in ALiVE that I can see but the majority seem to be addon related. Do the ALiVE Civ Pop errors occur without all the addon units used?

Rath - explains a lot! But as said, pleas bear in mind how many more possible CQB locations Altis has compared to Fallujah, where most of the buildings are non-enterable.

1PARA: BIS issue (still). It doesn't effect anything but if you don't like it you can simply rejoin and it should go away.

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Having a issues getting my Mission running and connecting to the DB it connected once but then it just hangs on the start screen and get a lot of .rpt errors - is they any chance i can send the Dev team my mission , as been trying for 2 days with now joy :(

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Please open a ticket on our issue tracker and attach it to that and we'll take a look (busy week though so may take us a few days).

Also assuming you have checked your War Room settings / server IP / password / alive cfg file / updated ALiVE plugins folder as per last update / if in doubt redownloaded ArmA2net

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Must be something my end!

Just reinstalled all again but found this in the net log

05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info Arma2NET running on CLR 4.0.30319.18449
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info Loaded into process arma3server
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info Loading addins
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Error Failed to create addin application domain ALiVEPlugIn for C:\Steamcmd\arma3_2\@Arma2NET\AddIns\ALiVEPlugIn\ALiVEPlugIn.dll
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Warn Falling back to the main application domain
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Error Failed to create addin application domain Arma2Net.Managed for C:\Steamcmd\arma3_2\@Arma2NET\AddIns\ALiVEPlugIn\Arma2Net.Managed.dll
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Warn Falling back to the main application domain
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Error Failed to create addin application domain Newtonsoft.Json for C:\Steamcmd\arma3_2\@Arma2NET\AddIns\ALiVEPlugIn\Newtonsoft.Json.dll
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Warn Falling back to the main application domain
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Error Failed to create addin application domain NLog for C:\Steamcmd\arma3_2\@Arma2NET\AddIns\ALiVEPlugIn\NLog.dll
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Warn Falling back to the main application domain
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Error Failed to create addin application domain BaseFunctionsPlugin for C:\Steamcmd\arma3_2\@Arma2NET\AddIns\BaseFunctionsPlugin\BaseFunctionsPlugin.dll
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Warn Falling back to the main application domain
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Error Failed to create addin application domain ClipboardPlugin for C:\Steamcmd\arma3_2\@Arma2NET\AddIns\ClipboardPlugin\ClipboardPlugin.dll
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Warn Falling back to the main application domain
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Error Failed to create addin application domain CommandLinePlugin for C:\Steamcmd\arma3_2\@Arma2NET\AddIns\CommandLinePlugin\CommandLinePlugin.dll
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Warn Falling back to the main application domain
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Error Failed to create addin application domain DateTimePlugin for C:\Steamcmd\arma3_2\@Arma2NET\AddIns\DateTimePlugin\DateTimePlugin.dll
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Warn Falling back to the main application domain
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info Domain                        Name                Version   Publisher           Description
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info DefaultDomain                 SendxRTML    Tupolov             Sends data to an xRTML service
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info DefaultDomain                 SendJSON     Tupolov             Send data as JSON to a URL, accepts url, method, module, data returns json string
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info DefaultDomain                 ServerLocation   Tupolov             Returns the ARMA 2 server geo location.
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info DefaultDomain                 ServerAddress   Tupolov             Returns the ARMA 2 server IP address.
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info DefaultDomain                 ServerName   Tupolov             Returns the ARMA 2 server name.
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info DefaultDomain                 ServerHostName   Tupolov             Returns the ARMA 2 server host name as seen in the MP play list.
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info DefaultDomain                 SendJSONAsync   Tupolov             Send data asynchronously as JSON to a URL, accepts url, method, module, data returns json string
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info DefaultDomain                 GroupName    Tupolov             Returns the group ID specified in ALiVE.cfg.
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info DefaultDomain                 GetWeather   Tupolov             Gets Weather data - accepts year,month,day,hour and location (string city or lon/lat) returns json string
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info DefaultDomain                 GetWeatherLocation   Tupolov             Gets Weather Location - accepts location (country/city) string returns json string
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info DefaultDomain                 SendJSONAsyncBulk   Tupolov             Send bulk data asynchronously as JSON to a URL, accepts url, method, module, data returns json string
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info DefaultDomain                 CompareVersion   Scott_NZ            Compares two version strings and returns an integer indicating how they compare.
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info DefaultDomain                 ClrVersion   Scott_NZ            Retrieves the version of the Common Language Runtime.
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info DefaultDomain                 Version      Scott_NZ            Returns the version of Arma2NET.
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info DefaultDomain                 GetClipboardText   Scott_NZ            Gets the clipboard text value.
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info DefaultDomain                 SetClipboardText   Scott_NZ            Sets the clipboard to a text value.
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info DefaultDomain                 CommandLine   Scott_NZ            Returns the command line used to start the application.
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info DefaultDomain                 DateTime     Scott_NZ            Returns the current date and time.
05/07/2014 15:14:41 Info Arma2NET initialized in 00:00:00.4157320

Edited by 1PARA{God-Father}

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when i place down a huge marker on half the map called "blacklist" and set that marker as blacklist in the placement modules, they still spawn there?:confused:

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Thats perfectly normal. What is alive.log saying? :)

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See below.

Missions works great until i put down the DB module then it just hangs

04/05/2014 22:32:25: Starting up ALiVE Plugin
04/05/2014 22:32:25: Reading config file: Username: pyqitynafuhoda6yko8apyxygesiteru, Group: 1PARA-
04/05/2014 22:32:26: Getting your IP:
04/05/2014 22:32:27: War Room Authorisation: "true"
04/05/2014 22:32:28: Starting up DB access with the result: {"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"a1b347be93a9415a22b58bdc602112ab","version":"1.5.0","vendor":{"version":"12.04","name":"Ubuntu"}}

05/05/2014 09:27:07: Starting up ALiVE Plugin
05/05/2014 09:27:07: Reading config file: Username: pyqitynafuhoda6yko8apyxygesiteru, Group: 1PARA-
05/05/2014 09:27:10: Getting your IP:
05/05/2014 09:27:10: War Room Authorisation: "true"
05/05/2014 09:27:11: Starting up DB access with the result: {"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"a1b347be93a9415a22b58bdc602112ab","version":"1.5.0","vendor":{"version":"12.04","name":"Ubuntu"}}

05/05/2014 10:14:21: Starting up ALiVE Plugin
05/05/2014 10:14:21: Reading config file: Username: pyqitynafuhoda6yko8apyxygesiteru, Group: 1PARA-
05/05/2014 10:14:21: Getting your IP:
05/05/2014 10:14:22: War Room Authorisation: "true"
05/05/2014 10:14:22: Starting up DB access with the result: {"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"a1b347be93a9415a22b58bdc602112ab","version":"1.5.0","vendor":{"version":"12.04","name":"Ubuntu"}}

05/05/2014 14:52:12: Starting up ALiVE Plugin
05/05/2014 14:52:12: Reading config file: Username: pyqitynafuhoda6yko8apyxygesiteru, Group: 1PARA-
05/05/2014 14:52:13: Getting your IP:
05/05/2014 14:52:13: War Room Authorisation: "true"
05/05/2014 14:52:13: Starting up DB access with the result: {"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"a1b347be93a9415a22b58bdc602112ab","version":"1.5.0","vendor":{"version":"12.04","name":"Ubuntu"}}

05/05/2014 16:16:17: Starting up ALiVE Plugin
05/05/2014 16:16:17: Reading config file: Username: pyqitynafuhoda6yko8apyxygesiteru, Group: 1PARA-
05/05/2014 16:16:18: Getting your IP:
05/05/2014 16:16:18: War Room Authorisation: "true"
05/05/2014 16:16:18: Starting up DB access with the result: {"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"a1b347be93a9415a22b58bdc602112ab","version":"1.5.0","vendor":{"version":"12.04","name":"Ubuntu"}}

05/05/2014 16:48:05: Starting up ALiVE Plugin
05/05/2014 16:48:05: Reading config file: Username: pyqitynafuhoda6yko8apyxygesiteru, Group: 1PARA-
05/05/2014 16:48:17: Starting up ALiVE Plugin
05/05/2014 16:48:17: Reading config file: Username: pyqitynafuhoda6yko8apyxygesiteru, Group: 1PARA-
05/05/2014 16:48:18: Getting your IP:
05/05/2014 16:48:19: War Room Authorisation: "true"
05/05/2014 16:48:19: Starting up DB access with the result: {"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"a1b347be93a9415a22b58bdc602112ab","version":"1.5.0","vendor":{"version":"12.04","name":"Ubuntu"}}

06/05/2014 16:05:25: Starting up ALiVE Plugin
06/05/2014 16:05:25: Reading config file: Username: pyqitynafuhoda6yko8apyxygesiteru, Group: 1PARA-
06/05/2014 16:05:26: Getting your IP:
06/05/2014 16:05:27: War Room Authorisation: "true"
06/05/2014 16:05:27: Starting up DB access with the result: {"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"a1b347be93a9415a22b58bdc602112ab","version":"1.5.0","vendor":{"version":"12.04","name":"Ubuntu"}}

06/05/2014 16:18:17: Starting up ALiVE Plugin
06/05/2014 16:18:17: Reading config file: Username: pyqitynafuhoda6yko8apyxygesiteru, Group: 1PARA-
06/05/2014 16:18:18: Getting your IP:
06/05/2014 16:18:18: War Room Authorisation: "true"
06/05/2014 16:18:18: Starting up DB access with the result: {"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"a1b347be93a9415a22b58bdc602112ab","version":"1.5.0","vendor":{"version":"12.04","name":"Ubuntu"}}

06/05/2014 16:56:43: Starting up ALiVE Plugin
06/05/2014 16:56:43: Reading config file: Username: pyqitynafuhoda6yko8apyxygesiteru, Group: 1PARA-
06/05/2014 16:56:43: Getting your IP:
06/05/2014 16:56:44: War Room Authorisation: "true"
06/05/2014 16:56:44: Starting up DB access with the result: {"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"a1b347be93a9415a22b58bdc602112ab","version":"1.5.0","vendor":{"version":"12.04","name":"Ubuntu"}}

06/05/2014 17:14:13: Starting up ALiVE Plugin
06/05/2014 17:14:13: Reading config file: Username: pyqitynafuhoda6yko8apyxygesiteru, Group: 1PARA-
06/05/2014 17:14:13: Getting your IP:
06/05/2014 17:14:14: War Room Authorisation: "true"
06/05/2014 17:14:14: Starting up DB access with the result: {"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"a1b347be93a9415a22b58bdc602112ab","version":"1.5.0","vendor":{"version":"12.04","name":"Ubuntu"}}

06/05/2014 17:38:35: Starting up ALiVE Plugin
06/05/2014 17:38:35: Reading config file: Username: pyqitynafuhoda6yko8apyxygesiteru, Group: 1PARA-
06/05/2014 17:38:36: Getting your IP:
06/05/2014 17:38:36: War Room Authorisation: "true"
06/05/2014 17:38:36: Starting up DB access with the result: {"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"a1b347be93a9415a22b58bdc602112ab","version":"1.5.0","vendor":{"version":"12.04","name":"Ubuntu"}}

06/05/2014 17:56:51: Starting up ALiVE Plugin
06/05/2014 17:56:51: Reading config file: Username: pyqitynafuhoda6yko8apyxygesiteru, Group: 1PARA-
06/05/2014 17:56:52: Getting your IP:
06/05/2014 17:56:52: War Room Authorisation: "true"
06/05/2014 17:56:52: Starting up DB access with the result: {"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"a1b347be93a9415a22b58bdc602112ab","version":"1.5.0","vendor":{"version":"12.04","name":"Ubuntu"}}

06/05/2014 18:07:16: Starting up ALiVE Plugin
06/05/2014 18:07:16: Reading config file: Username: pyqitynafuhoda6yko8apyxygesiteru, Group: 1PARA-
06/05/2014 18:07:17: Getting your IP:
06/05/2014 18:07:17: War Room Authorisation: "true"
06/05/2014 18:07:17: Starting up DB access with the result: {"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"a1b347be93a9415a22b58bdc602112ab","version":"1.5.0","vendor":{"version":"12.04","name":"Ubuntu"}}

06/05/2014 20:22:50: Starting up ALiVE Plugin
06/05/2014 20:22:50: Reading config file: Username: pyqitynafuhoda6yko8apyxygesiteru, Group: 1PARA-
06/05/2014 20:22:51: Getting your IP:
06/05/2014 20:22:52: War Room Authorisation: "true"
06/05/2014 20:22:52: Starting up DB access with the result: {"couchdb":"Welcome","uuid":"a1b347be93a9415a22b58bdc602112ab","version":"1.5.0","vendor":{"version":"12.04","name":"Ubuntu"}}

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I set up a scenario/mission earlier. I placed all the boxes, alive required, opcom, etc. When I spawn in I am getting a message "There are no profiles for this OPCOM instance! Please assign troops to this OPCOM!" So I went back and selected a different faction for the opcom thinking maybe I had misspelled the faction/unit I originally assigned, but I'm still receiving the same message.

I have google searched this and came up with nothing, can you provide any guidance?

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1 Para, jump on our public support skype channel or pastebin your server rpt.

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anyone have any advice for my above statement?

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Thursday88 - OPCOM needs to be synced (not grouped) to a Military Placement module that has at least one location in which to spawn troops. You can turn debug on to check that MP is picking up suitable locations. You must also have the Profiles system module placed. Please see the wiki and tutorial missions for more guidance.

All3n - try setting a TAOR rather than a blacklist. The units may be moving into those areas after spawning (though you may not see this if it's happening during the init phase)

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Is it a known issue that ALiVE AI settings and Zeus unit AI don't appear to tally up on dedicated servers? I have set up the ALiVE AI module setting BLU_F as elite and OPF_F as recruits. I have then editor placed and ALiVE profiled a NATO rifle squad heading in one direction, jumped into the mission and Zeus placed a CSAT rifle squad heading in the opposite direction.

The CSAT squad consistently wins the engagement (walkover) even changing the in-game Zeus slider to make CSAT zero skill they still consistently win vs the NATO rifle squad.

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1 Para, jump on our public support skype channel or pastebin your server rpt.

All runs fine until i put then DB module on i tried with NO mods on , on this log my @inidbi is on but have tried without as well !

after i press continue it just sits on loads screen

All Mods are up-to-date and server settings in Warroom are correct.

The .rpt is spamming and is at 75MB in 10 min !


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why is alive changing the default backgroundcolor of the IGuiBack class?

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I'm getting a BIS function select random error. Is this something I should report, or likely something I've screwed up and should look at the set up again before logging?

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Is it a known issue that ALiVE AI settings and Zeus unit AI don't appear to tally up on dedicated servers? I have set up the ALiVE AI module setting BLU_F as elite and OPF_F as recruits. I have then editor placed and ALiVE profiled a NATO rifle squad heading in one direction, jumped into the mission and Zeus placed a CSAT rifle squad heading in the opposite direction.

The CSAT squad consistently wins the engagement (walkover) even changing the in-game Zeus slider to make CSAT zero skill they still consistently win vs the NATO rifle squad.

It's a known feature of Zeus that AI are spawned on the client machine of the person in the Zeus slot, so they won't be effected by any server-side AI modifiers.

X39 - I wasn't aware that it was? I know nothing about GUI editing - will have one of the guys look into it.

Charliereddog - who what when why? Related to ALiVE? More info needed!

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