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Either you don't understand what my problem is or i don't understand what SavageCDN tried to explain to me. If i got it right, there are 3 possibilitys of placing units via the cqb module:

1. cqb module all by itself with the towns setting deactivated. This will spawn units all over the map.

2. cqb module all by itself with the towns setting activated. This will spawn units in every area on the map that is marked as a town.

3. cqb module linked to a military or military civilian placement module. This will spawn units in the military/civilian installations recognised by that module (can be combined with a marker).

None of these options gives me the opportunity to place units in a specific district in fallujah only (district has no military or civilian installations).


I think what he's asking is there a way to sync the CQB module to a marker area instead of a placement module.. for areas that aren't picked up by placement module but may still have house locations to spawn CQB guys. For example on Fallujah there are a few areas that aren't covered by either placement type mil or civ.

I don't know if this is possible for future versions but if there is some interest I will open a feature request.

Thats exactly what i am asking for.

Edited by Fennecus

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I think what he's asking is there a way to sync the CQB module to a marker area instead of a placement module.. for areas that aren't picked up by placement module but may still have house locations to spawn CQB guys.

I don't know if this is possible for future versions but if there is some interest I will open a feature request.

This sounds like a natrual option to have, I'd be interested.

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This sounds like a natrual option to have, I'd be interested.

The strong point of ALiVE is that its very flexible!

Yes its possible! just put a MIL/CIV MP down with a TAOR marker of your choice, set param to "objectives only" instead of "place troops". finally sync your CQB module to it -> win!


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Ok im puting down three(200 size) light infy placements all linked to opcom on invasion. linked to enemys placements(5) the 1st opcom chooses only to send troops from 1 of my placements.is there a way he can send units from all my placements to diversify the attack)for example one of my placements will be light infy as stated and maybe il change another one to armour. This is really annoying me.

Plz anyone shed some info

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@redarmy, you only need one mil placement per faction (or side - depending on how they are set up). Use markers for the other area and put the names in the TAOR for the mil placement.

edit: after a re-read not fully sure I understand the setup....

Edited by KevsnoTrev

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Ok just to clear up Fennecus' question re: CQB

The only way to do what you want is to use blacklist markers with the CQB module - basically cover the areas you DON'T want units to spawn and then use CQB module, add blacklist marker names separated with a comma, set to Complete Map and not synced to any placement modules

I'm going to add a feature request to have a whitelist option with the CQB module


Also to further explain the CQB module settings:

[12:24:19 PM] Highhead: Density is an ADDITIONAL setting to the random 2% selection! As pointed out correctly, it adds houses with a minimum distance of x mtrs to each others, resulting in a "grid" of cqb positions

[12:24:51 PM] Highhead: Resulting in more JPD

[12:25:53 PM] Highhead: As there are simply more houses, but still not too many in one position, but also not only one at a time but more (due to the 2% factor)

Edited by SavageCDN

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Cheers for the continues support with ALiVE Savage, your assistnce on here and your testing allows us to spend time coding more goodies.

If you continue in this vain you may even get your requested Unicorns ;)

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Hey Guys,

Where I can find a complete document with the new changelog and functionalities? like a manual

And I´ve heard that it was going to be possible to use other faction mods as in example the massi ones, Is already available?


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That's the point!! Now get back to work and GIVE. ME. UNICORNS.

Hey Guys,

Where I can find a complete document with the new changelog and functionalities? like a manual

And I´ve heard that it was going to be possible to use other faction mods as in example the massi ones, Is already available?


Check the release post the 0.5.6 changelog is there. Check a few pages back for a list of compatible mods and maps.

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Alright im really confused now. opcom/alive acting wierd tonight.

opcom mp cp etc do not start up in the briefings and some times they do. i didnt change anything but sometimes i load up editor and the placements take forever to load

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Try deleted and replacing the modules in the editor. This often fixes weird issues after an update.

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really enjoying the update. :) thanks for all the work you guys put in!

one request: can you make a sort 'advanced' sector display module? one that, when linked to the CQB module, creates red markers on every 100x100m grid that has buildings where enemies can spawn and makes the marker turn green when it's clear. (insurgency style:rolleyes:)

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Thanks for the update :-) question: as I really don't like the default Iranians in their spacesuits I've been trying to set opfor as Rebels Red (I think that's the choice the OPCOM gives me), but no enemy units ever appear and the debug tells me the OPCOM doesn't have any units to command. What am I doing wrong, and how do I use units other than the Iranians as enemies?


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Can anyone help me out? I keep getting this message when trying to use the Alive mod.... include file x cba addons main script_macros.hpp not found

Thanks in advance for the help!

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one request: can you make a sort 'advanced' sector display module? one that, when linked to the CQB module, creates red markers on every 100x100m grid that has buildings where enemies can spawn and makes the marker turn green when it's clear. (insurgency style:rolleyes:)

I'm going to go ahead and guess that while this is a nice request it's going to be pretty low on the priority scale. I'll open up a feature request if asked by the devs however.

Thanks for the update :-) question: as I really don't like the default Iranians in their spacesuits I've been trying to set opfor as Rebels Red (I think that's the choice the OPCOM gives me), but no enemy units ever appear and the debug tells me the OPCOM doesn't have any units to command. What am I doing wrong, and how do I use units other than the Iranians as enemies?

In your OPCOM module make sure it's set to Rebels Red. In your placement module(s) make sure the faction that is defined is "OPF_G_F" (same with CQB module)

Can anyone help me out? I keep getting this message when trying to use the Alive mod.... include file x cba addons main script_macros.hpp not found

Thanks in advance for the help!

You are missing the required mod:


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Hey SavageCDN (or anyone else that can help),

What's the appropriate OPCOM, CQB and PLACEMENT configuration to get drIrregulars working? I spent over an hour last night trying different combinations to get them to spawn. The best results I found were using superfluid's adaption of drIrregulars (which makes them side EAST) but this also worked for the older version of ALiVE and is probably not ideal. Further, even when I got them to spawn using that method they would no longer spawn IF I tried to use a custom BLUFOR faction, massi's 75th Rangers for example... nothing would spawn... only worked when I just left BLUFOR as vanilla NATO.

ARjay says he's had 75th Rangers working against drIrregulars but since you were present in this thread (now) I thought maybe I'd ask you too ;)

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In your OPCOM module make sure it's set to Rebels Red. In your placement module(s) make sure the faction that is defined is "OPF_G_F" (same with CQB module)

Thanks, I don't see that option in the Force Faction box, but I've typed it in and it seems to work. Now, if I want to fight against the PLA mod by Majoris, or the AAF_Desert OPFOR replacement pack what should I enter in the ALIVE configs?

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What's the appropriate OPCOM, CQB and PLACEMENT configuration to get drIrregulars working? I spent over an hour last night trying different combinations to get them to spawn. The best results I found were using superfluid's adaption of drIrregulars (which makes them side EAST) but this also worked for the older version of ALiVE and is probably not ideal. Further, even when I got them to spawn using that method they would no longer spawn IF I tried to use a custom BLUFOR faction, massi's 75th Rangers for example... nothing would spawn... only worked when I just left BLUFOR as vanilla NATO.

Personally I have not tried that particular unit pack.. it's possible there are issues with how they are configured to work with ALiVE...

If you try another custom unit set does it work ok? Really all you should need to do is set the OPCOM factions to NONE in drop downs, add the custom faction to the OPCOM module list of custom factions.. which I believe is "drIrregulars" for that set? Then in your placement and/or CQB modules add "drIrregulars" in the faction field.

Thanks, I don't see that option in the Force Faction box, but I've typed it in and it seems to work. Now, if I want to fight against the PLA mod by Majoris, or the AAF_Desert OPFOR replacement pack what should I enter in the ALIVE configs?

You'll need to figure out their faction names but even then they may not work properly. It depends on how the mod author has configured things. The list I posted a few pages back are the units that are known to work. Only way to find out is to try :)

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You'll need to figure out their faction names but even then they may not work properly. It depends on how the mod author has configured things. The list I posted a few pages back are the units that are known to work. Only way to find out is to try :)

Okay, I'll investigate. At the moment the lack of factions is a pretty big limiting factor for me when using alive. I just can't stand those default alien style Iranians. Thanks.

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If you try another custom unit set does it work ok? Really all you should need to do is set the OPCOM factions to NONE in drop downs, add the custom faction to the OPCOM module list of custom factions.. which I believe is "drIrregulars" for that set? Then in your placement and/or CQB modules add "drIrregulars" in the faction field.

Thanks for the reply! Yes, that's how I have it set up :( Again, I can get them to spawn in that way as long as the other side is set to vanilla BLU_F. If I try to replace that with "mas_usa_rang" (75th Rangers) neither side will spawn anything. ~sigh~ These are two very important factions, especially for any of the maps built around Afghanistan and Iraq, and I had hoped the new ALiVE version might have made it possible with a little more ease. Ultimately I hope that ARjay can replicate his success, either here or in a setup tutorial, as he claims to have had them working at one time.

drIrregulars, if no one is familiar with them, is in my opinion the quintessential "Al Quida"/insurgent/terrorist faction to use for any mission calling for such a crew. It simply has no competition to compare it to.


Edited by Oktyabr

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Thanks for the reply! Yes, that's how I have it set up :( Again, I can get them to spawn in that way as long as the other side is set to vanilla BLU_F. If I try to replace that with "mas_usa_rang" (75th Rangers) neither side will spawn anything. ~sigh~ These are two very important factions, especially for any of the maps built around Afghanistan and Iraq, and I had hoped the new ALiVE version might have made it possible with a little more ease. Ultimately I hope that ARjay can replicate his success, either here or in a setup tutorial, as he claims to have had them working at one time.

drIrregulars, if no one is familiar with them, is in my opinion the quintessential "Al Quida"/insurgent/terrorist faction to use for any mission calling for such a crew. It simply has no competition to compare it to.


I have identified a bug with mappings to do with the original drIrregulars, we may issue a hotfix for this issue, so stay tuned. For now I suggest you make use of superfluids modified version

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The strong point of ALiVE is that its very flexible!

Yes its possible! just put a MIL/CIV MP down with a TAOR marker of your choice, set param to "objectives only" instead of "place troops". finally sync your CQB module to it -> win!


Cool bro, I think I should scale down ambitions and get off Altis and jump into stratis and experiments :D

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Which key opens the menu for admin actions? I thought this would've been in the manual but it's not.

---------- Post added at 20:28 ---------- Previous post was at 20:19 ----------

On page 2 of the manual under "Quick Start" set 6, it reads, "Synchronize (F5) OPCOM with Military Placement module." How exactly do I do this? I pressed F5 and then saved the mission and loaded it but apparently they're not synched because I get a message that tells me this when I load the mission. I've added both OPCOM and Military Placement in the editor. I've also tried selecting both OPCOM and Military Placement and then pressing F5 but it doesn't appear to do anything. I'll be honest, I'm not real sure what Sync even does. Any help?

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Which key opens the menu for admin actions? I thought this would've been in the manual but it's not.

---------- Post added at 20:28 ---------- Previous post was at 20:19 ----------

On page 2 of the manual under "Quick Start" set 6, it reads, "Synchronize (F5) OPCOM with Military Placement module." How exactly do I do this? I pressed F5 and then saved the mission and loaded it but apparently they're not synched because I get a message that tells me this when I load the mission. I've added both OPCOM and Military Placement in the editor. I've also tried selecting both OPCOM and Military Placement and then pressing F5 but it doesn't appear to do anything. I'll be honest, I'm not real sure what Sync even does. Any help?

The app key is found next to your right control key usually. If you do not have that key you can map it by mapping User Key 20 in the options menu of the game.

To sync modules use the sync tool in the editor menu, it looks like a linked chain, with this selected drag it between things you want to sync.

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