Azza FHI 50 Posted October 30, 2016 We got it all working as intended. This code is in our init.sqf. Combined with using the CBA settings ( loggin in as admin --> map screen -- > configure addons ) seems to have made it all work including setting the frequencies to 311, 312 etc One thing that is not working is the volume setting, which by default is now at 80 which is very load for most players. Will be great once that is working. Cheers for progressing the mod! private _settingsSwWest = false call TFAR_fnc_generateSwSettings; _settingsSwWest set [2, ["311", "312", "313", "314", "315", "316", "317", "318"]]; tf_freq_west = _settingsSwWest; private _settingsLrWest = false call TFAR_fnc_generateLRSettings; _settingsLrWest set [2, ["50", "51", "52", "53", "54", "55", "56", "57", "58"]]; tf_freq_west_lr = _settingsLrWest; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nghthwk1907 0 Posted October 31, 2016 k so i have a question that i can not find an answer to anywhere. my unit just got a second server and we want to setup tfar on it and we are running into an issue where tfar will work for about 10 sec. then stop and you just hear everyone as if your just in teamspeak. anyone have any clue as to how to fix it? we installed it through the mod installer on host havoc and it works like stated when we try to replace it with a newer version it doesnt work at all. cba versin 3.1.1 tfar version 0.9.11 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
john85oc 28 Posted October 31, 2016 Hmm its give a new tfra version have the client and the server the same version? we have no problems all works well Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Belbo 462 Posted October 31, 2016 I'm going slightly mad. I'm usually not that fatalistic, but the change to cba settings was such a huge mishap... The frequencies are set the way I want it. But the first lr radio a player receives (way after setting the frequencies) has the wrong settings. Readding the lr radio updates the frequencies to the correct values. The settings are defined in a function that gets called for dedicated server right at the top of init.sqf and for the client at the top of initPlayerLocal.sqf. The lr radio is added after the call, with a waitUntil {player == player}; and a sleep 1; in between - there's literally no reason whatsoever why the lr radio shouldn't have the right values. But it does anyways... :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: Before the conversion I could simply set a few variables on preInit and everything was fine. With all those changes everything's messed up when it comes to tfar settings... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nghthwk1907 0 Posted October 31, 2016 Hmm its give a new tfra version have the client and the server the same version? we have no problems all works well host havoc gives the 0.9.8 version and the first cba as well it still wont work that way then we tried to use the updated versions of both and it doesn't even try to work. yes the server and client are running the same version and even if they weren't the same it would still work ive run the newer version with servers that have older versions Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2728 Posted November 1, 2016 I'm going slightly mad. I'm usually not that fatalistic, but the change to cba settings was such a huge mishap... The frequencies are set the way I want it. But the first lr radio a player receives (way after setting the frequencies) has the wrong settings. Readding the lr radio updates the frequencies to the correct values. The settings are defined in a function that gets called for dedicated server right at the top of init.sqf and for the client at the top of initPlayerLocal.sqf. The lr radio is added after the call, with a waitUntil {player == player}; and a sleep 1; in between - there's literally no reason whatsoever why the lr radio shouldn't have the right values. But it does anyways... :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: Before the conversion I could simply set a few variables on preInit and everything was fine. With all those changes everything's messed up when it comes to tfar settings... CBA settings is not really a conversion. We had to do it because the userconfig had to be removed for security reasons. And without CBA settings there wouldn't be a way to set serverside settings without script addons. For set frequencies to apply you also need to enable same frequencies for Side. Set that in CBA's serverSide or MissionSide Settings and force the setting. Just talked about the frequencies problem with a guy a few hours ago. His scripts weren't working correctly but when he set the serverSide CBA Settings everything was fine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Belbo 462 Posted November 1, 2016 For set frequencies to apply you also need to enable same frequencies for Side. Set that in CBA's serverSide or MissionSide Settings and force the setting. Just talked about the frequencies problem with a guy a few hours ago. His scripts weren't working correctly but when he set the serverSide CBA Settings everything was fine. They are set correctly. That is the problem that's bugging me out. The serverside settings are: same frequencies for each side on every kind of radio, no auto lr radio, no personal radio for regular soldier and no microdagr. What else do I have to do to get it working? Please, take a look at this: It's being called in init.sqf and initPlayerLocal.sqf (since they latter is executed before init.sqf in MP) and via preInit - and it still doesn't work reliably at all. All the server side lr radios (in vehicles for example) and the sw radios have the right frequencies, but the first lr radio a player receives is set to the wrong frequencies. Additionally I have set the basic settings in the mission screen for the server - the "mission settings" are greyed out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Devastator_cm 434 Posted November 1, 2016 I think it would be nice if someone writes a readme after figuring out how to set up the new version :huh: 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
INF_MIke64 53 Posted November 4, 2016 Hey guys I've noticed the give players squad radios global variable no longer works. Is this just me or is there something i need to change in the missions (I really don't want to add TFAR to a pub servers requirements) Github Issue Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EllaElectro 15 Posted November 6, 2016 Is there a known issue about Zeus not able to talk to players with TFAR Plugin 0.9.12 installed? We noticed that the virtual Zeus is no longer able to hear and speak to other players when flying in close distance. Also units captured by Zeus are can no longer be used for roleplay purposes. Can anyone confirm this? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Belbo 462 Posted November 6, 2016 Also units captured by Zeus are can no longer be used for roleplay purposes. Yes, we had this problem recently as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Freedomf63 0 Posted November 8, 2016 Does someone else has the problem that you have to push the personal radio button twice after you have used your long range radio? For me the first push on the personal radio transmit button does nothing, directly after using the long range radio. My short range transmit button is CapsLock and my long range transmit button is Tab. EDIT: There is another bug when I dont have a long range radio and then press the long range radio transmit button (CapsLock) my personal radio starts sending and locks this state. This problems startet with 0.9.12 for me, with 0.9.10 everything was fine. I can confirm this, V & B are my short & long, with ctrl being the modifier for both. And I too have to double tap key to transmit when moving from one of the four options. Quite a pain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted November 11, 2016 TFAR removes Local Markers? Edit: Found the problem. My mission uses onEachFrame. Fixed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spatsiba 89 Posted November 11, 2016 HI, I have a question, I have a public server, and i want to use TaskForceRadio on it, but i also want people who dont have taskforce to be able to join the server and not beeing kicked because they dont have tfar. If you have an idea tell me :) Thx Setup an IF statement to check if client is running tfar then place the required modules locally? I don't know it this will work just a guess. Think it at least might help you come closer to a solution. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ski2060 167 Posted November 11, 2016 I think you just need to have the server key set on your server, place mission modules, but not run TFAR on the server. My unit has TFAR set like this on our public Zeus server I believe, to let people join without TFAR.I'll see if I can get the exact setup from the guys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azza FHI 50 Posted November 11, 2016 Any word on a volume fix for tfr? Everything is working really well except for the occasional transmit on wrong radio bug, and the elevated volume since the last update. Default volume has risen from 7 to 8 which almost blows your head off for most players. Yes its not hard to change it once at the start of a mission, but we play many types of game mods including TVT will many respawns, so having to lower your volume after each spawn is getting old quick. Ive even tried to edit the mod by looking in every single config for the word 'volume' and changing the default to 6, but this approach doesnt seem to have any effect. Cba settings menu at map screen on server has no effect for the volume option either. So can we expect this to fixed or at least a work around in the next update? Or can anyone suggest a work around for the time being? Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gizmo_ 11 Posted November 11, 2016 HI, I have a question, I have a public server, and i want to use TaskForceRadio on it, but i also want people who dont have taskforce to be able to join the server and not beeing kicked because they dont have tfar. If you have an idea tell me :) Thx For Marc and anyone interested, I just recently discovered how to do this. TFAR, and mods like it, use a variable input system to call the mod (Or at least that's how I understand it). Effectively, the modules placed down on the map do this; which is just the super fast, dirty method of installing TFAR into a mission file. The way to install TFAR without requiring it as a mod for all players involves a little bit of code. Simply add a section like this to your init.sqf in your mission before exporting it to multiplayer. I used this on 10/30/2016 and it is still working. if (isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "task_force_radio")) then { //TFAR: //für zusätzliche variablen/functions: compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\task_force_radio\functions\common.sqf"; tf_radio_channel_name = "TaskForceRadio"; tf_radio_channel_password = "123"; tf_no_auto_long_range_radio = true; TF_give_personal_radio_to_regular_soldier = false; TF_give_microdagr_to_soldier = false; tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side = true; tf_same_lr_frequencies_for_side = true; tf_terrain_interception_coefficient = 7.0; //radios TF_defaultWestBackpack = "tf_rt1523g"; TF_defaultEastBackpack = "tf_mr3000"; TF_defaultGuerBackpack = "tf_anprc155"; TF_defaultWestPersonalRadio = "tf_anprc152"; TF_defaultEastPersonalRadio = "tf_fadak"; TF_defaultGuerPersonalRadio = "tf_anprc148jem"; TF_defaultWestAirborneRadio = "tf_anarc210"; TF_defaultEastAirborneRadio = "tf_mr6000l"; TF_defaultGuerAirborneRadio = "tf_anarc164"; OPF_F_personal_tf_faction_radio = "tf_fadak"; OPF_F_rifleman_tf_faction_radio = "tf_pnr1000a"; //frequencies //blufor tf_freq_west = [0,7,["131.5","132","132.5","133","133.5","134","134.5","135","135.5","136","136.5","137","137.5"],0,"_bluefor",-1,0]; tf_freq_west_lr = [0,7,["42","42.5","43","43.5","44","44.5","45","45.5","46","46.5","47","47.5","48"],0,"_bluefor",-1,0]; tf_freq_name = [["131.5","Alfa"],["132","Bravo"],["132.5","Charlie"],["133","Delta"],["133.5","Echo"],["134","Foxtrot"],["134.5","Golf"],["135","Hotel"],["135.5","India"],["136","Juliett"],["136.5","Kilo"],["137","Lima"],["137.5","Mike"]]; //opfor tf_freq_east = [0,7,["221.5","222","222.5","223","223.5","224","224.5","225","225.5","226","226.5","227","227.5"],0,"_opfor",-1,0]; tf_freq_east_lr = [0,7,["31","31.5","32","32.5","33","33.5","34","34.5","35","35.5","36","36.5","37"],0,"_opfor",-1,0]; tf_freq_name = tf_freq_name+[["221.5","Alfa"],["222","Bravo"],["222.5","Charlie"],["223","Delta"],["223.5","Echo"],["224","Foxtrot"],["224.5","Golf"],["225","Hotel"],["225.5","India"],["226","Juliett"],["226.5","Kilo"],["227","Lima"],["227.5","Mike"]]; //Indfor tf_freq_guer = [0,7,["341.5","342","342.5","343","343.5","344","344.5","345","345.5","346","346.5","347","347.5"],0,"_bluefor",-1,0]; tf_freq_guer_lr = [0,7,["52","52.5","53","53.5","54","54.5","55","55.5","56","56.5","57","57.5","58"],0,"_bluefor",-1,0]; tf_freq_name = tf_freq_name+[["341.5","Alfa"],["342","Bravo"],["342.5","Charlie"],["343","Delta"],["343.5","Echo"],["344","Foxtrot"],["344.5","Golf"],["345","Hotel"],["345.5","India"],["346","Juliett"],["346.5","Kilo"],["347","Lima"],["347.5","Mike"]]; }; I had to compile information from other posts from at least a year ago. Back then the variables like "TF_defaultWestBackPack",etc. all were labeled differently. Some of the variables may still not be correct, but this works. You can manipulate this code to your needs. You can also find the comprehensive list of variables here: Just make sure you follow the same format. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[TS]Djmitri 18 Posted November 12, 2016 For Marc and anyone interested, I just recently discovered how to do this. TFAR, and mods like it, use a variable input system to call the mod (Or at least that's how I understand it). Effectively, the modules placed down on the map do this; which is just the super fast, dirty method of installing TFAR into a mission file. The way to install TFAR without requiring it as a mod for all players involves a little bit of code. Simply add a section like this to your init.sqf in your mission before exporting it to multiplayer. I used this on 10/30/2016 and it is still working. if (isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "task_force_radio")) then { //TFAR: //für zusätzliche variablen/functions: compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\task_force_radio\functions\common.sqf"; tf_radio_channel_name = "TaskForceRadio"; tf_radio_channel_password = "123"; tf_no_auto_long_range_radio = true; TF_give_personal_radio_to_regular_soldier = false; TF_give_microdagr_to_soldier = false; tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side = true; tf_same_lr_frequencies_for_side = true; tf_terrain_interception_coefficient = 7.0; //radios TF_defaultWestBackpack = "tf_rt1523g"; TF_defaultEastBackpack = "tf_mr3000"; TF_defaultGuerBackpack = "tf_anprc155"; TF_defaultWestPersonalRadio = "tf_anprc152"; TF_defaultEastPersonalRadio = "tf_fadak"; TF_defaultGuerPersonalRadio = "tf_anprc148jem"; TF_defaultWestAirborneRadio = "tf_anarc210"; TF_defaultEastAirborneRadio = "tf_mr6000l"; TF_defaultGuerAirborneRadio = "tf_anarc164"; OPF_F_personal_tf_faction_radio = "tf_fadak"; OPF_F_rifleman_tf_faction_radio = "tf_pnr1000a"; //frequencies //blufor tf_freq_west = [0,7,["131.5","132","132.5","133","133.5","134","134.5","135","135.5","136","136.5","137","137.5"],0,"_bluefor",-1,0]; tf_freq_west_lr = [0,7,["42","42.5","43","43.5","44","44.5","45","45.5","46","46.5","47","47.5","48"],0,"_bluefor",-1,0]; tf_freq_name = [["131.5","Alfa"],["132","Bravo"],["132.5","Charlie"],["133","Delta"],["133.5","Echo"],["134","Foxtrot"],["134.5","Golf"],["135","Hotel"],["135.5","India"],["136","Juliett"],["136.5","Kilo"],["137","Lima"],["137.5","Mike"]]; //opfor tf_freq_east = [0,7,["221.5","222","222.5","223","223.5","224","224.5","225","225.5","226","226.5","227","227.5"],0,"_opfor",-1,0]; tf_freq_east_lr = [0,7,["31","31.5","32","32.5","33","33.5","34","34.5","35","35.5","36","36.5","37"],0,"_opfor",-1,0]; tf_freq_name = tf_freq_name+[["221.5","Alfa"],["222","Bravo"],["222.5","Charlie"],["223","Delta"],["223.5","Echo"],["224","Foxtrot"],["224.5","Golf"],["225","Hotel"],["225.5","India"],["226","Juliett"],["226.5","Kilo"],["227","Lima"],["227.5","Mike"]]; //Indfor tf_freq_guer = [0,7,["341.5","342","342.5","343","343.5","344","344.5","345","345.5","346","346.5","347","347.5"],0,"_bluefor",-1,0]; tf_freq_guer_lr = [0,7,["52","52.5","53","53.5","54","54.5","55","55.5","56","56.5","57","57.5","58"],0,"_bluefor",-1,0]; tf_freq_name = tf_freq_name+[["341.5","Alfa"],["342","Bravo"],["342.5","Charlie"],["343","Delta"],["343.5","Echo"],["344","Foxtrot"],["344.5","Golf"],["345","Hotel"],["345.5","India"],["346","Juliett"],["346.5","Kilo"],["347","Lima"],["347.5","Mike"]]; }; I had to compile information from other posts from at least a year ago. Back then the variables like "TF_defaultWestBackPack",etc. all were labeled differently. Some of the variables may still not be correct, but this works. You can manipulate this code to your needs. You can also find the comprehensive list of variables here: Just make sure you follow the same format. It's not working with the last version of the mod. Did u have update it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gizmo_ 11 Posted November 12, 2016 It's not working with the last version of the mod. Did u have update it? Ah! I forgot. You need to enable the mod in the mod/command line of the server. And add the mod files and key to the server as per usual. It will appear as a "required mod" in the server browser but it will not be required for players. For reference, my server is running the "verfiySignatures" line at a value of 2. My server is running TFAR 0.9.12. For additional reference here's a Google Drive link to the file I made. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ApocAltR 0 Posted November 13, 2016 Hi there ! Is there a known issue about Zeus not able to talk to players with TFAR Plugin 0.9.12 installed? We noticed that the virtual Zeus is no longer able to hear and speak to other players when flying in close distance. Also units captured by Zeus are can no longer be used for roleplay purposes. Can anyone confirm this? Yes, we had this problem recently as well. We have exactly the same problem. We need to teleport the GM near to the NPC to make it talks again.What we actually found : - If the GM in Zeus is near some players and is taking control of an unit somewhere else, he will hear the players talking.- If the GM in Zeus takes control of an unit and isn't near of this unit, he will not be able to talk with this unit (even its lips will not move). - If the GM in Zeus is near an unit and takes control of it, then the unit will be able to talk, the lips will move, but audio (and spacialization) will be glitched. Is there any solution at this moment ? Thanks a lot ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2728 Posted November 15, 2016 Any word on a volume fix for tfr? Everything is working really well except for the occasional transmit on wrong radio bug, and the elevated volume since the last update. Default volume has risen from 7 to 8 which almost blows your head off for most players. Yes its not hard to change it once at the start of a mission, but we play many types of game mods including TVT will many respawns, so having to lower your volume after each spawn is getting old quick. Ive even tried to edit the mod by looking in every single config for the word 'volume' and changing the default to 6, but this approach doesnt seem to have any effect. Cba settings menu at map screen on server has no effect for the volume option either. So can we expect this to fixed or at least a work around in the next update? Or can anyone suggest a work around for the time being? Cheers This is where the setting is defined. So its actually default 9 right now. Players can set that in their own settings. Under Options -> Game Options -> Addon options. the second 9 in the array is the default value. It is already set back to 7 for the 1.0 release. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tuntematon 3 Posted November 15, 2016 Hi. I noticed that when im using TFAR. Offroad (armed) is always RED. And if i try edit vehicle appearance in editor, in camo it show N/A. But when i remove TFAR. I can see all the normal camos. Always same thing when i downloaded TFAR and CBA from Steam workshop or armaholic. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RitterNZ 2 Posted November 16, 2016 Hey, I am hoping to get some help with a couple things I am trying to implement in a mission. 1. I am trying to add LR radio to a couple of CUP Land Rovers that don't already have them: CUP_B_LR_Transport_GB_W CUP_B_LR_MG_GB_W I have looked at this example and used the class names of the vehicles I want to use but I am not really sure how to implement it as everything I have tried has failed to work. class MyVehicleWithRadio: LandVehicle { tf_hasLRradio = 1; // 1 = true, 0 = false}; 2. I want to have all vehicle radios to default to speakers so we hear comms coming from all vehicles. I have found this [_object, "driver_radio_settings"] call TFAR_fnc_setLrSpeakers; but I can not seem to get this working either. Hopefully someone has a solution :) Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dedmen 2728 Posted November 17, 2016 Hey, I am hoping to get some help with a couple things I am trying to implement in a mission. 1. I am trying to add LR radio to a couple of CUP Land Rovers that don't already have them: CUP_B_LR_Transport_GB_W CUP_B_LR_MG_GB_W I have looked at this example and used the class names of the vehicles I want to use but I am not really sure how to implement it as everything I have tried has failed to work. class MyVehicleWithRadio: LandVehicle { tf_hasLRradio = 1; // 1 = true, 0 = false }; 2. I want to have all vehicle radios to default to speakers so we hear comms coming from all vehicles. I have found this [_object, "driver_radio_settings"] call TFAR_fnc_setLrSpeakers; but I can not seem to get this working either. Hopefully someone has a solution :) Thanks. Both your config and script are actually correct... To check if the config setting on the vehicle is correctly applied you can sit in the vehicle and call "player call TFAR_fnc_vehicleLr" If vehicle doesn't have an LR Radio this will return an empty array. Meaning something with your config is not alright. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RitterNZ 2 Posted November 17, 2016 Thanks dedmen but I'm still having no luck. I need steps for dummies I know nothing of this stuff I just a copy and paste. I have tried class CUP_B_LR_Transport_GB_W: LandVehicle { tf_hasLRradio = 1; // 1 = true, 0 = false}; and class CUP_B_LR_Transport_GB_W: Car_F { tf_hasLRradio = 1; // 1 = true, 0 = false}; and I get error undefined base class : LandVehicle or Car_F. I have also tried null = [this, "driver_radio_settings"] call TFAR_fnc_setLrSpeakers; in the vehicle init and not working for speakers. Ideally I'm hoping to find something I can put in the mission init.sqf that will set speakers on for all vehicles but will be happy with any working command. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites