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Task Force Arrowhead Radio

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Agree with JamesClarke completely.

I have to add that ST_ACRE_Volume's functionality is a lot more intuitive and easy to use for switching speech volume. Hope something like that can be implemented.

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2. I just begun making missions, and I don't want the TFAR to drop backpacks of team leaders, for the radios - is there a way to block this functionality ?

You can edit the .pbo directly or you can add a specific line into the init file of your mission. I believe the FAQ on the TFAR homepage explains how to solve this (I can't remember any more because I bypass this nowadays via F3 Framework).

EDIT: Found the solution here.

Edited by JamesClarke

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Thanks! Too bad it's not in the TFAR manual ;)

It is mentioned in the readme file of the mod folder, but it took me a while to realise that too. ;)

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I have a quick question. I spend time in the copilot seat of a helicopter on a regular basis. In some 3rd party airframes it seems I can't access the onboard radio, while the pilot can. As an example, only the pilot of the CH-47D from RHS can access the radio, while on the AH-64D from RHS both can access the radio panel.

According to this wiki entry there is no definition for each turret. How is the copilot seat detected?

Thank you.

Best regards


---------- Post added at 20:25 ---------- Previous post was at 20:23 ----------

Yes i have. Nothing happened. It still seems to be mono-ish sound from front.

Totally have no idea how is it possible. Could you record a small video?

---------- Post added at 20:27 ---------- Previous post was at 20:25 ----------

It's a bug, verified. I'm using a keyboard via PS/2 with N-rollover anyway, never had any issues with pressing 20 keys at the same time (Yes, I used my toes).

I like walking when cresting a hill or when behind concealment so that sudden movement isn't perceived from a further distance. It also feels like there's a lot less sway when you walk vs. when you run but it might be placebo.

Yes, it is some kind of bug. Will fix.

---------- Post added at 20:32 ---------- Previous post was at 20:27 ----------

Hi TFAR team,

First off, kudos on the great mod. My community has been using it for a bit over a year and we prefer its great functionality and easy to use interface / key mapping over the more clunky ACRE2. To us it's the best radio / communication mod out there.

However, we do encounter one issue on a regular basis:

The directional speech volume on "normal" is quite low and the transmission range drops off very fast over just a few meters. This leads to people switching to "yelling" permanently (audio levels for yelling-purposes are fine, perfect range and volume) whereas they transmit much further than they intent to, often ruining YT videos etc. Alternatively some people remain on "normal" but use the short range radios for less vital communications because they fear that "normal" won't ensure that their fireteam members heard it, while "yelling" could possibly disturb comms for the entire squad - this often leads to drop of quality in radio communications due to overuse.

Would it be possible to increase the volume of "normal" speech a tiny bit as well as increase the transmission range by x1.5? I think ACRE2 hit a good sweet spot when it comes to their directional speech on "normal", maybe it could serve as a benchmark.

I realise that part of this issue of course lies within each communities code of conduct on how to use the radio / directional speech. We could drill people really hard on only switching quickly to "yelling" and then switching back immediately to "normal". And for the most part that is what we advise, however due to us not being a full mil-sim community we try to strike a medium between strict training drills and friendly reminders / semi casual training. As long as "normal" speech transmission range remains within 5-10 meters it will remain very tempting to most people (especially newcomers / recruits) to either use the radio or perma-switch to "yelling".

Hope this user feedback helps the mod developers.

Kind regards


Yes, it is not too easy thing to setup to make everyone happy.

But you could adjust it by overriding this function https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/blob/master/arma3/%40task_force_radio/addons/task_force_radio/functions/fn_onSpeakVolumeChange.sqf

---------- Post added at 20:35 ---------- Previous post was at 20:32 ----------

1. I second what JamesClarke posted above, we also have problem with the free speech range, resulting in switching to yelling, or using comms all the time.

2. I just begun making missions, and I don't want the TFAR to drop backpacks of team leaders, for the radios - is there a way to block this functionality ?

3. In helicopters I have my hands on stick and throttle, I would gladly see ability to assign alternate keypress to functions, so I could assign controller button for functions, instead of resulting to specially made macros for my controllers (which I have to remember to switch on and off repeatedly).

1) check previous answer

2) use module or check https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/wiki/API%3A-Variables

3) there are "alternate" mappings in key settings. You could setup tem for you joy (probably some software to map from joy to keyboard will required)

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Yes, it is not too easy thing to setup to make everyone happy.

But you could adjust it by overriding this function https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/blob/master/arma3/%40task_force_radio/addons/task_force_radio/functions/fn_onSpeakVolumeChange.sqf

Hi nkey,

Thanks for responding to my post. I totally understand, pleasing everyone with a mod as complex as this one is going to be very hard. I will try your suggested override function, thanks for sharing the relevant info to edit the sound levels.


If I modify values within the section of code you've linked, will that have negative domino effects in other parts of the TFAR mod? For example if I change value x will that cause a lot of unforeseeable rtp errors (because other parts of the mod require value x to remain the same)? Or am I quite free to change the distance values as long as I'm reasonable about it, for example changing it from 20 to 30 meters for "normal"?

Kind regards,


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Just wanted to know in general, any updates planned soon? Really excited to see some new content! (Maybe Transmitters...? *Hint hint*)

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How is the copilot seat detected?

The standard way to detect the co-pilot seat seems to be to check for turret ID 0. Works for all vanilla ArmA3 helicopters and this check is used by TFAR, cTab and many vehicle-restriction scripts (i.e. only pilots are allowed to sit in co-pilot seats) that I have seen. So I would say its up to the individual model providers that they get their turret order "right". Konyo's MH-47 has the same issue and I have noted that in the appropriate thread, but it was deemed as not being important enough for a change. I am not a modeller, so I don't know if changing the turret order is as easy as re-ordering the turret sections in the config.

Maybe it just requires a some more people to flag this up with the model providers.

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I've been trying to get custom frequencies set on a per-unit or per-squad level with TFAR in my missions. I've successfully gotten the frequencies set for players... However, I can't seem to figure out how to retrieve the name of the LR radios inside empty vehicles set on the map to set their frequencies using TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency. With players, I can call TFAR_fnc_activeLrRadio after a waitUntil {call TFAR_fnc_haveLRRadio;} which returns the active LR radio that player is currently using. However, there doesn't seem to be a way to retrieve the name of the radio inside of vehicles that are placed in the editor.

I'm running the BIS Vehicle Respawn Module with the init code for the vehicles on respawn set to call an sqf script, the script does various things like setting up the inventory, I have the module set to force respawn on start so the script runs on vehicles when the mission inits.

Any help getting the LR radio frequencies set on vehicles placed in the editor would be appreciated.

Oh just a note on this, apparently _newVehicle call TFAR_fnc_hasVehicleRadio works, as I'm using that in the script and it returns true. So the script can see the vehicle does *have* a radio, but I still can't figure out how to get the name of that radio to set it's frequencies.

Edited by PyrodoxLion

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Hi nkey,

Thanks for responding to my post. I totally understand, pleasing everyone with a mod as complex as this one is going to be very hard. I will try your suggested override function, thanks for sharing the relevant info to edit the sound levels.


If I modify values within the section of code you've linked, will that have negative domino effects in other parts of the TFAR mod? For example if I change value x will that cause a lot of unforeseeable rtp errors (because other parts of the mod require value x to remain the same)? Or am I quite free to change the distance values as long as I'm reasonable about it, for example changing it from 20 to 30 meters for "normal"?

Kind regards,


Should not cause any issues.

---------- Post added at 13:08 ---------- Previous post was at 13:07 ----------

Just wanted to know in general, any updates planned soon? Really excited to see some new content! (Maybe Transmitters...? *Hint hint*)

Planned, but not too soon.

---------- Post added at 13:12 ---------- Previous post was at 13:08 ----------


I've been trying to get custom frequencies set on a per-unit or per-squad level with TFAR in my missions. I've successfully gotten the frequencies set for players... However, I can't seem to figure out how to retrieve the name of the LR radios inside empty vehicles set on the map to set their frequencies using TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency. With players, I can call TFAR_fnc_activeLrRadio after a waitUntil {call TFAR_fnc_haveLRRadio;} which returns the active LR radio that player is currently using. However, there doesn't seem to be a way to retrieve the name of the radio inside of vehicles that are placed in the editor.

I'm running the BIS Vehicle Respawn Module with the init code for the vehicles on respawn set to call an sqf script, the script does various things like setting up the inventory, I have the module set to force respawn on start so the script runs on vehicles when the mission inits.

Any help getting the LR radio frequencies set on vehicles placed in the editor would be appreciated.

Oh just a note on this, apparently _newVehicle call TFAR_fnc_hasVehicleRadio works, as I'm using that in the script and it returns true. So the script can see the vehicle does *have* a radio, but I still can't figure out how to get the name of that radio to set it's frequencies.

use array [<radio_code>, vehicleObject], there <radio_code> is: https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/blob/master/arma3/%40task_force_radio/addons/task_force_radio/functions/fn_vehicleLr.sqf#L22

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Thanks for the reply. I still can't seem to get it to work.

This is what I have now in my vehicle respawn script (the part relevant to TFAR anyway) _newVehicle is the vehicle the BIS Vehicle Respawn Module creates.

waitUntil {_newVehicle call TFAR_fnc_hasVehicleRadio;};
_grRadio = [gunner,_newVehicle] call TFAR_fnc_VehicleLR;
_drRadio = [driver,_newVehicle] call TFAR_fnc_VehicleLR;
_crRadio = [commander,_newVehicle] call TFAR_fnc_VehicleLR;
[_grRadio, 1, "69.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_grRadio, 2, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_grRadio, 3, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_grRadio, 4, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_grRadio, 5, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_grRadio, 6, "45.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_grRadio, 7, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_grRadio, 8, "72.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_grRadio, 9, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_drRadio, 1, "69.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_drRadio, 2, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_drRadio, 3, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_drRadio, 4, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_drRadio, 5, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_drRadio, 6, "45.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_drRadio, 7, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_drRadio, 8, "72.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_drRadio, 9, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_crRadio, 1, "69.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_crRadio, 2, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_crRadio, 3, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_crRadio, 4, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_crRadio, 5, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_crRadio, 6, "45.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_crRadio, 7, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_crRadio, 8, "72.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_crRadio, 9, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;

Still doesn't seem to return the name of the radio for the vehicle.

Edited by PyrodoxLion

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Thanks for the reply. I still can't seem to get it to work.

This is what I have now in my vehicle respawn script (the part relevant to TFAR anyway) _newVehicle is the vehicle the BIS Vehicle Respawn Module creates.

waitUntil {_newVehicle call TFAR_fnc_hasVehicleRadio;};
_grRadio = [gunner,_newVehicle] call TFAR_fnc_VehicleLR;
_drRadio = [driver,_newVehicle] call TFAR_fnc_VehicleLR;
_crRadio = [commander,_newVehicle] call TFAR_fnc_VehicleLR;
[_grRadio, 1, "69.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_grRadio, 2, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_grRadio, 3, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_grRadio, 4, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_grRadio, 5, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_grRadio, 6, "45.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_grRadio, 7, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_grRadio, 8, "72.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_grRadio, 9, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_drRadio, 1, "69.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_drRadio, 2, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_drRadio, 3, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_drRadio, 4, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_drRadio, 5, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_drRadio, 6, "45.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_drRadio, 7, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_drRadio, 8, "72.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_drRadio, 9, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_crRadio, 1, "69.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_crRadio, 2, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_crRadio, 3, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_crRadio, 4, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_crRadio, 5, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_crRadio, 6, "45.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_crRadio, 7, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_crRadio, 8, "72.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;
[_crRadio, 9, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency;

Still doesn't seem to return the name of the radio for the vehicle.

_grRadio = [_newVehicle, "gunner_radio_settings"] call TFAR_fnc_VehicleLR;

_drRadio = [_newVehicle, "driver_radio_settings"] call TFAR_fnc_VehicleLR;

_crRadio = [_newVehicle, "commander_radio_settings"] call TFAR_fnc_VehicleLR;

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I tried setting tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side to true, but still got different frequencies for Fadak radio for 2 different bluefor group leaders (1-man group).

Note that they were both wearing guerilla uniform (added via forceAddUniform), so this may or may not be related.

We were testing in DTAS as bluefor, first round both as attackers with NATO uniform and tf_anprc152, and we had same frequencies. Next round we were defending with guerilla uniform (no mission restart, just re-locate and replace equipment/uniform) with Fadak radios, and our frequencies were different.

Unfortunately we didn't have time to dig further to see what exactly reproduces the issue.

Any ideas?


Edited by galzohar

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@galzohar, so the units are still technically blufor? If that is the case you will also need to change their default radio. tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side only works if the radio the unit has is the default radio for that side.

So you'd need to change TF_defaultWestPersonalRadio to tf_fadak on round end. Probably also need to change the default radio for the opposition. Check https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/wiki/API:-Variables for details of those variables.

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Figured it might be something like that. I suppose I'll just keep giving bluefor the tf_anprc152 even when they are defending (with guerilla uniform etc), and keep giving opfor tf_fadak regardless of whether they are defending or attacking.

I suppose the radios are the same terms of functionality anyway?

---------- Post added at 06:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:09 PM ----------

Also, the following code seems to randomly not work:

_radio = "tf_anprc152";
//if (sidePlayer != attackerSide) then
if (sidePlayer == east) then
_radio = "tf_fadak";

player linkItem _radio;

// Wait for the new radio with ID to be added.
waitUntil {[] call TFAR_fnc_haveSWRadio};

// Wait for server to assign squad channel if it isn't assigned.
_TFRChannel = -1;
_TFRChannel = (group player) getVariable ["TFRChannel", -1];
_TFRChannel != -1

// Set the short range channel to the squad channel.
[[] call TFAR_fnc_activeSwRadio, _TFRChannel - 1] call TFAR_fnc_setSwChannel;

// Set the additional channel to command channel (8).
if (commandChannelEnabled) then
[[] call TFAR_fnc_activeSwRadio, 7] call TFAR_fnc_setAdditionalSwChannel;

The TFAR_fnc_setSwChannel works, but TFAR_fnc_setAdditionalSwChannel occasionally doesn't work.

The condition variable is properly defined, as there is an action to set it to true/false based on its current state and that one works without errors.

Any ideas?

---------- Post added at 07:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 PM ----------

Another issue:

Function TFAR_fnc_haveSWRadio seems to use a global variable currentUnit, and will sometimes provide an error when called during mission initialization scripts if the currentUnit variable is not initialized. If this is the actual unit the player is currently playing, then the function should just return false when the variable is not initialized.

Additionally, the variable name may collide with other scripts since it doesn't have the tf_ prefix.

Edited by galzohar

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I tried setting tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side to true, but still got different frequencies for Fadak radio for 2 different bluefor group leaders (1-man group).

Note that they were both wearing guerilla uniform (added via forceAddUniform), so this may or may not be related.

We were testing in DTAS as bluefor, first round both as attackers with NATO uniform and tf_anprc152, and we had same frequencies. Next round we were defending with guerilla uniform (no mission restart, just re-locate and replace equipment/uniform) with Fadak radios, and our frequencies were different.

Unfortunately we didn't have time to dig further to see what exactly reproduces the issue.

Any ideas?


It is because fadak is not BLUEFOR side radio...

You could solve it by changing this values - https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/blob/master/arma3/%40task_force_radio/addons/task_force_radio/functions/fn_ClientInit.sqf#L36-L54 at runtime

---------- Post added at 07:23 ---------- Previous post was at 07:19 ----------

Figured it might be something like that. I suppose I'll just keep giving bluefor the tf_anprc152 even when they are defending (with guerilla uniform etc), and keep giving opfor tf_fadak regardless of whether they are defending or attacking.

I suppose the radios are the same terms of functionality anyway?

---------- Post added at 06:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:09 PM ----------

Also, the following code seems to randomly not work:

_radio = "tf_anprc152";
//if (sidePlayer != attackerSide) then
if (sidePlayer == east) then
_radio = "tf_fadak";

player linkItem _radio;

// Wait for the new radio with ID to be added.
waitUntil {[] call TFAR_fnc_haveSWRadio};

// Wait for server to assign squad channel if it isn't assigned.
_TFRChannel = -1;
_TFRChannel = (group player) getVariable ["TFRChannel", -1];
_TFRChannel != -1

// Set the short range channel to the squad channel.
[[] call TFAR_fnc_activeSwRadio, _TFRChannel - 1] call TFAR_fnc_setSwChannel;

// Set the additional channel to command channel (8).
if (commandChannelEnabled) then
[[] call TFAR_fnc_activeSwRadio, 7] call TFAR_fnc_setAdditionalSwChannel;

The TFAR_fnc_setSwChannel works, but TFAR_fnc_setAdditionalSwChannel occasionally doesn't work.

The condition variable is properly defined, as there is an action to set it to true/false based on its current state and that one works without errors.

Any ideas?

---------- Post added at 07:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:22 PM ----------

Another issue:

Function TFAR_fnc_haveSWRadio seems to use a global variable currentUnit, and will sometimes provide an error when called during mission initialization scripts if the currentUnit variable is not initialized. If this is the actual unit the player is currently playing, then the function should just return false when the variable is not initialized.

Additionally, the variable name may collide with other scripts since it doesn't have the tf_ prefix.

2) Nothing in RPT on TFAR_fnc_setAdditionalSwChannel fail?

3) Yep, need to be fixed.

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No script errors in RPT. Should I look for any specific messages printed with diag_log?

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No script errors in RPT. Should I look for any specific messages printed with diag_log?

Are you sure everyone have unique radio item? (maybe some players uses same radio id)

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am i crazy or was there a way to keep one radio channel in one ear and a second channel in another like carry a second 152 or program a 152 to output two channels one in each ear? and how to transmit to either? i looked in controls but i feel like ive done this before but then i feel like i'm just hallucinating......

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You're looking for a feature called "set additional channel". It allows you to listen to two different channels on one radio. In order to speak you will have to switch to the channel you want to use.

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Are you sure everyone have unique radio item? (maybe some players uses same radio id)

I add the radio by adding a "generic" radio (no ID) and waiting for TFAR_fnc_haveSWRadio to return true. Or will it return true before a radio ID is assigned? Do I have to wait for the no-ID radio to be removed first?

how do i activate this?

To activate the additional channel (manually), you can set it in the radio interface with the "left arrow" key (at least on PRC-152). To talk on this channel, you need to configure your "talk on additional SW channel" (or whatever it's called) key bind, I think it might be unassigned by default.

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I'm sorry if this was asked before.

Is the Zeus game master able to communicate to other players while... mastering? :D

Like talking via radio through some specific function?

Also is there any issue i should be aware of when running TFAR with it?

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I've taken a look through the thread and haven't seen anything related to this, but it appears that changing the userconfig to try and change the shortwave channel selection from NUMPAD to something like Shift + NUMPAD isn't working. I have the options selected but it still appears to be just NUMPAD, which really screws with my looking around.

I remember it working with previous versions. This is a fresh install.

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There are no more userconfig options for controls anymore, all controls can be changed in-game as it's using CBA Keybinds (Controls -> Configure Addons -> select TFAR from drop-down).

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