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About PyrodoxLion

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  1. PyrodoxLion

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Thanks for the reply. I still can't seem to get it to work. This is what I have now in my vehicle respawn script (the part relevant to TFAR anyway) _newVehicle is the vehicle the BIS Vehicle Respawn Module creates. waitUntil {_newVehicle call TFAR_fnc_hasVehicleRadio;}; _grRadio = [gunner,_newVehicle] call TFAR_fnc_VehicleLR; _drRadio = [driver,_newVehicle] call TFAR_fnc_VehicleLR; _crRadio = [commander,_newVehicle] call TFAR_fnc_VehicleLR; [_grRadio, 1, "69.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_grRadio, 2, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_grRadio, 3, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_grRadio, 4, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_grRadio, 5, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_grRadio, 6, "45.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_grRadio, 7, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_grRadio, 8, "72.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_grRadio, 9, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_drRadio, 1, "69.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_drRadio, 2, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_drRadio, 3, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_drRadio, 4, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_drRadio, 5, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_drRadio, 6, "45.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_drRadio, 7, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_drRadio, 8, "72.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_drRadio, 9, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_crRadio, 1, "69.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_crRadio, 2, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_crRadio, 3, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_crRadio, 4, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_crRadio, 5, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_crRadio, 6, "45.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_crRadio, 7, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_crRadio, 8, "72.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; [_crRadio, 9, "0.0"] call TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency; Still doesn't seem to return the name of the radio for the vehicle.
  2. PyrodoxLion

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Hello, I've been trying to get custom frequencies set on a per-unit or per-squad level with TFAR in my missions. I've successfully gotten the frequencies set for players... However, I can't seem to figure out how to retrieve the name of the LR radios inside empty vehicles set on the map to set their frequencies using TFAR_fnc_SetChannelFrequency. With players, I can call TFAR_fnc_activeLrRadio after a waitUntil {call TFAR_fnc_haveLRRadio;} which returns the active LR radio that player is currently using. However, there doesn't seem to be a way to retrieve the name of the radio inside of vehicles that are placed in the editor. I'm running the BIS Vehicle Respawn Module with the init code for the vehicles on respawn set to call an sqf script, the script does various things like setting up the inventory, I have the module set to force respawn on start so the script runs on vehicles when the mission inits. Any help getting the LR radio frequencies set on vehicles placed in the editor would be appreciated. Oh just a note on this, apparently _newVehicle call TFAR_fnc_hasVehicleRadio works, as I'm using that in the script and it returns true. So the script can see the vehicle does *have* a radio, but I still can't figure out how to get the name of that radio to set it's frequencies.