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Buildings devoid of life....

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Well I can understand not porting everything over. Maybe some things with updated textures would fit the but I think a change in assests is needed for the terrain.

But you right. It's bis job to complete the terrain not mod makers. And as its been said before no one was saying the furniture now has to be the top priority but in my opinion it is something that should have been done from the beginning.

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i see three big problems with burdening mission makers with the task to make buildings, that look dead and sterile on the inside by default, look less so.

1. there is no 3d editor to make this tedious task less of a nightmare.

2. mission objects (aka placed in the editor) have a significant performance impact.

3. while set furniture as part of the model doesn't, random objects placed inside another object infact DO mess with the AI.

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Well I can understand not porting everything over. Maybe some things with updated textures would fit the but I think a change in assests is needed for the terrain.

But you right. It's bis job to complete the terrain not mod makers. And as its been said before no one was saying the furniture now has to be the top priority but in my opinion it is something that should have been done from the beginning.

Word up. :)

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I wonder if star citizen will have furniture?

Yes, there is already a fish tank.

I have no idea what the best implementation will be, nor who should do it, nor when it should be done. Trying to balance ease (just pre-populate the buildings with stock furniture!), with flexibility (and this will be the briefing room, and that will be General Gubaslavislav's office!), and performace (give me All The Polygons!) is not something I'm equipped to do, but any increase in furniture (including optional furniture) will be an improvement on the Island of the Damned vibe we've got going on now. And whoever does it will have my gratitude.

Best solution is to pre-populate A2 style. With A2 furniture if need be. As long as the vast majority of furniture is placed along walls the Ai navigation issues should be minimal. And as part of the building fabric there's also no reason they cant be incorporated into the destruction function, time permitting. Unfortunately its something best done by BIS.

The only other tool that might make it easier for mission makers would be for someone to come up with a furniture template that mission designers could copy/paste from. But it would be unreasonable for anyone to try and make for Altis short of having OCD and a comfy room with service.

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Personally I would rather see all of the current building ripped and replaced with a2 buildings, sad to say, but that's how bad the current ones feel

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Guys, Aliens came and took all the furniture, and left the CSAT their helmets and uniforms, so as good little NATO (US) Soldiers, we must beat back this invasion and return the furniture to the Altisian people

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There should be at least some furniture in buildings, when or if that happens is another story. I don't know for sure why there isn't any furniture but the reason I'd like some boils down to two main things - tension and gameplay.

At the moment when I need to clear a room all I have to do is peek around the door, it's too easy. If, however, there were some items of furniture in the room, I'd be much more on edge, alot more cautious in my approach; is there someone hiding behind that wardrobe, someone prone behind the bed, was that the sound of someone walking into a chair or table by mistake, or maybe a floorboard creaking?

Is furniture a priority? Of course not. Will tables and chairs etc. happen in the future? Maybe, maybe not. I hope so.

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I got an idea! If so many people want immersion in buildings, lets build them together! We´l do a town & village list and depending on how many people will get involved, everbody builds 8-10 houses with editor objects. in the end we put together all missions, voila;-)

Im not sure if the performance impact is too huge, but if it is, you could just remove the stuff you dont need from a full build in the editor.

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Personally I would rather see all of the current building ripped and replaced with a2 buildings, sad to say, but that's how bad the current ones feel

So what you're saying is, you'd rather play A2? Rite?

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At the moment when I need to clear a room all I have to do is peek around the door, it's too easy. If, however, there were some items of furniture in the room, I'd be much more on edge, alot more cautious in my approach...

That's an excellent and undeniable point that a number of people have brought up. Consider myself sold.

I got an idea! If so many people want immersion in buildings, lets build them together! ... everbody builds 8-10 houses with editor objects ...

Actually, there's not all that many building models in the game: probably a dozen civilian structures and half a dozen military ones. It wouldn't take too long to create a template - or even multiple templates - that populates each model with furniture objects. Although there would be a performance hit, you could try and mitigate it by spawning your furniture in dynamically around the players. If one was particularly adventurous, physics simulation calculations (for moving the furniture objects about) could also be done locally to the players (a la dayz). Still, any way you cut it, spawning objects would create a performance hit compared to having static, immovable furniture "baked" into the building models themselves (a solution I would very much NOT like to see used). All this was talked about early in the thread, BTW.

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The question is then. Who besides bis can build it, sorry, who will build it for us ?

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I don't see furniture in the near future. Because of performance. Cities are a difficult terrain already and it would get worse. Also, the AI very likely goes crazy at every newly placed object, if its not natively on the map.

Simple workaround: Do not enter buildings, avoid frustration :)

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since it's a war torn country, all we need would be coloured walls with a few frames and pictures, and pile of rubbish and destroyed wooden furnitures at corners. Houses and rooms are not that big, generally, and i am afraid that with stuff in the middle we would take room away from moving around.

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I think they just need to come up with a way to only insert the objects for inside unless you are infantry and on the ground and within 3km from the building. Or whatever the outside of the viewdistance is. If you are in a chopper you don't need to see the furniture at all. Only ground based objects within a certain distance should activate the inside geometry.

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I think they just need to come up with a way to only insert the objects for inside unless you are infantry and on the ground and within 3km from the building. Or whatever the outside of the viewdistance is. If you are in a chopper you don't need to see the furniture at all. Only ground based objects within a certain distance should activate the inside geometry.

This is why we have LoDs :)

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hopefully when mlods out we can get something done for ourselves :)

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In my opinion, the houses themselves needs rework. ARMA 3's houses are some of the worst to look at. They are so bright, and they have hideous roofs. They feel weird and everything.

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hopefully when mlods out we can get something done for ourselves :)

Arma 3 mlods? So we're finishing the game? =p

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Or...it would add annoyance to the game, getting stuck in every house you enter. Or worse, AI getting stuck and you searching for that AI for hours and when you find that AI you can't shoot him, through the wall of the house.

Ever ended up under a house? I have, multiple times.

You must be kidding me. Good thing I don't have time to frequent these forums as often as i used to, spares me from reading such very strange, apologetic excuses.

While we are at it, dont forget to delete all street signs and lamps. Because they might mess up driving, dont you know? Fixing things would be to easy.

Edit: also please do a proper research on how the ai calculates the a2/a3 building paths, then post again.

Edited by Icewindo

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since it's a war torn country, all we need would be coloured walls with a few frames and pictures, and pile of rubbish and destroyed wooden furnitures at corners. Houses and rooms are not that big, generally, and i am afraid that with stuff in the middle we would take room away from moving around.

agreed. people try way too hard to imagine this in the worst possible ways (eventhough it worked without problems in the past). why would anyone place stuff in the middle of the room? it's more a overall visual thing. rooms are just dead, clean and sterile. there are cheap ways to change that. some texture work like torn down wallpaper and just delete those damn useless shutters from the windows and do something useful with those polies. would be great.

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A few wall decorations with some simple dresser's, cabinets, maybe a fridge or something to make a room feel like a kitchen versus a bedroom or living room. Right now I feel like I walked into an empty model home whenever I enter a building in A3. It's both ugly, and immersion breaking.

Someone create a change.org petition for those damned shutters! :p

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I'm more & more inclined to agree. I have mentioned that I'm fairly ambivalent to the idea, usually I have other thngs on my mind while traversing buildings :) but I get it. Some wardrobes, drawers, wall units and paintings etc would make a good impression, without snarling everything up if they're against walls. Actually I seem to remember stopping now & then in OFP to look at paintings. :)

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From somewhere in Chernarus:


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