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Mission Editor Expansion

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This is the first baby step towards a truly expanded mission editor. No new functions or options, but a basic re-sizing of the 'insert unit' menu.


  • Expanded init code area with larger text
  • Widened listboxes that display the longest unit names
  • multiline 'condition of presence' box
  • longer description box
  • longer azimuth box to cover long decimal places
  • Adds room for theoretical position and gear controls


future plans unknown... most of the editor is hardcoded but there are many editor specific script commands... Ideas?

Updated version!

Reconfigured the module screen

  • Huge init line space
  • Resized info window so scrolling isn't required
  • Adds room for additional module options
  • Bigger condition of presence line
  • Relocated buttons
  • Combo Boxes resized to display the longest module names



Edit Update

  • Fixed module editor in 4:3 aspect


Edited by Sakura_Chan

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Nice mod!! Thanks a lot for this!


-Checkboxes for things such as no damage, no NVG's, no headgear, parachute etc.

-gear selector? :rolleyes:

-possibility to choose the unit's side, so we would be able to select independent side for blufor units.

-a shortkey that makes selected units playable/ unplayable

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-Checkboxes for things such as no damage, no NVG's, no headgear, parachute etc.

-gear selector? :rolleyes:

-possibility to choose the unit's side, so we would be able to select independent side for blufor units.

-a shortkey that makes selected units playable/ unplayable


I really like this mod, it was much needed, I hope you'll add a lot more features :)

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Good job! Anything to help edit missions is a great tool to add to our arsenals! And I second ItsThomas's Idea for "Checkboxes for things such as no damage, no NVG's, no headgear, parachute etc."

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oh god my eyes thank you!!!

-Checkboxes for things such as no damage, no NVG's, no headgear, parachute etc.

-gear selector? :rolleyes:

-a shortkey that makes selected units playable/ unplayable

Making all units playable at once is like the holy grail of editor functions :p

I wonder if there is a way to integrate something like VAS into the editor for loadout selection?

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Being able to hit enter in the init section to have a clearer view of all your subtractions or additions to the player/object etc.

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Jesus, SC. So far, you've presented some of the best addons and concepts of Arma 3.

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B.I. : "As our plans... excellent"

what are the developers doing while user doing so much super cool things D:

Edited by kgino1045

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B.I. : "As our plans... excellent"

what are the developers doing while user doing so much super cool things D:

light shafts :p

sorry couldn't help it. biggest fan of them.

awesome stuff sakura. keep on streamlining. you're making us all very happy.

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A readable font would be joyous. :) Oh, snap! It is!

Edited by kylania

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Release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic.

This means in the future you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have.

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Nice idea Sakura. One improvement I should like to see to the editor is that when you "save as", it saves all files & subfolders not just the mission.sqm file. Whether this can be done outside the engine, I don't know.

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Excellent work Sakura!!!

As for ideas I'm going with what SavagdeCDN said:

Making all units playable at once is like the holy grail of editor functions

With that I have been wanting such feature since OFP! I have a thread for it:


Please vote, the issue tracker has 20 votes, and a developer response which i dont understand why of all the players

in the community who edit wouldn't want this feature, to me this feature/function should come before anything else for editing,

I dont know how many times I had to edit units one by one, when I'd rather spend my time playing my mission.

The amount of time to edit would be dramatically reduced, but the idea is not limited to just making multiple units/vehicles, maybe even groups playable at once,

but adding other functions and features to it too, imagine what you can do if you can change lets say 10 groups to use a certain command,

or lets say you wanted to add a respawn code to empty vehicles and you have 20 of them, you have any idea how long that takes?

If you can highlight all of them add one line of code, save and all the vehicles/infantry, whatever your doing is updated with the new code,

you would have saved yourself alot of time!! Time saved can be spent on other things, like playing the game!

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As for ideas, how about something to help place objects? Short of a proper 3D editor of course :)

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do you think you can create an additional UI to easily create custom cargo load outs and carry outs for the units with ability to save & recall 'presets' , a bit like it is in the Virtual Armory System mod? for example, in the mission editor i want to create a custom set of items a riflemen or a grenadier will have in its inventory.. same would be for what is inside of any vehicle , aircraft or a civilian etc

this is in order to make the mission creation quicker and more 'user friendly' and of course avoid to fuck with manually writing one of those annoying init code line and making mistakes.. you know ;)

Edited by Lightningstrike

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Nice mod!! Thanks a lot for this!


-Checkboxes for things such as no damage, no NVG's, no headgear, parachute etc.

-gear selector? :rolleyes:

-possibility to choose the unit's side, so we would be able to select independent side for blufor units.

-a shortkey that makes selected units playable/ unplayable


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Progress has been slow, and also somewhat disappointing. I found out why we aren't knee-deep in editor mods. There is little to nothing that you can really do with the editor in terms of adding new features. For example, there seems to be no way to edit or even detect units placed on the map, meaning that you can't change anything about them. You can't draw on the map, so adding any rulers or range circles wouldn't work. I guess the editor is a lot different from the ingame world, there really aren't 3d placed objects to detect, it must be done completely in 2d. You can return the position and height of the terrain, and I was able to detect any map buildings that used a class, but not much else. The good news is that it should be possible to expand some features through the use of the unit's "init" boxes. You MIGHT, for example, be able to select "Remove primary weapon" from a list or checkbox, and then select a new weapon from a list and 'drag and drop' it into the init bar, automatically adding the script commands. One curiosity is the 'Module' window, which has the ability to display and apply custom options from a module. I don't think it is possible as-is, but if BIS applied the same feature to the unit editor, you would be able to have drop down menus for clothing and camo, maybe even vehicle weapon loadouts. I'll be posting a new version shortly, this time I expanded the module editor.

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Updated version!

Reconfigured the module screen

  • Huge init line space
  • Resized info window so scrolling isn't required
  • Adds room for additional module options
  • Bigger condition of presence line
  • Relocated buttons
  • Combo Boxes resized to display the longest module names




Edited by Sakura_Chan

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In regards to modules could we get an expanded description box for create task/create diary entry?

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