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TPW MODS: enhanced realism and immersion for Arma 3 SP.

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Hi TPW, not sure if it is on your side. The option to auto add tactical glasses is turned on. (tpw_hud_addtac = 1;)

-> When I am on a quad bike, I regularly get the tactical glasses back to my nose. About every minute. I drop them. And I get them back after a while. Is that your mod?

Will it adversely effect my campaign? I'd prefer to have random skirmishes break out on my map, however I don't know if it will cause any conflicts in my current campaign. My current campaign is "Hunter Six - Special Operations Unit".

No, you shouldn't play well thought out missions/campaigns with tpw_skirmish. Maybe troops which are spawned by tpw_skirmish may engage the campaigns units and change the intended outcome. Or they may destroy units/assets which are important for the mission... etc etc

Edited by tortuosit

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Hi everyone. Just to let you know that I'm not actually dead, and to thank Gliptal and others for answering questions and keeping the vibe going whilst I've been on sabbatical. I've taken a sideways step into racing sims (Assetto Corsa, Project Cars and Dirt Rally) for a while. Interesting to compare the development process, developer feedback and community support with other sim software. Basically it really makes me appreciate what we have here with BI and their forum.

I've actually been doing a little bit of work to work around the completely borked and still unaddressed ambient animal problem. Basically by removing and respawning animals before their @#$&ed FSMs stop animating them, I can keep ambient chickens and goats from turning into statues. Sheep and dogs are still not animating properly, but at least their FSMs don't seize up altogether. I will probably do a small maintenance release soon.

From my point of view Arma3 is still in too much of a flux state to consider extensive code improvements or revisions, especially as animations seem to be a moving target.

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@TPW. Everything besides animals works great and I can certainly live without them. Arma 3 is still maturing so I would not bust your *&^% any harder than you do until the game updates calm down. We don't want you or any other mod-makers to get dejected and throw in the towel. That would be a loss!

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Man playing campaign with ambient vehicles set to high is just a blast -really gives the added unknown element with civilians crashing, running over and just causing general mayhem, in a mostly 98% fun way. If BI refuses to add civilian population for upcoming titles im at a loss for words.

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Hi there!

Nice to see that you're still with us tpw :D one Thing though: you mentioned the problems with animals, what kind of problems do you mean exactly? That they spawn underground? (you can see only shadows on the surface)...because, since the last patch everything works as it should for me...dogs, sheeps and chickens running around as they did a couple of versions back...or do you mean something else? Oh and! I still haven't thanked you for giving certain csat guys' helmets the hud. :)

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Hi there!

Nice to see that you're still with us tpw :D one Thing though: you mentioned the problems with animals, what kind of problems do you mean exactly? That they spawn underground? (you can see only shadows on the surface)...because, since the last patch everything works as it should for me...dogs, sheeps and chickens running around as they did a couple of versions back...or do you mean something else? Oh and! I still haven't thanked you for giving certain csat guys' helmets the hud. :)

You're most welcome!

Ambient animal behaviour has been borked in the following ways for many months:

Goats: walk around normally for 10 sec, then freeze

Chickens: same as goats

Sheep: run full tilt everywhere, no grazing

Dogs: don't seem to move, only display animations for sitting, stretching etc

Snakes: wiggle normally for 10 sec, then freeze

Personally I think ambient animals are important for immersion. On the feedback tracker the problem has been reported and acknowledged several times but obviously is prioritised very low. Maybe BIS just wants us to use our imagination to pretend that they're there, same as we have to imagine house furniture, females, inland water etc

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Sorry for a potentially idiotic question, but i havent played Arma 3 for quite a while (last time i played it, the first DLC just came out).

Many changes to the game, and many mod updates later, i now notice that after i jog for 5 minutes, my character becomes SO utterly fatigued that he cant move at anything than a snails pace, literally.

Laying down to rest, literally sitting idle for 2 minutes, does not help. I just had a "fun" mission where i had to walk back to my jeep 900 meters away, at about 1 meter per second. Not joking.

Is this intentional? Is this part of vanilla Arma 3 now or is it something in this mod?

Which files / what config line do i edit to get rid of it, thanks. I tried chaning the animation values in the bottom of the config files to their default, but didnt seem to make a difference.

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Sorry for a potentially idiotic question, but i havent played Arma 3 for quite a while (last time i played it, the first DLC just came out).

Many changes to the game, and many mod updates later, i now notice that after i jog for 5 minutes, my character becomes SO utterly fatigued that he cant move at anything than a snails pace, literally.

Laying down to rest, literally sitting idle for 2 minutes, does not help. I just had a "fun" mission where i had to walk back to my jeep 900 meters away, at about 1 meter per second. Not joking.

Is this intentional? Is this part of vanilla Arma 3 now or is it something in this mod?

Which files / what config line do i edit to get rid of it, thanks. I tried chaning the animation values in the bottom of the config files to their default, but didnt seem to make a difference.

Short answer, yes, it is how the game is now. In general terms, that's how it works. You can disable though, look here.

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What does flay.pbo do, and what is the animspeed_notrans ?

No documentation on those files in the readme or docs folder.

Cheers :)

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What does flay.pbo do, and what is the animspeed_notrans ?

No documentation on those files in the readme or docs folder.

Cheers :)

flay.pbo holds an invisible object used for ragdolling. Ragdoll bullethit fx won't work without it.

animspeed_notrans.pbo changes the AI movement speeds but not their stance transition speeds.

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Is this intentional?

Sad to say, yes. It is intentional. :( If you're ok with using mods, there's a mod to remove that "fun" fatigue problem. Just google search: Drifter's Fatigue Remover

It's on armaholic, so you can download it there.


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Could those using the tactical glasses please share their settings? I'm interested in seeing how others have this set up.

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Hi, can anyone help with setting up TPW civs, cars & park to work with Leight's OPFOR mod? I have had a look in the TPW core.sqf and it appears that the classnames have changed or are different to what Leight has on his forum. I have tried changing the vehicles to the Leight's ones and also the civs but cant seem to get it working. Any help will be most welcome. Fall back will be to use CAF as that still appears to work out of the box with TPW.

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Hi, can anyone help with setting up TPW civs, cars & park to work with Leight's OPFOR mod? I have had a look in the TPW core.sqf and it appears that the classnames have changed or are different to what Leight has on his forum. I have tried changing the vehicles to the Leight's ones and also the civs but cant seem to get it working. Any help will be most welcome. Fall back will be to use CAF as that still appears to work out of the box with TPW.

Can you please send me a list of the updated classnames, and I will sort you out!

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the civ faction names are now;

LOP_AFR_Civ - African civilians

LOP_TAK_Civ - Takistani civilians

the individual classnames;

























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Could those using the tactical glasses please share their settings? I'm interested in seeing how others have this set up.

Certainly... I use this config, it is quite straight forward

// HUD
tpw_hud_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_hud_range[] = {15,500}; // effective range of goggles to scan for units
tpw_hud_vehiclefactor = 2; // Detection range multiplication factor for vehicles (eg 1.5 = 750m max detection range for vehicles vs 500m for units)  
tpw_hud_colour[] = {1,1,1}; // HUD and friendly units colour
tpw_hud_friendlycolour[] = {0,1,1}; // friendly colour
tpw_hud_civcolour[] = {1,1,1}; // civ colour
tpw_hud_enemycolour[] = {1,0.5,0}; // enemy colour
tpw_hud_squadcolour[] = {0.5,1,0}; // squad and marker colour
tpw_hud_alpha = 0.45; // initial transparency of HUD. 0 = invisible, 1 = opaque
tpw_hud_asl[] =	{1,0.6,0.45,1}; // ASL = height above sea level. [1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 0.6 = X position, 0.45 = Y position, 1 = text size]
tpw_hud_azt[] =	{1,0.5,0.45,1}; // AZT = azimuth (direction of gaze). 
tpw_hud_grd[] =	{1,0.4,0.45,1}; // GRD = GPS grid coordinates. 
tpw_hud_lmt[] =	{1,0.4,0.5,1}; // LMT = local mean time.
tpw_hud_tmp[] =	{1,0.6,0.5,1}; // TMP = temperature (from TPW FOG) . 
tpw_hud_hlt[] =	{1,0.4,0.55,1}; // HLT= health.
tpw_hud_rng[] =	{1,0.5,0.55,1}; // RNG = range to centre of player's gaze. 
tpw_hud_vel[] =	{1,0.6,0.55,1}; // VEL = speed of player (or player's vehicle).
tpw_hud_prx[] = {1,0.5,0.5,1}; // PRX = display numbers of nearby units.
tpw_hud_unit[] = {1,1,0.35,0.65}; // // UNITS/MARKERS displayed on HUD, where 1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 2 = icon max size, 0.5 = icon min size, 0.75 = text size ( 1 = same size as HUD text).
tpw_hud_offset[] = {0.33,0.30}; //HUD offset. [x,y] -0.5 to 0.5
tpw_hud_scale = 0.7; // HUD scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_textscale = 0.8; // HUD text scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_degradation = 0; // HUD performance reduced with distance. 0 = no degradation
tpw_hud_thirdperson = 1; // No HUD in 3rd person. 1 = HUD in 3rd person
tpw_hud_addtac = 1; // Automatically add tactical glasses to the player's inventory if they are not already carrying/wearing them. 0 = don't add glasses 
tpw_hud_audible = 1; // audible warning when enemies detected. 0 = no audible warning.
tpw_hud_icons[] = {16,17,18,31,12,11,22,31,23,15}; // HUD icon types, see key below 


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the civ faction names are now;

LOP_AFR_Civ - African civilians

LOP_TAK_Civ - Takistani civilians

the individual classnames;

























Awesome, I'll update ASAP

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;2968607']Certainly... I use this config' date=' it is quite straight forward

// HUD
tpw_hud_active = 1; // 0 = inactive
tpw_hud_range[] = {15,500}; // effective range of goggles to scan for units
tpw_hud_vehiclefactor = 2; // Detection range multiplication factor for vehicles (eg 1.5 = 750m max detection range for vehicles vs 500m for units)  
tpw_hud_colour[] = {1,1,1}; // HUD and friendly units colour
tpw_hud_friendlycolour[] = {0,1,1}; // friendly colour
tpw_hud_civcolour[] = {1,1,1}; // civ colour
tpw_hud_enemycolour[] = {1,0.5,0}; // enemy colour
tpw_hud_squadcolour[] = {0.5,1,0}; // squad and marker colour
tpw_hud_alpha = 0.45; // initial transparency of HUD. 0 = invisible, 1 = opaque
tpw_hud_asl[] =	{1,0.6,0.45,1}; // ASL = height above sea level. [1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 0.6 = X position, 0.45 = Y position, 1 = text size]
tpw_hud_azt[] =	{1,0.5,0.45,1}; // AZT = azimuth (direction of gaze). 
tpw_hud_grd[] =	{1,0.4,0.45,1}; // GRD = GPS grid coordinates. 
tpw_hud_lmt[] =	{1,0.4,0.5,1}; // LMT = local mean time.
tpw_hud_tmp[] =	{1,0.6,0.5,1}; // TMP = temperature (from TPW FOG) . 
tpw_hud_hlt[] =	{1,0.4,0.55,1}; // HLT= health.
tpw_hud_rng[] =	{1,0.5,0.55,1}; // RNG = range to centre of player's gaze. 
tpw_hud_vel[] =	{1,0.6,0.55,1}; // VEL = speed of player (or player's vehicle).
tpw_hud_prx[] = {1,0.5,0.5,1}; // PRX = display numbers of nearby units.
tpw_hud_unit[] = {1,1,0.35,0.65}; // // UNITS/MARKERS displayed on HUD, where 1 = active ( 0 = inactive), 2 = icon max size, 0.5 = icon min size, 0.75 = text size ( 1 = same size as HUD text).
tpw_hud_offset[] = {0.33,0.30}; //HUD offset. [x,y] -0.5 to 0.5
tpw_hud_scale = 0.7; // HUD scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_textscale = 0.8; // HUD text scale. > 1 = larger
tpw_hud_degradation = 0; // HUD performance reduced with distance. 0 = no degradation
tpw_hud_thirdperson = 1; // No HUD in 3rd person. 1 = HUD in 3rd person
tpw_hud_addtac = 1; // Automatically add tactical glasses to the player's inventory if they are not already carrying/wearing them. 0 = don't add glasses 
tpw_hud_audible = 1; // audible warning when enemies detected. 0 = no audible warning.
tpw_hud_icons[] = {16,17,18,31,12,11,22,31,23,15}; // HUD icon types, see key below 


Cheers! It's always cool to see how others are using the HUD.

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Hey TPW,

I am experimenting with using the custom enemy string in skirmish and was wondering if Skirmish supports wildcards of any kind.

For exampe I've got Massi's russians that both have defining parts of their unit type/functions at both the beginning and end of their classname with a bunch of subcat stuff in the middle







The "O_mas_rus_soldier" denotes the general russian solder and works fine in Skirmish. But the "wn" part is specifically winter gear so no matter what map I put them on I have winter equipped Rus Soldiers. "Dn" is desert, "v" is jungle etc.

I've used * and % as wildcards like "O_mas_rus_soldier*v" in the enemy unit string. These keep getting dumped and replaced with CSAT standard opfor. Is there a wildcard that works?


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If I remember correctly, you don't use wildcards but simply write the common substring to all classes, such as "O_mas_rus_" in your case.


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That doesn't help...I wind up with jungle, winter, desert equipped forces on every play.

The way some people write these the defining portions are at the beginning and end of the unit strings. I can't define all Jungle units "v", unless I lock down the entire string, but then I stuck with all Machingunners "M" or all Automatic Riflemen "AR"


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I understand now, my bad. Let's wait for tpw.


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What do I put into "Friendly Unit String" and "Friendly Vehicle String" if I want to use the U.S. marines and their respective vehicles from RHS?

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What do I put into "Friendly Unit String" and "Friendly Vehicle String" if I want to use the U.S. marines and their respective vehicles from RHS?


---------- Post added at 13:19 ---------- Previous post was at 13:16 ----------

That doesn't help...I wind up with jungle, winter, desert equipped forces on every play.

The way some people write these the defining portions are at the beginning and end of the unit strings. I can't define all Jungle units "v", unless I lock down the entire string, but then I stuck with all Machingunners "M" or all Automatic Riflemen "AR"


Sorry BL1776, no wild card or pattern matching at this point. Try _F_v as a string, that should give you just jungle variants according to those classnames you showed

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