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Altis: Criticism and Suggestions

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You should put Stratis and Altis on 1 map! That would be completely EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The map is a stunning achievement. I'm going to enjoy playing among it a lot.

I should like to see more, and more varied, forests though. Not as much as Chernarus (which was TOO foresty :)) but maybe Chernarus in the top left quarter of the map. That seemed to be a sweet spot as far as forest + performance went.

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I was a bit disappointed when loading screen advertised lush pine forests somewhere, and when I go there it's more like a park than a forest. More trees please :)

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Only skimread the thread so not sure if its already been mentioned, but the wind farms aren't synced with each other. It's particularly noticeable in the NW portion of the map as there are a lot close together - you see one farm pointing (eg) west and then another about 1k down the road pointing south. However, this is just me being OCD...

Aside from that, stunning.

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the ladders on the hospital in Kavala are unusable. when you're at the top it asks if you want to go up, and when you're at the bottom it asks you if you want to go down.

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One thing i would like to see is a deep water port with Cranes and such. Seems odd that an island this size does not have one.

Nice job .. :)

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The only trees I dislike are the pine trees. They don't look good and I made the same comment when I first saw them on Stratis. Any chance that they could look better? Replace them with other trees?

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You should put Stratis and Altis on 1 map! That would be completely EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The small island in Altis below the big one, is about the same size as Stratis. It's not as detailed though...

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Needs an aircraft carrier for one of the factions. But I guess the community will work on it.

Also, I've played a long session tonight and the players feedback that I've heard the most was "Arma is the only game where people would submit themselves to 10 frames per second and stay for the fun".

Negative minds would take it the wrong way...when it's actually a compliment. Procedural rendering needs some work done on Altis. But I don't care much, since I'll be playing it anyway...

Edited by MarkusLetifer

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Again, the loadings tips say something about 3 periodically flooded lakes. Is that a real feature or just some trivia about the RL thing?

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While I have no problem with the car wrecks as such, maybe there shouldn't be that many on actual parking lots? Yes, there's war and all that fun stuff, but I'd still guess that the municipality would get rid of them... Maybe add some wrecked agricultural machine near the fields?

Anyway, I like the little details that have been put into Altis. Like the bullet holes on the solar panels (at least at the main airfield).

As for people complaining about the topography and vegetation... You do realise that this is an actual island based on actual topographic satellite data? Yes, BIS has taken liberties with it like they've stated. But... you expect lush, continental forests just because Arma2 had them? On a Mediterranean island where pretty much all land that can be used for agriculture has been tilled? Some of you say that there's lack of environmental variation, while there's actually everything from rocky hills to green fields, salt lakes and even a bloody desert?

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Again, the loadings tips say something about 3 periodically flooded lakes. Is that a real feature or just some trivia about the RL thing?

They look like tide may effect them, especially the partially flooded one. Whether the tide needs modded by a mission maker for them to get the required water level I don't know.

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Hi guys

My nickname is Trpaslik and I’m one of the environment artists at BI. We welcome every kind of feedback, criticism and suggestions you can give to us about the Altis map so please use this topic to make some.

Please note that unfortunately we can’t promise to have the time to reply but we appreciated every piece of feedback here.

Hey, I think that Altis looks great, vegetation is looking great too but there is room for improvements. Bamboo-thing for example, very nice touch - is looking nice but unfortunatelly it is just static, there is no animation to it. Also bodies can without a problem penetrate it, I think that it should be more resistant. Maybe in the future it would be possible for physics to handle collision-boxes with bending it (at least to simulate it at certain radius from the player to not put too much stress on the PC)

There could be a little bit more forests too.

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I really enjoy the map but I would like to see some more hills, maybe a big forest and that larger building would be enterable.

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Personally, I'd like to see more buildings in the hilly northwest.

As for more forests, it would be nice, but I just compared Altis to Lemnos on google maps, and Altis already looks very green in comparison. I don't know how much more greenery could be added without making things look a bit out of place.

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They look like tide may effect them, especially the partially flooded one. Whether the tide needs modded by a mission maker for them to get the required water level I don't know.

The large salt lake is dry for part of the year and flooded for the other part of the year.

This is a ticket on the issue: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=13271

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Just one thing first, Best island to date! :)

Just a few suggestions (more feedback later, need more playtime).

- The middle part of island, and cities are kinda close. It feels like there is no distance, its too flat. I know geo its correct, but gamewise, and others have said same. It makes for a boring fight. East and West and NW and SW / SE / NE are the best parts of the map. The hills, the rolling little mounds, the mountains in the west, its all great. I just don't see much going on in the middle, its a tad lacking.

- Railroad; I feel this is one thing missing. I love trains. Maybe this is a more personal suggestion. But since this is future, a railroad on the island be awesome. The view of the island alone is worth a "tourism" railroad. Then with all the Power Plants and factories on Altis, a Industry railroad spur line be even more awesome. Plus it adds some depth to the island. To see tracks, to use as landmark when playing serious mode. Having the tracks go around the coast, then into the mainland, and cut through the mountains in the west? Beautiful sight to see! Would love to see this put in. Just tracks, and a station or two. Re-use A2 models if you wish :)

- No real forest, Kinda disappointing as loading tips says there is. Also with the tips, the famous reef that vanished thousands of years ago, and says is on the loading tips. The GPS cords are off the In-game map. So you cannot go underwater and see it. Another error. (Someone copy and pasted some descriptions from the real island from Wiki, is what some of these tips seems like)

Besides that and for now, Love :)

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After inspecting altis i ordered new servers ^^

The map is really good. I wonderes about the slender country, but i think it is better for the client perfomance.

We will need high view ranges for this map. Please do not incease the variety ob object. It would reduce the possible view ranges.

I just hope: The Clients and Servers will be able to manage 100+ players.

Altis is really good. Will give feedback when i am designing the capture areas for "Altis an World DOM Mod".

I really love the castle in the north :D

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Coop Mission makers will need to strip back on heavy inclusions, being mindful that were not on stratis anymore. 100+ PvP is still possible.

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Great map!

For me: the best map ever...

In any case, as a suggestion, i fell the lack of military base... There are only a few of them...

By adding some of them, especially in the Nw corner of the Island, would be a good thing in my opinion

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It's probably too late to suggest this, but I really haven't had this feeling it was missing until I got to see Altis. I've been to the Mediterranean several times in my life and if I were to name one distinct ambiance that reminds of that area, and summer in general, it has to be the bird singing. For this island in particular; the swallows and sparrows. It's probably more of a sound suggestion, so please move if need be, but it relates to the island's ambiance in general.

This is a sound sample of what I mean:

Sound sample (freesound.org)

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It's probably too late to suggest this, but I really haven't had this feeling it was missing until I got to see Altis. I've been to the Mediterranean several times in my life and if I were to name one distinct ambiance that reminds of that area, and summer in general, it has to be the bird singing. For this island in particular; the swallows and sparrows. It's probably more of a sound suggestion, so please move if need be, but it relates to the island's ambiance in general.

This is a sound sample of what I mean:

Sound sample (freesound.org)

I haven't visited in Mediterranean but that reminds me exactly Finnish summer and that's kinda weird if it's the same in Mediterranean :D

I was just expecting some different birds.

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