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A question -

Can you find all three (3) hidden geocaches?

Any hints to get me started? Must I look in a certain spot or is the point to find a certain spot?

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A question -

Any hints to get me started? Must I look in a certain spot or is the point to find a certain spot?

Geocaches are medium sized plastic boxes hidden somewhere in Isla Caribou. The box has a clear sticker that says "Geocache".

Attributes: Only one can be found in winter, no climbing or scuba gear needed, no parking available. One may require swimming :p

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Whoa, this is a pleasant surprise! Thanks for the release, looking forward to trying it out!

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Well having played a couple of short missions on this map, I can say its certainly a great terrain, play with the colours as suggested and it can bring a really frightening look to the whole map, eerie spec ops night missions etc.

Could be used for many types of mission including missions out of the ordinary i.e. aliens, zombies and the like, don’t mind aliens not into zombies though.

Really first class terrain, I would say its highly recommended..:)

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Not sure if this the place to report bugs about the missions, but I'll put that here until separate threads for the missions are opened.

1. Both missions by Lufti does not show Tasks or Notes in briefing or in the mission.

2. In Vanha's "After the War" and "Holiday in Hell" UPSMON AI patrol areas are displayed on the map.

3. In all of Vanha's missions - The displayed text overlay at the bottom right when the mission start is at the background of the "Vanha" icon. I suggest either displaying the icon for a shorter time or position it in a different area.

Tested shortly (briefing + one or two minutes into the briefing) on a Windows dedicated server.

Really looking forward to playing these missions on this fantastic environment. Thanks!

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Absolutely great map. I already loved Thirsk, but this one's even better.

Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to play on this and make missions for it!

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Not sure if this the place to report bugs about the missions, but I'll put that here until separate threads for the missions are opened.

1. Both missions by Lufti does not show Tasks or Notes in briefing or in the mission.

2. In Vanha's "After the War" and "Holiday in Hell" UPSMON AI patrol areas are displayed on the map.

3. In all of Vanha's missions - The displayed text overlay at the bottom right when the mission start is at the background of the "Vanha" icon. I suggest either displaying the icon for a shorter time or position it in a different area.

Tested shortly (briefing + one or two minutes into the briefing) on a Windows dedicated server.

Really looking forward to playing these missions on this fantastic environment. Thanks!

I'll open up a thread so that this section is not spammed ;)

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Both, lufti's and vanhA's mission packs are updated (See 1st post for links).

Lufti: 1.01

VanhA: 1.02

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Truly excellent work, Raunhofer, thank you for sharing this. Overall layout and topography are brilliant, really well-planned and executed.

I especially like all those rocks scattered around some of the sites like the SW oil base. They will make ground combat missions really interesting whether in defense or attack.

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Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to play on this and make missions for it!

PLEASE! consider making SP missions as well?

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PLEASE! consider making SP missions as well?

Most of FHQ's mission packs can be played Coop or single player :)

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Both, lufti's and vanhA's mission packs are updated (See 1st post for links).

Lufti: 1.01

VanhA: 1.02

Doesn't seem like Lufti's missions were updated, the problems remained. mission files in 1.01 are the exact same size as in previous version.

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I gotta say, this is a good map. It's rare to see user islands that are any good. You have good placement as well as a connectivity. I can see me playing this a lot. But there is a major problem. There are way too many rocks. I can't drive tanks on land without them bouncing 20 feet in the air. Everything has to stay on the roads. It limits about 80% of the map to everything except air and infantry. My advice would be for you to remove 80-90% of the rocks. Also you might look around and make sure some key areas have fewer trees. They look great where they are, but if trees are too close to each other vehicles won't drive near them. So maybe you can make sure that there are enough vehicle friendly areas.

Those two issues aren't are big for playability but good artistically. If you fix these or not it's still an awesome map. Thank you.

P.s. there is one place that looks a little odd. It looks like a base with 2 hangars but destroyed buildings in or near the base. It looks odd to have completely destroyed building but everything near it is perfect, undamaged.

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So maybe you can make sure that there are enough vehicle friendly areas.
I think they stated they wanted this to be a foot-soldier-focused map, so the vehicle areas are probably done that way on purpose.

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Everything has to stay on the roads

Which also makes the map much more realistic. So I prefer Caribou just like it is.

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Doesn't seem like Lufti's missions were updated, the problems remained. mission files in 1.01 are the exact same size as in previous version.

Damn. Updated again :)

I gotta say, this is a good map. It's rare to see user islands that are any good. You have good placement as well as a connectivity. I can see me playing this a lot. But there is a major problem. There are way too many rocks. I can't drive tanks on land without them bouncing 20 feet in the air. Everything has to stay on the roads. It limits about 80% of the map to everything except air and infantry. My advice would be for you to remove 80-90% of the rocks. Also you might look around and make sure some key areas have fewer trees. They look great where they are, but if trees are too close to each other vehicles won't drive near them. ...

Yeah, as stated before, arma2 vehicles combined with arma2 rocks is a diaster. Vehicles really need to stay on roads. It is unfortunate that AI's pathfinding still often goes offroad and mess things up. I noticed the problem way too late, but on the other hand, its indeed an infantry island due to its size, isolated location and rugged terrain.

P.s. there is one place that looks a little odd. It looks like a base with 2 hangars but destroyed buildings in or near the base. It looks odd to have completely destroyed building but everything near it is perfect, undamaged.

There were civilians before oil was found. But after that, war destroyed their homes and nowadays just military buildings and hangars remain. So the hangars are indeed constructed later than destroyed buildings.

Edited by Raunhofer
moar text

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Great map, there're many stories that can be set on it. One small suggestion from me: how about removing all the wrecked vehicles from the map? That will add more freedom to mission makers.

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In all of Vanha's and Lufty's missions the GPS doesn't work. Didn't test in the editor yet, but maybe it's a bug in the island itself?

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In all of Vanha's and Lufty's missions the GPS doesn't work. Didn't test in the editor yet, but maybe it's a bug in the island itself?

To me, GPS works just fine. In editor, played with a FR team leader and in Lufti's Silent Sweep as a FR leader.

StHud and alike mods won't work if they aren't updated.

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Very nice work Raunhofer. I really like the way you have a story to tell with this island, not just a bunch of buildings/trees/etc thrown on a terrain.

Also, StHud should work with any island as long as you are using the 12_12_09_sthud_islandfree version found here

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Excellent island, thanks for making and sharing Raunhofer!


Edited by KeyCat

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Caribou Frontier is amazing and since the latest update from AiA you can run it in a3, though there is the annoying pond line bug occuring, is it possible that you are for now, release a pondless version for AiA until BIS fixes the problem in the engine?

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Unfortunately I've no plans for supporting arma 3 with caribou frontier right now. I've tried Caribou in arma 3 before caribou was released, and found that the island needs to be heavily modified if moved to arma 3. In both technical and artistic reasons.

It's really unfortunate that the ponds bug like that. With a3 alpha, the bug didn't occur, at least for me...

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how comes?

The A3 engine has changed so much since the alpha it is a completely different product. Until BIS releases the modeling tools we must wait.

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