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Any old farts playing Arma 3?

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I don't know if it's the right forum for this, but I was just wondering if there are any old farts playing Arma 3. Any other old farts, I mean. I'm 62, myself.

I've been playing with a handful of people from Not-Quite-Dead-Yet.com, but despite the name, the guy who runs it is only in his early 50's. Just a youngster, in other words. I don't think he understands what getting old is even like. (Then again, my 87-year-old mother tells me the same thing.)

Anyway, I was just curious. I don't normally play multiplayer games,* but I played a few MUDs and such, years ago. Even then, I was inevitably the oldest player. But there have got to be gamers out there older than I am, don't you think?

There are no age restrictions at Not-Quite-Dead-Yet, but it's aimed at players in their 40's and 50's, I think. And they seem to think that's old. Well, not from my point of view. So, purely for my own curiosity, I thought I'd ask about any other old farts playing this game (or other games, for that matter).

If so, I hope you aren't as inept at it as I am. :p But the people I play with don't seem to mind, and it's still lots of fun.


* I've been retired for seven years, so I have lots of time to play computer games - especially in the winter - but I mostly play single-player games. Arma 3 is the exception, because you're not just playing with random strangers all the time. At my age, I don't know anyone locally who plays computer games, and it really makes a difference when you can play co-op with people you like.

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its all relative... :) i was on a server the other night and decided to jump on there TS....im pretty sure I am the same age as there parents ...lol (46) some things are timeless WCG...like when we are 18 we want an 18 year old girlfriend and when we are 80 we STILL want an 18 year girlfriend :cool:

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There are no age restrictions at Not-Quite-Dead-Yet, but it's aimed at players in their 40's and 50's, I think.

Well, I'm in that bracket Bill, but I just can't bring myself to even consider a clicking on anything titled "Not-Quite-Dead-Yet" LOL

I mod more than I play these days it seems :) all good :D

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I'm 44 and a friend of mine who plays ARMA is 66

We haven't been to "Not Quite Dead Yet" tho (will have a look)

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48 yrs old here. Used to have a group of like-minded and similar-aged players 6 or 7 years ago, but we all drifted our separate ways eventually.

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With the other half, as well as my aches & pains telling me I'm getting on in age (mid-30's); Reading this thread I'm now starting to think I'm a spring chicken. I'm in such a better mood now - Thanks gents ;) :P :)

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41 years old here and I play in a community with some like for like ages!

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some things are timeless WCG...like when we are 18 we want an 18 year old girlfriend and when we are 80 we STILL want an 18 year girlfriend :cool:

Well, young girls still look as good as they always did, but as you get older, the older women start looking pretty good, too! Or maybe it's just my eyes going bad, I don't know. Either way, it's still good. :)

Well, I'm in that bracket Bill, but I just can't bring myself to even consider a clicking on anything titled "Not-Quite-Dead-Yet" LOL

Heh, heh. Don't blame me; I didn't pick it. As I say, they're not very old, anyway. But for gamers, maybe they are...

After all, what am I seeing here? A bunch of youngsters in their 40's. Old? Ha! OK, one guy with a friend who's 66. That's better. I've got an Internet acquaintance who's roughly my age (she hasn't volunteered the details) who plays computer games like those I play, but I haven't been able to interest her in Arma 3. Too bad. This game needs more women. Then again, I could say that about everything, couldn't I? :)


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Apart from the few youngsters in their 20's like myself, I play with a bunch of chaps who are 40's and our eldest guy Stick is 63 and does ball room dancing when he's not playing arma.......

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In the future, i wouldn't be surprised if "old farts" make the majority of players :D i don't think any gamer would sit down after retirement and look out of the window, read books and do (current) stereotype-grandpa things.

"Listen children, back in the day when i fought in the war... on Stratis..." :D If there is such thing as retirement before death in the future for my generation that is :eek:

I remember my first gaming years playing battlefield 2 (7years ago?) i often played with a chap in my group who was 60^^ Nothing wrong with "old chaps". Guaranteed troll-free zone if you play with them.

Edited by Fennek

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Yeh, sorry Bill, still a whiles before we can wear the "Old Fart" badge with honour! :D lol

But great to see you're still into it !

Gives us a hope for an "active" retirement! hehehe

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Guaranteed troll-free zone if you play with them.

Oh I wouldn't say that, everyone loves a good troll every now and again! :p

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Hello there

Only 43 here, so still fairly sprite. I dont see me stopping gaming for many a year.



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In the future, i wouldn't be surprised if "old farts" make the majority of players

Of course. If you grew up with it, you'll likely stick with it. (Our tastes in music tend to form when we're young, too.) And maybe the kids will have new forms of entertainment by then, things the old farts still playing games won't understand. :)

Obviously, I didn't grow up with video games, and my eye-hand coordination stinks. Some games I can't play at all, and I'm never going to be very good at 'real-time' games.* (I still tend to prefer turn-based games, though I didn't grow up even with them.)

Still, I've been fascinated by personal computers since they were first introduced. And I've been hooked on computer games since,... well, the mid-80's, at least. But I've been shocked at how few people my age feel the same. How could you not be fascinated by this stuff?

But then, maybe I just never grew up, huh? That's OK with me. (And it's OK with me that tastes vary, too. We don't all have to like the same things.)


* The people I play Arma 3 with don't care that I'm not very good. And really, that's been the case with everyone I've played with. As long as you're not a jerk, and you do your best to play as a team, that's fine. I suppose some groups are more serious than that, but that's another great thing about Arma 3. You can find players to suit nearly every taste.

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Almost 43 YO here -I'll game with you guys if I can call the name "Young Buckins" -else, I'm out.

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Hello there

Only 43 here, so still fairly sprite. I dont see me stopping gaming for many a year.



Same here, 43 and gonna play for a looonnng time :)

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54 and a half here. I always wanted to try my hand at having a server but got pretty well disheartened by a well known host so packed it in. ( nearly ) Shame, because it was going really well and i learnt a bit about scripting with arma 3. Never had a problem playing with people much younger than myself, but it can be a bit frustrating sometimes not being able to take things in at the same speed as the youngsters. ( well me anyway ) At the moment i am trying to re learn DCS A10 warthog, but keeping it all in my head is a huge problem lol.. Time for me is the main problem as i would love to play more multiplayer, so i suppose i have to consider myself these days as a casual player, but will never grow old for it :)

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41 here. Been gaming since I got a Grandstand console with Pong for chrimbo 35? years ago and have no plans on stopping :D

You're about the same age as my Dad, so it's nice to meet someone that age who can actually USE a computer. Dad seems to have the memory of a goldfish with technology and i always have to follow the word Spacebar with, 'the long one at the bottom' or he will swear blind his computer hasn't got one of those! Same story with the enter key. Sigh.


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Knocking on the door of 52 here - seems old when you type it out. And yes, everyone seems so flipping fast on the draw in the quick fps types games (as a result I like to think my reflexes are a bit faster than most of my peers), and thats probably why I like Arma so much.

You get a lot of experience in 40 years of gaming - from 1970s pong to teletype based star trek through to defender on the BBC micro and SpecOps on a Voodoo 3000, the kids today don't know they're born.


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Well, young girls still look as good as they always did, but as you get older, the older women start looking pretty good, too!

Lol, I thought it was I just appreciated the more mature woman. Now I know it is just me getting older.

41, been playing games since my dad brought home a ZX-81.

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been playing games since my dad brought home a ZX-81.
well I had to sit there till he had enough of playing jet set willy or jumping jack before i got my go, I have made my kids do the same "dad you said 2 hours ago it was my turn". lol

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haha great thread!! I turned 40 this year and reading this makes me feel much better :p

Things sure have changed since Intellivision :dance:

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Apart from the few youngsters in their 20's like myself, I play with a bunch of chaps who are 40's and our eldest guy Stick is 63 and does ball room dancing when he's not playing arma.......

Grass!! lol yeah i'm 43, and dont feel it at all-i'm a ground worker so, that keeps me fit/on me toes! ;) And Jeza- Stick is gonna kill ya for that,pretty sure he's only 50 something!

Atm i spend more hrs playing than hrs i do at work.

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its all relative... :) i was on a server the other night and decided to jump on there TS....im pretty sure I am the same age as there parents ...lol (46) some things are timeless WCG...like when we are 18 we want an 18 year old girlfriend and when we are 80 we STILL want an 18 year girlfriend :cool:

Dude , even at 20 something 18 year old is too annoying . All the drama and lack of maturity . Sounds good in theory but in reality , listening to them talk for 10 mins is enough to make you jump out of the window

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Grass!! lol yeah i'm 43, and dont feel it at all-i'm a ground worker so, that keeps me fit/on me toes! ;) And Jeza- Stick is gonna kill ya for that,pretty sure he's only 50 something!

Atm i spend more hrs playing than hrs i do at work.

Either way he's on the home stretch. ;)

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