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bad benson

Enhanced movement and more

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you can't climb like that if you carry too much. it's all fatigue and loud based. the soldier performing the moves in the video has no heavy equipment on him...

my thoughts too. the climbing looked a little like spider man. I doubt soldiers are able to climb walls, houses etc like that. I'd rather just have a ladder placed or may be increase the difficulty with climb mod. nice mod however.

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would love to see the diving under fire animations from the firefight improvement mod in this

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Are there any plans to include some teamwork buddy system for climbing? Otherwise it feels a bit like you'll just get the bad out of heavy equipment, and not the good in the solution to it by means of helping someone up on the wall, etc.

As he said what about this suggestion? I think is quiet intresting and could be more intresting gameplay material, IMO :)

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sorry i didn't post a new video yet. i'm still sidetracking a lot with other stuff. i'll try to make a video tomorrow.

Just throwing this out there but have you considered the possibility of reversing the wall climb animation sequence to simulate lowering yourself down from a ledge before dropping the last few feet? I can envision holding the standard "step over" bind as a modifier for the mouse wheel perhaps... Scroll up to start pulling yourself up to the top of the ledge, scroll back down to drop to the ground and switch to "plan B" or something

not sure if i understood but you mean like hanging on the ledge and then play the climb anim seamlessly using the mousewheel? if so, nope sorry. reason 1: animations can't be influenced dynamically in this engine with a mod. reason 2: it's too complicated for my taste :p.

i try to keep things very simple since i think that arma's controls are already complicated enough as is. what i'm aiming for is solution similar to other games where you simply climb or you don't and the script chooses the right animation depending on certain factors. another reason is that the simpler i keep it the smaller will be the amount of awkward bugs and possibilites to abuse the system.

i personally foudn SMK very impressive but also too much for my taste. my focus is jumping and climbing and doing all that with one single button and as simple as possible.

would love to see the diving under fire animations from the firefight improvement mod in this

i am planning to add evasive roll anims for a later state. but i'm trying to create as less "stuck in this anim until it's done" moments as possible since i already am annoyed by those that are in the game (still since arma 1 or earlier) by default.

my thoughts too. the climbing looked a little like spider man. I doubt soldiers are able to climb walls, houses etc like that. I'd rather just have a ladder placed or may be increase the difficulty with climb mod. nice mod however.

the very first video had very simple and fast anims. you can see already in the latest one that i changed them. i'll keep it fluid though for the above reason. nothing more annoying that watch your character perform a long animation while getting riddled with bullets.

As he said what about this suggestion? I think is quiet intresting and could be more intresting gameplay material, IMO

this is planned but will probably not be in the first release or just in a very crappy concept state. i'm still thinking about methods since again i don't want to create too much awkwardness. imagine having a lengthy sequence where both soldiers are attached to eachother while being stuck in said sequence. i need to test this and see if there is a quick fluid way to do this. it'S indeed interesting but i'm more tending towards a portable ladder solution for higher places.

the current state of the mod is that i have almost all basic anims ready in a state that i feel comfortable sharing, although i'll probably replace them with new ones several times in the future. what's left is adding some "stoppers" in the codes to avoid as much climbing through objects as possible and making different speed and pistol versions of all anims. the both latter ones are just slight modifications of the current anims and their config values.

anyways. i'll try to provide some new stuff to look at tomorrow and possibly more info.

real life is taking up more space atm but i'll try to get this finished soon. so be patient ;D

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The new features within animation config allow for canceling long animations without making them silly

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those are great news! is that documented anywhere?

btw. i feel kind of paranoid now after you have answered so quickly. i hope i'm not being watched too closely. i'm not good with pressure ;) anyways. i better get to making a video or something :o

EDIT: is there a particular reason why we can't break the healing animation anymore? i hate to feel like i lost control.

anyways. thank god for you. i was skeptical about stances but i use them all the time. and with ease! it also makes a lot of sense combined with weapon resting scripts. don't you ever listen to people saying arma 3 is less realistic when it comes to anims. we all know it's not true. the new movement is the best thing that happened to that series in a long time. anyways. enough brownnosing for one day ;)

Edited by Bad Benson

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here it is. making it made me realize how much is left to do. anyways. i hope that's enough for now. i'll start finishing this up next week.

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In truth, I am hoping to have climbing/vaulting improved in following iterations of vanilla game and thats why i am paying attention to this. We have some data already mocaped (for both climbing things and even 2 meter walls), it all waits for processing. Catch me on skype if you need details on new stuff.

As for healing... i admit, its a bug pending for a fix.

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In truth, I am hoping to have climbing/vaulting improved in following iterations of vanilla game and thats why i am paying attention to this. We have some data already mocaped (for both climbing things and even 2 meter walls), it all waits for processing. Catch me on skype if you need details on new stuff.

As for healing... i admit, its a bug pending for a fix.

well i guess my work is possibly going to be obsolete then :( anything that makes the game better is fine with me. that's my goal anyways. too bad i wasted so much time on this only to have to compete with mocap in the end ;) well let's hope it never happens and also let's hope it happens :p oh bitter sweet arma modding...

EDIT: oh btw credits for the first two anims go to BI and smookie and whoever was mocap acting. if you didn't notice the difference, i succeeded ;)

Edited by Bad Benson

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Wow, this could really open some nice tactical options. Looks like I'll have to watch my back even more if I'm backed up against a wall! I like it!

Though, will you do different animations for running maybe? It kills the motion a little to be running so fast to be slowed down by the vaulting animation to have you go to walking speed, even on that little short bar made for the vault training. I think Sleeping Dogs has it really good, though I wouldn't expect all that freerunning to make it into Arma 3. That'd make an interesting hobby for the role playing servers, though.

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Wow, this could really open some nice tactical options. Looks like I'll have to watch my back even more if I'm backed up against a wall! I like it!

Though, will you do different animations for running maybe? It kills the motion a little to be running so fast to be slowed down by the vaulting animation to have you go to walking speed, even on that little short bar made for the vault training. I think Sleeping Dogs has it really good, though I wouldn't expect all that freerunning to make it into Arma 3. That'd make an interesting hobby for the role playing servers, though.

yea that one isn't my animation. it's the one coming with arma 3. i could force a transition to sprint i guess but i was already thinking about making my own short jump. the leap i use to get to that roof is my own. maybe i'll make a shorter version or get rid of a short jump alltogether. to be honest i kinda lost track of this project due to other stuff i was exploring. i'm still learning so there's something new to play with behind every corner. i'm easily distracted when i have an idea or just wanna learn how to do something. gotta get more focused again ;). but i'll think about this more next week when i tweak the anims some more.

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i need you to make me an animation where the soldier drops to a knee and holds up a diamond ring... this is happening. great, great work my friend

You guys should work together or something to use the water bottles and MREs for the food and water consumption feature of this mod

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well i guess my work is possibly going to be obsolete then

Is that "dropping to the knee" anim when falling from a height part of the vanilla game? Because if not, that's worth getting ingame.

Jumping building looked good too, so some of your work is not obsolete.

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You guys should work together or something to use the water bottles and MREs for the food and water consumption feature of this mod

Why? Who in their right mind actually plays this game (or any game, or just sit by the computer) nonstop for at least 8 hours?

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your mod will add a complete new dimension to the game!

looking at your nickname i can imagine why you might like this addon ;)

Why? Who in their right mind actually plays this game (or any game, or just sit by the computer) nonstop for at least 8 hours?

what are you even talking about? food and hunger in games in general? well anyways. i've not been working on that part for ages anyways. priorities are elsewhere. climbing/jumping and melee to be precise. once that is done i can branch out further. i got so many experimental things on my HD. i really gotta focus on certain things to get them released. but then again. i can play with them any time. so who cares, right? :p

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Why? Who in their right mind actually plays this game (or any game, or just sit by the computer) nonstop for at least 8 hours?

Where in my comment did you see me mention anything about playing video games for eight hours straight?

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Well, I think it's quite common knowledge that it takes around 8 hours for your average human being to get hungry after eating a meal. And that doesn't mean that s/he actually has to eat yet to function. That's why I've never understood food and drink mods for Arma. Please do fill me in if there's something I'm missing.

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Well, I think it's quite common knowledge that it takes around 8 hours for your average human being to get hungry after eating a meal. And that doesn't mean that s/he actually has to eat yet to function. That's why I've never understood food and drink mods for Arma. Please do fill me in if there's something I'm missing.

you are aware that this is a game, yea? respawn? save game? unrealistic body damage? unrealistic fuel consumption? do any of these ring a bell? there was an interesting thread about something called simulation fever. this is exactly it. saying that making a hunger system makes no sense because you would need to accelerate the speed of getting hungry is beyond silly. you can simulate something without recreating every single aspect of it. if you want to simulate the reaction to the consequences of hunger you can do so without realistic timing. simple as that.

anyways. you gotta loosen up buddy. go play some other games. broaden your horizon. seems like you have pretty tight restrictions in your head. emphasis IN YOUR HEAD. not trying to offend you but i just feel that with an attitude like that you can defraud yourself of a lot of fun and intersting gameplay.

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you are aware that this is a game, yea? respawn? save game? unrealistic body damage? unrealistic fuel consumption? do any of these ring a bell? there was an interesting thread about something called simulation fever. this is exactly it. saying that making a hunger system makes no sense because you would need to accelerate the speed of getting hungry is beyond silly. you can simulate something without recreating every single aspect of it. if you want to simulate the reaction to the consequences of hunger you can do so without realistic timing. simple as that.

anyways. you gotta loosen up buddy. go play some other games. broaden your horizon. seems like you have pretty tight restrictions in your head. emphasis IN YOUR HEAD. not trying to offend you but i just feel that with an attitude like that you can defraud yourself of a lot of fun and intersting gameplay.

This. +1 internets for you Benson

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In truth, I am hoping to have climbing/vaulting improved in following iterations of vanilla game and thats why i am paying attention to this. We have some data already mocaped (for both climbing things and even 2 meter walls), it all waits for processing. Catch me on skype if you need details on new stuff.

As for healing... i admit, its a bug pending for a fix.

Hey Smookie,

how about the awesome nice blindfire animations you had in your smk Addon? Could something like this also make it into vanilla?

Its missing a lot, nearly as much as the missing weapon rest feature :pet5:

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